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Atlas: Races
Jul 18th, 2006 at 11:27pm
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There are many races on Valcaria's World. Here is where you will find what is known about them.

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #1 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 11:22pm
Oldkin: The original human inhabitants of the world are called the Oldkin by those who came after them. At the time of the disaster that changed the world they had conquered both disease and old age and were immortal unless killed. There were wide variations among the physical types since no one standard of beauty was universally accepted but every individual was physically and mentally perfect.  After the disaster, interbreeding with shorter lived humans from other realities shortened the Oldkin lifespan while lengthening that of the short lived.
There are still many original Oldkin around, those hardy souls who have managed to avoid being killed. There are also a good number of individuals who are especially long lived and are considered to be "throwbacks" to the original Oldkin. Virtually every human on the planet has some Oldkin blood.
« Last Edit: May 10th, 2009 at 2:31am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #2 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 11:44pm
Wolfkin:  This race came from a reality were their kind, shapeshifters who took the form of wolves, were common. These shifters, called “weres” have three forms: fully human, fully wolf and a transitional form that combines the two. In human form there is as wide a variation in looks as there is among humans. There is no single defining characteristic that would identify a Wolfkin to an outsider when the shifter in is human form. In wolf form, the look tends to be more standardized due to the basic similarities among the different subspecies of wolves. And again, there is no sure way to know that the wolf you see really is a wolf or the man who you sat with in the bar a few hours ago! The transitional form is unmistakable. A man or woman sized wolf standing erect with a bipedal human build, increased musculature, claw like hands and the gleam of intelligence in the eyes.  Wolfkin can change their forms at will and the phases of the moons have no effect on them. 
     The Wolfkin are inter fertile with humans and to a lesser extent, with Elves. Because their original gene pool was so small, the Wolfkin took humans as mates or breeding partners for hundreds of generations. This resulted in the Wolfkin life span being dramatically increased due to the addition of Oldkin blood.
     The Wolfkin tend to be secretive and have a large area on the continent that they claim as their own. They have a Council to which most Wolfkin swear loyalty. Beyond that, a Wolfkin's loyalty is to his pack and clan. The pack may be one of blood kinship or by adoption. This is true of the Clans as well. Although it is no longer really necessary, some Wolfkin chose humans to bear or father their children, especially if the human involved is particularly attractive or has some trait that the Wolfkin want in their gene pool. The resulting children are always Wolfkin and they begin to manifest their differences in the early teens which can be unnerving if their mothers are unaware of their heritage!

« Last Edit: Feb 13th, 2010 at 3:59am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #3 - Aug 8th, 2006 at 12:02am
Nightkin: The Nightkin came from a variety of realities but they have one thing in common, they function best, if not exclusively, after sunset. True vampires and those humans infected with Living Vampire Virus (LV2) make up the majority of the Nightkin. Demon vampires (demon possessed corpses) do not normally consider themselves Nightkin but rather hold those vampires who still retain some of the values and sensibilities of their time among the living in contempt. By the same token, True Vampires will hunt down and destroy demon-vampires if they endanger the safety of the local Nightkin community.
« Last Edit: May 10th, 2009 at 2:30am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #4 - Aug 8th, 2006 at 12:19am
Smallkin: The Smallkin come from a reality where they were being forced into smaller and smaller enclaves by larger and more aggressive races. They were, in a way, grateful for the distruption that brought them to this world as it gave them a chance to start over in a world where they could carve out their own place. Smallkin are a pastoral, social people as a rule, preferring to live in small farming villages surrounded by orchards and fields. They like their ale and never turn down a chance for a party. Naturally long lived, the Smallkin have no Oldkin blood. Smallkin tend to be between 30 and 38 inches tall in adulthood  with weight being, as in humans, dependent on the consumption of good food and physical activity. The most striking feature of the Smallkin, aside from their size, is their feet which are somewhat large -- but not excessively so -- and covered with hair on the tops and thick callous on the bottoms. For this reason, Smallkin go barefoot in all but the most extreme circumstances.
« Last Edit: Nov 14th, 2006 at 11:36pm by Ashera »  

