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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #25 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:06pm
#4231  Penthesilea
The Great Hall

     The Hall was full when Penthesilea arrived. She had elected to wear her Amazon dress armor over black leathers. It was a look her people would become accustomed to. She looked out over the Hall as she took her seat in the Keyholder's Seat. Most of those most loyal to her were there. Lord Kennicott was standing with a small clot of hangers on near the front. She wanted to kill him so badly but...Daemon and Kodiak had dibs. They would have to decide how to parcel him out. Kennicott was watching her closely and she saw the look on his face when he realized that she was wearing an engagement ring on her hand. She smiled inwardly. Sir Alexander signaled for silence. He didn't need to shout. Everyone was waiting for what she would say.

Penthesilea: Most of you were present in this Hall some weeks ago when I declared that I would take no consort and gave the Consort Band of my House to one who vowed to guard my Line with his life in the event of my death. Circumstances have changed since that night. *She rested her left hand on the pillar beside her seat that was the Key to the Keyholder's power. She felt it warm with power under her hand.* Be it known to all who have sworn to me that from this moment forward, the Darklord Kodiak is my Consort and Champion! He shall sit beside me, his hand over mine upon the Stone Pillar, all the days of his life! I declare this as Keyholder and of my own will!* She fixed the outraged Kennicott with an icy glare.* Lord Kennicott. Negotiations are at an end. You will leave my lands immediately or be put to the sword! Your plans have not escaped my attention and be advised that if I, my brother or my Champion ever lay eyes on you again, your life is forfeit! *Kennicott made to move forward only to be stopped by the sword in Sir Kevin's hand. Penthesilea sneered.* I sent Leverance's head home in a basket, Kennicott. Do you think for a moment I would not do the same to you? *Kennicott said nothing.* I thought not. Tell your king and his allies that if they want treaties with me they will have to deal with me as with another man. My body and those of my daughters are not for sale! Pack up your people! You and they will be taken by air transport to the border of your kingdom. Guards! Escort Lord Kennicott back to his camp. He has to pack! *The guards hastened to do her bidding and cheer erupted as the interlopers were escorted from the Hall. Penthesilea then addressed her people alone.* I know that many of you do not trust the Darklord. Many of you have not forgiven him from leaving that day. I understand, as I hope you eventually will, that he thought what he did was for my good. He loved me enough to leave me because he thought I deserved more than he could give. *She smiled.* He was wrong, of course. He is exactly what I deserve! *Penth heard the scattered laughter.* I am happier than I have ever been. My father has given his blessing to the union. I hope you will as well. *A voice shouted the obvious question from the crowd.*

Voice: When's the handfasting? *Penthesilea laughed.*

Penthesilea: There will be one, I promise! I'm just not sure when. There will have to be a party and games and feasts and he should be here, so probably not for a while yet. *Somewhere in the crowd, clapping started. Then cheering and soon everyone in the room was cheering and clapping. Rising from her Seat, crying tears of happiness, Penthesilea went among her people to accept their congratulations.....*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:10pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #26 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:07pm
#4234  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Office

*Penthesilea was deep in paperwork when Hypatia arrived.*

Hypatia: I guess my work here is done. I'm gonna miss you, honey.

Penthesilea: I've still got work for you if you want it.

Hypatia: Go on.

Penthesilea: I want to open treaty talks with Chandara. If I'm going to be a Queen, and it looks like I am, I need alliances. Preferably those that do not require me or my daughters to prostitute ourselves. My Castle guards the River of Lost Dreams, that makes it important to Chandara which sits at the other end. Between us, we should control the entire length. *Hypatia thinks.*

Hypatia: I'll put together a draft proposal and have it ready for your week?

