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Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues....
Jul 7th, 2006 at 5:23pm
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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:34am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #1 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 5:26pm
*Penthesilea awoke refreshed from a long nap knowing that the next time she slept it would be in Kodiak’s arms. A profound upwelling of desire swept through her at that thought and she reached up to cup her breasts, imagining for just a moment that he was there beside her, bending his head toward them to speed her awakening. She caressed them as he would have done had he been there and then took herself in hand, telling her rebellious body to be patient. She sought no relief from her passion. She wanted to be insane with desire for him when he came to her. The night of their Handfasting deserved no less. She heard the other women stirring and left her bed, pulling on the loose, comfortable clothing that she had been instructed to wear. There would be a meal first and the ritual would be gone over. Fortunately, it was not so complex that it needed much rehearsal. Then, she would meditate and receive the blessings of her maternal line only since the paternal one, being immortal, was very much in evidence and had given their enthusiastic blessing! What else would come, she did not know.
When everyone was ready they headed for the Castle’s Transporter Room. The security plan called for making everyone believe that Penthesilea and Kodiak were spending their last night in the Castle. In fact, they would spent the night in the Temple’s sacred precincts safe from prying eyes or thoughts. They arrived just as the last members of the Groom’s Party disappeared. While they waited for them to clear the Temple room being used as a Transporter room, Penthesilea felt a familiar presence in her mind. One look at her daughters told her that they felt it too. Their brother and uncle, Daemon, had returned to the Castle.  His memory of what had been done to him had been restored and he had run off his rage at being so used by the woman and her God.  He still harbored deep resentment and probably would forever but he had returned to the scene of his violation to witness the Handfasting of the sister that he loved. Penthesilea sent him a mental hug and kiss as she watched the first of her party vanish in the Transporter beam. Daemon did not feel like talking but he would be in the Cathedral for the ceremony and would see her at the reception after. And he hoped, that there would be honest harlots in attendance that he could take his pleasure with!  With that surly remark echoing in their heads, Penthesilea and her daughters laughed, took their places on the transporter platform and were away....* 
« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2007 at 11:24pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #2 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 5:27pm
*Once everyone had arrived at the Temple and had gotten organized, Penthesilea, Kodiak, the members of Handfasting party and the Sisters gathered for a late and hearty lunch and a chance to go over their ritual parts. This part of the handfasting rite normally occurred at night but since the most auspicious time for the ceremony had been determined to be at 2 in the morning when both the lesser and greater moons, showing their Dark Faces, were directly overhead, alterations had to be made!  Everyone present smiled when Penthesilea entered the dining room  and Kodiak saw her. It was evident that the Darklord and his Lady had missed each other. Custom demanded that Kodiak do no more than kiss his Lady’s hand but the intensity of his gaze as he did so and the very palpable energy that passed between them made everyone one aware of what was on their minds! When everyone was seated around the Temple’s dining table, Karika stood.

Text to be added. Rewrite in progress.
« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2007 at 10:30pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #3 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 5:29pm
*Penthesilea settled into her favorite meditation posture in the quiet room and worked to still her mind. Seeing Kodiak again after their separation had had the predictable effect and she was having a bit of an argument with her rebellious mind and body whose only wish at that time was to seek out the Darklord and tear the clothing from his body! Meditation was the last thing that she wanted to do!  Finally, centuries of discipline won out and her mind and body subsided and she began her meditation. She allowed herself to sink into trance and found herself, unsurprisingly, in a favorite wooded glade from her childhood. She had spent many happy hours exploring those woods whenever she had been free from the training required for every young Amazon girl. She settled herself in her favorite spot and waited and before long they came. Her uncle, the Keyholder before her, the grandfather that she had never known and his Consort. Her great grandmother, the last Lady Keyholder, and other relatives farther back. She was moved to tears when the Amazon Queen in whose court she had been raised appeared. The Queen had taken over the role of mother to Penthesilea when her own had fallen in battle. She gave her blessing and moved on to make room for he who followed her, her son and Penthesilea’s first lover. She had come to him at fifteen and had lost him barely three years later. He took her in his arms and kissed her gently as her tears flowed. He told her that she had chosen well and that he rejoiced for her. Then he too was gone and Penthesilea stood alone in the glade.*  “Penthesilea.” The voice was full of love and well remembered for all that she who spoke had been dead for nearly a thousand years. Penthesilea turned to see her mother standing behind her looking as she had the year that she died. Tears streaming down her face, Penthesilea went into her mother’s arms. They held each other for a long time then sat in the grass to talk. Soon enough, Penthesilea would be recalled from this place to receive Karika’s blessing and there was much to say.

« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:36am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #4 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 10:48pm
*The lull in activity that had prevailed since the noon meal ended with the sun’s setting. As darkness gathered and Thea, the lesser moon, rose into the sky followed by Sharra, the greater moon, the Castle and Cathedral began to stir. The Handfasting was scheduled for two in the morning and the principals were preparing themselves.
In her temporary suite, Penthesilea and her attendants were dressing. For the Handfasting itself, Penthesilea donned a simple gown of bright red silk that stopped a hand span above her knees. She had wanted to wear black but after a stern talking to from her grandmother, who happened to be the Goddess of  Marriage, the dress had been made up in red. She looked at her reception gown and smiled. It was black with a center panel of dark green and embroidered with silver, diamonds and emeralds.  Over the red gown, she donned her formal, ceremonial armor. Made in the Amazon style, it had been made to her measure, a painstaking process that involved many fittings to get the fit around her breasts correct!  It was silver over steel with black enameling detailing the scrollwork. Once that it had been fastened into place, she donned the dress forearm guards and once her sandals had been strapped on, the greaves that protected her shins. She strapped on her sword belt but left the scabbards for her knife and Hellion empty. She would take them up just before leaving the room, along with the spear and shield she would also carry. She regarded the pile of arms dubiously and knew why Amazon Queens seldom married.
     “Over here, my Lady.” The hairdresser from the Castle had arrived to dress her hair and Penthesilea took her seat. She was perfectly capable of arranging her hair in the simple style that had been selected but Aphrodite had insisted that Penthesilea submit to being pampered and so she had had the ritual bath with fragrant lotions massaged into her skin and now would have her hair arranged and her makeup applied by others while she sat patiently. She supposed that it was no worse than standing guard duty in a blizzard...
Penthesilea’s hair was brushed until it shone and gathered into a simple tail behind her left ear and draped over her left shoulder. When the woman was satisfied, Penthesilea’s aunt Aphrodite, in her guise as Lady Cynthea, undertook the application of her makeup. While this was going on, the rest of the women were getting ready. MoonCat and SpiritFire were attired like their mother, in formal Amazon armor. MoonCat’s undergown was sapphire blue while SpiritFire’s was purple. The rest of the female attendants wore short semi fitted tunics that reflected the bride’s ancestral heritage in the color of the Quarter she would call. Also present was Bladeraven’s little son, Grasshopper, who was busy practicing his Ring Bearer duties when he wasn’t being fussed over by the women. Finally, a Temple Sister came with the word. It was time. Penthesilea and the others took up their weapons and left the room. *
« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:37am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #5 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 10:50pm
« Last Edit: Feb 2nd, 2007 at 7:18pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #6 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 10:52pm
« Last Edit: Feb 2nd, 2007 at 7:19pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #7 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 10:56pm
*The minute that they passed out of sight of the crowd, their attendants hustled Penthesilea and Kodiak off to their separate rooms to change. Penthesilea’s room was a flurry of flying silk as the women sled their ritual clothing for the evening gowns that they would wear for the rest of the evening.  Penthesilea stripped and put on her stockings -- sheer hose tended not to survive contact with armor -- and her shoes. Then she pulled on her dress which Spirit zipped for her, put on her  favorite onyx earrings and matching pendant, touched up her hair and makeup and she was ready. She swept out of the room and was escorted by a Temple Sister to her waiting aircar while the rest finished changing. She and Kodiak would ride back to the Castle alone...
Kodiak had also changed in record time and was waiting for her. Her breath caught in her chest. He was dressed in the newly designed full formal uniform of the Valcarian Army with the rank insignia that had been designed for the Consort. It was black, of course, and the rank insignia was silver as were the buttons and braid. Suddenly, Penthesilea realized that they were really, truly handfasted. It was no longer the daydream of a lonely woman forced to watch as others found the fulfillment that she was denied. He loved  her. He had chosen her.  And he had stood before a Priestess of the Gods and claimed her for his own. Almost shy, Penthesilea offered her hand to him when she reached him. He took it, kissed it and tucked it into his arm. The Sister watching at the door looked toward them and nodded.*

Kodiak: Are you ready, my dear?

