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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #25 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:09pm
#4146   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]
She gives herself over to his kiss. She had missed him so much!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #26 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:10pm
#4147   Penthesilea

*Sir Alexander's hands get busy under the water.* I didn’t understand why you left. I hope you understand why I could not.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #27 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:13pm
#4148   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     I was a fool! I believed everything that Jasmine told me about the Keyholder. That she was evil, delusional and plotting to kill everyone she believed was “of the dark.” Jasmine is the one who is evil... *Despite the hot water and the presence of her lover, Miranda shivers at the memory of Jasmine’s evil. She swallows hard.*  I accept responsibility for my choices. I just hope that the Lady will forgive my weakness and stupidity. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #28 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:13pm
#4149   Penthesilea

Penthesilea has no reason to distrust you and my Sister Knights tell me that she has missed you as well.  She is aware of the sort of viper that squirmed into her home in the form of Jasmine and she blames no one for that except herself.
As for my choices... I find that I am no longer content with our relationship as it is. I would be honored if you would allow me to court you with the aim of making you my wife. I would handfast you tomorrow if you would consent but I realize that you might need more time. And there is the matter of my service here. I've sworn my oath to Penthesilea and I will not ask her to release me from it.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #29 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:15pm
#4150   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]
     *Tears spring into her eyes as she sits up abruptly in the tub.*
You can’t possibly mean that! I’m unworthy. I’m just a seamstress from the middle class and you are a nobly born knight! There are so many others more beautiful than I who would make a better wife for you than I! You honor me but.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #30 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:16pm
#4151  Penthesilea

     *She is babbling. He shuts her up the best way he knows how -- with a long lingering kiss that leaves her breathless....* I will hear no more talk of worthiness. I love you and I want to make an honest woman of you. Or is that too old fashioned a notion?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #31 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:16pm
#4152  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

Are you sure you want me, even after I abandoned you on the word of that little trollop?


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #32 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:17pm
#4153  Penthesilea

     I would not have asked you if I didn't mean it. I love you, Miranda, and if you are willing to take an oath bound knight as husband, I'll spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I love you. *He kisses her again, to reenforce his point!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #33 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:22pm
#4154  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]
Then, yes. I will marry you, Alexander, and spend the rest of my life making you happy.  *At her agreement, Alexander gathers her into his arms and exits the tub, pausing only long enough to dry off most of the water before he carries his love to her bed. He places her in the middle and joins her there, intent on showing her how very much he has missed her. Suddenly more content than she had been since she left the Castle, the seamstress Miranda offers silent thanks to Aphrodite and then lets her love have his way......
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:48am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #34 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:23pm
#4155  Penthesilea
*Sitting in her marriage negotiations, Penthesilea hears the merry laughter of the Goddess of Love through the inspeaking and smiles.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #35 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:24pm
#4156   Penthesilea

     *The negotiations break up with some progress being made -- His Lordship will only have to bathe once a day and Penthesilea will not be required to produce an heir within 18 months of the marriage. Having been pregnant twice, Penthesilea knows something about the process and has no desire to undergo it again until life is more stable! And, of course, the thought of bearing Kennicott's child turns her stomach! Kodiak's child however.... With that happy thought in mind, she goes to find out why Aphrodite is laughing.*
« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2007 at 5:50pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #36 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:25pm
#4157   Penthesilea
     *Penthesilea soon discovers the cause of Aphrodite's laughter when the Black Huntress comes up to her, purring and very pleased with herself. Penthesilea picks her up for a cuddle.*

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) And why are you so pleased, Death in the Night?

Black Huntress: (inspeaking) Your friend, Miranda has returned to the Castle. She was feeling lonely so I put the suggestion into Sir Alexander's head that he should check her quarters. He went, of course, and since he is desperately in love with her and she with him, they are now engaged to be married -- as well as in other activities that your Aunt Aphrodite would approve of! *Penthesilea grins.*

Penthesilea: In that case, I'll put off greeting her until she is free! However, I will send a small gift with my congratulations to Sir Alexander's quarters. This is what this Castle needs right now, a nice uncomplicated love affair that ends in a handfasting.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #37 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:25pm
#4158  Penthesilea

     *A carefully selected cask of mead is delivered to Sir Alexander's quarters with a note that reads: "For the Honeymoon". When Sir Alexander finally gets back to his rooms, he will wonder how the Keyholder knew.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #38 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:26pm
#4161  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Lord Kennicott sat at his desk, his Chief of Security on the other side. On the desk between them was a thick document that Kennicott had just finished skimming.*

Kennicott: How much of this is verified?