Penthesilea: That will be fine. *Hypatia went off to her office, her brain already working on the details. Penthesilea's song had touched her. She was not yet formally sworn to Penthesilea but she was hers.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #27 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:08pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #28 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:09pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #29 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:10pm
#4237  Penthesilea

The Temple of the Western Sea

     The Darklord and his Master took one last step and stood on a beach lit by the setting sun. Before them was a cliff face that thrust up into the clouds. They stood at the westernmost end of the Cold Heights Mountain Range. Kodiak looked around, wondering where they would go next. Then he saw it. A broad staircase cut out of the cliff that went up... and up and......up, until it vanished into the sky. Kodiak was almost afraid to ask.

Kodiak: Where do we go now, Master? *Master looked at the younger man and smiled.*

Master: We go up. Kodiak. We go up.

Kodiak: (with a sigh) I was afraid of that. *Kodiak settled his pack more firmly and followed his Master into the sky.*

[If you have seen the movie Mortal Kombat, you know were the Darklord is headed. This temple is just like that one but without the creepy statues and unpleasant "people". Have a nice hike, Darklord!]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #30 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:12pm
#4238  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Office

     Penthesilea sat quietly at her desk. The final casualty list was in. A third of the Castle Guard had been killed in the attack and three knights. Nine members of Lord Kennicott's retinue were also dead -- six of them dead from what appeared to be a mountain lion attack. She did not mourn those. The others, however, she mourned. They would have to reopen the cemetery and they would need stone masons to carve the monuments.... She allowed herself a few moments to cry for the dead. She would see if there were any stone masons among the dwarves in the Cold Heights dwarven communities who would care to resettle close enough for regular commerce. Another thought ran through her head. She should see about alliances with the dwarves. And the elven communities in the forest to the southwest.
     She reached gently for her brother and was rebuffed. Part of him did not wish her to witness this part of him. Another part of him did not care. But together they were agreed and they shut her out. In her heart, Penthesilea grieved for her brother as well.
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 11:25pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #31 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:13pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #32 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:14pm
#4240  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

*Penthesilea had moved to her study in the tower. What she had to do now was best done away from prying eyes. On the desk before her was a large glass bowl holding about 5 quarts of river rocks, none smaller than the nail on her little finger and none larger than her thumb. To one side was a row of empty glass bowls. She selected a rock and studied it.* Cut or uncut? (pause) Uncut brings more. *That decided, she concentrated on the rock and cast the spell called "Small Changes." The ordinary rock in her hand turned into a flawless uncut diamond. She dropped it into one of the smaller bowls and picked up another rock. A moment later, an uncut ruby was placed in the next empty bowl. It was followed by an emerald, then a sapphire, then an amethyst, then a golden topaz. She would work until her concentration began to falter then take the task up again when she was rested. It would probably take a few days to convert this much rock into gemstones. Once that was done, she would have to plan a selling trip. A covert one. No one could know that the Keyholder Penthesilea was accumulating a large amount of foreign gold.
     She could have simply changed the stones to gold nuggets, as she had done for Lord Cujon, but that would, eventually, have devalued gold which all of the economies on the planet used as their currency or as the backing for it. A sudden glut of gold would cause suspicion and investigation. She didn't need that. Gemstones on the other hand would not cause that problem, especially if she was careful to sell them in more than one market! Casting a "spellbreaker" spell on the stones would have no effect so it was entirely honest to sell them to a gem dealer.
     The small bowls were about half full when Penthesilea's concentration began to falter. She locked the gemstones in her safe and put the bowl of river rock on a side table like a decoration. Then she went down to the Dining Hall looking for something to eat. *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #33 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:15pm
#4241   Penthesilea
The New Military Compound

