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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #50 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:02am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #51 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:03am
#4563  Penthesilea

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Penthesilea stepped out of the car and into the custody of a servant who whisked her inside. Penthesilea got the definite impression that efforts were being made to keep her presence in the Palace a secret. She had a good idea who they were trying to keep in the dark. She was also pretty sure that they would not be successful. She just hoped that she would be able to talk her way out of a confrontation with Angelique de la Sang if it came to that!*

     *Penthesilea was escorted to a small dining room and was confronted by a table set for an intimate dinner for two. The Prince arrived as she did and he gallantly pulled out her chair for her and not so gallantly caressed the back of her neck as she took her seat. He took his own and the meal began. The servants were efficient and well trained and the food was superb. The only thing spoiling the meal was the Prince's insistence on trying to run his hand up her leg without the servants seeing. Penthesilea reflected to herself sourly that her recent experiences as marriage bait had prepared her well for this new role as professional singer!
     All too soon the desert course was served and Penthesilea knew that the moment of truth as coming up fast. She had absolutely no intention of allowing herself to be seduced, assuming that the seventy-something Prince could manage it. What did worry her was that the defense that she had prepared for just such an occasion might be too much for him to withstand. The drug that she carried in a tiny vial in her sleeve would make anyone who took it hallucinate in whatever manner that they were told to. In the event of attempted "seduction", she would dose her would-be lover and suggest, strongly, that he was having the time of his life -- or not, depending on her long range goals. She had heard enough around The Ages to know that the Prince's mind was beginning to lose its edge although he was still considered a robust and healthy man. Considering the excesses of his youth, it was considered a miracle that he had survived this long but use of this drug on so old a man was dangerous. Lopping the head off of a relatively minor noble who had plotted your death while in your own castle was one thing, killing a ruling Prince, even by accident or in self defense, in his own palace was quite another! The meal over, he assisted her from her seat, taking the opportunity to run his hand down over hers, and escorted her out of the room. She half expected to find herself in some sort of love nest. Instead, they walked into a study. Sitting by the fire, sipping what had to be blood from a wine glass, was Angelique de la Sang.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #52 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:04am
#4564   Penthesilea
Madridoor -- The Palace

     *Kodiak made a quick stop at his apartment to change and arm himself more extensively than he had for a night of clubbing. A flak jacket, for instance, was not usually considered proper attire! It wasn't considered proper for a visit to the Palace either but if he was going to have to pull his lady out of a nest of vampires with her unarmed and in an evening dress -- or less! -- he wanted to be ready. He strapped on his twin swords and added several other weapons that vampires would find unpleasant. Then he added an extra short ninja sword that he could pass to Penthesilea should the situation require it. Unlike most of the women he had associated with in his life, Penthesilea was not a helpless maiden. This was both good and bad. He liked
rescuing the damsel in distress... but it was also a relief to know that this lady was skilled enough to stay alive until he got there! He smiled at the thought of his feisty little lady, focused on her and "stepped" out of his apartment.*
« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2007 at 12:29am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #53 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:05am
#4565  Penthesilea

Madridoor -- The Palace

     *Kodiak "stepped" onto the Palace grounds just as Penthesilea was entering the building. While he could "step" into unknown territory safely, he didn't want to unless he had to. He might find himself suddenly appearing in the middle of a brightly lit room which was not considered proper stealth technique! He'd follow her the hard way and only "step" if he had to. He made sure that his weapons were silenced and began looking for the best way to enter the palace.* 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #54 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:06am
#4566  Penthesilea
     *Kodiak had to climb to the fourth floor before he found an unsecured window. He opened it, slipped in and closed it behind him. Then, using the awareness of Penthesilea that the bloodbond gave him, he began to track her.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #55 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:08am
#4567  Penthesilea