Penthesilea: As long as you are beside me, I’m ready for anything. *He grinned and nodded and they headed for the door. They both took a deep breath and Kodiak signaled the Sister who opened the door. Sir Michael, Sir Alexander and another half dozen knights were on the other side and together they forced a path through the crowd which contained far too many photographers. Rice showered down on the newly wed couple as they moved through the press of people to the aircar. The driver held the door open as first Penthesilea and then Kodiak dove inside. The door slammed behind them. Then the driver got in and turned the force field up to maximum. The pounding on the sides of the aircar immediately ceased. Penthesilea felt the magickal defenses kick in and finally relaxed as she shook the rice out of her hair and tried to fish stray grains out of her cleavage.*

Kodiak: Need help, my dear? *She looked and saw that his gaze was on her fingers as they delved into her dress after a bit of rice.*

Penthesilea: If I accept your help, sir, will you ravish me?

Kodiak: Definitely, my lady, definitely! *With that, Kodiak pulled his Lady into his lap and proceeded to put a serious dent in the kiss deficit that had been building since the last time that she had been in his arms. Neither of them would go farther than that, no matter the level of their desperation for each other. The trip to the Castle was simply too short to make even a tiny dent in  their passion. Kodiak was content to kiss his Lady breathless and savor the sight of her in that condition. It was the way she looked after spending the night in his bed, soft and tousled and more beautiful than the moons and stars.  They were about halfway back to the Castle when Kodiak finally noticed the large gift box on the opposite seat. * What’s that?

Penthesilea: Finally noticed, have you? *She escaped his lap and took her seat beside him.* It’s your handfasting gift. *Kodiak reached over and pulled the large box into his lap. He lifted the lid and found a guitar case nestled inside. With Penthesilea’s help, he removed the case from the box and opened it. Inside was the most beautiful guitar he had ever seen. Reverently, he took it out and began to pluck the strings finding as he did so that it sounded as beautiful as it looked.* Do you like it? *Kodiak looked. Penthesilea was chewing her lower lip with an uncertain look in her eyes. Kodiak smiled in wonder. Here was a woman who could face a pack of blood hungry vampire raiders without batting an eye but who was nervous and unsure out of fear that her gift to him might not be acceptable!*

Kodiak: I love it, my Lady. *He quickly tuned the guitar, it didn’t need much, and played for her as they slowly journeyed back to the Castle.

(This is my 100th post.)

« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:38am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #8 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 10:58pm
*Sir Michael had ordered that the Castle be “press free” for the arrival of Penthesilea and Kodiak after the Handfasting. The Castle’s staff photographers would be taking pictures which would be distributed to the press after the event.  Sir Michael was determined that the Keyholder’s handfasting would not turn into the sort of media circus that he has seen in other countries. Since Hypatia agreed with him, the Main Courtyard held only invited guests and staff when the aircar came to a stop and Kodiak assisted his Lady from it.*

Kodiak: Before we go in and become royalty, my dear, I have something to show you. *Penthesilea allowed herself to be led toward the Courtyard that separated the Ballroom/Pub wing from the Parking Garage. Kodiak got her in position and then stepped behind her to cover her eyes. She felt him nod and heard people moving then he uncovered her eyes. She gasped in surprise and wonder.

