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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #50 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:32pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #51 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:33pm
#4259  Penthesilea
Penthesilea: I wanted to kill Kennicott. The Gods know I wanted to! But I figured that you and Kodiak had first dibs. Of course, if I see him again before you do -- he's mine and you can resurrect him if you want to kill him! I've passed the slugs onto Tora-Akio. He's working on them and SpiritFire and MoonCat are helping. I'll keep you informed of their progress. I'm going to be leaving the Castle, secretly, in a few days. I'm going to be selling gems to raise money. We need a bigger army and they need to be paid. I'll be pulling gold from our enemies on the Coast and having it reminted into our own coinage. I'll be using one of my old identities so don't worry about my being recognized.
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:14pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #52 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:34pm
#4260  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*After wishing his Lady a "good night" and suppressing the sincere desire to be beside her, Kodiak went on to the next stage of testing. Basically, he was required to make someone do something that they did not wish to. The test subjects ran the gamut - those who knew they were involved in a test and those who did not. The strong willed and those whose wills were not as strong. Those into whose eyes he could look and those whose eyes he couldn't see. Once the Masters were satisfied, Kodiak became the test subject as various people with gifts similar to his worked to influence him. He frequently found himself singing silly songs, skipping across the room and doing other harmless but embarrassing things that proved to him that his mind was not his own. When he considered the ease with which his mind had been influenced, he grew cold. He thought of his peacefully sleeping Lady, who trusted him absolutely, and what damage he could do to her under another's orders. He understood that no matter how much he loved her, he could be made to betray her, even kill her, by someone with a strong enough mind. His resolve hardened...
Those testing him felt it when he realized the danger he posed to his Lady and were pleased.*

*Once they knew the limits of Kodiak's new powers, the two teachers that his Master had thought could teach him consulted together and then called in the third on the Master's list. It would take all three of them to train him. He was already more powerful than any student that they had ever taught and his powers could be expected to expand for some time, He was, after all, a newborn demigod. He also needed physical and spiritual training. So, while Kodiak finally sought his bed the elders of the Temple worked late into the night designing the training that he would need..... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #53 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:35pm
#4261  Penthesilea

*After she'd "hung up" from her conversation with Daemon, Penthesilea thought of someone else who needed to the be told that he was alive and on the mend -- the gremlins.
She activated her scrying mirror and looked into the caverns. When she spotted a clear spot on the floor, she concentrated on it and chanted her "Look Before You Leap" spell.

Heart's Blood! Life's Fire!
Of the Journey, never tire!
Shining surface carry me,
To the place I now see!

The mirror's surface changed slightly and Penthesilea stepped through to the gremlin caverns. Everywhere she looked, unconscious gremlins lay sprawled and the smell of gremlin ale was thick enough to cut. The gremlins had their own ways of knowing what was up with Daemon, especially if he wasn't trying to conceal himself from them. They had known when he gave himself over to the Rage.
     She looked around. She had to find Raksha and she was calf deep in dead drunk gremlins. No one was going to be able to tell her where he was. She sighed and cast a locator spell. Fortunately, she knew him well enough that the spell locked on him easily and she followed the trail it provided until she found the gremlin leader and his immediate clan sprawled together around several empty casks that had once held gremlin ale.* Sorry, Raksha. *Penthesilea fished around in the small pouch on her belt and pulled out a large silver ring set with an amethyst. She slid it on her index finger, pointed at Rasha and chanted. The "Bloodpurge" spell hit him like a bag of bricks. The suddenly sober gremlin glared at her.*

Penthesilea: He's alive. He's sane and we have work to do. *That got Raksha's attention. Penthesilea gave the gremlin leader the whole story.* He and Satira are going to ground. We have to pretend for as long as we can that they are both lost. I don't know how long we can get away with it, *she shrugged* but we'll do what we can for as long as we can. Daemon thinks that there is a spy in my household, there could be more than one. *Raksha got very still and attentive.* I want my tower to be guarded by gremlins and gremlins as my personal guards whenever possible. The Castle Guard took heavy causalities in the attack so no one should find it odd for your people to be taking up the slack. They need to watch for anything suspicious inside the Castle as well as outside. *Raksha looked around him at his drunken fellows. Penthesilea nodded and flexed her fingers.* I can't sober them all up. Show me who you need on their feet first. * Raksha nodded and led the way....*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:18pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #54 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:36pm
#4262  Penthesilea

