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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #150 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:41am
#3174  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     After the scene had been recorded as part of the death investigation, Alisa’s body had been carefully returned to the Castle and taken first to the Infirmary wing where the Healers determined that Kodiak’s second in command had died of a broken neck. They also were able to determine that Alisa had been sexually assaulted after death. Penthesilea was grateful for that small mercy, that Alisa had been already dead before she was violated. Once the Healers had learned all that they could, the body was taken to Penthesilea’s workroom and laid reverently on a couch in the middle of the silver circle inlaid in the marble floor. Alone with Alisa’s body, Penthesilea petitioned her great uncle Hades, Lord of the Dead, for permission to question the dead woman’s shade. Permission was granted and Alisa was called from the realm of the dead to which her spirit had been sent. 
     “I’m afraid that I can’t help you, my Lady,” Alisa replied to the most pressing question. “I remember receiving a message from one of Kodiak’s informants who claimed to have knowledge of who is trying to kill you. I was told to come instead of him since Kodiak would be recognized and alone so as not to attract attention on the road.  I went to the meeting place, the first waystation on the road to the southeast. There didn’t seem to be anyone there. I checked around, found no one and went inside the waystation to wait for the informant to show up. Someone hit me.. and the next thing I knew I was being led into the Heroes’ Hall.” The shade smiled slightly. “I’d never thought of myself as a hero.”
     “The judges obviously disagreed.”
     “One more thing, my Lady,” the ghost of Alisa continued. “I must beg your pardon. I was jealous of you and I should not have been. I didn’t realize how it was with you until I crossed over and it was all explained to me.”
     “There is nothing to forgive, Alisa, but if you need my pardon, you certainly have it and my blessing.”
     “Thank you, my Lady,” the ghost choked up for a moment. “One more thing, my Lady. Never, ever doubt that Kodiak loves you. He does, with all his heart. He is just afraid to admit it. He may never be able to admit how much he truly, completely loves you but you can be sure. He loves you with all his heart and soul.”
     It was Penthesilea’s turn to choke up. “Thank you, Alisa. I wish that we could have known each other better. Perhaps when you are ready, your Gods will send you back to the world and we will meet again.”
     “I would like that, my Lady.”
     “Go then to your well deserved rest, Alisa, and may your Gods bless and keep you until we meet again.”
     With that, Alisa smiled and returned to the feasting hall to await her call to rebirth. Once she was gone, Penthesilea opened the circle and called for the attendants who waited to prepare Alisa for the proper burial that she had been denied. Penthesilea watched as the body was respectfully removed and then went to her quarters. She needed to speak to Lord Stephan and it needed to be done privately.

« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:15am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #151 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:42am
#3175  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Lord Stephan was not happy to be called from his bed at Penthesilea’s insistence. He had been informed shortly beforehand that Miranda was not among the evacuees that had accompanied him and the necessity of “breaking in” a replacement for her once he was recovered was not sitting  well. He could not tell her that, of course, since he was not keen on Penthesilea knowing what he had done to the seamstress. He came to the comunit intending to chide the  Keyholder for disturbing him but was stopped in his verbal tracks when, prior to addressing him, she transmitted the video of the hidden room in which Alisa’s body had been found and continued right through to the removal of the body. When the video stopped and Penthesilea’s face returned, she was grim and he was stunned.
     “Lord Stephan,” she began coldly. “I do not know why the body of the Lord Marshall’s second in command was found walled up in a secret room in your daughter’s palace. Alisa herself does not know who killed her or why,” Penthesilea held up her hand to forestall him. “However, I do know that her disappearance cleared the way for Jasmine to pursue Kodiak’s attentions without any interference.  Be advised that you and your daughter are under suspicion in the death of Alisa Averaldale. If either of you are found in those lands that have declared for me, you will be taken into custody and questioned under Truthspell. I will not pursue you in the matter of Alisa’s death, Lord Stephan, until and unless I find more evidence that points to you or Jasmine. And rest assured, I will be looking into this matter closely!” Penthesilea leaned forward so that the cold fury in her face was clearly visible. “Do not return to Paradise Valley and do NOT cross my path again. If you do, it will be necessary for me to find a reason to kill you and I won’t need much of one!” With that, Penthesilea cut off the transmission, leaving a sputtering Lord Stephan staring at a blank screen.
     On her side of the screen, Penthesilea leaned back in her chair. She deliberately had not mentioned what Daemon had told her of the conversation he had overheard between Lord Stephan and their captors.  It was a card that she had not needed to play and so she had not. If and when Lord Stephan was in her hands and under Truthspell, she would wring all the answers about that situation of of him that she wanted. And then she would use said answers as all the excuse she need to kill him.

« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:17am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #152 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:43am
#3176  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     Elsewhere, Lord Stephan’s humiliation at Penthesilea’s hands brought considerable joy to the heart of a being commonly believed to be without one.  MotherQueen Xanthraldane had proved inadequate to the task and another agent would have to be found if he wanted Penthesilea returned to his bed and their daughters to his control.  He turned his mind to the agent who had acquired Penthesilea for him in the first place. He didn’t like dealing with her. She was a conceited little bitch with a questionable grasp on sanity but she had delivered before. She could also be counted on to demand an exorbitant price of Penthesilea’s return.  That, and the price she would exact from his pride over the fact that he had been unable to hold Penthesilea once he had her. The fact that SpiritFire had used her considerable talents to accomplish their escape from him would not influence this agent in the slightest. She would rub it in.
     He considered for a moment and decided to wait before contacting her. There might still be a way to procure Penthesilea on his own. He would consider the matter and see what resources were available to him.

« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:20am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #153 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:43am
#3177  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     Sunset found the Wolfkin back in the clearing where they had started the rites for their dead. Although the pyre was long cold, they would finish the rite properly now that their dead, and all the Wolfkin that the Wendigo had killed, had been avenged. They would sing and howl and remember their own loved ones and others that they knew only by name. They would take as long as they needed and then they would return to the Keyholder’s Castle and partake of the hospitality that she had offered them.
     Elsewhere in the forest, while the Wolfkin held their rites, Daemon held his own rite for the dead. His beloved SummerWind and their little one, BrightStar, could finally rest in peace. And so could he, finally. The guilt that he had carried because he had not been there to protect them had gnawed at him like a ravenous wolf since he had returned to the settlement and found what had remained of them. He had wanted to die but he could not leave the world without avenging them. Now it was done.
What was he to do now?

« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:23am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #154 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:44am
#3178  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

Meanwhile, at Ares’ Boot Camp...

     Kodiak had been in the field since Ares had spirited him out of Penthesilea’s castle and he had greeted the sight of the permanent camp with relief. He was man enough to admit that while he was perfectly capable of the primitive living that field operations required, he was a huge fan of civilization. The thought of a hot shower, even if taken in the company of his squad mates and not in that of a willing woman, was enough to put the spring back in his step. Contemplating a hot meal that neither he nor his mates had cooked -- or rather attempted to cook -- followed by a solid night’s sleep in an actual bed, even if it was a military issue bunk, was nearly enough to make him giddy.
     Once they were back in camp, there were still chores to do before Kodiak could seek that shower, meal and bed. Finally though, the chores were done, the shower -- not nearly as long as he would have wished but it was hot -- had been taken and he was dressed in fresh, clean clothes. He found the mess hall with no trouble and was soon on his way to a table with a tray laden with food. He put the tray down, pulled back the chair and sat down. And promptly found himself on the floor when the chair collapsed under him. At the same time, several others -- all newcomers -- likewise hit the floor. Having been in boot camps before, Kodiak resigned himself. The hazing had begun.  And then he grinned. Unlike the other newbies, he knew the rules. “Payback” was allowed....