Penthesilea: Kodiak. They are so beautiful. *She spun and threw her arms around his neck delivering a passionate kiss in gratitude for the gift.*

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Keep THAT up, my dear, and we will NOT get to the reception!
*Penthesilea giggled, knowing that it was the truth, and left his arms to examine her gift -- four beautiful black mares, the most perfect she had ever seen.* I’ve been looking for them since you were horse hunting in Black Harbour. *He said as he joined her.* It took a while to find them. I almost didn’t make the deadline. *Penthesilea allowed herself only a quick inspection of the mares. She would make their acquaintance more fully when there was time.*

Penthesilea: I suppose we should get the presentation over with. *She looked toward the crowd that was already starting to move toward the Great Hall.*

Kodiak: The sooner we do, the sooner we can be alone. *The promise of being alone with her love was enough to stiffen Penthesilea’s spine. Together, they headed for the Main Doors.*
« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:39am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #9 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 11:00pm
*When all the guests had been ushered into the Great Hall, Kodiak and Penthesilea took their places in the Entry Hall. The Herald was new to the Castle, but experienced and he was part of Valcaria’s new diplomatic corps. At Penthesilea’s nod, the man stepped into the Great Hall, followed by Kodiak and Penthesilea. He struck the floor three times with his staff of office and spoke in a voice that carried to every corner of the room.*

Herald: Her Majesty, Lady Keyholder Penthesilea of Valcaria and the Royal Consort, Darklord Kodiak of Valcaria. *With her hand tucked into Kodiak’s arm, Penthesilea descended the short flight of stairs. The memory of the first time she had seen the Great Hall, it had been full of swamp hags that she and Bladeraven had had to kill before she could take the seat, swept through her mind. They crossed the room to where the two black chairs stood with the limestone pillar between them. They ascended the steps up to them and Penthesilea took her seat while Kodiak took the other. She placed her left hand on the pillar’s rounded top. As he had been instructed, Kodiak placed his hand atop hers. Then they turned their eyes to the waiting crowd.*

Penthesilea: This night I , Penthesilea, Lady Keyholder have taken the Darklord Kodiak in Handfast. Of my own free will I declare him my Consort and bind him into my Castle and my Land. *She turned to look at her Lord.* Do you accept me as your Consort and with me, lordship over this land? *Kodiak returned her gaze.*

Kodiak: I accept you, my Lady, and the lordship of this land. *At his agreement, the power began to rise and the pillar under their hands grew warm. The power rose, visibly, up the pillar and into their hands. Then it permeated their bodies and for a moment, they both glowed. Then it faded. There was silence for  a moment and then the crowd broke into cheers. Penthesilea and Kodiak then left their seats to take their places in the receiving line. By the time they had greeted everyone, the buffet would be open. Penthesilea’s stomach growled at the thought...*

« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:39am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #10 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 11:02pm
*The reception turned out to be quite a pleasant party. Penthesilea and Kodiak danced the first dance and were joined by other couples. Penthesilea danced with many partners, some of them friends that she had not seen in years. Kodiak also danced a good deal. It had been impossible to exclude all of his former lovers from the guest list but the most stridently disappointed had been left off and Kodiak accepted the congratulations of the remaining disappointed ladies graciously.  As dawn approached, Kodiak knew that something was up. The ladies that had kept company with Penthesilea during their separation were gathering around her. A quick glance told him that his companions were gathering too. He knew what was up and Kodiak was having none of it! He wore Penthesilea’s Consort Band on his left hand but the onyx ring that had been her Yule gift rode on his right. With a thought, he disappeared from where he stood to a spot beside her. He reached out and encircled her waist, pulling her close. Penthesilea started to laugh. She knew what was coming as they disappeared.
Behind them in the Ballroom, the Lord Marshall laughingly announced that the happy couple had retired for the night and the party went on.... *

« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:40am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #11 - Jul 7th, 2006 at 11:07pm
*Penthesilea was still laughing when the power of Kodiak’s ring landed them in their bedchamber.*

Penthesilea: I think that the Sisters planned to prepare me for your bed, my Lord. *Kodiak pulled her close and growled against her neck.*

Kodiak: No one touches you tonight but me! *He took her willing mouth then and as they kissed his nimble fingers found the zipper of her gown. She pressed herself closer to him as he slid it down and slipped his hand inside the dress. To his delighted surprise, he found that the foundation had been built into the dress and his Lady was nearly naked under it. But “nearly” wasn’t naked enough! He slid the gown off her shoulders and set himself to the task of removing what few remaining clothes she was wearing. In short order she stood before him, a nude statue of alabaster and fire, her green eyes sparkling and her mouth wearing a sly grin that promised him a night like none he had ever had. He was about to sweep her into his arms and hence to bed since she seemed slow to get herself there on her own when she held up her hand and stopped him with a teasing smile.

