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Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:54am
#4300  Penthesilea

The Temple of the Western Sea

*Kodiak is at the evening meal when he feels Penthesilea's happiness through the bloodbond and smiles....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #1 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:55am
#4301  Penthesilea

     *Back in her room at the Guild Hall, Penthesilea feels Kodiak's presence through the bloodbond. It is like he is standing behind her, holding her. She loses herself in the sensation for just a moment then she speaks to him through the inspeaking.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) I'm going out pub crawling to see what I can find out. I promise I'll stay out of trouble.

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Not even the power of a god could keep you out of trouble, my dear!

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) You know me SO well! I knew that there was a reason I love you. *And with her love chuckling in her ear, Penthesilea left the room...*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #2 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:56am
#4302  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea sat in a seedy dive drinking what the server thought was watered ale but what was, in reality thanks to Penthesilea's magick, an excellent root beer and doing her best not to laugh. Kodiak was checking up on her whenever his training permitted and he kept making choice remarks in her head.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) You are an evil man, making me laugh out loud in a place like this!
*She took a swallow from her mug to cover a smile.*

Kodiak: (inspeaking) The next time I see you I'll SHOW you how evil I can be! *The image he sent along was.... intriguing, to say the least.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Promises. Promises. *Was her tart response. His response was nonverbal and more than intriguing. She finished her drink and left before the fit of giggles hit..... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #3 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:57am
#4303  Penthesilea


     *Penthesilea spent most of the evening going in and out of drinking establishments of varying degrees of respectability and had gleaned one indisputable fact -- the people of Blackharbor were glad that Lord Reginald Leverence was dead. He was believed responsible for numerous disappearances of young women from the poorer quarters of the city. Since it was known that he did not favor women as "companions" the fate of those unfortunates was open to speculation.
     Now that Reginald was dead, his twin brother Ragnar was now Lord -- or would be as soon as the formalities were observed. Penthesilea hoped he would have more sense than his brother and not go seeking a foreign bride with red hair and a Castle! Even more, she hoped that his king would decide that trying to take the Keyholder's Castle was more trouble than it was worth!
     Penthesilea decided to call it a night. Her bed beckoned -- even if it was a bunk in the Guild Hall and empty to boot! She was almost to the Guild Hall when she heard it....the muffled scream of a woman. She went to investigate... *


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #4 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:57am
#4304   Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     *His day finally over, Kodiak headed for his room. Penthesilea was headed for bed as well and he intended for her to be in his head if she could not be in his arms. He entered his room and stopped. Ares was stretched out on Kodiak's bed. Before Kodiak could make the obvious observation that Penthesilea would be more welcome in that spot than her father, Ares tossed something to him. Kodiak caught it and looked. It was his ring, Penthesilea's gift. He looked at the god.

Ares: Keep it on you. Take it off when you spar if you have to but keep it on your body. If she needs you, you will have seconds to reach her and you won't have time to get the ring. *Ares swung his long legs off the bed.* The "stepping" you are learning won't be fast enough. *Kodiak slid the ring back onto his finger.*

Kodiak: Is there anything specific that I should know about?

Ares: I wish there was. The oracles are shifting -- all the oracles, not just ours. All we can be sure of it that she is in danger.

Kodiak: I'll be ready, sir. *Ares nodded and was gone.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #5 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:58am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #6 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 4:59am
#4306  Penthesilea

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Penthesilea spent most of the evening going in and out of drinking establishments of varying degrees of respectability and had gleaned one indisputable fact -- the people of Blackharbor were glad that Lord Reginald Leverence was dead. He was believed responsible for numerous disappearances of young women from the poorer quarters of the city. Since it was known that he did not favor women as "companions" the fate of those unfortunates was open to speculation.
Now that Reginald was dead, his twin brother Ragnar was now Lord -- or would be as soon as the formalities were observed. Penthesilea hoped he would have more sense than his brother and not go seeking a foreign bride with red hair and a Castle! Even more, she hoped that his king would decide that trying to take the Keyholder's Castle was more trouble than it was worth!
Penthesilea decided to call it a night. Her bed beckoned -- even if it was a bunk in the Guild Hall and empty to boot! She was almost to the Guild Hall when she heard it....the muffled scream of a woman. She went to investigate... *