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:20am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #155 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:45am
#3179  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     A low haze of smoke and ash lay over what had once been Paradise Valley. Sadly, Penthesilea walked through the wreckage. It had been a beautiful refuge and she was saddened that it had been destroyed. On the other hand she was beginning to suspect that its destruction was ultimately a good thing. The bodies of the human dead, or what could be found of them, had been removed and as the searchers had combed the various buildings looking for survivors or the dead, a picture of the hidden life of Paradise Valley was taking shape that filled her first with dismay and then rage. Evidence of torture was turning up and the sick feeling in Penthesilea’s guts told her that Alisa was unlikely to be the only victim whose remains had been discarded like a broken toy. Sir Michael had summoned her to the remains of Lord Stephan’s palace and she was very concerned about what he had found there.
     She was directed to the second floor of what had been Lord Stephan’s private “working” tower. That he had one wasn’t unusual, most mages, sorcerers and wizards had rooms that were dedicated to various workings. It was only prudent since the consequences of a disturbed, long range working could range from the simple failure of the spell to a cataclysmic explosion. She picked her way through the rubble and found Michael in a large room that bore evidence of considerable magickal activity.  Without a word, he handed her a large, heavy book. With a twinge of disgust, she recognized the leather of the covers as tanned human skin. She opened it and began to read then closed it quickly, profoundly glad that Michael had found it and had sent for her at once. In the wrong hands, such a book could be beyond dangerous.
     “As anyone else seen this.”
     “No,” Michael replied. “I was alone when I found it. It is what I think it is, isn’t it?”
     “Yes, it is. Anti-Life magick of the worse sort. I will need to look into this very carefully.”
     “I am assuming that this” he gestured around to indicate the room around them “is ‘need to know.’”
     “Without question. In fact,” Penthesilea summoned her daughters through the inspeaking. “I’ve just called the girls. When they arrive, we will seal this place tight. No one, not even Lord Stephan, will be able to get in. If it turns out that we need to take him out, I don’t want anyone to warn him that we are on to him. Or for there to be anyone who could be tortured for the information. I doubt that he will risk coming back after the warning I gave him but he might send agents to retrieve this book. The girls and I will do a little spell work on it before we take it out of here. When we’re done, he will believe it destroyed.” Michael nodded and a short time later, MoonCat and SpiritFire joined their mother and the three of them set to work.
     A few hours later, when Lord Stephan discovered that the servant who had been entrusted with retrieving his most valuable book had not been evacuated with the rest, he began a magickal search. After some hours, he had learned that the man was dead -- that piece of necromancy had been quickly accomplished -- and that he had never reached the workroom. The rest of the time had been spent trying to find his book but all he could find was a void that said that it had gone into an infernal abyss or had been destroyed. In either case, it was beyond his reach. He cursed the necessity of recovering the lost knowledge even as he rejoiced that it had not fallen into Penthesilea’s hands.....

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:39am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #156 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:46am
#3180  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     After the opening volley in the mess hall, things got interesting. Kodiak’s squad mates knew that he was one of the feared and renowned Darklords. The mark was clearly visible on his right forearm after all! Consequently, they all agreed that it was only right and proper that he be tested thoroughly. While the other newcomers to the training camp got off fairly easily, Kodiak’s squad started off the the standard collapsing bed and short sheeting and then moved on to more elaborate pranks, going so far as to enlist members of other squads to help them. For his part, Kodiak quickly found out who the ringleaders were and began giving as good as he got while avoiding as many of their pranks as he could. Having excellent vision generally and extraordinary night vision, as well has having been on the lookout for boobytraps in more life and death situations that he cared to think about, Kodiak was at a distinct advantage. And, of course, any attempts to pull a prank while in unarmed combat practice failed miserably given Kodiak’s expertise in that area.  He proved so skilled that the base commander recruited him to assist with combat training which gave him the perfect opportunity to “lesson” the pranksters in a manner no one could object to.
     Ares was completely aware of what was going on and spoke quietly with his commanders. The pranks were allowed as long as no one was seriously hurt, property damage was kept to a minimum and unit morale did not suffer. Ares knew, as did his commanders, that the troops would bond over this as long as no one bore a grudge and that Kodiak would gain their respect in the process. It was also an excellent way to blow off steam in an area where recreation was severely limited. Kodiak knew that as well which was why he did not completely humiliate his opponents even though he could.  Within a reasonable period of time, the pranks tapered off and mostly stopped except for when “lessoning” was needed for particularly obnoxious or incompetent behavior. The only exception was Kodiak’s squad. The worst of the pranksters and four of his cronies were in the squad and until Kodiak had arrived, he had been the undisputed leader of the recruits. It was no secret that Lord Duncan had brought the Darklord to the camp personally and Kodiak seemed to  enjoy the Lord’s special interest.  It had become a matter of honor that he top Kodiak. The rivalry as still good natured but that could change if things were not settled. Both Ares and Kodiak knew that “Lord Duncan” could not step in so Kodiak would have to settle the matter himself. With that necessity in mind, Kodiak put his sneaky and devious mind to work. After considering and discarding a number of plans, he settled on one that he believed would put the matter to rest. The only drawback was that he would have to risk being caught in the prank himself but done correctly, the risk would be minimal.  He would just have to run fast!
     He began to assemble what he would need in anticipation of the appearance of the right opportunity. It came not long after the plan was conceived and it was a simple matter for him to slip out of the barracks after “lights out” to set things up. With this enhanced night vision, he didn’t need any light source that would have given him away and he returned to his bunk an hour and a half after he had left it. He fell asleep with a satisfied grin on his face.
     As planned, the next morning began with a run through the forest around the camp. Each squad would be taking a different route which combined elements of an obstacle course with a basic run. Kodiak pushed himself a bit to pull ahead of the intended targets of his prank and reached the first obstacle, a wide pit of soured mud, grabbed a rope and swung across, landing safely on the other side. His squad mates were determined not to let him get too far ahead of them raced up the pit, grabbed the ropes and swung out in mass. Their weight triggered the first little surprise that Kodiak had rigged. As one, the ropes broke and dumped all of them into the stinking mud.  Chuckling under his breath, Kodiak kept running as his mates hauled themselves out of the pit, spitting and swearing. They swarmed after him and had almost caught up with Kodiak when his passage tripped the next booby-trap, a motion sensor connected to a small high pressure pump that sprayed the mud covered recruits with icy cold water from a nearby stream. The cursing that rang out behind Kodiak was music to his ears.
     “You would think they would thank me for getting that mud off of them,” he remarked to himself as he negotiated the next obstacle on the course, a rope bridge over an impressive ravine. His pursuers caught on quickly and approached the bridge cautiously. By the time they had decided that it wasn’t rigged, Kodiak was well ahead of them. The next obstacle was also unrigged and by the time they reached the long straight stretch before returning to camp, they had forgotten the sneakiness of which the Darklord was capable. They were too busy plotting revenge to notice the dozen tiny tripwires that he had laid across the trail.  Within seconds, the first bombs went off all around them, spattering them with a sticky concoction that smelled entirely too much like rotting meat to which the dirt thrown up by the detonations stuck like glue. Then the “flash-bang” grenades went off and all thoughts of revenge fled as they ran for their lives. Kodiak and the rest of the camp was waiting outside the gates for the morning muster when they staggered out of the forest covered with dirt and obviously running for their lives. The roars of laughter made it official. Kodiak was the Master Practical Joker and none would dare dispute it.
     “You do good work, Son,” a voice next to him said. Kodiak looked to find Ares next to him.  Kodiak began to laugh and hoped that Penthesilea was watching!

