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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #25 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:25am
#4530  Salanthos
     Sal lay quietly, gripping the rough wooden beam beneath her as she watched the people passing beneath her. Rafters were useful things, giving a place to perch and shadows to hide in, but there was also the fact that no-one ever looked up. Even if she had been a mundane sort she would have had few problems here.

     As she watched, Sal was uncomfortably aware she had not yet passed warning. Part of that had been her seeking more, wanting to know more of the what and how of the whole thing, to have details before passing on what she knew, but part had been, well, something uncomfortably like fear. She did not like calling attention to herself, and for a very long time that had been a survival trait. But to pass on what she'd learned to the prince or authorities of the city, and be believed, she would have to speak with them in person.

     The warehouse she was perched in was wide and well-lit, but the lights hung from the exposed rafters themselves. This warehouse, she had learned, was where the B Lotus would be brought to, when it arrived. It was supposed to arrive within the next day or so, and the warehouse was being made ready. New guards would come soon, she could hear the workers gossip, the place was being cleaned out, and supplies were being unloaded.

     Sal shifted to the right, ever so slightly. Two of the workers below her were unloading a crate. She peered at the contents in confusion for a moment, then comprehension dawned with a jolt. Uh-oh, she thought, another piece falling into place. This isn't good.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #26 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:26am
#4531  Penthesilea
The Ages Nightclub -- "Silver's" Dressing Room

     *After rehearsals and interviews, Penthesilea took a late lunch in her dressing room. The floral displays had been reduced to one, an anonymous bouquet of red roses still bearing the thorns. She had recognized the handwriting on the card, smiled and the flowers stayed.
     While she ate, Penthesilea's mind chewed on the problem of Black Lotus. The cities east and north of the Karthik desert were connected by rail lines -- steam locomotives worked no matter what the zone -- and the city of Karthik had recently been linked to the east coast by a rail line. But even with rail transport, BL had a relatively short shelf life. Getting it from wherever the growing field was to the Castle and then to points west by rail would push it close to it's expiration date. Getting it to the cities on the western coast of the Western Sea would be impossible and that was were the major population centers in the west were. Cliffside alone had a population of 2 million people. Why go to so much trouble if you couldn't get the product to its intended market? And why her Castle?
     The Castle controlled the overland trade routes coming through the Giant's Rib Range and the Cold Heights but even if rail lines were laid from the Castle to the coast -- no easy feat given the terrain -- that wouldn't get the drug to the coast fast enough.
     Penthesilea sat cross-legged on the dressing room's daybed and thought -- what does the Castle have that makes it uniquely suited for transporting Black Lotus? Item by item she went through the list. Suddenly, the answer crystallized.
The transporters.
     Transporter technology was not unique to the Castle. It was in small scale use in some of the larger eastern cities but it was ruinously expensive. You needed three things to run a transporter: the transporter itself, a complicated piece of equipment, a computer to keep the destination locked and the items being transported intact molecularly and power -- lots of power. Transporters were also limited by distance. Most could only transport to the horizon. Beyond that, whatever was being sent would end up in space as the curve of the planet dropped away from the straight line transporter beam.

The Castle had transporters.

The Castle had the most powerful computers, managed by an AI, in the world.

The Castle had relay stations on the tops of two mountains, giving their transporters access to most of the continent.

And the Castle had what no one else had -- unlimited power in the form of fusion reactors. From the Castle's transporter room, you could reach most of the continent. Build more relay stations and there wasn't a place on the planet you couldn't reach!
Penthesilea turned to the inspeaking. Daemon, her girls and Kodiak needed to know what she had just realized!

« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2007 at 12:20am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #27 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:28am
#4532  Penthesilea
     *Having contacted everyone and conveyed her new, unsettling insight, Penthesilea and Apollo turned their attention to the matter of what to wear to her dinner with the Prince. Nothing too sexy, they decided. He had a lady and she was reputed to be jealous.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #28 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:36am
#4533  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
Sal shifted to the right, ever so slightly. Two of the workers below her were unloading a crate. She peered at the contents in confusion for a moment, then comprehension dawned with a jolt. Uh-oh, she thought, another piece falling into place. This isn't good.

Sal quickly began inching backwards, towards the wall she had gone in through. She had overheard comments, but hadn't realized this aspect of their plan until she saw the proof.

