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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #25 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:10am
#3457  Penthesilea

     Failing to achieve the desired results with anything approaching efficiency and speed, Penthesilea casts her Transport Spell -- which is no longer blocked -- and the lot of them, magical gear and all, appear in her workroom.*

Penthesilea: (muttering under her breath!) Men! I swear to the Gods they are so lucky that they are good at carrying heavy loads and bedgames!! (Louder, lots louder) Get Satira in the middle of that circle on the floor. Aline her head with the east. DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU TWICE!! *As Penthesilea is beginning to glow, they do as they are told...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #26 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:11am
#3458  Penthesilea
*Penthesilea grabs the bottle of blue liquid down from the shelf and takes three long swallows before she replaces the stopper. She barely feels it hit and knows that she is in worse shape than she appears.* Satira, first.... *she thinks and goes to the woman's side and kneels.* Those were not
ordinary scorpions. Torao-Akio, what do you see?
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:03pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #27 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:12am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #28 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:12am
#3460  Penthesilea
*Penthesilea holds her hands over Satira's body, eyes closed in concentration* I'm detecting a binding. *She opens her eyes and looks at the old Mage.* You'll have to break it. I don't think I'd better touch it in my current condition. *Her steady gaze tells him that she does realize that something is very wrong with her.*
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:04pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #29 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:13am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #30 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:14am
#3462   Penthesilea

*Penthesilea notices the look. She's knows she's in trouble but will not think of herself just yet.* Do I need to withdraw from the circle? Will my presence impede you?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #31 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:14am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #32 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:15am
#3464  Penthesilea

Let's get this done. I think I'm running out of time. What do you need me to do?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #33 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:16am

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #34 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:18am
#3466  Penthesilea

*Penthesilea says only one word* Begin. *Torao-Akio positions the others outside the circle where they will be safe and then closes it. He and Penthesilea stand alone inside. He begins the incantation and Penthesilea can feel the pull that it exerts on her body. It hurts. She grits her teeth and endures as bit by horrifying bit an obscene mass of otherness is pulled from her. It is black and shapeless and it has eyes that glow with evil and hate and other. Finally, it is pulled free and Penthesilea looks it in the eyes. She is not afraid. She is furious. She hears Torao-Akio's words of command that prevent the monstrosity from reentering her. It hisses and spits in fury. Penthesilea's lips curl back in a feral snarl.* Let's see what you've got! *Her challenge is met as the gruesome thing flings itself at her! Her upraised left hand stops it cold and it hangs writhing in the air.* It is really too bad that I can't do this, yet, to whoever sent you. But I will. One day.*Penthesilea reaches down into the earth. *Mother Gaea,*she intones *grant your child the power to accomplish this task! *Visible power begins to flow up from the earth into Penthesilea's body like liquid fire. In seconds, she is a statue of alabaster wrapped in white fire. Her waist length hair rises, twisting in an unseen wind until it stands up on her head like a flame and her eyes become pools of green fire. Then, she speaks. The language sounds like Greek but isn't and those who hear her words thank their Gods that they are not the target of her anger. Even Daemon, who loves her, for a moment fears her -- and doesn't like the feeling at all. She speaks and the creature begins to writhe, then wail and then, it implodes, falling into itself, getting smaller and smaller until it disappears with an audible pop and a tiny wail of damnation. The task done, Penthesilea releases the gift of Gaea's power and looks into the stunned faces before her. She speaks to her brother, for of those present, he is most dear to her.*  The words you just heard me speak are those of the Language of the Making. The language that the Gods spoke when they made the world and everything in it. Give me the will, enough power and the words of that language, and I can remake the world or destroy it. That is why I had to either reclaim my soul last fall or die trying.*She sees the look on her brother's face and tears begin to leak from her now human eyes.* So, now, my brother. Have I lost you?
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:07pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #35 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:19am
#3468   Penthesilea