     *Once Penthesilea got out of the gremlin caves, she went to change clothes. There were one last round of funerals to attend this afternoon and then, she could return to her tower for the rest of the day. No one would think it odd that the Lady would retire early after such a trying day.
Once her official duties were done, Penthesilea went to MoonCat's lab. The sooner the mobile units could be ready, the better!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #55 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:37pm
#4263  Penthesilea
     *After working with her girls and the mobile units, Penthesilea finished transforming the river rocks and sorted the resulting gemstones into small, easily sold lots. She would hit several gem merchants in each city she visited, use a magickal teleport to send her loot home and then she would prowl the underside of each city to see what she could learn. Once the sorting was done, she pulled out a locked box and opened it. Inside were two dozen sets of membership tags and papers from the Mercenary's Guild to which Penthesilea belonged under as many different names. She sorted through them, some were too old and would need to be sent or taken back to a Guild Hall with a report that the owner was dead. She put those aside. Others were from the other side of the planet. She put those aside as well. Finally she selected three identities for further consideration. All were Amazons....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #56 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:39pm
#4264  Penthesilea
The Temple of the Western Sea

     *Kodiak had spent the day in his new training regimen. He had voluntarily removed his ring and placed it in a small box in his room. He missed Penthesilea and he did not want to find himself suddenly teleported to her side, waking or sleeping, until it was safe for him to be with her. As much as he missed the bedgames -- and he did miss those -- he missed her
more: her laughter, her eyes, her voice, her sharp tongue, the look on her face when one of the cats climbed into her lap to be cuddled, her companionship, her mischief. He would do whatever he had to to keep her safe, even from himself.
As the sun began to sink toward the sea, he sat in meditation, waiting for his warrior ancestors. They came to him and began to speak...*

Later, when Kodiak arose from his meditation it was with renewed resolve that he went to the next lesson.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #57 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:39pm
#4265  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

     *Penthesilea heard footsteps beyond the door and looked up to see herself walk into the room, followed by her daughters. She got up from her desk and inspected the woman, looking her up and down and walking around her. For her part, the woman acted exactly as Penthesilea would in that situation -- she kept a careful eye on the person doing the inspecting! Penthesilea finished her inspection, satisfied that the mobile unit called Ashera One had been turned into a perfect physical duplicate of herself - except for one thing. With great reluctance, Penthesilea removed her engagement ring and placed it on the hand of the mobile unit.*

Penthesilea: You will replace me at dawn. Since you are ready, I will take the first batch of stones and leave tonight. *She looked sharply at her daughters.* No you aren't coming. At least not yet. You two still need to help Tora-Akio with those werewolf slugs and keep an eye on this mobile until we are sure all the bugs are worked out. *Before Penthesilea could say more there was a window rattling BOOM and screams of outrage began to drift through the Castle. She looked at her grinning daughters.* Kimchee bomb? *They nodded, smiling gleefully.*

MoonCat: There were still some freeloaders from Crowhaven in the Ballroom..... *Penthesilea laughed.*

« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:20pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #58 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:41pm
#4266  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Magickal Workroom

     *Penthesilea stood before her full length scrying mirror. She was dressed in worn brown Amazon leathers with Hellion at her side. The distinctive sword would not be a disadvantage. Hellion was famous from a battle a century ago and sword makers had been making fortunes ever since selling knockoffs. It had always been assumed that Zenobia Nightshade had purchased a particularly good knockoff. She also carried knives and some throwing stars, plus a backpack, bedroll and a beltpurse.
     In order to play the part of Zenobia, Penthesilea had applied a rinse that changed her normal shade of red hair to something with more brown in it. A simple spell made her eyes blue. And a session in an auto-makeup applicator had given her a fancy, filigree face mask tattoo of indigo blue. The tattoo would remain in place until washed off with a special cleanser. Someone would have to know her very well indeed to recognize the Keyholder Penthesilea! She had studied the gem market and knew what she could expect to get for the lot of gems that she carried from both the legal and the black market. The black market was paying the most for uncut gems at the moment, so it was to Blackharbor that she would go, the farthest south of the Coast Cities and the home of the late, unlamented Lord Leverance.
She located a hidden spot outside the city and locked in on it.

Heart's Blood! Life's Fire!
Of the Journey, never tire!
Shining surface carry me,
To the place I now see!

