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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #350 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 2:31am
Smallville was a repeat so I've been doing a little work on Book Two. I avoided the "heavy" stuff and I've been editing on a later chapter. Once I'm past what is currently Chapter 5, the writing will be easier emotionally although "Our Hero" in Ares' Boot Camp is going to require some serious research as I have no direct experience with the military. "Our Hero" isn't there all that long but I'd like the flavor of that section to be reasonably authentic.
Right now though, I need to head for the kitchen!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #351 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 5:49am
Skywise got home about 20 minutes ago. We aren't going into town tonight. It would be way after 1 by the time we got there and after 2 by the time we got back.
This sleepy little writerperson wants to go to bed and that's where I'm headed. Tomorrow's gonna be busy!

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley See ya tomorrow!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #352 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 5:46pm
My shipment from Fire Mountain arrived today and I've been putting spring rings on the bells I got. The next step is to put them on my hip belt. I don't know how many I'm going to need so I've put rings on 24 of them. I have another 25 on hand if I need them.
My music CD hasn't arrived yet. The morons sent it "Bulk Rate" which is cheap but slow. Skywise tells me that it is the best deal if you are shipping "bulk" as in shipping a thousand books from Miami to Tacoma. THEN, it makes sense. One CD from NC to Indiana -- NO SENSE. *sigh* I'm being eaten up with impatience while waiting. I'll work on my belt, my jewelry projects and Book 2 today and try not to snark mentally at the morons in that vendor's shipping department!
Gotta pack Skywise's food as he's leaving soon.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #353 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 8:23pm
Well, the diadem is finished and so are the matching earrings which I'm presently wearing. That just leaves the matching necklace to complete the set. I'm thinking of adjusting the necklace design a little bit to make the "chain" a little longer. The Gods know I have enough extra links on hand. They aren't the same size but I can put one extra link on either side of the centerpiece and that would give me the bit of extra length I need. Then I'll work on the dance belt. The bells all have spring rings on them so it will just be a matter of putting them on. May the Gods bless whoever invented "spring ring" pliers!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #354 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 10:55pm
THERE! The prototypes of the Crown Jewels of Valcaria are done! Smiley
The necklace doesn't have a clasp at the moment. I haven't decided whether or not to put one on it. Right now, it goes over my head -- just barely -- but a clasp could make it easier to put on. I say "could" because necklace clasps of all sorts give me fits. My pentacle is on a chain long enough to drop over my head and the other necklaces I regularly wear, well, I seldom take them off!
Anyway, they are finished. The set is comprised of a pair of earrings, a necklace and a diadem all made with silver plated brass links connected with spring rings and set with -- of course! -- black onyx. They will make their first appearance in Book Three most likely, exactly where I'm not sure at the moment but since Our Heroine is a Queen by the end of Book Three the presentation will be in there somewhere!
I've got a few other "Castle" related pieces to design. Unfortunately, one that I would really like to make, I can't. It's the medallion that Our Hero gives to his beloved in the first half of Book 2. The design was never done and I don't feel that I can do it. I'm not even going to try to do the much sought after engagement ring since it will -- when I describe it in Book 2 -- be set with black diamonds and I've yet to find a satisfactory source of transparent, black gemstones. So the Lord Marshall's badge will probably be next once I know what the Keyholder's device looks like and I'm starting to get some ideas about that.
I think I'll work on my dance belt next, mainly because it will pester me to death until I do!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #355 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 1:06am
The bells are on the belt. All it took was two hours and two broken finger nails but it do sound cool when the hips are in motion....
Note to self: Next belt, put the bells on the chain before you attach it to the belt and save yourself a ton of aggravation!
I'm thinking about dinner but I'm gonna need a snack first. *sigh* I forgot to eat again and I'm dizzy from it. Fortunately, there is a fresh box of Ritz Crackers on the kitchen counter and cheese in the refrigerator so I'm all set.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #356 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 3:27am
*stretch, crack!* I've been working on Book 2, not much writing but a lot of editing and rearranging of dialogue. I've been working on what is currently Chapter 7, the big "monster hunt" and the resulting destruction of a particularly annoying locale. (No, I'm NOT telling! You are going to have to read the books!) Now I gotta get dinner going. As I've mentioned before, I need a cook when I'm writing!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #357 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 5:54am
Skywise is home and I'm heading out. After dinner I worked some on Book 2, Chapter 1. There's a lot of stuff I've got to get crammed into the early chapters. Stuff that originally took place "off stage" now has to be "onstage" or at least mentioned more prominently than it was originally. Ah well, the writing will come easier once I have everything sorted out and in order and I expect that to take a little while at least. Given where Book One stops, having Book Two well along will probably soothe the nerves of any potential publishers. Although I swear that after "3" is finished, I'm gonna have to take a break! For one thing, "4" isn't plotted yet, let alone outlined! I'm trying to keep my mind on the "now" namely, getting "1" published and "2" written!