*Before Daemon can answer, Penthesilea holds up her hand and, closing her eyes, turns her attention inward. She is silent for several minutes before she opens her eyes and smiles weakly.* Grandfather -- and the rest of Father's family -- know what I've done and I had to explain the situation and assure everyone that I haven't lost my mind again. Gaea came into the conversation to back me up -- she served as my power source and she wouldn't let me take more than I needed for the job. I'm not a Creation Goddess and I don't have the inherent power to aspire to be one. Normally, I can't use the Language for anything beyond minor blessings and in conversation. In Father's family, we use the Language when talking among ourselves. You cannot lie in the Language. If you try, the words simply won't come out. That's very useful when you're in a family as given to prevarication as mine.* She sees the puzzled look on Orag's face.* "Prevarication" is a fancy word for lying.
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:09pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #36 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:20am
#3470  Penthesilea

When it was discovered that I could understand the Language as a child -- not all children of mortals and gods can -- my education into what that meant began. I don't like using the Language in that way. *shivers* I am not a goddess and have no wish to be one. Being immortal and the Keyholder is burden enough. *The group dispersed then, Penthesilea to temporary quarters in the Tower usually reserved for guests, Daemon and Orag to meet with their people and Torao-Akio to his rooms with Satira in tow. Whatever small talent she had, he needed it to track down what was stalking the Keyholder.
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:11pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #37 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 5:21am
#3475  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea tried to rest after her ordeal but found that she could not. Grounding and centering had not helped and her brain was busy chasing its tail. She was afraid that the next time she saw the tall man who called her "Sis" he would look at her differently and that she would never again hear him say "Yes, Sis." in that way he had that she loved. She was still busy tormenting herself when the summons came. Grateful for the distraction, she settled into her meditative position and sank into deep relaxation. Once she had reached the necessary state, she lifted free of her body to answer the summons.
She found herself in a sunlit library surrounded by the smell of books. She allowed herself a moment to take it in before turning to the woman who stood a few feet away. She was tall and raven haired with eyes of gray.*

Penthesilea: Greetings, Aunt. You wished to see me?

Athena: Yes, Penthesilea, I do. But first, I want a hug and I think you need one too. *Penthesilea certainly did and received the embrace from the Goddess of Wisdom gratefully. Athena led her niece to a window set overlooking a beautiful garden.* Now, Niece. I want to know everything that has happened to you since this whole mess began. Leave nothing out.

Penthesilea: That will take some time.

Athena: Time means nothing here. Take all of it you need. *So Penthesilea recounted her adventures in detail, pausing only when the Goddess needed some point clarified, and ending with her taking refuge in a room in Satira's suite. The Goddess leaned back.* Why did you feel it necessary to use the Language to destroy that creature? Surely something less drastic could have sufficed. You are well trained in magic.

Penthesilea: Once I saw it, read its aura and energy signature, I knew that nothing in my arsenal would work. It was too Other. *At this the Goddess was suddenly alert.*

Athena: You are sure? *Penthesilea nodded gravely.*

Penthesilea: Even using the Language I almost wasn't strong enough. Gaea had to feed me more power than either of us had thought would be needed. And being what it was, I couldn't risk simply driving it off. It had to be utterly unmade so it couldn't find a new host. And it would have sought a new host.

Athena: Have you told the others, your brother, the wizard Torao-Akio?

Penthesilea: No. There hasn't been time and, frankly, if I never see my brother again I won't be surprised. I'm afraid I've complicated his life enormously. *Athena covered Penthesilea's hands with one of her own.*

Athena: If he wanted a simple life, he never should have been born into this family. (pause) You will have to tell them. They have to know what they are facing.

Penthesilea: I know but I don't know how they are going to take the fact that my enemies are apparently able to access other planes of existence that are so malevolent, hostile and different from ours that those who dwell there don't qualify as life as we understand it. I know it's giving me a very cold feeling in my gut. I can only hope that whoever summoned that thing can't do it again.