The mirror changed and Penthesilea stepped through.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #59 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:41pm
#4267  Penthesilea
The Western Coast - Blackharbor

     *Penthesilea arrived at a point about two miles outside the city near one of the main roads into the port. As usual for that time of night, traffic into the city was still fairly heavy and Penthesilea -- now Zenobia -- simply joined the flow of traffic and walked through the heavily guarded but open gate. An inquiry made to one of the City Guard got her directions to the city's Mercenary Guild Hall. She'd check in, get a room and grab a few hours of sleep before starting her work. The Guild Hall was the safest place for a woman alone to stay -- if she was a member -- with the most reasonable prices. Since "Zenobia" could pay room and board, she could stay indefinitely and would, unless she found it to her advantage to take rooms elsewhere.
     The area around the Land Gate was fairly secure but Penthesilea nonetheless found herself falling into her old watchful habits -- which pleased her. That meant that the secure life of a Castle Lady had not dulled her instincts.
She reached the Guild Hall without major incident. (A cutpurse had foolishly tried to rob her and was presently looking for a healer to repair his broken wrist.) She presented her Guild tags and papers, signed in and was given a room. It was small but clean and, after a small spell, the bed was bug free. She got settled and went down to the mess hall to scrounge a bowl of stew and some bread. After her meal, she returned to her room and crawled into bed. After only a short time, she slept.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #60 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:42pm
#4268 Penthesilea
The Castle Guard Commander's Home

     *Commander Mercatante was not a happy man. The Gods had made promises and they were not delivering! Aphrodite Herself had promised Penthesilea to him. Ares had promised him glory in battle. Zeus had promised him kingship of the world. AND NONE OF IT WAS HAPPENING! His Guardsmen had embarrassed him when the Castle had been invaded. Now, by the Keyholder's order, the halls were being patrolled by smelly, filthy, untrustworthy gremlins! They were even serving as her personal guard! He was no closer to ruling the Castle, never mind ruling the world. And Penthesilea! The foolish, misguided child had pledged herself to the Darklord! Mercatante ground his teeth in frustration. Darklord Kodiak had a considerable reputation among the ladies of the Castle. Before settling on the “gypsy” girl, he had been a much sought after lover and had never
disappointed. A hundred hearts had been broken the night that he had proposed to Jasmine. The news that he had returned and declared his love for Penthesilea had spread through the Castle like wildfire. Many women had hoped to snare him. Many still did, despite Penthesilea's announcement. Mercatante tried to avoid thinking about Penthesilea in the Darklord's arms. It was impossible. Visions came to him unbidden and he saw them together. He saw the Darklord violate his angel of light with his darkness! He saw him drink her blood and give her his own! He groaned in spite of himself. Penthesilea was his, body and soul! He had been promised! The Darklord would have to die. It was the only way to free the innocent Penthesilea from his evil influence. Once she was free she would obey the will of the Gods and give herself to him. And, of course, after a suitable period of penance as atonement for being a weak willed woman, he would forgive her. He smiled, thinking of the penance he would exact from Penthesilea....
     In the meantime, his red haired slave mistress would serve in her place. She looked enough like the Keyholder to satisfy his needs for the moment. Once Penthesilea was his, he would kill the slave that dozed beside him in the bed. He reached for her...
And Athanasia turned to face him.
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 11:43pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #61 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:43pm
#4269  Penthesilea
The Western Coast - Blackharbor

     *Penthesilea awoke refreshed and spent a good part of the morning reacquainting herself with the city of Blackharbor. It had been 75 years since she had been there and a lot could change in that time! Some things didn't change. The Thieves' Quarter was still where it had always been and it was still dangerous, even in the daytime. Despite her obviously Amazon origins, she still had to fight off no less than three attempts to carry her off. She left the bodies in the gutter for the locals to deal with.
By noon, she had located the gem merchant she wanted and after taking her meal at the Guild Hall returned to sell her first allotment of gems.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #62 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:44pm

[Text to be added. Re-write in progress.]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #63 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:45pm
#4271  Penthesilea

     * After taking lunch in the Guild's dining hall, Penthesilea returned to her room and pulled out the first of five pouches. It was long and fat and held six smaller pouches, one each of diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, amethysts and golden topazes, totaling about a quart of uncut gems. She put the pouch in a carry bag and slung the strap across her chest. Then she put on her sword and headed for the Thieves' Quarter.
Soon she was standing in front of an establishment that appeared to be a simple second hand shop. It was not, of course. Penthesilea's investigations had revealed that it was the headquarters of the biggest fencing operation in a city that had no shortage of them! The owner was also the only man in town who had the means to pay her what the gems were actually worth. She entered the shop and supplied the counter clerk with the necessary phrase to get her an audience with the owner. She was shown to a room and was seated. Then she waited until the man, Marcus Goingforth, appeared. He was middle aged and cultivated an air of respectability which Penthesilea knew to be false. The only merchandise that he would not touch was slaves. If he had been a slaver, she would have stopped at nothing to bring him down. Having been enslaved for forty years to her daughters' father had made her an eternal foe of slavers. He took her place across the desk from her and got straight to the point.