Penthesilea: Not yet, my Lord! I believe that your gentlemen also intended to prepare you for bed. Since they are not here, please do me the honor of allowing me to assist you.

*Kodiak’s only reply was a grin and Penthesilea set about serving him as a body slave. She stood close as she carefully unbuttoned his uniform jacket then reached up to push it off of his shoulders. Kodiak stood very still, watching the muscles move under her skin. Her actions were invoking powerful memories for him and he intended for his Lady to have the full benefit of those memories. Penthesilea carefully laid the jacket aside and turned her attention to his vest, which she removed in the same manner, brushing herself against the silk of his shirt as she helped him out of the vest. The vest gone, the tie and shirt were next. The tie went first, and quickly, They were both growing impatient but neither one wanted to rush through any part of this their first night together as man and wife. With deft fingers, Penthesilea unbuttoned Kodiak’s shirt finally revealing the magnificent expanse of his chest to her hungry eyes. She ran her hands lightly up his chest to slide the silk from his shoulders. She could feel him tense as her hands trailed down his arms and knew that the hunger was growing in him. She reached for his belt and never taking her eyes from his, she unbuckled it and slid his zipper down. Kodiak closed his eyes then to savor the feel of her fingers as they slid into the waistband of his trousers and then, pushed them down.  She let her hands linger, for just a moment, at the center of his power before she knelt in front of him to assist him in stepping out of his trousers and in removing his shoes and socks. Once he was free, she stood up, slowly, running her hands up his legs as she did. Her chest brushed against him as she straightened and her hands went where he desperately wanted them to be. Working slowly with the deliberate intention of driving him mad, she freed him from what little clothing he still wore and took him in her hands. Kodiak groaned, low in his throat, as she touched him with her skilled, busy fingers and with a whispered spell, his underwear was magickally shifted from his body to the pile of clothing on the floor.
Kodiak could stand no more. He grabbed Penthesilea at the waist and tossed her, shrieking, onto the bed. Then before she could make her escape he fell upon her, pinning her under him. Laughing, she tried to squirm away, knowing full well the effect that action would have on him. He nuzzled her neck, right over the spot where her blood rushed, hot and rich with her lifeforce. His fangs emerged and he let her feel them as he nipped gently at her neck. She moaned....

Penthesilea: Please. Oh please, my love. *Kodiak grinned. Penthesilea’s need to share her lifeforce with him was greater than his need to take lifeforce had ever been. And if he had been wise enough to come to her bed the very day that her curse had been lifted, they both would have been spared considerable grief and enjoyed indescribable pleasure! With effort, Kodiak retracted his fangs.

Kodiak: We will have this, my little hungry one, I promise. But before the dessert, the feast!

*He possessed her then, masterfully as he always did, and she responded as she always did, with complete abandon. Kodiak could feel the energy build in her as he had his way with her eager body. Rising, rising and then! The break and the inrush of her released energy into his body increasing his already unbearable need for her. Kodiak lost count of how many times the energy rose and broke in Penthesilea, how many times it flowed into him and he gave it back to her -- building in intensity with each new release. He lost track of time, aware only of the woman under him who moaned his name each time the energy peaked and then begged him for more.... Instinct finally told Kodiak that their immortal bodies had reached their limits. The next climax would be their last. Penthesilea was a few seconds ahead of him. His fangs emerged as he came and at the moment that Penthesilea screamed her climax Kodiak bit into her neck, taking her blood at the moment that it was most replete with lifeforce and sending Penthesilea into a realm of prolonged, indescribable pleasure. Even as Kodiak was feeding, the energy generated and released by their union exploded downward through the Castle suffusing it with their power and then down into the earth under the Castle spreading out through the land. And everywhere the energy went, males and females of all species fell to coupling. Penthesilea’s stallion bugled his challenge to the skies and mounted the mares that were Kodiak’s wedding present to his Lady. Those people still in the Ballroom were taken by passion as well and the room became a swirl of fevered embraces and passionate cries as everyone fell to mindless, desperate lovemaking and so added to the energy of the night. There was no soul still within the Castle who did not find carnal desire within themselves and no rest or peace until that desire was fully and completely satisfied. In the bedchamber of the Lord and his Lady, Kodiak kept pressure on the wounds in Penthesilea’s neck until they closed. Then he pulled his sleeping Lady into his arms. When she awoke from her blissful state, she would drink his blood and they would be one -- forever.
And everywhere in the Castle, the walls glowed....  *

