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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #75 - Mar 23rd, 2007 at 11:17pm
#3357 Penthesilea

*Primly* I'm sure Satira can help with back pain. Come on up...

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #76 - Mar 23rd, 2007 at 11:18pm
#3358   Rewritten by Penthesilea      

Daemon sighs. We’re on our way.
With that, he takes the mage by the arm and farwalks them to the Main Courtyard of the Castle. This causes something of a stir but both men ignore it.
Daemon: We walk from here. I’m not about to farwalk into my sister’s bedchamber unannounced.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #77 - Mar 23rd, 2007 at 11:20pm
#3359   Penthesilea
*Contrite mindvoice* Sorry I'm such a terror, Daemon. I'm in pain and I'm not used to it. None of the pain blocks Satira or I have tried will work and I'm exhausted. (pause) I've been amusing myself by telling Satira all about your misspent youth....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #78 - Mar 23rd, 2007 at 11:20pm
#3360  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon: Torao-Akio should be able to help with the pain. He’s good, even if he does smell like a sewer.
Then he inspeaks to Satira alone. Don’t believe a word of it, lover! I’ve been a paragon of virtue from the day I was born! She’s in pain and out of her head.... The near panic in his mindvoice is obvious and Satira nearly pulls a muscle trying not to laugh out loud...

« Last Edit: Mar 23rd, 2007 at 11:22pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #79 - Mar 23rd, 2007 at 11:21pm
#3361   Penthesilea

*Penthesilea notices the mighty effort Satira is making not to laugh.* Do I want to know? *Satira shakes her head "no" violently. Still fighting giggles.* Go ahead and laugh, Satira, it helps my pain. *With that encouragement, Satira lets go....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #80 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:08pm
#3362  Rewritten by Penthesilea

The sound of Satira’s laughter reaches Daemon through the inspeaking and he smiles. His companion notices and a smile in turn twinkles in the man’s eyes.
Torao-Akio: Let your guard down, have you? Good!  A man like you should not be alone.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #81 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:09pm
#3363  Penthesilea

*Penthesilea inspeaks* Not to be a pest, son, but Satira's laughter is the only thing that helps the pain even a little and I really do think that she'd like to have some private time with you before retiring for the night. She's had a rough day among my suitors. So if you could bring that gentleman to my bedchamber.....

« Last Edit: Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:10pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #82 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:09pm
#3364  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon: We are in the Main Hall now. We’ll be up there in a few minutes. He wouldn’t let me make it trip in one “walk” and he wouldn’t leave his stuff so I’ve had to haul it all this way. And it’s still on my back and damned heavy!


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #83 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:11pm
#3365   Penthesilea

*Penthesilea inspeaking* You mean there's someone else who can give you orders? I've gotta meet this man!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #84 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:12pm
#3366   Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon and Torao-Akio enter Penth’s room and the wizard immediately sets to work. He gently removes the bandages on her arm and examines the healing wound. He looks to Satira.

Torao-Akio: You saved her by your quick action but there is more here that simple snakebite. Magick, old and vile, is at work here. Magick that should have been forgotten but has not been.

That said the wizard went to his pack and began to pull things from it. Penthesilea quickly realized that is was an enchanted backpack and much, much larger on the inside than it was on the outside. She wondered impishly why the wizard hadn’t used the companion spell that rendered such bags no heavier than a child’s backpack. Once he had the materials he needed, Torao-Akio began to compound a potion. He crushed and mixed, chanting as he worked, and added the mixture to a goblet of red wine that Daemon fetched at his command.  The mixture steamed faintly as he handed it to Penthesilea.

Torao-Akio: This will ease your pain and give me time to prepare a permanent solution to the poison.

Penthesilea: The poison is still there?

Torao-Akio: Worse than poison, my Lady. I would say no more now.  Drink this and then rest.

Penthesilea does as the wizard instructs and the pain immediately begins to ebb to manageable levels. The relief on her face is visible to all.