     *She rose onto the balls of her feet and ran, making no sound, until she saw what she believed to be the source of the scream. Then stopped and ducked into shadow. Four men, two of them carrying a small bound and gagged figure, were moving down the deserted street opposite where Penthesilea stood. She triggered the release on the knife hidden under her left sleeve and it dropped into her hand even as she pulled a second knife from the sheath on her leg. The group was about to turn into an alley. With a quick prayer to Artemis she threw the right hand knife at the man in the lead and then the left hand one at the man bringing up the rear. The first knife found its mark in the back of the leading man's skull. He was dead before he began to fall. The second went into the rearguard's throat, nicking the carotid artery as it passed. He fell clutching his throat from which no sound could come. As the second knife left her hand, Penthesilea pulled her sword and charged without a sound. The battle, if one could call it that, was short and swift. The third man, carrying the victim's feet, was cut down before he knew that she was there. The fourth had only time enough to see Hellion plunge into his heart...
     Penthesilea was not quick enough to keep their victim from hitting the ground but was there an instant later, having pulled Hellion from the last man's chest. She pulled a third knife and began cutting the bindings from her ankles and wrists, finally pulling the gag from her mouth. Penthesilea could see that the girl was indeed a child, an early adolescent of maybe twelve years. She was also from a fairly well to do family. Most children in Blackharbor did not wear silk nightgowns! The little girl threw her arms around Penthesilea's neck and clung. Penth couldn't blame her and held her tightly.* It's alright. You're safe. Can you tell me your name? *The girl looked up at her.*

Glorianna: My name's Glorianna. I'm Lord Grissom's daughter.

Penthesilea: Well, my lady. We are fairly close to the Mercenary Guildhall. I'll take you there and the Guild Masters can send word to your father that you are safe. *The girl nodded and then averted her eyes as Penthesilea retrieved her knives. The local authorities would have to sort it out. Penthesilea shook her head. It was probably some dispute between noble houses, perhaps a plot to compromise the virtue of a young girl to force a marriage or some such nonsense. She cleaned her knives on the clothing of the dead and sheathed them. Then she led Glorianna away to the Guildhall.*
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« Last Edit: Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:06am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #7 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:00am
#4307  Penthesilea

*It was a busy couple of hours once Penthesilea arrived at the Guild Hall with her highborn charge. The civil authorities were notified and they arrived in due course. It took a little longer for Lord Grissom to arrive but not much. Lord Grissom strode into the hall and Glorianna ran into his arms. The Lord embraced his child with tears in his eyes and Penthesilea found that he approved of him. She could tell from his bearing that he was a military man and one that actually kept in shape. No fat nobleman he! Kodiak picked that time to chime in from the back of her head.*

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Like what you see? Should I be jealous, my dear?
*Penthesilea gave him the mental equivalent of a swat on the arm.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) No. You do not need to be jealous. When I climb into another man's bed -- THEN you need to be jealous! *Since they both knew how unlikely that was, Kodiak laughed.

Once he was done greeting his daughter, Lord Grissom turned to Penthesilea.*

Lord Grissom: Warlady, thank you for saving my child.

Penthesilea: You are welcome, my Lord.