She soon reached the corner and ghosted through, dropping to the ground lightly. She turned toward Penth's rooms. Penth had to be warned, then Sal would have to go warn the Prince. Official steps would have to be taken to prevent this disaster.

Sal walked swiftly through the streets. While she walked, she pondered how she was going to explain the incredible conclusion she had reached. Her ideas made sense, but it would take careful thinking and thoughtful speech to show them as credible or valid.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #29 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:37am
#4534  Penthesilea

*After hearing from their mother, the girls filled Michael in on her revelation concerning the transporters.*

Michael: Black Lotus can't be teleported by magick. It ruins the drug. Would tech transport do the same thing?

MoonCat: I've brought the necessary gear for field testing with me. I'll test it as soon as we get it and again when we get home.

SpiritFire: First, we have to get some. *looks towards the dining room entrance.* Here come our companions of last night. Time to "play." *Michael looked a bit uncomfortable with his role but was into it by the time the others reached the table.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #30 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:38am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #31 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:38am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #32 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:39am
#4538  Penthesilea
     *Penthesilea replies.* I've already ordered the gremlins to plant self-destruct mechanisms in the relay stations and the main transporter room.  Someone's coming. End transmission.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #33 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:40am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #34 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:41am
#4540  Penthesilea
The Ages Nightclub -- "Silver's" Dressing Room

     *The costumer had came and gone and Penthesilea was alone. It was about an hour before her first show and about three before her date with the Prince. "I'm here in Madridoor, in this club, for a reason. It would be nice to know what it is." she thought, rather pointedly, at the universe. Almost immediately, she got the urge to take a walk around the club. She left her dressing room and let chance determine her course. She wandered, apparently aimlessly, backstage and into the area of the private rooms. She was walking down the darkened hallway when she heard voices and heeded the impulse to take cover. She slipped into the utility closet and closed the door almost completely, leaving a tiny crack through which to spy. She recognized both of the men who stopped a few feet from the door. One was the assistant manager of the club. The other was the vampire, Keil.

Assistant Manager: When can we expect to have the goods?

Keil: No more than a week. Tell your eager little fish that they will have their Black Lotus soon. Very soon. And once we have taken power, Dante will be eliminated and The Ages will be yours.

Assistant Manager: Good. That's all I want. To run this club as it should be run.

Keil: You also promised me the singer. *Penthesilea's interest, already at a peak, increased further.*

Assistant Manager: She moved out of the company suite before we could grab her. We'll keep her under surveillance and once we have her routine down, we will collect her for you.

Keil: Good. I don't like waiting. *The men moved off and Penthesilea closed the door completely, leaned back against it and expelled her breath. She had thought that Chandara was the logical destination for Black Lotus but when she thought of it, rich, bored, high tech Madridoor was perfect. Once she was sure the coast was clear, Penthesilea slipped out of the closet and returned to her dressing room.*
« Last Edit: Oct 28th, 2006 at 5:42am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #35 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:41pm
#4541  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
Sal walked swiftly through the streets. While she walked, she pondered how she was going to explain the incredible conclusion she had reached. Her ideas made sense, but it would take careful thinking and thoughtful speech to show them as credible or valid.

     Sal slipped through the door of The Ages, and headed towards the dressing rooms. There was about an hour yet to go before the evening show, and the halls were nearly empty. She walked to Penth's dressing room and quietly knocked on the door.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #36 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:41pm
#4542  Penthesilea

*Penthesilea answers.* Come in.
« Last Edit: Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:42pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #37 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:42pm
#4543  Salanthos

*Sal opens the door and walks inside, closing it after her*

Hello, Penth. I came across some information you should know.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #38 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:43pm
#4544  Penthesilea

I've been wondering where you got to. *Gestures to a chair.* Sit down and tell me. I have some information too. You go first.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #39 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:44pm
#4545  Salanthos
Alright. *Sits down in the chair.*

I've been skulking about, learning about what's going on. There is a plan going on to gain power through Black Lotus, I assume you know that much.

The instigator of that plot is some vamp, he has ties to a couple of merchants. He's come up with a plot to addict people without their knowledge, and plans to use that fear and panic to gain power through it.