Torao-Akio: Rest as much as you can. I know that you are a Castle Lady and have duties you must attend to but rest whenever you can. I need time, my Lady.

Penthesilea: You will have it.

Satisfied that the Keyholder was as safe and comfortable as he could make her, the wizard packed up his gear and easily pulled on the backpack and then laughed at Daemon’s scowl.

Penthesilea: Daemon, speak to Housekeeping for me and have them arrange rooms for our new guest.

Daemon, still scowling at the grinning wizard, led the group as they filed out.  Penthesilea slid down under the covers to catch a nap. She told Ashera to let her know if anything came up that she needed to deal with and immediately fell asleep.

« Last Edit: Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:13pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #85 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:14pm
#3369  wooleybob

Suddenly. A bang on the Castle door, that sounds like thunder. *a voice of a Orc is heard,and a deep growl that would place fear upon anyone*Hello..??? Hellooooo...?The Orc sit's down and looks through his bag of magical holding. *mumble, mumble, grrr.  Ahhh, wait no. mumble here it is no,*me no want rabbit leg, ahhhh deer leg*The Orc sits and and eats the fowl smelling leg of deer,then burps..*Bang Bang on the door again,*hey anyone got some ale, he screams*?


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #86 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:15pm
#3370   Penthesilea

*Two of Daemon's gremlins appear with a cask of ale, escorted by several others who watch the newcomer closely. Everyone is jumpy. It's been that sort of week....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #87 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:15pm
#3372 Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon and Satira, having finished their meal in the Dining Hall, are standing on the patio outside enjoying the night air when the orc’s bellow splits the air. Daemon breaks into a huge grin at the window rattling bellow.
     “About time he showed.” Daemon takes Satira’s arm and heads for the gate that leads to the Main Courtyard. Satira struggles to keep up with his long legs and not spill her stout in the process.  They come into the Courtyard in time to see Penthesilea appear, her injuries disguised with a small spell, and greet the orc.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #88 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:16pm
#3373   wooleybob
Thank You, maLady. I understand how you feel on my appearance and what is going on. I was summoned by Daemon and was asked if I may help. *Bows in humble, for the ale*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #89 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:17pm
#3377  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon arrives with Satira in tow and Penthesilea, after graciously greeting the Orc in turn and receiving an introduction by Daemon, returns to the Castle proper to reassure all and sundry that an invasion of Orcs is not imminent. Behind her, Daemon and the Orc engage in much backslapping, bear hugging and exchanging of obscure hand grips before Daemon remembers his manners and introduces an amused Satira.
     “Orag, this is my lady, Satira.” Orag, no fool and a long time friend of the big warrior noted the emphasis. This woman was as off limits as the Keyholder herself. Daemon then turned to Satira. “Satira, this is Orag, King of the G’luc Tribe of Orcs.” Once the introductions were out of the way, Daemon took matters in hand. “Let’s head for the Pub. We have talking to do and can drink as well.” The three of them headed for the Castle Pub while behind them Daemon’s gremlins escorted Orag’s bodyguard into the Courtyard.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #90 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:18pm
#3379   Rewritten by Penthesilea

Once settled into his new rooms, Torao-Akio set to work. He pulled out tomes and scrolls whose existence was thought to be mere legend.  He mumbled prayers to the Gods under his breath as he worked. The Keyholder was in serious trouble and time was of the essence....      