     Penthesilea was munching a thick ham and cheese sandwich as she strode across the compound. The army was back and as she and the Lord Marshall had agreed, the troops were being tested on high tech weapons. The only difference was it was no longer necessary to work in secret. That was going to speed things up considerably. What also gladdened Penthesilea's heart was that with the interlopers gone, the Nightkind that had gone into hiding were coming out. The estate had never been home to demon vampires but others, those infected with the Living Vampire Virus and others infected by other means but not evil, had found a refuge under her protection. There were some civilizations on the planet that knew what a virus was and that being infected didn't necessarily make you evil. Others, however, were not nearly so enlightened and those who were found to be infected were frequently killed. People like her beloved. People like her for she now considered herself to be one of them, even if a medical test would show no virus in her blood. Kodiak had requested that the refuge that he had established for the Nightkind be moved to the protection of her Castle. The space was ready and the gremlins assigned to the job had reconfigured all the portals that led to original location so that they would automatically transport (by magic or technology as needed) anyone who entered the old location to the new one. All that was needed was her. She nodded to the onsite transporter technicians and disappeared. She returned a few moments later to report that the club was deserted. The transporter was activated and the Night Club appeared in the place provided for it -- in lower floors of the southeast corner tower of the military compound...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #34 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:16pm
#4242  Penthesilea
The Field of Honored Dead -- The Castle's Military Cemetery

     Penthesilea walked in the funeral procession for the first six of the fallen to be buried. These fallen warriors had listed no next of kin so, as was the custom of her House, Penthesilea took the place of First Mourner. Torao-Akio walked beside her.*

Torao-Akio: (whisper) The dimtwit?

Penthesilea: (whisper) He still rages. I dare not go near him until the rage is spent.

Torao-Akio: (whisper) You would be safe.

Penthesilea: (whisper) Not according to him. He told me, after he accepted that I was his sister, about the Rage. He told me that if he ever fell victim to it, as he has now, I was not to approach him until the Rage had passed because he might not recognize me or he might know me -- and not care. In the Rage he could kill me and not care -- until later. *The wizard fell silent as they walked to the burying ground.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:15pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #35 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:17pm
#4243  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     If Kodiak thought that he was going to get a chance to catch his breath, he was mistaken. He was given time to stow his gear and change clothes and then was led by a novice to one of the many training rooms in the temple. There his Master along with several other men and women waited for him but what caught Kodiak's attention was a standard fighting ring surrounded with metal mesh to a height of 10 feet. Inside the ring was the largest human being he had ever seen. He was a full foot taller than Kodiak and probably close to a hundred pounds heavier.* This is not good. *Kodiak thought as he bowed respectfully to his Master and the others.*

Master: This is your first opponent. Try not to die. Your Lady would never forgive me.

*Kodiak climbed into the ring and sized up his opponent. The bell rang....*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #36 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:18pm
#4244  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     Kodiak winced as the Healer worked on his black eye. The bout had been stopped after five rounds. Kodiak hadn't "won" in that his opponent was out cold but he was still standing and the man mountain that he'd been pounding on looked at least as bad as he did. He took satisfaction in that. He thought of Penthesilea and how she had always reacted when he came staggering into the Castle in some state of damage and, despite the pain it caused him, he smiled. His Master walked up to him.*

Master: You're smiling?

Kodiak: I was thinking of what my Lady would say to see me in this condition.

Master: And that would be?

Kodiak: She would scold me for coming home in such a state. And then she'd patch me up. *He winced again as the Healer hit a tender spot. Being a demigod had not eliminated pain from his experience but he did notice that he was healing much faster.* Her healing spells hit like a shot of 100 proof.