Madridoor -- The Palace

     *Kodiak began to work his way down through the palace. It felt like Penthesilea was on the first or second floors. He could tell that she was mildly annoyed but not alarmed or frightened. He did not like the thought of his lady being frightened and not only because what it would take to frighten her would reduce strong men to gibbering insanity! If she was frightened, it meant that he had failed her and he had promised himself that he would never fail her again. He stopped in shadow and focused on her. Down, his instinct said. So he looked for a way to descend unnoticed.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #56 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:09am
#4568  Penthesilea

     *MoonCat was beginning to get discouraged and she knew that the others were feeling the same way. They'd skied. They'd shopped. They'd partied. All well and good. But they hadn't made a dent in their primary mission -- to obtain Black Lotus for study. They had about decided to pull up stakes and head further east. Maybe they'd have more luck in Imperial City..*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #57 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:11am
#4569    Penthesilea
Madridoor -- The Palace

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*The meal over, he assisted her from her seat, taking the opportunity to run his hand down over hers, and escorted her out of the room. She half expected to find herself in some sort of love nest. Instead, they walked into a study. Sitting by the fire, sipping what had to be blood from a wine glass, was Angelique de la Sang.

     *Penthesilea immediately controlled her alarm response and remained calm but ready. The situation might not be as dire as she thought. She wasn't holding her breath, however! Angelique put her glass down and stood up to face the Prince and Penthesilea.*

Prince Palamedes: Here she is, my love, just as I promised. *Angelique smiled and Penthesilea could see just a hint of elongation in her teeth. Lovely.*

Angelique: I'm pleased to finally meet you, Miss Steele. *She extended her hand. Penthesilea took it.* I am Angelique de la Sang.

Penthesilea: A pleasure, my lady. Your fame precedes you. *Penthesilea considered quickly and then continued.* If you wished to meet me, you had only to contact my publicist or The Ages management. I'm sure something could have been arranged.

Angelique: (amused) Wasn't the meal and the company worth the trouble?

Penthesilea: (smiling tightly) The meal was excellent. As for the company, if His Royal Highness doesn't stop groping me immediately, I will have to hurt him. *Angelique shot a sharp look at the Prince, who withdrew his hand.*

Angelique: You may have her later, my love. After we have finished our business. *Not without a fight, Penthesilea thought.*

Penthesilea: And what business would that be?

Angelique: The Prince and I have heard rumors that someone is planning to import Black Lotus into Madridoor. You are in a position to hear things. We want to know what you hear. *Penthesilea thought fast.*

Penthesilea: What I have heard, from his own mouth, is that a vampire named Keil is involved in the operation. He and the assistant manager of The Ages intend to use the club to distribute Black Lotus to select patrons of the club, probably those in positions of power. From what I heard, Dante is not involved. *Angelique smiled. Her fangs were definitely showing.*

Angelique: Excellent! You will be a good source of information. All that remains is to insure your loyalty. This won't interfere with your bloodbond at all and won't hurt. Much.

     *Angelique closed for the strike. The Prince grabbed Penthesilea so, he thought, she could not escape. Penthesilea used the Prince for support as she lifted her feet off of the floor and kicked Angelique solidly in the midsection with both feet. The vampire staggered backwards from the blow. Penthesilea dropped her feet to the floor and became "dead weight." Forty years earlier, the Prince might have managed but not now. Taken by surprise, his grip slackened and Penthesilea slammed her elbow into his midsection. He "woofed" and let go. Free of restraint, Penthesilea dove away from them and looked for an avenue of escape. Angelique recovered her balance and, snarling with fury, when after Penthesilea. She didn't get far. Penthesilea heard a "thunk" and then a scream. She looked. A crossbow bolt was sticking out of Angelique's chest where it had shattered her breastbone. Penthesilea looked the other way. Standing only a few feet from her was Kodiak with a small, loaded crossbow in one hand and a sword in the other, looking more dangerous than she had ever seen him. His eyes were black...*

Kodiak: Make another move toward my lady, either of you, and you will die. *He glanced toward Penthesilea, just for a second.* Are you alright, my dear? * Careful not to block his shot should he need to make it, Penthesilea came to his side.*