Here ends “Penthesilea’s Castle Book 2”
« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:41am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle -- The Story Continues...
Reply #12 - Jul 18th, 2006 at 8:15pm
Book Three

Our Story So Far.....

     Penthesilea, Clan Swordkin, Amazon mercenary and sorceress together with her friend, Bladeraven has lead an assorted group of refugees deep into unmapped territory fleeing the sack of the fortress town of Dunn’s Keep. Penthesilea has been summoned by her mother’s ancestral home -- the Keyholder’s Castle -- which has remained vacant since the death of Penthesilea’s uncle.  After establishing her claim to the title of “Lady Keyholder” and the power that came with it, Penthesilea and her people set about restoring the Castle and the nearby town both of which had fallen into ruin. Word of the Castle’s reclamation quickly spread once the new arrivals were noticed by the inhabitants of the nearby river town of Crow Haven. Soon new people began to arrive most notable among them the handsome, mysterious warrior, Darklord Kodiak who carried a dark secret. He was infected with the Living Vampire Virus or LV2 which while it endowed him with special abilities it also cursed him with the need for the blood and lifeforce of living beings.  His need was minimal compared to that of a True Vampire but it was enough to cause fear and hatred in those who learned his secret.
     The Lady Keyholder also had a secret. She is the daughter of Ares, the God of War and, along with her daughters, MoonCat and SpiritFire, is immortal. She was also cursed. Centuries ago, she accepted a gift from a desert goddess that was really a curse. No man could become her lover without first beating her in a fair fight and the goddess made her unbeatable. The gift was supposed to be temporary. Penthesilea needed the edge to liberate a village from a gang of bandits. Once the village was freed, Penthesilea went back to the goddess to return the gift. The goddess refused to take it and gloatingly explained that since Penthesilea had refused the advances of the goddess’s son a hundred years before she would have no lover at all unless he could defeat her in battle. Penthesilea quickly learned what befell any man that tried to ignore the condition -- death by spontaneous combustion. She also learned, rather unpleasantly, that True Vampires were exempt from the curse.  So it was after several centuries of enforced loneliness and heartbreaking lessons that Penthesilea finally caught a lurking Darklord at a Castle party, pulled him out of the shadows and then fell into his eyes.  She tried to convince herself that his friendship was enough as she struggled not to fall in love with him. She knew that if the Goddess of the Sand realized how much the Darklord’s life meant to Penthesilea, Kodiak’s life would be forfeit.  So she smiled fondly as she watched him flirt with many women before disappearing into the night with them and then tried not to listen to the tales of the Darklord’s amatory exploits that circulated through their little world.
     Minor wars soon diverted both the Keyholder and the Darklord as various groups of malcontents and bandits tried to seize the Castle or its lands. Realizing the danger, Kodiak called on his resources to raise an army to defend the Castle. In response, Penthesilea made him her Lord Marshall. The least she could do, she said, for someone willing to shed his blood for her. It was while the Darklord was away that the first vampire attack on the Keyholder was carried out. Fortunately, an old friend, Ashe, returned in time to intervene before she could be carried off. It was at this time that Kodiak was forced to reveal his condition to Penthesilea. She did not reject him and they grew closer. Shortly after this incident, Penthesilea’s half brother, Daemon FarWalker arrived at the Castle.
     It soon became apparent to Penthesilea that she was deeply in love with the Darklord. She was positive that he did not return her affection and regarded her only as a friend. She was frantic with the knowledge that if the Goddess of the Sand learned how much Penthesilea loved her Lord Marshall his life would be measured in minutes. Believing that Kodiak was in love with a young woman of the Castle, Penthesilea broke her vows as a Priestess of Aphrodite and cast a spell that pushed Kodiak into proposing to the young woman. Then after witnessing his proposal to the young woman, Penthesilea suffered through their first night as lovers. The Castle, whose semi sentient intelligence had summoned Penthesilea in the first place, linked her mind to both Kodiak’s and the young woman’s so that Penthesilea felt everything that the lovers experienced but without release.  By morning, she was exhausted and nearly broken.