Master: You have impressed the Masters here with your fighting skills. When you are sufficiently repaired, we will test the skills of the mind and heart.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #37 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:19pm
#4245  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     It had been a long exhausting day. Penthesilea still worried about her brother but there was nothing she could do for him now. Her father had invoked his parental rights and ordered her to bed. She had dealt with enough today. Penthesilea did not argue. She prepared for bed and climbed into it with her cats for company. She had never noticed how large the bed was until Kodiak was not there to share it with her. She slid down under the covers and pulled his pillow into her arms. It was a poor substitute for the hard muscles of his chest and there was no heartbeat to listen to but it was something she could hug. As she drifted off, she reached for him through the bond. She felt on her lips the whisper of a kiss and heard in her soul -- goodnight, my little one....... Then she smiled and slept.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:17pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #38 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:20pm
#4246  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     After wishing his Lady a "good night" and suppressing the sincere desire to be beside her, Kodiak went on to the next stage of testing. Basically, he was required to make someone do something that they did not wish to. The test subjects ran the gamut - those who knew they were involved in a test and those who did not. The strong willed and those whose wills were not as strong. Those into whose eyes he could look and those whose eyes he couldn't see. Once the Masters were satisfied, Kodiak became the test subject as various people with gifts similar to his worked to influence him. He frequently found himself singing silly songs, skipping across the room and doing other harmless but embarrassing things that proved to him that his mind was not his own. When he considered the ease with which his mind had been influenced, he grew cold. He thought of his peacefully sleeping Lady, who trusted him absolutely, and what damage he could do to her under another's orders. He understood that no matter how much he loved her, he could be made to betray her, even kill her, by someone with a strong enough mind. His resolve hardened...
Those testing him felt it when he realized the danger he posed to his Lady and were pleased.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #39 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:23pm
#4247  Penthesilea
The Dining Hall

     Penthesilea ate her breakfast with a notepad and pen by her plate. Between bites, she was making a "To Do" list because otherwise only the most urgent "screaming in your face" tasks were going to get done. And there were a few things that were going to be needed down the road and were going to take time to get right. The first item on her list was: Handfasting dress -- see Miranda. Penthesilea smiled. Under the circumstances, someone might think that being concerned with a handfasting gown was irresponsible to the point of insanity but she needed to think about it. It gave her a few minutes of respite from thinking about blood and death and people trying to kill her. She called for a page and sent the child with a note for Miranda. She knew that Sir Alexander was on duty so the child's arrival wouldn't interrupt anything! Penthesilea smiled again....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #40 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:23pm
#4248  Penthesilea
MoonCat's Lab

*The first stop of the day was MoonCat's lab in the family tower. Penthesilea walked into the lab in time to see MoonCat and SpiritFire in conference over a mobile unit that wasn't wearing skin.*

Penthesilea: Morning, daughters.

SpiritFire: Morning, Mother. *She stepped back so Penthesilea could see the unit.* What do you think? *Penthesilea examined the woman-seeming robot closely.*

Penthesilea: It's good work but it won't be of much use in a Magick Only area.

MoonCat: We've thought of that. *MoonCat handed her mother a small scroll of paper. Penthesilea unrolled it and read it. She looked up and smiled.*

Penthesilea: A metal Golem? *She handed the paper back.* That's brilliant! *MoonCat nodded happily.*

SpiritFire: The spell is written to cut in if the unit finds itself in a Magick Only area. We don't intend for this unit to leave the Castle but *she shrugged* stuff happens.

Penthesilea: I've been meaning to ask. Why two units?

MoonCat: I couldn't decide which you needed more: a bodyguard or an estate manager. So I made one of each. *She directed her mother's attention to another table where another unit -- which with its skin on looked like a naked woman -- lay with a programming headset on her head. It was obvious to Penthesilea that her daughter had used her body as the model for this unit. The facial features were different and the hair was short and blonde but all the other particulars were pure Penthesilea.* This unit is being downloaded as a bodyguard. The other one will be the estate manager. Ashera will control both of them. Different facets of her personality will be used as the core personalities so no one should notice any similarity. *Penthesilea was beginning to get an idea.*

Penthesilea: Ashera, program the bodyguard for covert operations too, please.

Ashera: Acknowledged. Full covert ops package added to download.

MoonCat: Mom, what are you thinking? * Ever obliging, Penthesilea told her.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #41 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:25pm
#4249  Penthesilea
The Field of Honored Dead -- The Castle's Military Cemetery

     Penthesilea once again put on mourning and escorted by Lord Duncan made the walk to the cemetery behind three coffins...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #42 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:26pm
#4250  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

     Needing to get the job done, Penthesilea pulled out the bowls of gemstones and the river rocks and went back to transforming rocks into precious gems. The minute she was free to go, she had to start raising money. The only thing keeping her from that task now was Daemon. He was not yet safe to approach and she would not leave him to suffer alone once the Rage had passed. *
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:07pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #43 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:27pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #44 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:28pm
#4252  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

*Penthesilea had worked on the stones until she couldn't concentrate any more. She had left the desk and sat in a reading chair next to the fireplace. She closed her eyes and let herself drift......*

Eris: (inspeaking) He is restored, niece!
*Penthesilea knew immediately who the Goddess meant.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) How? Should I go to him?