Penthesilea: I'm a little rumpled, my love, that's all. They couldn't manage anything else. *Kodiak gestured to the Prince with the crossbow.*

Kodiak: Pull it out. I don't want her dead. At least not as long as she keeps her teeth out of my lady. *The Prince did as he was told. Kodiak and Penthesilea conferred quickly by inspeaking, agreed and Kodiak continued.* There are other powers who are anxious to keep Black Lotus out of Madridoor. We are agents of those powers. We can work together to save this city or I can kill you both now and my lady and I will do it alone. Decide. *It was the Prince who answered.*

Prince Palamedes: There is no need to kill us. Angelique sometimes forgets that coercion is not always necessary. We will work together. You have my word and that is binding on Angelique as well. *pause* Might I ask where you are from?

Kodiak: Perhaps later. When I trust you a little more than I do at the moment. *He inspoke to Penthesilea and she took his sword as instructed. He put his now free arm around her waist and pulled her close into his side. She put her free arm around him.* For now, we will be going. *With that, Kodiak took Penthesilea with him as he "stepped" and they were gone....*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #58 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:12am
#4570  Penthesilea
Kodiak's Madridoor Apartment

     *Kodiak realized that Penthesilea was shaking violently as soon as he put his arm around her. Once he had them safely in his apartment, he disarmed the crossbow and tossed it aside. He took his sword from her hand and put it aside as well. Then he pulled her into his embrace and held her. She pressed her face into his flak jacket and shook.*

Penthesilea: When she came after me, I remembered.... I remembered what happened in the Club...

Kodiak: Shhhh... *He remembered as well. He could still see the terrible injuries that she had suffered, most of which only the two of them were aware of.* I have you, you're safe. No one will ever hurt you like that again. I promise. *She looked up at him, fear still in her eyes, and very gently he kissed her.* (inspeaking) I promise.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #59 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:13am
#4571   Penthesilea
Kodiak's Madridoor Apartment

     *Kodiak got out of his body armor as quickly as he could and settled himself on the couch with Penthesilea in his arms. She had never talked to anyone about what had happened to her in the Club. Kodiak knew some of it. He had gotten a better look than anyone at her injuries and knew what they represented. If anyone else had noticed the telltale bites and bruises, they had not known them for what they were or had not cared. By the time the Healers had reached Penthesilea, those marks had disappeared, thanks to Penthesilea's fast healing. The physical marks had disappeared anyway. The ordeal and rebirth that followed had helped her deal with the supernatural aspects of what had happened to her but the purely human ones... those still needed work.
     Gently, Kodiak encouraged her to talk and she did, hesitantly, at first but slowly the details came out. He held her as she remembered and supported her through their bond. She cried and he held her. He dried her tears and kissed her and silently cursed the Fates that had prevented him from protecting her from this all too human horror. Finally, when she was cried out, he carried her to the bed and proved to her, if any proof were needed, how much he cared for her and that what had happened to her had no bearing on how much he loved her....*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #60 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 12:14am
#4572  Salanthos

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*With that, Kodiak took Penthesilea with him as he "stepped" from the palace and they were gone....*

     Sal stepped onto the palace grounds shortly before Penth and Kodiak vanished. In less than a minute, she had picked up exactly what had happened during Penth's visit. Sal briefly turned around, considering. Perhaps tonight was not the best time to talk to the Prince and his Lady. They would hardly be pleased by this turn in their plans. It might be wise to approach them when they were a bit more rational...

But no. The B Lotus was supposed to be arriving within the next couple of days, and they had to be warned well in advance. Besides, failing to force loyalty on Penth would make them less likely to try it on anyone else, for a while at least.

Getting into the palace was easy. It was no more than a moment's work to scale the wall, slipping through the same window Kodiak had used. Sal paused a moment to lock the window behind her - there was no sense getting some servant in trouble, and she herself could leave by alternative methods.

