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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #25 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:17am
#3241  Rewritten by Penthesilea

“That should give them something to think about,” Daemon chuckled when he had rejoined the women.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #26 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:17am
#3242 Penthesilea
*Penthesilea tries to stifle a grin and fails, producing the first genuine smile in days.* What did you tell him?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #27 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:18am
#3243  Rewritten by Penthesilea
Daemon smiles. “I told him that a delegation from the Wolfkin Clans was here to discuss establishing a Clan Council Holding here with you as the Arbiter.  The thought of being in the middle of warring werewolves didn’t seem to give him much comfort...”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #28 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:20am
#3244  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Satira breaks up and between giggles promises Daemon a keg of the best beer she can find in payment for the laugh.      

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #29 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:20am
#3246  Rewritten by Penthesilea
“Watch this.” Daemon locks eyes with Nightdeath and fills her in on what he has done. The young she-Wolfkin nearly chokes on her drink as she agrees to go along with the story. As Daemon turns back to  Penth and Satira, Nightdeath is filling in her pack mates.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #30 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:21am
#3247   Rewritten by Penthesilea.

“There is no law that says that I can’t play mindgames with them, sister dear,” Daemon said as Penthesilea struggled to contain her laughter. “These idiots bring out the devil in me but we are still going to find out the extent of their real plans.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #31 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:22am
#3248  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Satira whispers back. “I will play the fragile court flower and see what I can find out. If any of these “gentlemen” get too bold, pull them off of me.  We don’t want them to know what I can do before we need to. We swim with vipers and can’t be too cautious.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #32 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:07am
#3249  Rewritten by Penthesilea      

Daemon smiled at yet another group of twits as they passed and manfully refrained from breaking the neck of one whose eyes lingered too long on Penthesilea’s cleavage. “I have your back, Lady Satira.” And together they moved off. Immediately, Sir Michael and another of the knights took their places at Penthesilea’s side.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #33 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:08am
#3250  Penthesilea

*Penthesilea's feet hurt. She was getting cranky and that is not good. A cranky former mercenary and secret demigoddess is never a good thing.... She caught up with her brother and Satira and spoke quietly to them.* I'm going to gracefully withdraw for the night. You two do what you have to, just don't forget to do what you need to. I'll seal the Tower so no one can decide to press his suit in my bedroom -- which I wouldn't put past some of these jerks.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #34 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:09am
#3251  Rewritten by Penthesilea
Daemon offers the Keyholder his arm and they walk towards her tower. "The gossip is interesting. Satira and I will be busy late into the night. And I truly pity any fool stupid enough to try to enter your tower unbidden, let alone your bedchamber.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #35 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:10am
#3252  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Satira responds in a low voice. “Double seal your tower, my Lady. I’ve overheard reference to at least one mage in the retinues. Where there is one, there is bound to be more.”

Penthesilea responds: I will. I'd just as soon not let on how powerful I can be. Keep that for a hold card.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #36 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:11am
#3253   Penthesilea
Daemon and Satira escort Penthesilea to her Tower's left hand door and Daemon stands guard as she enters and seals the door behind her. With her withdrawal, the party should start to break up, giving Daemon and Satira some time together. She likes seeing her brother happy. She just wished that they didn't need to deal with her situation too. She frowned. If her Lord Marshall had not marched off with her army and had then come back without it, her position would be a lot better.* I love you, Kodiak, I really do... but for leaving me in this position, I'm gonna take your hide off in strips first chance I get!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #37 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:12am
#3255  Rewritten by Penthesilea

After some time circulating in both the Main Hall and the Ballroom, Daemon and Satira find themselves on the landing that encircles the Ballroom halfway to the ceiling. Daemon, not being one to let an opportunity pass him by, pulls Satira into a deserted alcove for a quick, passionate kiss. Satira is all for retiring for the night but she knows that worming her way into the Keyholder’s inner circle requires more than being her brother’s bedmate. Fortunately, she has a plan which she explains to Daemon once he lets her up for air....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #38 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:13am
#3256   Rewritten by Penthesilea

“I’ll go along with it for now. First sign of trouble and they will never find the body,” Daemon growled. Satira smiled and they headed back to the Ballroom to put the plan into action.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #39 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:14am
#3262  Rewritten by Penthesilea