*Looks somberly at Penthesilea*

He is particularly targeting prominent people, and with your current popularity, that makes you a target too. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #40 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:45pm
#4546  Penthesilea

     “The vampire's name is Andreas Keil. He's a demon-vampire and he has an arrangement with the assistant manager of this club to distribute Black Lotus through the club. He has plans for me but I don't know if they include Black Lotus.” *Sees Sal's inquiring look.* “Kidnapping. Rape. Probably plans to Sire me. The usual.” *Looks thoughtful.* “Most intoxicants have no effect on me but Black Lotus could be the exception. I have no desire to find out. Keil has hired my Consort as his chief of security for the Black Lotus operation so I don't think I have to worry too much about what would happen if Keil did manage to snatch me.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #41 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:46pm
#4547  Salanthos

     “You've managed to learn a lot too, I see. I didn't really catch most of the names, though, and that will be useful later. It is good that your Consort has gotten an inside job, but I suggest you be careful anyway.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #42 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:47pm
#4548  Penthesilea

     “I will. I have no desire to be scolded by my Consort -- which would happen if I got myself into a mess by being careless. As for the names,” *chuckles* “it helps to make the acquaintance of talkative wait staff in a club like this. They know everything -- frequently more than they are given credit for. I know, for instance, that the Prince who has invited me to dinner later probably has plans to seduce me -- that is his reputation -- and that he doesn't run the island. The heads of the major corporations do and they are led by the Prince's mistress, Angelique de la Sang. Most of them probably don't want Keil to succeed. It would hurt the bottom line and wreck this cushy setup they have here.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #43 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:48pm
#4549  Salanthos

     “I can see how talkative people can be helpful that way. The info about the Prince's mistress is interesting... I need to talk to the Prince, I guess, he needs to know what's happening, and I guess I should talk to her too, since she's in charge of the corporate council.”

*frowns thoughtfully*

     “I'm going to be hanging around the warehouse often after warning is given. It would be a good idea for me to know what your Consort looks like. If I see an opportunity to gain an advantage, I'll take it, but it would not be good if I mistook your Consort for one of them in truth. I would quickly find out, but perhaps not before something happens.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #44 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:49pm
#4550  Penthesilea

     “Kodiak is about 6 feet tall and well built, dark brown eyes and his hair is dirty blond streaked with black. He always wears black clothing, sunglasses any time he is outside and he is a demigod. Something I think you are able to detect. Approach the Prince and his lady carefully. I don't know how they might react.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #45 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:50pm
#4551  Salanthos
     “I'll be cautious.”  *sighs*  “I'll probably try to talk to one or both of them tonight.  It’s nearly time for your show, though.” *stands up* “I'll vanish so you can get ready.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #46 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:51pm
#4552   Penthesilea

     *The dresser and the hair stylist showed up a short time later to prepare Penthesilea for her performance. The crowds for the six o'clock and eight o'clock shows were usually pretty sedate, mostly couples and small groups of friends out on the town. Penthesilea enjoyed those performances, the vibes were good. The later shows, midnight and two a.m. attracted a wilder crowd -- the vampires, true and half, and those who traveled in their circles. Those shows put her on edge. She felt on display, like an animal or a slave. She was glad that this was not her real life. She could walk away when this job was done and Kodiak would be there.

The assistant director rapped on her door. It was time....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #47 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:52pm
#4558  Penthesilea
The Ages Nightclub -- "Silver's" Dressing Room

     *The 8 o'clock show was over and the car that the Prince had sent for her was waiting. In a dress that was both becoming and modest, Penthesilea entered the car and began her trip to the Palace. Dante had already informed her that her presence was not expected at the later shows. This information did not fill her with confidence.... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #48 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 11:52pm
#4559  Penthesilea
Kodiak's Madridoor Apartment

     *Having fulfilled his duties for the day to his new employer, Kodiak had returned to his apartment intending to spend the evening lurking in the shadows of The Ages and then whisking his lady off to the safety of his apartment. When he arrived at the club he was not pleased to hear that she had been summoned to the Palace and that her last two shows of the evening had been canceled! He exited the club, stepped into concealment and disappeared....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #49 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:02am
#4560   Penthesilea
Madridoor -- The Palace

     *Penthesilea stepped out of the car and into the custody of a servant who whisked her inside. Penthesilea got the definite impression that efforts were being made to keep her presence in the Palace a secret. She had a good idea who they were trying to keep in the dark. She was also pretty sure that they would not be successful. She just hoped that she would be able to talk her way out of a confrontation with Angelique de la Sang if it came to that!*


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