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:25am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #157 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:46am
#3181  Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Magickal Workroom

     *Aphrodite and Penthesilea stood before Penthesilea's scrying mirror. Both were laughing so hard that they were crying and could barely speak. Unable, finally, to withstand such merriment, Penthesilea blanked the mirror and leaned over her worktable, gasping for air. They had been catching up on Kodiak’s adventures in boot camp with particular attention being paid to the “practical joke war”. Penthesilea had been especially amused when Kodiak had been unable to avoid the wild pig wallow....

Aphrodite: You are enjoying this way too much.

Penthesilea: You bet I am! I go through 40 kinds of multi denominational hell just so I can have a shot at him -- because every time he touched a woman in the Castle I knew it and sometimes I felt it and it drove me crazy -- and as soon as I do, he packs up and hightails it out of here like he's never coming back. Then he comes back and tries to kill himself in my Pub -- after calling me "my love".

Aphrodite: It was that bad?

Penthesilea: They really should put it in the job description. "The Keyholder will be bound to the Castle. Everything that goes on in the Castle will be known by the Keyholder. And if the guy she's really, really hot for beds someone else, she will not only know it but feel it too --- but not enough to do any good!" So, yeah. He's going to have to work damn hard for it.

Aphrodite: Well, he's not ready for you yet. He's had mortals and vampires but never a demigoddess.

Penthesilea: We do tend to be man-eaters. *The Keyholder and the Love Goddess then proceed to discuss the Lord Marshall's amatory prowess and performance standards with the frankness of a Love Goddess and her former High Priestess.*

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:42am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #158 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:47am
#3182  Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Magickal Workroom, a week later...

*The Keyholder sat in front of her scrying mirror. She'd been keeping track of the Lord Marshall's trials at her father's hands for days. She was proud of him. Once he'd sobered up, he had shown the iron in his spine and had taken everything that Ares had thrown at him. Only when the War God himself had stepped in to test Kodiak's skill with the sword had he failed to triumph but from what Penthesilea had seen, the Lord Marshall was an expert with the sword. The vast majority of mortal men would have stood no chance against him. She was sitting there, thinking of him, when the summons came....*
« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:44am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #159 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:48am
#3183  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Down in the Great Hall, a courier from the farthest most outpost of her holdings was waiting for her. He told her his news and her heart sank....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #160 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:49am
#3184 Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Daemon, can you come back to the Castle immediately? And bring Satira with you? Something has come up.