This isn't getting my aching eyes to bed. Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #358 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 1:44pm
Morning. *Yawn* I hate alarm clocks. And I hate getting up early but here I am. We're getting an early start on errands this morning 'cause Skywise has to work today. Poo! Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! With a Smiley and a  Kiss to anyone who wants them!
I had better get moving before I fall asleep here.
Catch ya later!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #359 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 7:53pm
We got back a little before noon and I let Skywise have the comp since he's working today [works Monday too.] He left about 15 minutes ago so I'm "in the saddle" so to speak, for the day.
I'm going to be working on Book 2 today -- I figured out something while we were running around -- and doing chores around that. My CD came in today's mail and I'm adding two pieces to our iTunes library.
I'm off to get caught up.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #360 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 1:02am
Well, it's later! Smiley
I wrote for a couple of hours and put in place some "stuff" that needed to be explained. My eyes started kicking up so I stretched out on the bed with my eyes closed. While doing that, Spirit commandeered the comp -- Moonie already had the other one -- and when I got up, I let her keep it while I did some other stuff, like dishes -- ick! -- and sewing some snaps on my dance belt and putting bells on my dance shoes and ankle bracelet -- NOT ick! Smiley I just chased Spirit off the comp -- enough with the YouTubes! -- and I'm ready to get back to work while I finish the dishes and make dinner.
Later. But not so much so!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #361 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 3:51am
Dinner's over and everyone is fed. I'm back writing and making some changes in what was originally written in this section of the story. What I'm doing now will work better than what was originally posted 'cause now I know what is going to happen! Basically that Our Hero is going to be staggering into the castle fairly shortly looking like he'd been put through a meat grinder with the news that the army has been wiped out. Naturally, he never said HOW the whole army was wiped out -- except for him, of course! Figuring that out was/is my job! [Yes, I can hear him laughing about that!] Good thing that I'm good at that sort of thing! (Among other "things" I'm good at!)
Anyway, I'm working on it, trying out different situations so that Our Hero's elite "special" force is NOT reduced to monster food along with the "thug army" that he's been leading in the southwest!
I think I'm going to get a bite of dessert before it gets too late and then head back into the literary fray.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #362 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 5:57am
I'm about 3/4 of the way through what will be Chapter One of Book Two and a good deal of the last quarter is in pretty good shape as far as content goes, it just needs editing. There is one thing that still needs some work -- what pushes Our Heroine over the edge into doing something that will get her eternally damned? She's been thinking about it, knows that she's going to have to do it or something similar but what pushes her to do it at the moment that she does it rather than waiting a bit longer? I've got to come up with a convincing "trigger" to get the ball rolling for the events in the first half, more or less, of Book Two. Unfortunately, my eyes are bitching at me again and it's giving me a minor headache. I got a card from the eye doctor in today's mail suggesting that my prescription could need updating. It very well could but it is gonna have to wait a bit until the heating season is over. The damned gas company filled the tanks again this week... *grrrrr....*
Anyway, Skywise just came in the door so I'm going to head out. Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley
And one last "Happy Valentine's Day" to everyone. 

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #363 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 6:45pm
Skywise spent the morning working on his project which requires much downloading of documents. While he downloaded and processed words, I did the necessary heavy thinking I had to do to solve the abovementioned "motivation" problem in Bk2, Chapter 1. I got it and will be rolling with it later. Once I had that figured out, I spent some time doing "incidental" sewing on my costume. One of he first belly dancing books I got -- way back in the early 70's -- advised the dancer to use safety pins to fasten her hip belt, skirt and the briefs she was wearing underneath it all together into one unit to keep things from shifting during the dance. What I'm doing is putting large snaps on my belt and skirt and when I have the briefs I want, more snaps will go on the briefs and the skirt to keep them together. And I've figured out why opaque skirts and wide hip belts are in vogue right now, not to mention leggings for "tribal fusion" dancers. It's to hide their underwear. The pickings are slim out there for "dance briefs." It's not much of a consideration in my case: black skirt, black hip belt, black underwear. Everything sort of blends together but if you can't find panties to match your skirt and belt, your options are limited. Guess it doesn't occur to most dancers to use a "string" bikini bottom which is what I will ultimately be wearing under my skirt. Gotta get some good quality "swimsuit" weight spandex for that so for now that's gonna have to wait.
Now I'm off to get caught up. Later.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #364 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 10:16pm
*giggle* Got caught up. When into town. Came back. Got caught up again.

Wanted: Music that is sensuous, slow and three to four minutes in duration for a specific choreography. I've found a couple of pieces that fit the criteria as well as a shorter piece that would do for another choreography.
I'm also looking for a piece that is heavy on the percussion, especially drums, martial in character and three to four minutes in length. I'm having a little more trouble with this one. I found one piece that could work but it's only a bit over two minutes long and I want all the main sections of the completed work to be roughly the same length.
I might start writing before dinner but I have chores to do so I might just wait until after dinner to tackle Book 2. I know what the motivation is now so it shouldn't take too long to write what needs to be written. Unlike the dishes and dinner which will take a while....
I'm going to go try on my dance belt and skirt to see if I got the snaps in the right places and there is no telling where that will lead...