Athena: So do I, Niece. So do I.
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:13pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #38 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:02pm
#3477  Penthesilea
     *Penthesilea awoke from a light doze. Athena had sent her back with the gift of peace in the form of sleep. She felt better for having talked to her aunt and now she needed diversion. She was also going to need clothes, since her wardrobe and dressing room were attached to her bedchamber and were, no doubt, still home to millions of scorpions. She looked around the room and saw a previously unnoticed doorway which led to a hallway. In short order she found the bathing room and a dressing table with a mirror. She brightened and went to sit before it. She concentrated, said the words and began to scry....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #39 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:03pm
#3480  Penthesilea

Ares's Boot Camp

     Ares stood on a wooden tower over a battlefield, watching the action. He had set up two ghostly armies, equal in strength -- this time -- and had given his daughter's Lord Marshall a simple task. He was to fight his way across the battlefield and claim a pennant with Penthesilea's colors on it. The army Kodiak was fighting with would protect him just as living comrades would and his opponents would treat him as they would any opponent on the battlefield. Ares had promised that he would not send the whole army after the Lord Marshall. He wanted to train the man, not kill him.Of course, being a father, he needed to restrain himself every time he recalled Penthesilea crying...
     Kodiak was in armor and easy for Ares to spot. The God winced as the Lord Marshall took a particularly hard hit to the ribs. Kodiak returned the blow and "split" the ghost's skull. The spirit obligingly disappeared and the Lord Marshall continued on his way. Ares nodded with approval. The man had it nailed. Next lesson -- command.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #40 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:06pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #41 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:07pm
#3484   Penthesilea
*Penthesilea hears her brother's sending and replies..*I have no desire to follow that path, believe me! Just give me one of your rib cracking hugs when you see me next. It's been a hell of a week and I need one!
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 2:49pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #42 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:08pm
#3485  Rewrite by Penthesilea

     Torao-Akio, with Satira on his heels, returned to his rooms much disturbed by the night’s happenings. He had known that the Keyholder was powerful but just how powerful he was just starting to realize. There were very few beings that could challenge a sorceress of such power. The fact that she had Divine blood in her veins narrowed the field even more. He  would need to consult the Spirits and delve deeply into the unseen to uncover the Lady’s enemy but first, there was the matter of the violation of the Castle’s natural shields to deal with.  He had sealed Penthesilea’s bedchamber but he had no doubt that whoever had sent the scorpions would have them seeking a way out of confinement.  The thought of those things spreading through the Castle was enough to give him chills and he did not frighten easily.  He would first cleanse the Castle of the infestation and re-enforce the Castle’s shields with those of his own making. Then he would go looking for the enemy.
     He looked at Satira.  He really did not need her assistance. He was far more powerful than she could ever dream of being but he had detected the touch of a God on her and since she was obviously involved with Daemon and was gaining the Keyholder’s trust, he wanted to know more about her. Letting her think that she was a vital part of the Castle’s defense would likely cause her to lower her guard. He noticed her wrinkle her nose at the smell in his room and threw more of the herbal mixture on the fire, releasing a puff of malodorous smoke. He had long ago grown used to it. She gasped and seemed to be having trouble breathing. Good. He grabbed her arm and, dragging her to where he wanted her, went into his act.
     “Sit” he instructed tersely as he pushed her down on the mat next to his cauldron. “We have much work to do, we do.” He began to assemble what he needed for the banishing. The shielding he would do later when he was alone. “Very powerful magician we face, very powerful. Need your help to defeat him.” He noticed the pleased expression that flitted across her face when she heard that. “First we clear the Keyholder’s rooms of bugs then we hunt magician.”
     “Anything I can do to help,” she replied and Torao-Akio put her to work. Satira spent the next hour scurrying from workbench to cauldron to scroll shelf and back again as the wizard compounded a complex mixture in a glazed pottery bowl. She tried to snoop discreetly but the old wizard didn’t let her pause for a minute. Finally, she stood next to him slightly out of breath and held a scroll while he read aloud from it in a language she had never heard. Stirring the last of the ingredients into the bowl, his incantation or whatever it was came to an end and with a flourish, he threw the contents into a brazier prepared for the purpose.
     The explosion of light was soundless but the shockwave from the shattering of the spell shook the Castle down to the bedrock to which it was fused.  Caught by surprise, Satira staggers. Torao-Akio just grinned widely. “The rooms are clear.  All magick suppression spells gone, bugs gone. Go tell the Lady that she can go home.” Satira nods to the wizard and leaves with a haste that makes him grin even wider. He had learned much about Satira while she was distracted -- and he was assured that he could deal with her if it became necessary.  Then he shook himself and put Satira from his mind. He needed to put extra shields on the Castle for the duration of the emergency and for that, he would need the Castle’s permission.....
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:18pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #43 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:09pm
#3486   Penthesilea
*The shockwave from Torao-Akio's spell knocked Penthesilea off the dressing table's chair.* Now what? * Muttering, she went to investigate...*
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:19pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #44 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:10pm
#3487  Penthesilea