Goingforth: What do you have for me?

Penthesilea: I am an agent for a third party. The merchandize is uncut gemstones. They were legally obtained but my employer wants them disposed of discreetly. *The man pulled out a sorting tray and put it on the desk between them. Penthesilea smiled.*

Penthesilea: You will need more than one tray. *She pulled out the large pouch and pulled out the first of the smaller pouches and emptied it on the tray. It was the emeralds. She followed it with the rubies and then the amethysts. At this point, more trays appeared and soon six trays sat on the desk, each with its own hoard of gems. Penthesilea carefully hid her amusement at the fence's stunned expression. She waited patiently as he examined every single stone and then watched as his "wizard on call" came in and cast a "spellbreaker" on the stones. Since they were permanently changed right down to the atomic structure, the "spellbreaker" had no effect. Finally satisfied, he named a ridiculously low figure. Penthesilea came back with one that was about fifty percent higher than the going price. He countered with a slightly higher price and the dickering was on! The bargaining came to an end when Penthesilea made to gather up the gems as if to take her business elsewhere. By that time, Goingforth was hooked and he gave her the amount that she wanted -- the going price. Then she watched as the money was carefully weighed out -- clipped coinage being all too common -- and placed in a chest.*

Goingforth: Will you be needing an escort back to your lodging? There are dangerous men about. *Penthesilea knew what he intended -- find out where she and the gold would be spending the night and then make a nocturnal visit to reclaim the gold! Fortunately, she was prepared.*

Penthesilea: That won't be necessary. *Penthesilea pulled a large black onyx from her beltpurse, whispered to it and put it in the chest on top of the gold. Then she closed the lid. Thirty seconds later, the chest of gold disappeared before the stunned eyes of Goingforth and his hirelings. She stood.* The payment is now in the hands of my employer. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. *She smiled at them.* And thank you for your warning about dangerous men but rest assured, I'm a dangerous woman. *And with that, she left.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #64 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:48pm

[Text to be added. Re-write in progress.]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #65 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:49pm
#4276  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]
Bored and restless, Miranda goes to the Castle’s Main Courtyard for a stroll and to think.
« Last Edit: Mar 1st, 2007 at 12:31am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #66 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 5:50pm
#4277  [Rewrite by Penthesilea.]

A messenger finds her in the Courtyard and delivers a message from the Keyholder. The Lady wants to talk about a dress. Miranda smiles. She imagines that she does!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #67 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:21pm
#4278  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea (actually Ashera One) sees her from a window and heads for the Courtyard as well. Before she left, Penthesilea had participated in a complete memory download, so Ashera One knows everything that Penth did before she left -- including ideas for a handfasting dress and questions about Miranda's own handfasting!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #68 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:22pm
#4279  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

Miranda arrives in the Keyholder’s sitting room and finds no one there.
“That’s odd,” she thinks to herself.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #69 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:22pm
#4280  Penthesilea
*Penthesilea's daughter, MoonCat, looks in.*

MoonCat: Are you looking for Mother?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #70 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:23pm
#4281  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

Yes. I received a message that she wished to see me.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #71 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:24pm
#4282  Penthesilea

MoonCat: Ahhhh of course she does! She'll be right here! (Inspeaking) MOM!!!!! We've got trouble! Get back here.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) What?

MoonCat: (inspeaking) Ashera One has had a memory malfunction. She sent for Miranda and then, apparently, went to look for her.

SpiritFire: (inspeaking) I've got Ashera One. She's in the Courtyard gardens picking flowers that aren't there. No one's seen her. I'm getting her back to the lab.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Pub crawling can wait. I'm on my way. *Penthesilea was preparing to go out for the evening so she simply changed her clothes --- magickally -- and transported her self home. She appeared in the room next to the one where Miranda waited and walked into the room to greet her friend.* Congratulations!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #72 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:25pm
#4283  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]
Thank you, my Lady. You are due congratulations as well.  *She smiles slyly and speaks with great seriousness.* I suspect that it was a most difficult decision for you to make -- given the quality of the other suitors for your hand!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #73 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:26pm
#4284  Penthesilea
*Laughing* The Darklord is very persuasive! He wouldn't take "no" for an answer. And, to be truthful, I had no desire to refuse him. But, I suppose that to you, my friend, that has been obvious for a long time!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4206 to 4299
Reply #74 - Dec 4th, 2006 at 6:27pm
#4285  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]
It was, my Lady, to anyone who knew you well. Now, what does your handfasting gown look like?

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