     As punishment for breaking her vow never to interfere with the will of another, Penthesilea was sentenced to be the blood and sex slave of any vampire that wanted her. Alone in her tower, she prepared herself and then magickally teleported herself to a club owned by the Darklord. At the club, she submitted herself to a True Vampire who raped her, drained her blood and forced her to drink his. His intention was for her to become a vampire as well but Penthesilea as an immortal demigoddess could not die by bleeding out. Penthesilea intended to remain at the Club until she had recovered from the attack and then return home under her own power. Unfortunately, she was discovered and returned to the Castle while she still struggled to fight against turning into a demon possessed vampire.  In an attempt to aid her, the Darklord fed her his own blood. This backfired badly since it gave Penthesilea, who had lost control of her body to the invading demon, the strength to attack Kodiak and force him to drink her blood as well. After a harrowing ordeal, Penthesilea regained control of herself but it was too late.  Furious beyond words, Kodiak cursed her, saying that he wished for her to regret what she had done. A god heard him and for reasons of his own, granted Kodiak’s wish. Less than eighteen hours later, Penthesilea had been transformed into the lowest form of vampire -- one who fed on insects and vermin with no release from her hunger. For two days and three nights, Penthesilea ran through the wilderness, driven by her hunger and eluding all attempts to capture her. Finally captured and returned to the Castle, she underwent a descent into an Underworld in an attempt to purge the curse from her.  The descent worked and Penthesilea returned free of all curses, including the one that prevented her from declaring her love for Kodiak. Among her first acts after her return from the Underworld, Penthesilea broke the spell that she had put on Kodiak and all other spells on him as well.  Unfortunately, before she could make her feelings known to Kodiak, he left the Castle at the urging of his fiancé who convinced him that Penthesilea’s ordeal would make her look at him with revulsion. Kodiak took his army and rode away, intending to lose himself in battle against Penthesilea’s enemies, but found that he could not leave her. So he returned, settling into the Castle’s Pub to drink until he was drunk enough to end his own life because he had finally realized that he loved Penthesilea and that it was too late.  But before he reached that point, Penthesilea was alerted to his presence in the Pub and confronted him, stopped his attempt at suicide and knocked him cold. Penthesilea’s father, Ares, took the young man in hand and, after a period of intensive training, deemed him fit for his daughter.
     While Kodiak was getting straightened out, the Castle was invaded by nobles from five different city-states all of them intending to marry the Keyholder in order to get control of her lands. Penthesilea had to play courting games with them while dodging groping hands and assassination attempts. Finally, a few weeks before Yule, Kodiak returned and after helping foil another assassination attempt, declared his love for Penthesilea and asked her to marry him.  She accepted but refused to consummate the relationship then. Shortly thereafter, she discovered that Kodiak had not broken his previous engagement to the young woman and a furious argument ensued that ended with Penthesilea throwing her ring at Kodiak and teleporting him, naked, into a cold shower!  Unable to decide between the two women and knowing that he had to, Kodiak summoned his army which was commanded in his absence by his older brother, Cujon. They arrived on Yule and Kodiak appointed Cujon as his replacement as Lord Marshall. Then, harboring still another secret,  Kodiak went to tell his Lady of his resignation and that he was leaving the Castle. He told her of his decision and watched her trying not to cry and he knew which woman he wanted. He told her his secret, that he had somehow become immortal, and that he loved her. They became lovers that afternoon.
     After more harrowing adventures, the lovers were handfasted on the night of the Summer Solstice Dark Moon amid great rejoicing among their people and the foreign dignitaries that had gathered to celebrate their union and the founding of their new nation, Valcaria.

« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2007 at 11:28pm by Penthesilea »  

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