Chief of Security: All of it, Sir. He has a reputation as a ladies man and a hedonist. He is one of the best, if not the best, swordsmen in this part of the world. There are unconfirmed rumors that he is infected with the Living Vampire Virus. He was known to be close to the Keyholder almost from the day he arrived. He publicly proposed to a young woman, Jasmine, about six weeks ago. Shortly thereafter, there was some sort of disagreement with the Keyholder and both the Darklord and the young woman left the Castle. No one has seen the young woman since but the Darklord returned the same day, professing his love for the Keyholder while drunk as a skunk. He disappeared again, rumor has it the Keyholder's father was drying him out, and then he returned a week before Yule. (Pause) If the Keyholder is taking a man into her bed in secret, it is likely to be this one.

Kennicott: Can he be bought?

Chief of Security: No. He's mercenary but once he gives his loyalty, it's given. He won't betray her now. The Castle servants are split on the question of the other woman. Some claim that they are still engaged while others believe that he loves the Keyholder.

Kennicott: Too bad. I could have used an agent in her bed. Kill him. Immediately. *The Chief of Security nods and leaves the pavilion. Unnoticed in a shadowed corner, a small black tomcat with a dead mouse in his teeth has heard every word....*

     *Kennicott's Chief of Security was an unhappy man. Despite offers of enough money to live in style for a year, he could find no takers for the task of killing Darklord Kodiak. He had contacted every middleman in Crowhaven without success. The Darklord's performance at the Broken Bone had either scared off or eliminated the talent in Castletown. He would have to search farther afield..... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #39 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:31pm
#4162  Penthesilea
The Ballroom -- Second Floor
     Penthesilea was on her way back to her Tower to dress for dinner. She was taking a less traveled way along the second floor landing that encircled the ballroom midway to the ceiling. It was a favorite spot for trysts but it was currently deserted since the night's festivities were still an hour or two in the future. Now that Miranda was back, apparently to stay, Penthesilea needed to see her about a handfasting dress. She still had not decided if she would follow the custom of Amazon Queens who wore full dress armor when formalizing mating agreements but she knew even if she did, she would need a ball gown at some point in the proceedings! Armor was suitable for many things but not for dancing. With these things foremost in her mind, she was momentarily caught off guard when strong masculine arms reached out of the alcove she was passing and pulled her in. The man spun her around to face him, which suited Penthesilea just fine as she unloaded a chi punch at his midsection. Then she saw his eyes.....
     She was pulling the punch even as Kodiak blocked it and pulled her into his arms and dropped his mouth to hers before she could gasp. She melted.... and thumped him hard on the chest with the fist that had been headed for his solar plexus.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Are you trying to scare me to death?

Kodiak: (inspeaking) No, my dear. I was practicing.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Practicing what? *They were still kissing and it was getting hard to think.*

Kodiak: (inspeaking) Stealth and concealment. And thievery.
     *Kodiak relinquished her lips and began to kiss a line from her ear to her neck. When his lips touched her neck the desire that exploded through her was so intense she would have fallen to her knees if he had not been holding her so tightly. She flashed back to her birthday when a vampire using the illusion of the Darklord had lured her from the Castle and into his embrace. And now, she really was in Kodiak's arms.... * Are you all right? *He had noticed her near faint.*

Penthesilea: Yes, Beloved. You just overwhelmed me for a minute. *She flashed him an impudent grin which he returned and kissed her again, his fingers busy with her shirt buttons as she tugged his shirt free of his pants....*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:50am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #40 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:35pm
#4163  Penthesilea
Athanasia's Palace

Athanasia: This spell will drop you outside the Castle. The sun has just set there so there should be no problem with that. Get into the Castle and find Penthesilea. Overpower her and get her outside. I'll bring you all back here when I receive your signal. *The three demon-vampires shifted to human seeming from their hunting forms -- yellow reptilian eyes, prominent brow ridges and fangs -- and prepared to leave.*