For over two hours, Satira worked the room before settling on the number two man in the retinue of Lackland Gilfillan. The man was a talker and it took very little for Satira to get and hold his attention.  When he suggested, none too discreetly, that they retire to his room for further conversation, she played coy only long enough to truly set the hook. They left the Ballroom and headed up to the landing from where they could take an elevator or the stairs to the Main Hall’s upper floors. Daemon had no intention of letting her out of his sight and followed, slipping from one shadow to the next.  Satira let her victim pull her, giggling, into his room. As soon as the door was closed, she struck and her victim stood paralyzed and unknowing as Daemon stepped out of the shadows.
Together they questioned the man, squeezing out every bit of information that he had and as Gilfillan’s number two in this enterprise, there was little he did not know. What they learned chilled, but did not surprise, them. After planting the suggestion that Satira gave him the time of his jaded life in bed, they sent him off to slumber alone and Daemon farjumped them to his room. Once there, they settled down over spiced wine and chewed over what they had learned.  The Coastal Alliance intended to have the Castle and its Keyholder by fair means or foul. If Penthesilea did not choose one of the suitors  to marry, their respective kings would combine their armies and take the Castle, and the Keyholder, by force. The treaties were already signed. Daemon growled under his breath. Taking Penthesilea captive would be a daunting, if not impossible, task but the Castle itself and the people that lived there were vulnerable. They would need an army -- quickly -- and Daemon said as much.
     “We can do nothing before morning,” Satira replied. “Any ideas on what we can do in the meantime?” Daemon smiled and set his cup aside. Satira smiled in return....

Fade to Black

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #40 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:15am
#3266  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Tower - The Roof

*Penthesilea stands near the wall on the top of her tower. Below her is her Castle proper and beyond that, the flickering lights that mark the encampment of the suitors' retinues. She makes a quick count of the fires and an estimate of the number of people camped on her doorstep. Her heart sinks. She is in deep trouble and knows it. Her father can't help with this. The rules agreed upon by the Gods are quite specific in situations like this. She is on her own..... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #41 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:16am
#3271  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Tower - The Roof

*Penthesilea's song to the dawn was every bit as joyful as it had been before the suitors had arrived. It just wasn't as loud. She sang softly. Apollo would still hear her and the suitors would not. The last note died into silence.* Father. I need to talk to you.
*A shower of sparkles appeared before her and her father was there.*

Lord Duncan/Ares: You know I can't help with that. *He gestured toward the encampment.*

Penthesilea: I know that. But I need to do something that you can help with -- in my workroom.

*In a burst of sparkles Penthesilea and Ares appeared in her workroom. MoonCat and SpiritFire waited for them, their packed bags at their feet. Ares could tell that they had been crying. They came to him and he hugged them hard.*

Penthesilea: I'm going to open a Gate and send them to Bladeraven. I talked to her last night. They will stay with her until the next semester at The University starts, then they will live on campus. The Archdean is a good friend and she will be able to protect them.

Lord Duncan/Ares: What do you need me for?

Penthesilea: There is at least one mage camped out there. I don't know if he is powerful enough to detect the Gate. I don't care if he does detect the Gate -- as long as he cannot tell where it goes to. I need you to hide the girls' trail so they cannot be found.

Lord Duncan/Ares: Is it that bad?

Penthesilea: I don't know. I'm not taking the chance. *The God of War nods and says no more. He knows too well the things that could happen to his daughter and granddaughters. He watches them hug and weep a bit. Then Penthesilea builds the Gate and Ares puts forth His power. The path to safety is hidden from prying eyes. The Keyholder's daughters shove their luggage through the Gate and follow it. When she sees them safely on the other side with Bladeraven and her son, Penthesilea collapses the Gate. Then, for a little while, Ares holds his daughter while she cries...*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #42 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:17am
#3273   Penthesilea
Ares's Boot Camp

*The former Lord Marshall of the Keyholder's Castle had spent the day cleaning old latrines, digging new ones and generally doing those filthy, disgusting and degrading jobs that were given to new recruits to weed out those unfit for Ares' service. After another cold water and floor soap scrubbing (he admitted that he had needed it..) and a quick meal, he had begun a twelve hour guard duty shift which he was halfway through when Ares appeared before him, looking colder and harder than he had ever thought possible.*