*Finding Satira, the Keyholder learns that her rooms are cleared and she now can finally change clothes...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #45 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:12pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #46 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:12pm
#3489  Penthesilea

     *Reaching her rooms, Penthesilea indulges in a long hot soak before going to select clothes. Remembering that the night's entertainment was to be chamber music, she decides to torment her suitors, since there will be no dancing and they will be forced to keep their hands to themselves. Grinning, she pulls out the birthday dress..... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #47 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:13pm
#3491   Penthesilea

     *Sitting before her mirror, Penthesilea studied her reflection with a critical eye. The dress was perfection -- a floor length A-line gown with long sleeves and a square neckline that stopped about a half of an inch above indecent done up in black velvet. The neckline was accented with silver embroidery and tiny diamonds. That the dress had been altered to allow her to conceal numerous weapons on her person was also a consideration....
     She had put on the same onyx earrings that she had worn on her birthday but instead of the matching necklace, she put the medallion that her Lord Marshall had given her around her neck. A confection of twisted silver wire and onyx confined her hair, which fell in a loose wave down her back. She smiled at her reflection and thought about the discomfort her appearance would cause her suitors...


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #48 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:14pm

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3400 to 3500
Reply #49 - Jan 6th, 2007 at 7:15pm
#3495  Rewrite by Penthesilea

After informing the Keyholder that her rooms were clear, Satira went in search of Daemon. Before she found him however, the gremlins that he had assigned to her find her. With them are three large orcs that she assumes are part of the group that came with Orag.
     Introductions were made and the orcs got straight to the point. And the point was... beer. The tankards that she had bespelled for her gremlins were the envy of the entire gremlin contingent and word of them had apparently spread to the orc camp. They were there to request the same for themselves. That they would actually request instead of demand was a testament to the differences between these orcs and the ones one usually ran into.  Her opportunistic soul saw a way to ingratiate herself with both the orcs and the gremlins.
     “Tell everyone that wants a tankard to find one or whatever they want and put their name on it in some way. Make sure everyone knows that I’m only going to do this once -- tomorrow at noon. Set up a collection site on the tourney field, that should be big enough, and everyone who wants one should be there. And make sure that they know that they will produce beer only when the owner is off duty. It will produce water at all other times. Understood?” At the enthusiastic nodding of orc and gremlin heads, she dismissed them to spread the word.
     She finally finds Daemon in his apartments, staring out the window. She comes up beside him and touches his arm. He looks down and sees the invitation in her eyes. He needs no further encouragement. He takes her in his powerful arms and kisses her deeply. The bed is only a few feet away....

Fade to black:
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 3:22pm by Penthesilea »  

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