Vampire Leader: We can drink her, right? *Athanasia smiled.*

Athanasia: Of course. In fact, you'll have to. It is the only way you will be able to overpower her. And don't worry, you can't drink her dry any more than you can me. Drink her into unconsciousness. I have drugs that will keep her under until I can deliver her to Allbane. *Athanasia performed the transport spell and the demon-vampires vanished.*
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 10:22pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #41 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:36pm
#4164  Penthesilea
The Ballroom -- Second Floor

     It was growing dark when the lovers parted company with extreme reluctance -- Penthesilea to change for dinner and Kodiak to continue his stealth exercise. She was still glowing from the encounter when she stepped into the shadowed alcove that led to the stairs which would take her to the fourth floor entrance to her tower. Someone grabbed her from behind -- she knew that it was not her beloved -- and she felt the shock as the vampire's fangs dug into her carotid artery. She had seconds to act. It was enough!*

Penthesilea: I am a Witch born in the Web! My blood sends the undying back to the dead!

     The vampire drinking her pulled free and screamed as Penthesilea's now poisoned blood boiled through him like holy water. Then he died, falling to dust. Penthesilea slapped her hand over her bleeding neck as the vampire's two companions rushed out of the shadows toward her. She prepared to fight. She need not have bothered.
     Suddenly, as if he had Farwalked, Kodiak was there. He fell on the monsters that had dared touch his beloved with a fury that was unmatched by anything that Penthesilea had ever seen. In seconds, he had dismembered and then decapitated them both with the short ninja sword he was carrying and had his arm around her, to steady her as she canceled the first spell and cast another to speed her healing. Then, he escorted her to her bedroom and stood guard over her as she washed away the blood and dressed for dinner.

In her desert palace, Athanasia waited for a signal that did not come.*

Athanasia: "sigh" It was worth a shot.
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 10:24pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #42 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:37pm
#4166  Penthesilea
*Penthesilea and Kodiak shared one last kiss as she prepared to leave her tower and enter the Great Hall. The Darklord examined her neck with gentle fingers.*

Kodiak: The mark is nearly gone. If I didn't know it was there, I wouldn't notice it, especially in dim light.

Penthesilea: Will you be in the Dining Hall?

Kodiak: I'll be around, my Lady. *One more kiss..* I promise. *He stepped out of sight of anyone who stood beyond the door. She opened it and went through.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #43 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:38pm
#4167  Penthesilea
Torao-Akio's Quarters

*The Wizard and the Master sat together amid the fumes. Both were troubled.*

Torao-Akio: It was close. If the young Darklord had not been there, they would have taken her.

Master: Agreed. But his Gift must be trained. And he must regain the focus that he has lost. Fortunately, he now has motivation. *Torao-Akio nods.*

Torao-Akioi: His Lady will inspire him to greatness -- if she survives.

Master: You must see that she does. If she were to die, we would lose them both. He would burn the world in revenge. (pause) I've narrowed the list of teachers to three. Two of them reside at a temple in the western Cold Heights Mountains, near the sea.

Torao-Akio: When will you be leaving with him?

Master: Sooner than they would wish. *Torao-Akio nods.*

Torao-Akio: Then we must arrange for them to be together as much as we can. Their bond must be strong enough to sustain them through what is to come.

« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:54am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #44 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:39pm
#4168  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     Penthesilea stood it as long as she could. Being in Kennicott's arms sickened her and the thought of him in the role of lover was enough to make her skin crawl in revulsion. After a decent interval, she had excused herself from the dancing and retired for the night. She went to her bedroom, shed her gown and drew a bath in the sunken tub. She knew that no amount of soap and water would make her feel clean but it would, at the very least, get the stink of him off of her skin! When she was satisfied that she was sufficiently decontaminated, she left the tub and wrapped herself in a long black robe. She wandered into her bedroom and looked at her empty bed. Unwilling to face yet another night alone just then, she seated herself at her dressing table and began to brush out her hair.
     She heard a small, out of place sound and turned toward it, ready to fight for her life. Her heart stopped. Kodiak was leaning against the frame of the door that led to her sitting room. He was trying to look casual in his open black shirt and pants but the look in his eyes gave him away. It was the same look that Penthesilea was sure showed in her eyes as well. She stood and carefully put her brush on the table. Then she walked into his arms. His hands slid under her robe and she let it fall from her shoulders before she slipped her hands into his shirt and stood on tiptoe to receive his kiss. They kissed deeply and then he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. For this night at least, they would be together.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #45 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:40pm
#4169  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     When Penthesilea woke at her customary time, Kodiak was gone. She understood the necessity but she didn't have to like it. Another rose lay on his pillow and she held it to her nose, carefully avoiding the thorns.* Where is he getting these? The roses in the gardens are dormant now. *The Hearth Queen, who lay curled up halfway down the bed on Kodiak's side didn't answer. Penthesilea put the rose aside and picked up the pillow where Kodiak had rested his head. She pressed it to her face and inhaled. Yes... His scent still clung faintly to the fabric. For one last moment, his physical presence was still with her. She closed her eyes and remembered and then, reluctantly, she put the pillow down and began her day.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #46 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:41pm
#4170   Penthesilea
The Darklord's Quarters -- Inside