Lord Grissom: There is no reward that I can offer that sufficiently expresses my gratitude so I ask you to take this. *He hands her a small medallion on a slender chain.* Keep this token as a symbol of my word. Any boon that is within my ability to grant is yours. *Penthesilea takes the token.*

Penthesilea: Thank you, my Lord. *Lord Grissom turns to the Guild Masters.*

Lord Grissom: I thank you for your hospitality to my daughter, Masters. I will take her home now. *The Lord and his escort left with Glorianna while Penthesilea led the authorities to where she'd left the bodies. They were still there and after being thoroughly questioned, Penthesilea was allowed to return to the Guild Hall and her bed -- which she fell into with extreme gratitude, asleep before she hit the pillow.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #8 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:01am
#4308  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     *In his room far to the North Kodiak lay down to take his own rest. His naked sword was beside him and his Lady's gift on his hand as he slept...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #9 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:02am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #10 - Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:02am
#4310  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     *Immediately upon arising, Kodiak sought out his Master and the temple's Elders. It was not customary for the temple's residents to go about their day armed but after hearing of Ares' visit to Kodiak, permission was granted for him to do so..... *

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« Last Edit: Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:03am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #11 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 1:35am
#4311  Penthesilea

     *Since it was entirely too early to go pub crawling, after she had eaten her breakfast at the Guild Hall, Penthesilea headed for the Market Quarter which was as good a source of information as the pubs. She did not immediately see the tall, lanky man who drifted from shadow to shadow, following her.... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #12 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 1:37am
#4312   Penthesilea


     *Penthesilea spotted her tail within five minutes of entering the market. He was good but she was better. She was pretty sure that the man was Wolfkin and she turned her mind to the reasons for his stalking of her. Daemon had done everything he could to protect her and the girls from the harsh realities of Wolfkin society but there were some things that could not be hidden. She had sworn, for instance, to foster his children. The Wolfkin seldom raised their own children since they were easy targets in a dispute between Clans. The Wolfkin, sadly, were just like humans in that regard. Over and above clan politics was the simple fact that a man of honor like Daemon made enemies and what better way to strike at his heart than by killing the sister that he loved? And a Wolfkin would consider a human, even a sorceress as powerful as the Keyholder, easy meat. A Wolfkin could kill her, no question. Their fondness for taking heads was legend but Penthesilea had fought Wolfkin before meeting Daemon and what she had not already known about fighting them, he had taught her and her girls. The two of them had also made a few mutual enemies on their last job together. Daemon had been the Chief of Security. She had been his assistant and they had been, perhaps, too good at their jobs. The city and castle that they had guarded had fallen at last but not before they had exacted an appalling price from those who wished to take it. Penthesilea stopped at a food stall and purchased a snack to eat while she considered the possibilities.... *
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:52pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #13 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 1:38am
#4313  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea was brushing the crumbs off of her shirt when she felt Kodiak at the edge of her awareness, "watching" for want of a better word.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Morning, beloved.
*She looked for her stalker and didn't see him. Since it was unlikely that he had drifted off, she decided to stay in very public areas at least until she had him spotted again.*

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Good morning, my dear. Is anything wrong? *She could hear the concern in his mindvoice.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) I'm not sure yet. I'm being followed by a Wolfkin. It could be something, it could be nothing.

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Should I come? *Penthesilea smiled.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) As much as I want you with me, you need to finish your training. I don't think I'm in immediate danger. I'll take every precaution, I promise. I've finished the business part of the trip so I can leave the city at a moment's notice if I need to. *She started wandering toward the livestock market.* What I'm really looking for now is a horse.

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Didn't your father give you a horse for your birthday?

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) He certainly did and a handsome stud he is too. And he needs a lady or two or three which I am looking to provide for him. I might as well look at what's available while I'm here. *Kodiak laughed in spite of himself. His lady was a practical little thing!*

Kodiak: (inspeaking) I have a lesson shortly. Be careful, my Lady.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) I will, my love. *She felt him pull away but remain at the back of her awareness. She hoped that it wouldn't interfere with his training. She didn't want anything to interfere with his training. The sooner he was released, the sooner that they could be together. With that happy thought tucked away, she continued to watch for her stalker as she walked to the horse market.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #14 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 1:58am
#4314  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     *Kodiak stood before the three Elders who were his teachers in the Mind Arts. They had been working with him individually now they stood facing him together. His Master stood to one side.*