Eris: (inspeaking) No. His love is with him. He does not need his sister now.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Which is as it should be. Thank you for watching over him.

Eris: (inspeaking) My pleasure, child. *And the Goddess was gone..*

« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 11:32pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #45 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:29pm
#4253  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

     Penthesilea was just pulling herself out of her doze when she heard two pairs of feet thundering toward the study. MoonCat and SpiritFire ran to her. They, too, had received Eris’s message and the three of them huddled together on the study floor and cried with relief....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #46 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:29pm
#4254  Penthesilea
     When their tears were spent, MoonCat and SpiritFire returned to the lab. Now that Daemon was being cared for, Penthesilea would soon need to put her plan into action and the two mobile units would be needed. Penthesilea went back to changing stones.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:08pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #47 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:30pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #48 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:31pm
#4256  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Magickal Workroom

*Penthesilea was in the center of the pentacle inlaid in her workroom floor. She was expecting Daemon's message and wanted to be in as secure a place as she could manage when it came. She replied.*

Penthesilea:  (inspeaking) Understood. I'll get Torao-Akio right on it. He doesn't smell anymore -- unless you count soap -- and he is now the official Court Wizard. Things have been happening here that you don't need to worry about right now. Everything is as under control as it is going to get. The only important thing --Kennicott is gone. I kicked the whole bunch of them out.  I expect trouble in the spring if not before. I'll tell the Lord Marshall only that you have gone to ground but not where. I'm sure our enemy, whoever it is, knows or will know soon that you didn't stay insane. I will continue to act as if you are both lost. It may buy time.

*Penthesilea could think of nothing more that needed saying and released the link. She turned her attention to the possibility of a spy in her household. Her thoughts grew cold and furious.*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:10pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #49 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:32pm
#4257  Penthesilea
MoonCat's Lab

*Penthesilea entered the lab and walked toward the voices she heard in the back. She rounded a large incomprehensible machine and saw her daughters standing with what appeared to be two women. One of them was the "Penthesilea" model with short blonde hair that Penthesilea had seen previously. The other was the same height and weight but with brown hair done up in a bun and hazel eyes. Her features were completely forgettable, pleasant enough to look at but nothing to turn heads or stop traffic.*

MoonCat: Ashera One and Ashera Two are ready for duty, Mother.

Penthesilea: Has Ashera picked names for them yet?

Ashera: Working on it. I still have some fine tuning to do on their programming.

Penthesilea: I've heard from Daemon. *Penthesilea then tells her daughters everything.* We need to act as if Daemon and Satira are still lost. It is also a good bet that we have a mole. All things considered, it is probably someone high up enough to get information not available easily.

SpiritFire: What do you need us to do?

Penthesilea: (to MoonCat) I know it's hard, darling, but I need you to fake one of your "spells". I know that the therapy has really helped but a reversion to that behavior could catch whoever it is off guard.

MoonCat: The doctor at the University said that she thought that the Castle healed me. I haven't had a bad episode since shortly after we came here and my mental scans came back almost normal.

Penthesilea: That is the best news I've ever had. *Hugs MoonCat.* So, do you remember how to build a kimchee booby trap?

MoonCat: Can a fish swim? *Rubs her hands together.* You kicked Kennicott out too soon.....

*Penthesilea smiled. By morning, the Castle would be positive that MoonCat was once again a raving, but harmless, loonie and she would be able to roam the Castle unheeded.....*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:12pm by Penthesilea »  

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