     Kodiak had already spent an hour in moving meditation and was in the shower when he felt Penthesilea wake. He didn't know if the inspeaking was supposed to work this way or if it was a manifestation of his Gift or some leftover result of the night when he had tasted her blood but since their first night together, he had been aware of her. She was always in the back of his mind, a warm presence that came to the forefront when he thought of her. That was how he had known when she was attacked. He had felt it when that demon had driven his fangs into her throat -- felt the pain and the shock and the terrible flowing away of her life. That was what had enraged him. He still wished that he could have resurrected the dead vamp so he could have had the pleasure of killing him again -- slowly -- for daring to touch what was his. Kodiak laughed. Penthesilea belonged to no one but herself! The same as Kodiak himself. Neither of them was property to be owned! But insofar as it was possible, she was his and he was hers and he would not permit anything to come between them again.
     He remembered the first time that he had heard of her. He'd been on Madridoor, the Tech Only island down the coast from Chandara, in a high class bar that catered to the Nightkind. The news that the Keyholder's Castle had been reoccupied had the whole island buzzing. Rumors about the new Keyholder had been flying thick and fast and having nothing more pressing to occupy his time, Kodiak had decided to journey north and see for himself. The closer he got to the Castle, the more intrigued he became. The stories about a chaste young Warrior Queen -- about her kindness, her hospitality and her fury in battle -- made him all the more determined to see this woman for himself and, perhaps, possess her. When he arrived at the Castle he found a colony of Nightkind already in residence and had taken refuge among them after asking them to keep his presence a secret. They agreed. They knew his reputation and that he would not bring trouble to their door. He had settled into watch, slipping into and out of the Castle at every opportunity. He had not expected her to be young -- she looked no older than her late twenties -- or beautiful or desirable. He had wanted her from the first time he'd seen her but he hadn't realized how much he wanted her until the night she had caught him and pulled him into a Castle party. It had taken all of the self control that he could muster to keep himself from carrying her off that very night! She was a flame that kept pulling him in. He'd tried to fight it. He'd put her on a pedestal and tried to sate his desire for her with other women, not realizing how much he was hurting her until it was nearly too late. She had fallen off the pedestal he'd put her on because she loved him. And in anger, he had cursed her and a God had heard him. He remembered the Penthesilea who had confronted him in the forest and knew that if that had been her fate, if she had remained the animal she had been that night, he would have hunted her down himself and released her to whatever peace her Gods would have granted her. And then, he would have died beside her.
     Kodiak stepped out of the shower. Only one problem remained and it was getting worse. He had noticed Penthesilea's reaction whenever he kissed her neck. He knew what she was feeling. He was feeling it too. He no longer needed blood to survive -- becoming a demigod had pretty much taken care of that! -- but the virus was still in him. He still had fangs and could use them. He wanted her that way and it made his whole body ache --- especially his teeth! -- but he would not jeopardize her safety just to sate his lust! He would not be the cause of Divine Judgment coming down on her!
He walked into his bedroom. On the night stand were two glasses, one filled with blue and one with red, and a note. He threw back the jigger of blue and read the note:

"This should help. It is from the bloodbank and it is hers. Aphrodite." He picked up the glass of blood and drank it, slowly.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #47 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:42pm
#4171   Penthesilea
     Penthesilea was in the Dining Hall when she heard the commotion and went to investigate. The problem was in the Courtyard. Sometime during the night, someone had desecrated the Bast Shrine that stood in the northeast corner of the Courtyard. By the time Penthesilea arrived, the shrine's attendants were hard at work cleaning up the mess. Penthesilea didn't know if the statue could be cleaned sufficiently for reconsecration but if it could not, she would commission another. She told the chief attendant as much and then turned her attention to four of the many cats who were prowling around the shrine. They were growling softly, sniffing deeply and their tails were lashing back and forth like whips. The War Queen came to her and she carefully picked up the angry cat.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Do you know who did this?