Master: You have one task. Do not move until I tell you to. *Kodiak nodded and the lesson began. They began verbally, telling him to move, to scratch his nose, to shift his weight. They asked, they cajoled, they commanded. He did not move. Then they used mindvoice. He heard them in his head as previously he had only heard his Lady. Telling him, commanding him, to move. He did not move. Then they used both, screaming in his head and his ears, demanding that he move. He did not move. Sweat poured down his face as he struggled not to move. He thought of his Lady and he did not move. Finally, he heard his Master's voice....

Master: Enough! *The noise stopped. Kodiak did not move. His Master stepped into his line of sight.* You have done yourself and your Lady proud. You may move. *Kodiak relaxed...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #15 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:00am
#4315  Penthesilea
Meanwhile, back at the Castle.....

     *Miranda left the tower that held her apartment and headed across the Courtyard. She had arranged for a cart and driver to take her to Crowhaven. A page had brought a message from Penthesilea just before Miranda had left her rooms. "Sapphire blue for MoonCat," it had read "and Royal purple for SpiritFire. And, of course, black for my Lord!" Miranda could hear Penthesilea's happy laughter in the writing and smiled. Miranda remembered how frightened Penthesilea had been at the prospect that her former owner (that was how Miranda thought of him) had found her. Miranda knew with unswerving certainly that if that vile creature made his presence known now, the Darklord would hunt him down and kill him like the filthy thing that he was! That knowledge gave her a deep sense of satisfaction and she laughed at the change in herself!

Sir Alexander: Happy, my love? *Miranda turned, startled. Sir Alex was behind her, mounted on his horse.*

Miranda: Very, my Lord. Are you going out on patrol?

Sir Alexander: No. I have the pleasure of escorting you into Crowhaven. The Lady's orders, my love. I can't disobey. *Miranda smiled.*

Miranda: The Lady will have her way!

Sir Alexander: Only if it causes no harm. She is a kind and gentle lady, my love. She only fights when she has to.

Miranda: I know. I've seen both sides of her. ( pause) We'd best be going then. It is a bit of a ride to Crowhaven and we can go no faster than the cart. *She started to climb into the cart. Sir Alexander would have none of it! He reached down, scooped her up in one arm and deposited her on the saddle in front of him.*

Sir Alexander: If I am to guard you, my heart, I must have you close at hand. Don't you agree? *Miranda smiled as shivers went up her spine...*

Miranda: Of course, my lord. Of course.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #16 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:02am
#4317   Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea made it to the horse market without incident and was soon happily inspecting the horses being offered for sale. It did not take long for her stalker to show up. If she could have done it safely, she would have confronted him. She was in disguise and far from home. Was he following the Keyholder Penthesilea or the ordinary Amazon that she pretended to be? Was he following her because of her involvement with Lord Grissom or for some other reason? So many questions and no safe way to get answers! Penthesilea moved on to inspect another mare all the while watching her watcher.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #17 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:03am
#4318  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea made sure to be back at the Guild Hall before nightfall. The Wolfkin had dogged her every step the entire day and she was beginning to worry. She had not found a suitable horse at the horse market and so she was thinking of quitting town without notice. There were interesting currents flowing in Blackharbor and she needed to know more but she couldn't snoop effectively with a werewolf on her heels. She would speak to her Spy Master and get some of their people moved into Blackharbor. She ate an early dinner, packed up her gear and checked out. She left the Guild Hall and spotted her stalker at the entrance to an alley across the street and a few doors down. She walked in the opposite direction and stole a quick glance backwards, he was following. She smiled and prepared the spell as she turned into a shadowed alley. Once she was in the dark, she triggered the transport spell and was gone. A moment later, the Wolfkin followed and howled his frustration at the suddenly terminated trail.... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #18 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:04am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #19 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:05am
#4320   Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bathing Room

*Penthesilea, immediately upon arriving in her bedroom, headed for the bathing room. She filled the sunken tub and all but dove in. She heard Kodiak chuckle in the back of her mind.