Sal stole through the halls, but they were empty. No-one was around to notice her wandering past. She knew where the study was from sensing the confrontation there, and she soon stood next to the door. It was wide open, and she could hear the Prince and Angelique softly conversing within.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #61 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 1:58am
#4573  Salanthos

*The Prince and Angelique were both sitting by the fireplace, talking. Sal stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. They were facing away from her, and did not notice her arrival. Sal caught the tail end of the Prince's comments.*

Prince Palamedes: trust them or not.

Angelique: Indeed, that is it. *sighs*

*Sal took advantage of this gap in conversation to announce herself. She tapped one foot against the door - enough to draw their attention. Both jerked their heads around, startled*

Angelique: Who are you. *She snapped the words, rising stiffly to her feet.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #62 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 1:59am
#4574   Salanthos

Sal: Call me Sal. *With a wry twist of her mouth, she continued* I'm here to lend you a hand.

Prince Palamedes: What do you mean? *He looked warily at her.*

Sal: You're looking for information about Black Lotus. *The prince looked surprised. Angelique quickly took a half-step forward.* I have some information, and I will undoubtedly find out more. As head of the government, you should know about it.

Prince Palamedes: What information?

Sal: You already know the name of the one responsible, do you not? Keil. I know something of his plans. He may gain much wealth and power from selling B Lotus, but he wishes to rule, and he cannot count on gaining enough support this way. Instead, he will blackmail his way into power, using lives to bargain with. He has discovered a method to addict innocent people without their knowledge.

Angelique: How? *she broke into Sal's explanation* How can anyone be addicted without knowing it?

Sal: By hiding it in another product, one used daily. Few people would realize what was happening. Within a few days, though, the BL would break down - it does not stay preserved for very long. The person would die from lack of BL, still not knowing what was happening. Keil could then negotiate with you, threatening you with more deaths if you did not step down and appoint him your successor.

Prince Palamedes: And what if I refused him? I probably would not have believed, at first.

Sal: If you resisted, he planned to try spreading rumors that you were responsible, and leading a revolt. People will believe anything, especially if there is something that seems to back it up.

Prince Palamedes: Gods, that could work... but what of you? Why tell us? What do you get out of all this?

#4575  Salanthos

Sal: You are not the only ones who would not like to see BL come to Madridoor.

Angelique: How do we know you're telling the truth? *She was eyeing Sal speculatively*

Sal: You can't. You either believe me or you don't. *stares hard at Angelique. It is easy to know what she's thinking.* Trying to force loyalty that way is very unwise. You were lucky earlier, to get off with so little damage. Try that on me and I'll level half the city.

*Angelique looks startled, both that Sal knew what she was considering, and what had happened earlier. The prince looks slightly disbelieving. He cannot imagine how Sal could possibly do that much damage*

Prince Palamedes: Perhaps I should invest in new security. It seems just a bit too easy to get in unnoticed.

Sal: There's other ways of traveling. The security you have now would suffice for most, though. Anyway, Prince, I'll be in touch. *The prince nodded*

*With a slight gesture, Sal stepped briefly between the worlds, coming out in the room she'd rented. She staggered - travel that way was draining - but it was temporary weakness.*

Interesting, *she said thoughtfully, considering what had happened* Very interesting how those two acted.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #63 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:00am
#4576   Penthesilea
Kodiak's Madridoor Apartment

     *Penthesilea slept peacefully in Kodiak's arms. Twice nightmares had threatened her sleep and twice he had entered her dreams to save her. He lay awake, staring into the darkness, and wished, not for the first time, that he had been the one to kill the vampire that had hurt her. He thought of the way that she had been hurt and wished that a vampire could be resurrected.
Finally, the sound of her breathing lulled him to sleep.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #64 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:01am
#4577    Penthesilea
Kodiak's Madridoor Apartment

     *Kodiak roused a bit at dawn and heard Penthesilea singing softly to Apollo. He drifted back to sleep when she returned to bed. When he woke again she was gone but a very interesting smell was drifting past his nose. Breakfast? He pulled on his pants and went to investigate. He found her in his kitchen wearing one of his robes that was too big for her but did protect her from the hazards of cooking. I'm going to have to get her clothes moved here, he thought. She'd told him about her new apartment but he intended that she spend very little time there. The minute she locked her door behind her, he or one of her Divine relatives was going to bring her here -- where no one could easily find her. Apollo and Athena had agreed with him and it was settled. As he watched, she turned off the stove and began filling two plates.