Lord Duncan/Ares: Come with me. *Grabbing DK's arm in a painful grip, Ares disappeared taking the Lord Marshall with him. The next thing DK knew he was standing in front of a large mirror. Ares waved his hand and a picture began to form. DK recognized the Castle.* Look. *Ares commanded. The Lord Marshall watched. The mirror revealed everything that had happened since Ares had taken him away. He saw the suitors, heard their words and his gut tightened when he saw how they looked at Penthesilea when they thought no one could see. The vision expanded and he saw the encampment and came to the same conclusions Penthesilea had. She was surrounded and outnumbered. The last vision he saw was of Penthesilea raising her tear stained face from her father's shoulder and leaving her workroom and Ares' departure.* Before you ask, I can't help. No God can. *DK looked to the large jackal spirit that sat nearby. He looked at him with wise, intelligent eyes and nodded, once. Penthesilea could expect no divine help. He looked again to the Wargod.*I was going to take my time with you, boy. You hurt my daughter and I was going make you pay.* DK waited.* And frankly, I was getting a bang out of it. But, she is out of time. I don't know how long they will let her stall but I can guess what will happen when time's up. *DK could guess too and he felt the Darkness begin to rise in him. Ares saw it too.* Good. Don't fight it. Your Darkness may be the only thing that saves her. If I can get you ready in time.*The Lord Marshall turned to the War God. His face was set in stone and his brown eyes were as black as the heart of darkness.*
The Lord Marshall: Let's get started.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #43 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:18am
#3284   Penthesilea

*Penthesilea leaves her Tower and enters the Main Hall. As soon as he sees her one of her pages dashes up to her.*

Page: My Lady! My Lady! Come and see! *The child grabs her by the hand and pulls her toward the doors that lead to the Entry Hall and the Courtyard beyond. Penthesilea can hear a commotion in the Courtyard and hurries out the door. In the middle of the yard a dozen men, most of them retainers of the various suitors, are attempting to capture a magnificent black stallion that is making the lot of them look like idiots. Penthesilea descends the steps to the Courtyard, puts her fingers in her mouth and whistles...
The horse looks in her direction and immediately trots toward her.* Careful, my lady! *Someone shouts. Penthesilea ignores him. When the horse reaches her, she smiles. His tack and brightwork are marked with the same sign that she wears around her neck. Tucked safely under a strap on the saddle is a note.* Here's a birthday gift, daughter. It's late, I know but -- Hey -- Stuff happens! Things are going well here and I'll be watching. Love, Dad. * She looks up from the note smiling. She can hear her father's voice in it. She finds herself surrounded by anxious men.*

Penthesilea: Relax, gentlemen. This horse is a gift from my father.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #44 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:19am
#3286   Penthesilea
“This hardly seems like a lady's mount! *Penthesilea looked toward the speaker, one of the suitors -- Lackland, she thought -- and bit back the obvious "I'm not a lady!" reply*

Penthesilea: My father knows my requirements for a mount. He would not gift me with a horse that was unsuitable. I will be back presently to ride him.* Turning to one of her own people.* Please set my riding course up for me, combat mode. *The man smiled*

Servant: At once, my Lady *Turning away* Fritz! Jacob! Our lady needs her course set up! Quick now! *Penthesilea turned her attention to the crowd around her.*

Penthesilea: Excuse me, I have to change. And I wouldn't get too close to this beauty, if I were you. *Hiding her grin, Penthesilea returns to her tower to change her clothes and gather a few extra accessories.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #45 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 4:21am
#3287   Penthesilea

*Penthesilea emerged from her Tower dressed for exercise. If the suitors expected to see her in a ladylike riding habit they were in for a shock. She wore the same snug black leathers that she'd worn as an Amazon mercenary which did very little to conceal the curves of her athletic body. One of her servants followed her, carrying an armload of short Amazon horse lances. Penthesilea herself carried her sword, bow and quiver. As she entered the Entry Hall, she saw Sir Michael standing near the main doors, dressed as she was. She motioned for the servant to precede her. She needed to speak to Michael..*

Penthesilea: Are you alright?

Sir Michael: I will be. (pause) She was unworthy.

Penthesilea: It would seem so. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.

Sir Michael: If he hurts you, my Lady, I will kill him. *Penthesilea smiles.*

Penthesilea: There seems to be quite a line forming for the Lord Marshall's hide. *Looks out into the Courtyard. *The Lord Marshall is going to have to wait. We have more immediate problems. I assume that since you are here, you are my partner for today?

Sir Michael: If it pleases you. I have...things I need to work out.

Penthesilea: I understand. I need to work a few things off myself.  *The tall, dark-haired knight then escorted his Lady into the light.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #46 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 8:45pm
#3288   Penthesilea
     The horses were waiting, Michael's gelding and Penthesilea's new stallion. Penthesilea heard gasps from the crowd of strangers and stole a glance at Michael. He was manfully attempting to hide a grin, no doubt thinking that if they found the Lady's current attire shocking what would they think of what she wore in the training hall? The next shock came quickly. Penthesilea stuck her foot in the stirrup and mounted without help and, horrors!, she was sitting astride! Her weapons are quickly stowed in their proper places.*

Penthesilea: Shall we, Sir Michael? I need to see what this beautiful boy can do.