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #365 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 2:06am
Dinner is about half an hour away from being done.
Dance skirt and belt are safely put away.
Most of tonight's chores are done. *whew!*
I should be able to get a bit of writing done tonight before bed. If "bed" doesn't come too early! Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #366 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:21am
Dinner done. Family stuffed. I'm getting ready to write. Thought some more on the motivation and found a way to make it more intense. Should be good.
I keep looking over my shoulder at the movie Skywise is watching on ION.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #367 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 5:12am
I'm about 3 or 4 pages from the end of what's gonna be chapter 1 and I've gotten the "motivation" and what comes from it written.  I think that the murder might benefit from some embellishment and the beginning of the monster attack might need some too. Since those changes and getting the rest of it into shape will likely take several hours to get right, I'm not gonna start now. The trash has been taken out and I'm yawning so I'm going to head for bed. I don't know yet how busy tomorrow is going to be -- we might have to go pick up the van if it's ready -- so I'd better be prepared!

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #368 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 6:56pm
Afternoon! It turned out not to be busy this morning although it was a bit weird -- see the Ghost Cat Hall thread in Paranormal -- and Skywise is now on his way to work. I'm getting settled in to write. I expect to finish the first draft of this chapter today. There isn't that much left to do.
Skywise worked on his project all morning so I'm going to go get caught up and then start writing.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #369 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 9:35pm
I've about gotten the "aftermath of murder" written up with a little shocker at the end so that loose end is tied up.
I've about settled on one piece of music I need for my choreography and made some decisions concerning another routine. I now find myself on the hunt for another CD. Smiley It's by a singer that Moonie likes (I swiped the CDs by that artist that I've checked so far from her collection.) so once I've checked it out, Moonie will likely swipe it and file it in her room. Yeah. If I want to know what music we have, I don't look. I just ask Moonie. Since she started having her own money to spend, she has built up her music collection considerably! Makes it easy for me when I need a particular piece of "mood music!"

Anyway, time to get back to "writing murder.."
« Last Edit: Feb 16th, 2009 at 9:40pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #370 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 1:59am
Just dropping in for a minute. I let Spirit have the computer while I did some things and I've just gotten it back. I've finished my dance practice and resistance training is next.  I have about half a page of chapter one to rework and I'll be doing that around pizza making so barring a complete shutdown of creative cognitive function, the first draft of chapter one should be done tonight.
Better get back to work. Catch ya later!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #371 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 3:58am
The dough is rising and chapter one is almost done which is good 'cause the "Foreshadowings of DOOM!" are making me cry and I haven't even gotten into the really tragic, heartwrenching stuff yet! I'm gonna be a basket case until the first half of this book is done, I just know it.  I have just one more small section to smooth out and the chapter will be done so it's safe to say that barring a power failure, I'll have it done tonight.
Right now though, I need to go fry up some sausage. It'll give me time to think about what to do with this pesky little paragraph...

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #372 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 4:45am
Chapter One is done. For the moment. I will most likely think of something that should go into it later. That's why it's called a 'first draft!" The pizzas are almost done too so it's all good right now. Skywise should be home soon and I expect to be carried off to bed as soon as he's eaten. I'm still in my exercise clothes and they have "that effect" on him... *giggle!*
The timer is about to "ding" for dinner.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #373 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 5:26am
Skywise is home and playing a video game. Not for long, I don't think. Smiley I've already thought of something that should probably go into chapter one so I guess I'll have to say that it's gone from "finished" back to "almost finished"! The opening moves in the "monster attack" can probably stand some embellishment and there is a loose end that is still hanging that I can tie up while moving one part of the plot along although that particular plot element won't step into the light until Book Three and won't be fully resolved until Book Four.  Oh well. *giggle* Such is the life of a writer.
I'm giving serious thought to derailing Skywise's game playing if he's in the notion, so I'm going to head out.
Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #374 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 5:38pm
Afternoon. We went into town, got some groceries and a replacement bird feeder (more on that in a minute) and picked up the van from the shop. We needed to get a new bird feeder because a raccoon climbed the dogwood tree we had the feeder in, broke the branch that was holding and the feeder broke when it hit the ground -- it was plastic so it would be light enough to hang in the dogwood. Said raccoon then scarfed down all the seed in the feeder. Fortunately, I hadn't filled it after sundown so there wasn't that much in it. The new one is metal and we will be hanging it on the house which should make it a bit harder for the raccoon to get at. It will try, of course. When we had a really big feeder on a pole with a flip up lid, I looked out one night and there was a raccoon IN the feeder!  It had lifted the lid, climbed in and was stuffing its greedy face. We finally had to take that feeder down. The possums and raccoons were getting all the food and were getting entirely too comfortable with coming around the house.
So now we're going to put up the new feeder, move the trash cans so the raccoons can't use them to get to the feeder and hopefully, the birdies will be able to eat in peace!

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