Kodiak: What are you doing? *She gave him a wry look in response to his obvious question.*

Penthesilea: I'm making breakfast. I'm hungry and we can't very well go out. We aren't even supposed to know each other. If we want to have a meal together, I have to cook. Or you do. *She handed him his plate and headed for the table.*

Kodiak: How did you know what I like for breakfast? *The plate held his favorite breakfast. He followed her to the table. The smell reminded him that he was hungry too.*

Penthesilea: You obviously don't remember all those times we were the first ones to hit the Castle's breakfast buffet line. I paid attention to your choices and remembered what you liked. *Kodiak did
remember those times. Mornings after long nights when they had kept each other company when neither of them could sleep.*

Kodiak: I remember those all nighters. *He took a bite, discovered that his lady could cook in addition to her other talents and proceeded to clean his plate in record time. Penthesilea gave strict attention to her food as well. Pushing the empty plate aside, he looked at her.* Why did you pay attention to what I ate? Not that I'm complaining. *Penthesilea looked down and Kodiak thought he saw a trace of a blush on her face. Penthesilea blushing?*

Penthesilea: I didn't think that I would ever get to spend the night with you but I thought, maybe someday, I might get to cook for you and I wanted to know what you liked to eat. *He reached over and lifted her chin so he could see her eyes.*

Kodiak: Even then, my dear?

Penthesilea: Even then. *Kodiak leaned over and kissed her.*

Kodiak: We have a couple of hours before I have to report for duty.

Penthesilea: That's really not enough time.

Kodiak: We will have all our lives, my lady. *Hand in hand, he led her back to the bedroom...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #65 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:05am
#4578  Penthesilea
Torao-Akio's Quarters

     *The old wizard stood up from his work. It had taken days but he had been able to trace the history of Black Lotus back to its first recorded appearance. It had been a time of great magickal turbulence and chaos. He would need to consult with his ancestral spirits -- but not now. He was exhausted, even with a large dose of his energy potion in him. He needed sleep -- and a bath. Sleep first, he decided, then the bath. Otherwise, he would likely drown in the tub and all his hard won knowledge would be wasted. Chuckling to himself over how quickly he had reverted to the ways of civilization, Torao-Akio sought his bed...*

« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2007 at 12:35am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #66 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:05am
#4579  Penthesilea

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*MoonCat was beginning to get discouraged and she knew that the others were feeling the same way. They'd skied. They'd shopped. They'd partied. All well and good. But they hadn't made a dent in their primary mission -- to obtain Black Lotus for study. They had about decided to pull up stakes and head further east. Maybe they'd have more luck in Imperial City..*

     *MoonCat, SpiritFire and Michael sat at a small table to one side of the dining room finishing their lunch and trying to decide whether to take the train to Imperial City and try their luck there. Suddenly, Michael's attention was drawn to a man that he hadn't seen before who was talking to one of their casual acquaintances. As he watched, he saw the man hand over a small envelope and get another one in return. His interest was piqued.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #67 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:06am

[Text to be added. Rewrite in progress.]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #68 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:07am
#4583  Penthesilea

     *It didn't take long with MoonCat, SpiritFire and Michael all observing to determine that the unknown man was a dealer. It took a bit longer to find out what he was dealing and where he was staying. He had set up shop in a rented house in a middle class section of the town. Once they knew that, MoonCat and SpiritFire began laying plans to raid the place, much to Michael's distress.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #69 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:08am
#4584   Penthesilea

Kodiak's Madridoor Apartment

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Kodiak roused a bit at dawn and heard Penthesilea singing softly to Apollo. He drifted back to sleep when she returned to bed. When he woke again she was gone but a very interesting smell was drifting past his nose. Breakfast? He pulled on his pants and went to investigate. He found her in his kitchen wearing one of his robes that was too big for her but did protect her from the hazards of cooking. I'm going to have to get her clothes moved here, he thought. She'd told him about her new apartment but he intended that she spend very little time there. The minute she locked her door behind her, he or one of her Divine relatives was going to bring her here -- where no one could easily find her. Apollo and Athena had agreed with him and it was settled. As he watched, she turned off the stove and began filling two plates.