     Michael grins, he can't help it -- he can see the suitors -- and gestures for her to lead the way. She brings her mount around, sees the way to the main gate is clear and goes for it. In three strides, the black is at full gallop with Michael right behind and they tear out of the Main Gates at full speed. They gallop down the lane leading to the Main Gate, past the encampment of the suitors and, once past it, turn off on one of the estate's trails used for steeplechase training. They approach the first jump.. and the black sails across followed by Sir Michael. They ride for only a few minutes more, not wishing to tire the horses only warm them. They return to the Castle's playing fields where the tournaments will be held later. They both grin. The course is ready...
     Penthesilea goes first, screaming an Amazon battle cry at the top of her lungs. Her reins are around the saddle horn, she is guiding her mount with her knees because she has a spear in her hand which quickly finds its mark in a target -- set at the level of a man's heart. Without stopping, she retrieves and strings her bow at a gallop. She nocks an arrow and fires. Again. And again. Five arrows pierce the target before she is past it. Sir Michael follows and does nearly as well. He's had, after all, a very long time to learn. Once through the course, Michael draws his sword. Penthesilea sees him and grins, pulling her own. With a screamed battle cry, she charges him. The exchange is quick and savage and since she has no desire to injure either horse, Penthesilea vaults from the saddle and lands, sword ready, to meet Sir Michael. The knight is nothing if not obliging to his lady. He also dismounts and charges her. She meets him and the ring of steel on steel is all that is heard. Michael does not hold back, his heart is too sore, and Penthesilea uses only enough of her skill to keep him pressed. He cannot hurt her -- they both know it -- so it is safe for him to express his pain with a sword. It takes a while but finally he begins to tire and she calls the bout.

Penthesilea: Has it helped? *She asks him quietly.*

Sir Michael: Some. I still want to die.

Penthesilea: Please don't. I need all of my knights. She is not worth your death -- not even one of your tears.

Sir Michael: I've shed more than one, my Lady.

Penthesilea: No more then, my friend. No more. *He nods and together they walk back to the Castle and the problems there...*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #47 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 8:49pm
#3289  Rewritten by Penthesilea
       By late afternoon, Penthesilea was ready for the day to be over. The contests were entertaining enough and she had awarded prizes to many of her people much to the chagrin of the suitors whose people were making a poor showing indeed. Penthesilea smiled serenely as she watched the contestants for the Archery competition take the field. Daemon was among them and she expected him to do well even though archery was her strong suit and not his.
     The first group of contestants had taken their places and were preparing to fire when an arrow streaked out of the crowd opposite the reviewing stand toward the Keyholder. Shouts from the crowd erupted as the would be assassin pulled a sword and began to cut his way clear. Daemon looked toward the stands in time to see Satira take the arrow in the upper right chest which throws her back into the Keyholder’s arms.  Penthesilea immediately sees that while the arrow has penetrated deeply, there is no blood.  She remembers what Satira had told her about the gifts given her by her God. That information probably should be kept quiet.
     Assured that his sister would save Satira if it is humanly possible, Daemon turned toward the still screaming crowd and farwalked, landing him only a few feet from the would be assassin.  He shifted his form into the transitional form between lion and man and charges.  The man tried to defend himself but it was useless. Formidable as a man, Daemon was unstoppable in the transitional form. With one leap Daemon was upon him.....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #48 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 8:50pm
#3290  Penthesilea
*Penthesilea is on her knees beside Satira, doing her damnedest to conceal the fact that Satira isn't bleeding.*

Penthesilea: If you'd wear heavier clothes, I could say you were wearing a modified brigandine! *A stain that appears to be fresh blood appears on Satira's dress, thanks to a bit of magic.* Oh, well. I'm supposed to be a sorceress of some talent!


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #49 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 8:51pm
#3296  Rewritten by Penthesilea

       The man was good, Daemon had to give him that. He retained enough composure to try to defend himself, dodging aside and landing one good stroke across Daemon’s back before the lion-man seized him and with one fearful wrench, tore his head from his shoulders.  Daemon’s vision shifted and he saw the man’s escaping soul. With a feral grin, Daemon muttered the charm that was a gift from Lord Hades.  As he watched the man’s soul was wiped clean of personality.  All the accumulated memories of all his lifetimes were gone.  Then a Divine Escort that Daemon didn’t recognize appeared to escort the now virgin soul to whatever Afterlife it was destined for. Daemon grinned. He had certainly saved a Divine Judge somewhere some work.  He shook off that pleasant thought. He still had work to do. Carrying his gory trophy by the hair, he stalked back toward the reviewing stand.....


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