War Queen: (inspeaking) We have their scents. They left plenty of it around! There were six of them. Enough prey for all! *The War Queen growled deep in her throat.

Penthesilea: (inspeaking) Then I will leave it to you, Beloved. "Yours is the claw that strikes and my paw is beside yours!"
*The War Queen purred and rubbed her head against Penthesilea's cheek. Then Penth put her down and the four cats seemed to drift away in different directions. Penthesilea knew that before the sun rose again, the six violators of Bast's shrine would be very messily dead.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #48 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 6:11pm
#4172   Penthesilea
     *Penthesilea went back inside the Castle intending to get a start on her piled up paperwork. She had no sooner reached the Entry Hall when a resplendent figure came toward her out of the gloom. It was Torao-Akio! He was wearing robes of Imperial Red and metallic gold in the Eastern style. An enormous dragon, worked in a dozen different metallic threads and embellished with tiny gems, was the dominant motif on the robe. It's hind quarters were on the back and it seemed to coil around Torao-Akio's body all the way up to his right shoulder where the head seemed to rest. Penthesilea smiled as he reached her side.*

Penthesilea: (softly) I didn't expect to see that outfit again. I take it you are going to play the role to the hilt. *Torao-Akio bowed to her as he would have to an Eastern Queen.*

Torao-Akio: My lady. *Discreetly, he took her elbow and led her into the sparsely occupied Great Hall. Once he had them in the middle of the vast space, he activated a small talisman hidden in his sleeve and began to speak of important things.* The vampires that attacked you yesterday were sent, I am sure, by the same Evil that invaded the young Darklord's quarters. Daemon is gone and the Darklord soon will be. I cannot guard you from my rooms. *A pause.* I have lived too long in a cave wallowing in my guilt. No more. Besides, I had forgotten how pleasant the company of a pretty lady is! * Penthesilea smiled.*

Penthesilea: Be careful! I cannot be certain yet but I think my love may be the possessive type! *Torao-Akio laughed in turn.*

Torao-Akio: Do not worry, my Lady! You shall be as a daughter to me. *A pretty serving girl hurried by and Torao-Akio's gaze followed her appreciatively.*

Penthesilea: Try not to break too many hearts! *She shook her head.* What will Daemon say when he hears of this! *For a moment, Torao-Akio contemplated Daemon's reaction to his transformation. Then he began to laugh. Penthesilea joined him and the two of them stood there laughing until the tears came.
     Later, at the evening meal, they would announce Torao-Akio’s appointment. Penthesilea was reasonably sure that Satira would not be pleased that Torao-Akio had received the appointment and not herself. Penthesilea did not care. Being the lover of Penthesilea’s brother did not qualify Satira to be a Court Wizard. Her skills were adequate in some areas and being nearly pure blood Oldkin was certainly an asset but a Court Wizard needed to be politically astute as well as magickally accomplished. Satira was neither and no amount of flattery would get her a position she wasn’t qualified for, not in Penthesilea’s household at any rate!*
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 2:31pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4100 to 4205
Reply #49 - Dec 5th, 2006 at 6:12pm
#4173   Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

     *Penthesilea was finding it very hard to concentrate on her paperwork! Kodiak kept popping into her head with some choice remark about something or other and cracking her up! She had finally moved from her public office to her private study so that she could avoid curious looks when she burst out laughing for, apparently, no reason at all! He'd been complaining for the last hour as his Master took him on a cross country run. The older man was having no trouble setting and keeping the pace and Kodiak was once again being reminded of the downside of an undisciplined lifestyle. His grumbling was good natured enough and she sent him the mental equivalent of a hug through the inspeaking. What he sent back to her would have made her blush if she had been inclined to that sort of thing. She returned his volley with interest and the contest was on! They teased and flirted and made each other laugh and in that manner, they passed what would have been an otherwise very lonely morning. If Kodiak's Master knew what was going on, and Penthesilea assumed that he did, he did not stop their play and when Penthesilea went to the Dining Hall for lunch in Torao-Akio's company she was smiling.*

« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2007 at 2:32pm by Penthesilea »  

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