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #5 - Nov 8th, 2006 at 8:35pm
Amazons: The Amazons are a distinct subspecies of human. The characteristic that sets them apart from the other humanoid races is their ratio of male to female births. For every 100 females born only 20 males are born. This reality has resulted in a matriarchal culture in which women hold all the positions of power. Because there are so few males and they are well aware of the dangers of inbreeding, Amazons seek mating partners from outside their nation. Generations of careful selection has resulted in a race of statuesque, incredibly beautiful women who are also veritable demons on the battlefield. The Amazons are unmatched horsewomen and archers and their calvary is the most feared in the world. Sons of Amazons are as handsome as their mothers and sisters are beautiful. Unfortunately, because they tend to be closely guarded and catered to, they are usually spoiled and good only for bedgames, in which they tend to excel.
     The Amazons are divided into clans, really extended tribes, with no set “clan territory.” The clans are spread over the length and breath of the Amazon Nation with individuals holding citizenship
     Each of the five Amazon cities is ruled by a pair of elected Queens, the Hearth Queen who oversees the domestic side of the government and the War Queen who is charged with the defense of the city-state and with her sister War Queens, the defense of the nation as a whole. In rare cases, one woman will hold both offices and her title is Bellatrix, which means “woman without peer” in the ancient Amazonian language.
« Last Edit: Feb 13th, 2010 at 3:57am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #6 - Nov 11th, 2006 at 10:30pm
Gremlins: Gremlins originated as a small, mischievous race with an inborn talent for mechanics and invention. They were brought into Valcaria’s reality by an eccentric inventor who spent the next few hundred years altering the race to suit his specifications. The result was a being of frightening intelligence, incredible inventive ability, fierce loyalty and a homicidal refusal to be owned. It is not known if the gremlins had anything to do with the catastrophe that changed the world but they certainly took advantage of it. They escaped their owner and disappeared becoming the stuff of legends until the last hundred years or so when they returned to the haunts of men. In their time of seclusion, they developed -- or regained -- a complex social structure -- they are polyamorous -- with their own language, arts and religion.
     Gremlin adults range in height from 24 to 36 inches and range in build from wiry to stocky. They have leathery skin that ranges from light to dark green-grey. They have large pointed ears, fangs, claws and eyes with vertical pupils that contribute to a vaguely reptilian appearance. They are omnivores and warm-blooded. They do not have hair. Their skin gives off a mild scent that is off-putting only to those with snake phobias. They have adopted the habit of wearing simple clothing since they discovered that the humanoid races equate clothing with civilization and treat those wearing it accordingly. In their own homes, they go comfortably bare. Gremlins can learn to read, write and fully comprehend humanoid language but because of the structure of their vocal cords they speak it poorly. By the same token, humanoids can learn to understand spoken Gremlinese but cannot speak it with any fluency.
     Gremlins prefer to live in caves that allow them easy -- for them! -- access to the outside since they prefer a varied diet and hunt and forage regularly and some adventurous Gremlins are experimenting with open air farming. While they have large caverns set aside for group functions, they prefer that their living quarters to be scaled to their size and gremlin caves are a warren of neatly laid out passages leading to spacious apartments. Gremlin families tend to be large with all the adults in the family assisting in the raising and educating of the children.
     The largest known tribe of Gremlins lives under and around the Castle of Keyholder Penthesilea. This tribe has sworn loyalty to Daemon FarWalker, and by extension, his sister Penthesilea, her daughters and, to an extent, her Consort Darklord Kodiak. The Gremlins haven’t quite decided about the Darklord but as long as he remains on good terms with Daemon and Penthesilea and the orders he gives are to the benefit of Daemon and the Keyholder, the Gremlins will obey him.
« Last Edit: Mar 31st, 2009 at 11:30pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Atlas: Races
Reply #7 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 5:30pm
The Short-lived a.k.a. Short lifers: The Short-lived are not a specific race as such but rather a subgroup of humanity that suffers from a genetic defect that results in a dramatically shortened life span. While the average life span for a human is one hundred years, the Short-lived are lucky to see sixty and the last twenty or so years of that span are plagued with the ravages of extreme old age. The Short-lived, in addition to aging much more rapidly than normal, are infertile, a fortunate circumstance since it prevents them from passing on their genetic defect. Unless they have a complete gene scan, the Short-lived remain ignorant of their condition until they begin to show the signs of what is in the general population premature aging. It is at this point that many Short-lifers frantically begin to look for ways to extend their lives. Many opt to become vampires while others turn to the Anti-Life Arts in order to steal lifespan from others. There is, at present, no effective treatment for the condition despite the existence of advanced gene therapy in some areas. For some as yet undiscovered reason, attempts to correct the genetic defect that causes the condition with gene replacement therapy results in the immediate death of the patient.
« Last Edit: Jan 2nd, 2008 at 10:02pm by Penthesilea »  

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