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:46am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #161 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:50am
#3185  Rewritten by Penthesilea
Daemon and Satira are strolling out beyond the Castle wall when Daemon hears his sister’s summons accompanied by a certain sour tone.

Daemon: We need to get back. Penthesilea wants us and she is a bit upset about something.

That said, the pair head for the Main Gate with Satira struggling to match Daemon’s long gait. He notices, grins and sweeps her off of her feet. He will carry her the rest of the way.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #162 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:52am
#3186  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Penthesilea heads for the kitchen to speak to Housekeeping staff. She doesn’t think that they are going to be happy and she’s right.

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:48am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #163 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:53am
#3187  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Sir Michael meets the Keyholder in the Main Hall. He is just back from duty in Paradise Valley and he finds Penthesilea’s news as welcome as another scorpion man attack. Still, he bows over her hand and goes to give the “wonderful” news to his fellow knights.

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:51am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #164 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:54am
#3188  Rewritten by Penthesilea

The Head of Housekeeping comes up to the Keyholder and shortly thereafter off duty workers start pouring into the Castle. They are quickly given their assignments and controlled chaos ensues. Penthesilea looks around and already misses her peace and quiet.....

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:53am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #165 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:54am
#3189  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Satira takes advantage of her position in Daemon’s arms to work her wiles a bit. He has an excellent view of her cleavage and she is pressed against his extraordinarily muscular chest. A position that she finds exceptionally agreeable. She notices him frankly ogling her and she smiles slyly at him. She really isn’t willing to wait too much longer to get him into her bed again.

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:54am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #166 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:55am
#3190  Penthesilea
*Daemon and Satira finally make it to the Castle where they see Penthesilea standing at the main door looking sour. As soon as they are within earshot, she speaks.*

Penthesilea: We have incoming middle level nobility. They need to be entertained. Tameri is on the feast end of the deal. How fast can you guys set up a tournament?
« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2007 at 2:36am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #167 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:56am
#3191  Rewritten by Penthesilea      

Daemon blinks as he sets Satira on her feet. That was not a question that he was expecting.

Daemon: We have the needed facilities on the grounds.  All we need is to get the reviewing stands in shape and gather contestants.  A couple of days.
« Last Edit: Dec 8th, 2007 at 10:35pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #168 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:57am
#3192  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Penthesilea: We could likely get some competitors from Crowhaven to come in. Free food, free ale and beer and potential bragging rights should be enough incentive. Plus small -- relatively speaking -- cash prizes. What sort of events, do you think?

« Last Edit: Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:57am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #169 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:58am
#3193  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Satira realizes that her clothing, calculated to catch and hold Daemon’s eye, is revealing entirely too much to the Keyholder’s gaze and that of anyone else wandering by. She tries to readjust it without anyone noticing.      

Satira: We could have contests in archery, sword and knife fighting, wrestling,  mounted combat and unarmed hand to hand combat.  We should check and see if the lake is warm enough for swimming. If it is, we could have swimming races too.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #170 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:58am
#3194  Penthesilea

*Penthesilea notices Satira's adjustments and grins. At least someone is getting lucky....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #171 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:59am
#3195  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon: That should be enough to fill a program for a couple of days at least. More if we make it “round robin” eliminations.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #172 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 2:01am
#3197   Rewritten by Penthesilea
Daemon calls to the nearest gremlin and tells him to inform Raksha about the incoming noble visitors. It was not unknown for unscrupulous people to try to kidnap gremlins, especially young ones, to exploit their talent for technology. The clans would be on alert for the duration of the “Noble Invasion.”  They also need to get on the needed repairs to the reviewing stands. As amusing as it might be, having their noble visitors dumped on the ground during the festivities probably wasn’t a good idea.

Daemon: I assume that your Knights already know that they are coming. *An unpleasant realization dawns.* We are going to have to wear “Court Formals” all the time while they are here, aren’t we?”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #173 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 2:02am
#3198   Penthesilea

Yes, we are. The Knights know. And you haven't even asked why
they are coming.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #174 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 2:02am
#3199  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Daemon slips his arm around Satira without thinking about it. Inwardly, Penthesilea smiles. Whatever ghosts haunt her little brother, they are at peace for the moment and she is grateful....

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