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Hedonist.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Pot calling the kettle! I KNOW your reputation, Beloved. Every time you jumped into the hot tub with that little sow, I knew about it -- by rumor the next day if nothing else! The little tart had not been shy about bragging about how she had lured the Darklord to her bed and Penthesilea ground her teeth in rage every time she thought about how her Lord had been deceived by the wench.

Kodiak: (inspeaking) *Laughing* Busted!

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) You betcha! So, my beloved Darklord. Do not begrudge me MY bath -- especially when I'm taking it alone! *He laughed in her head then and made a promise that made her laugh in turn -- and anticipate his return even more...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #20 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:07am
#4323  Penthesilea
     *While Penthesilea relaxed in her bubble bath and traded double entendres with Kodiak, Tora-Akio, MoonCat and SpiritFire were hard at work in MoonCat's lab.... *

MoonCat: Tora-Akio! Come look at this! *The old wizard approached the apparatus cautiously. He had developed a great admiration for the Keyholder's daughters over the last few days. They were gifted in magick, even little MoonCat who had barely touched her potential, but some of the high tech methods they used unnerved him. As soon as he was in range, MoonCat grabbed him and pulled him toward the eyepieces that she had been just peering through. Not knowing what to expect, he looked. What he saw was a mass of tiny dots swirling in a reddish liquid.*

Tora-Akio: I'm seeing what, exactly?

MoonCat: What you are seeing is the best in high tech, nanotechological killing!

Tora-Akio: In Standard, child. *MoonCat grinned sheepishly at the admonishment. She liked the old wizard.*

MoonCat: It is a bullet designed to kill even if it is removed. Those little wiggly things are released into the target's body once the bullet enters. Left untreated, they would multiply and kill an ordinary person in days. Fortunately, Daemon isn't ordinary -- but if these things had stayed in him much longer he would have died. *MoonCat shied away from considering that possibility. A world without her uncle was simply not something to be thought on!*

Tora-Akio: What can we do?

MoonCat: We'll make our own nanobots programmed to attack these. *She indicated the apparatus with the tiny killers inside.* We'll make them self replicating and self sustaining. Daemon will be immune to this particular death!

FireSpirit: Unfortunately, they will have to be taken orally, the 'bots are absorbed through the digestive tract, and the carrier solution is ... unpalatable to say the least. *At Tora-Akio's inquiring look, she elaborated.* According to those who have taken it, it smells like a sewer and tastes worse. Tora-Akio smiled.*

Tora-Akio: Sounds no worse that some of the things I've made him drink! *They laughed and set to work.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:58pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #21 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:08am
#4324  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Office

     *Ares sat behind Penthesilea's desk trying really hard not to kill his daughter's Castle Guard Commander. The man was an officious snob. He was also the best man currently available for the job. Ares was working on changing that, especially since he had learned that many of the Guard were more loyal to their Commander than they were to the Castle's Lady. The heavy losses that the Guard had taken in the attack gave Ares the opportunity to move people of his choosing into Penthesilea's service. The man was trying to block him but Ares was having none of it. The Guardsmen whose loyalty was to the Commander and not to the Lady had been noted by the Spy Master and Ares and were on the way out as soon as Ares could get their replacements ready. The man that he had picked as the new Guard Commander would be on his way as soon as his current obligation was finished. Ares had only to wait. At the moment, the Commander was railing about MoonCat. She had been planting harmless, if messy, booby traps around the Castle. They had been going off randomly and the Commander failed to see the humor -- which didn't surprise Ares in the slightest. His granddaughter had a sense of humor he could appreciate. Having the showerhead in the Commander's shower spray him with hot pink permanent dye was inspired! The man finally ran out of words and Ares speared him with his best "dark" look.