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #91 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:19pm
#3382  Rewritten by Penthesilea

The threesome took possession of a corner table and settled into a discussion of the current state of affairs. Daemon filled Orag in on what had been happening, including the arrival of their old, mutual friend, Torao-Akio and the Orc king supplied the information that his people had gathered on the trek to the Castle. It came as no surprise that the Coast Cities were hiring mercenaries, Guild or otherwise, at a record setting pace. Satira absorbed it all like a sponge. You never knew what knowledge would turn out to be valuable. Finally, Orag could contain his curiosity no longer.
     “Lady, what you drinking? Never smelled anything like it.”
     “It is Jaganmatan Stout,” she replied. “A beer from my home city.”
     Turning to the faintly smiling Daemon, Orag sought his opinion. “It any good?’
     “It has a bit of a bite but it’s smooth going down.” At the look of anticipation in his friend’s eyes, Daemon bellows for a tankard of Jaganmatan to be brought. A somewhat skittish serving girl delivers the drink and after a toast to the good health of his friends, Orag drains the tankard in one long pull. He comes up for air with a beatific smile on his face.
     “That was smoo...” Orag hit the floor with a resounding crash, completely out cold. With Satira’s help, Daemon pulled his friend out from under the table and, after learning where the Orc king was quartered, carried him to his room like a sack of grain.  Satira turned her back as Daemon dumped the unconscious orc on his bed and began to strip him.
     “You are a cruel man, Daemon. I shall have to remember that.” Daemon laughed.
     “He’ll love it.  Wait and see.” Daemon grinned. “We are even now for the stunt he pulled on me in a bar in a little no name place north of the Cold Heights. At least he will have his pants when he wakes up.”


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #92 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:20pm
#3390  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     Convalescing was boring. Penthesilea was used to being active and being stuck in bed was getting on her nerves. Her arm seemed to be healing nicely. She could move her fingers, make a fist, all that sort of thing. It was just taking too blasted long! She sighed. She had to admit that she had never had to regenerate so much muscle, skin and nerve before. Satira had had to cut away quite a bit to get all the venom.... It had been too damn close and she was profoundly glad that her daughters were safely hidden. The moment that she had been able this morning, she had contacted Bladeraven and the Archdean of The University. Penthesilea was taking no chances with her daughters or her friend. They had all moved onto the University's campus ahead of schedule. They would all be safe there.
     Penthesilea decided to spend some time scrying. Her regular mirror was still in her workroom but she had had the full length mirror from her dressing room brought in and with a wave of her hand and only a little more concentration, she got results. The Lord Marshall appeared in the glass. He was stripped to the waist and sweating slightly. Penthesilea could see why. He was in the middle of a bout. He was armed with two swords and faced six opponents. And he was blindfolded. She could see her father in the background, carefully watching the bout. Without taking his eyes from it, he grinned for her and gave her a thumbs up. Penthesilea smiled and settled in to watch her Lord Marshall's training.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #93 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:21pm
#3391  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Rewritten by Penthesilea
Daemon grinned. “We are even now for the stunt he pulled on me in a bar in a little no name place north of the Cold Heights. At least he will have his pants when he wakes up.”

Satira was glad that Daemon had no intention of removing Orag’s pants. She was entirely too familiar with orc anatomy and had no desire to refresh her memory. Not everything that she had done in her God’s service was pleasant but she saw no reason to let Daemon in on that aspect of her experience.
     Once Orag was discreetly covered, Daemon turned to her. I want you to keep out of sight from now on. I know you can take care of yourself but every time I see one of those fools paw you I want to tear his head off and that would spark a war.  Satira started to protest. She rather liked leading the men on but she also knew that getting and keeping the amorous attentions of the Keyholder’s brother was of paramount importance to her mission.
     “Very well, my love. I will do as you ask -- but I want Raksha nailed to your backside. Taking you out would leave the Keyholder vulnerable in more ways than one.” Daemon only laughed and pulled her close for a kiss that made her jaded senses reel.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3200 to 3399
Reply #94 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 11:23pm
#3392  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     *As tempting as it was to watch the Lord Marshall shower, -- he was magnificently made in all respects, putting the average man completely to shame --  Penthesilea decided that she really should check on the goings on in her Castle. She could "feel" what was happening but there was no substitute for "seeing". With great reluctance, she moved the mirror's focus as the Darklord began to strip off his underlinen....*

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