Kodiak: What are you doing? *She gave him a wry look in response to his obvious question.*

Penthesilea: I'm making breakfast. I'm hungry and we can't very well go out. We aren't even supposed to know each other. If we want to have a meal together, I have to cook. Or you do.*She handed him his plate and headed for the table.*

Kodiak: How did you know what I like for breakfast? *The plate held his favorite breakfast. He followed her to the table. The smell reminded him that he was hungry too.*

Penthesilea: You obviously don't remember all those times we were the first ones to hit the Castle's breakfast buffet line. I paid attention to your choices and remembered what you liked. *Kodiak did remember those times. Mornings after long nights when they had kept each other company when neither of them could sleep.*

Kodiak: I remember those all nighters. *He took a bite, discovered that his lady could cook in addition to her other talents and proceeded to clean his plate in record time. Penthesilea gave strict attention to her food as well. Pushing the empty plate aside, he looked at her.* Why did you pay attention to what I ate? Not that I'm complaining. *Penthesilea looked down and Kodiak thought he saw a trace of a blush on her face. Penthesilea blushing?*

Penthesilea: I didn't think that I would ever get to spend the night with you but I thought, maybe someday, I might get to cook for you and I wanted to know what you liked to eat. *He reached over and lifted her chin so he could see her eyes.*

Kodiak: Even then, my dear?

Penthesilea: Even then. *Kodiak leaned over and kissed her.*

Kodiak: We have a couple of hours before I have to report for duty.

Penthesilea: That's really not enough time.

Kodiak: We will have all our lives, my lady. *Hand in hand, he led her back to the bedroom...*

     *Two hours was not enough but the lovers made the most of the time that they had. Kodiak left at the last minute by "stepping" so he wouldn't have to waste time traveling. Since she still had some time before she had to be at The Ages, Penthesilea cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, singing under her breath as she did so. Athena then came to take her to her apartment where she took a quick bath and changed clothes. She briefed Athena on the meeting with the Prince and his lady and then the Goddess took them both discreetly to The Ages, appearing just outside the stage door. As they walked toward her dressing room, Penthesilea noticed the assistant manager watching her....*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) We are going to need to keep an eye on the assistant manager. He needs to kidnap me for Keil.

Athena: (inspeaking) Don't worry. He won't grab you until and unless we want him too.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) What if he has Divine help?*Athena was silent for a moment.*

Athena: (inspeaking) Then we could have a problem.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) That's what I thought.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #70 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:09am
#4585  Penthesilea

*After a day of careful planning and observation, Michael, MoonCat and SpiritFire begin their move on the drug house... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #71 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:10am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #72 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:11am
#4587  Penthesilea

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Two hours was not enough but the lovers made the most of the time that they had. Kodiak left at the last minute by "stepping" so he wouldn't have to waste time traveling. Since she still had some time before she had to be at The Ages, Penthesilea cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, singing under her breath as she did so. Athena then came to take her to her apartment where she took a quick bath and changed clothes. She briefed Athena on the meeting with the Prince and his lady and then the Goddess took them both discreetly to The Ages, appearing just outside the stage door. As they walked toward her dressing room, Penthesilea noticed the assistant manager watching her....*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) We are going to need to keep an eye on the assistant manager. He needs to kidnap me for Keil.

Athena: (inspeaking) Don't worry. He won't grab you until and unless we want him too.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) What if he has Divine help?*Athena was silent for a moment.*

Athena: (inspeaking) Then we could have a problem.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) That's what I thought.