Lord Duncan/Ares: This Castle is MoonCat's home. Her pranks do no harm. I suggest, strongly, that you consider her booby traps as a training exercise: Security has been breached and multiple bombs have been placed around the Castle. Find them before they explode. *Ares smiled.* Anything else? *His tone suggested that there had better not be.*

Mercatante: No, sir. *Ares dismissed him and Mercatante left, seething. When he took his place as Penthesilea's lord and master that daughter of hers would be locked up and her sister married off to whomever would pay the most! Then he would breed worthy heirs on her! As for Lord Duncan -- Mercatante savored how pleasant it would be to kill him...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #22 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:10am
#4327  Penthesilea
MoonCat's Lab

SpiritFire: These nanobots are really ingenious. I've put a "Magick suppress field" around them and they go dormant. When I remove the field, they activate again. The bots are in the hollowed out slug. The hole is plugged with a substance that dissolves in blood. A person in a "No Tech" area could be shot by one of these, be infected and not know it. Then he goes into a tech friendly area, the bots start multiplying and "poof" he falls over dead...

*SpiritFire's observation came as they finished up the brew that would make Daemon immune to this new way to kill. The dose was about a pint and they had sealed it in a wide mouthed glass jar with a rubber gasket seal and clamp of the kind used for food preservation. He could drink it straight from the jar. It also contained the smell!*

MoonCat: Ours will do the same thing. I used one of the "killer" bots, reprogrammed it and let it multiply. It's a good thing that I was able to get blood from the blood bank as a culture medium or we'd have to reprogram millions of the things. I don't think that we have that kind of time. *The door opened and Penthesilea walked in. She greeted her daughters through the inspeaking then switched to the spoken word for Tora-Akio's benefit.*

Penthesilea: We probably do not. I was stalked by a Wolfkin while in Blackharbor. *The next few minutes were spend in exchanging information. When they had finished, Penthesilea frowned in thought. *We will need to get this to Daemon as quickly as we can. We will also need a supply of the antidote for ourselves. Every shapeshifter that takes service with me is to be dosed. Unpleasant for them but necessary. And *she looked toward the small beaker that held the killer nanobots * keep the originals at hand. I don't want to use such a weapon but if our backs are to the wall, we may not have a choice.

Tora-Akio: Is it that bad, my Lady?

Penthesilea: It could get that bad and I will take no chances! Is Daemon's dose ready? *Upon receiving the assurance that it was, Penthesilea took the jar.* I'll take this up to my workroom and teleport it from a Circle as soon as I get the word.* What Penthesilea did not say was that she had no intention of scrying for Daemon and Satira -- lest she see more than she should!* Get started culturing enough of this for any Wolfkin we may need to dose. *The girls nodded and went to work. Tora-Akio walked Penthesilea to the door.*

Tora-Akio: You are worried.

Penthesilea: I am. We are playing catch up and I don't know how far behind we are. *She then left the lab and Tora-Akio went back to observe the new way of doing magick that girls were using while thinking about how to best even the odds.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 7:02pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #23 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:12am
#4328  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Magickal Workroom

     *After she had cast as tight and secure a circle as she could, Penthesilea contacted Daemon through the inspeaking. Once assured that she was not interrupting anything, Penthesilea conjured a small mirror into a transport circle and carefully lowered the jar through it and onto a table in the room where Daemon and Satira sat. Then, with a little wave, she withdrew her hand and collapsed the spell. She hoped that such a tiny use of magick would go unnoticed. She knew that Satira would have their quarters shielded like a major temple but Penthesilea was in no mood to take chances!

Come cuddle!
Penthesilea looked. The Black Huntress stood outside the circle, her amber-gold eyes glowing and her tail switching slowly side to side. Penthesilea smiled.*

Penthesilea: That sounds like a very good idea. *She rose from the floor and began to dismantle her Circle.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 7:04pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4300 to 4399
Reply #24 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 2:14am

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