     *Penthesilea goes through the day watching the assistant manager watching her. The only thing that gets her through the nerve wracking day is the physical presence of her aunt and uncle and the mental presence of Kodiak in her head.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #73 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:12am
#4588  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*With a slight gesture, Sal stepped briefly between the worlds, coming out in the room she'd rented. She staggered - travel that way was draining - but it was temporary weakness.*

Interesting, *she said thoughtfully, considering what had happened* Very interesting how those two acted.

Sal had gotten up early the next day to keep watch on the warehouse. It was busily teeming with people, all trying to do their tasks without bumping into everyone else.

She found a good corner where she could listen, where a couple stacks of crates all but closed off a small area. It was practically invisible, and to get to her, someone would have to move a lot of crates, which would give her plenty of time to vanish.

Sal settled in to watch and wait. She wanted to try to get a little more information before she tried her hand at derailing this scheme.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4500 to 4799
Reply #74 - Oct 29th, 2006 at 2:14am
#4591  Penthesilea


Originally Posted by Penthesilea
     *It didn't take long with MoonCat, SpiritFire and Michael all observing to determine that the unknown man was a dealer. It took a bit longer to find out what he was dealing and where he was staying. He had set up shop in a rented house in a middle class section of the town. Once they knew that, MoonCat and SpiritFire began laying plans to raid the place, much to Michael's distress.....*

     *The team has considered and discarded several plans, including a frontal assault, before deciding on their course of action. The various odds and ends of technology that they had brought with them were Tech Level 14 while Winterhaven was Tech Level 10 -- so they decided that stealth was best.
     Michael was adamant that he accompany the girls so it was fortunate that they carried spares of the most vital equipment. They waited until four a. m. local time to make their move. They approached the house from the rear, slipping through backyards and over fences. The dealer was renting the house and had not made any modifications to the security system. It took MoonCat all of twenty seconds to disarm the motion sensors and they slipped silently up to the outside wall. Then they turned on their "ghostbelts" and walked through the wall. Intangible but still visible they split up once inside the house, looking for the room where the drugs were kept. Since their observations had told them that the dealer was selling more than just Black Lotus -- lots more and that meant that his supplies could not be easily hidden. The search of the downstairs turned up nothing but a couple of inattentive guards. They gathered at the bottom of the stairs and looked upward. The drugs were undoubtedly upstairs and so was the dealer and any other guards. Michael pulled a large handgun from his side and began the ascent with MoonCat behind him and SpiritFire in the rear.
     The first two rooms they checked were unoccupied sleeping rooms. The third was occupied but the people within were too busy to notice anyone slipping down the hallway! Finally, they found what they were looking for. Michael went first. A guard sitting with his back to the door dozed in a chair. Michael took him out without a sound and lowered the body to the floor so its falling would make no sound. MoonCat and SpiritFire went immediately to work and found the man's cache of Black Lotus.*

MoonCat: He has enough here to addict half the town! How much should we take?

SpiritFire: I'd like to take it all but we don't dare. If he's supplying established addicts they will die without it. *She did some quick calculations.* Half a pound should give us enough. *They quickly measured out the drug while Michael kept watch. They had just finished packing it up when all hell broke loose downstairs. Michael turned toward the girls, closing the door.*

Michael: It's the police! We've got to get out of here! *They could hear the police pounding up the stairs. Without hesitation, they bolted for the outside wall, passed through it and found themselves in midair over the backyard. They cut the power to the ghostbelts and dropped to the ground. They landed and ran, flipping on the belts as they ran through the neighborhood's fences. They finally reached their rented vehicle and climbed inside with their objective -- the half pound of Black Lotus that lay in MoonCat's lap.

     They returned to their lodging without incident for which Michael was quite grateful. The girls immediately set to work doing their preliminary analysis. Once that was done, the three of them packed up and checked out, pausing only long enough to check the news reports about a huge drug bust that had occurred that morning. Once they were in a suitable spot, they signaled the Castle for retrieval and were on their way home....*

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