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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #275 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 3:48am
#2966  [Rewritten by  Penthesilea]

A kind, gentle voice enters Penthesilea’s mind, bypassing her pain and soothing her soul.
     Dear little one, always you ask for others and never for yourself. The Olympians have done a good job with you. I am Ishtar and you will both live. Be blessed, little one and be free.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #276 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 3:50am
#2967   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak held onto Penthesilea as hard as he could afraid that if he slackened his grip in the slightest she would be torn from his arms. Suddenly, he realized that they were falling slower and even as he realized it their descent slowed to a drift. He twisted his head to look down and saw the soft glow of a portal rising up to meet them. Then they were falling through it. Kodiak twisted in the air as they drifted toward the floor so as to land feet first. He looked down and realized that they were near the ceiling of the Great Hall of the Castle and drifting toward the floor where most of the Castle’s population was gathered. He picked out Daemon, MoonCat and SpiritFire standing together watching their descent.
     They landed gently and Kodiak debated taking Penthesilea immediately to the infirmary when the decision was taken, literally, out of his hands.  Penthesilea began to gently glow and  to drift out of his arms. He started to hold onto her, afraid that she would drift back up through the portal but a gentle voice told him to let her go and going totally against his nature, he trusted the voice and released her even as the portal disappeared.  She drifted upward glowing like a star. As Kodiak and the rest of them watched, light poured out of her mouth, her eyes, her ears and finally every pore of her body. She was healed, made whole, every trace of her ordeal erased from her body. The torn, burned and bloody hipwrap was replaced by one of shining pristine white.  Looking like a newborn Goddess, she drifted back to the floor.
     For a long timeless moment, Kodiak stared at her. She was more beautiful than he had ever seen her and she seemed to glow like the moons. He began to take the first step toward her, intending to take a knee before her and to beg for forgiveness for cursing her but before the thought could become action, Jasmine was there crying tears of gratitude at this return. She threw her arms around him and covered his face with kisses while babbling happy incoherent nonsense. Then, as Daemon swept his sister up in a bear hug with MoonCat and SpiritFire on his heels, Jasmine took Kodiak’s arm and began to drag him away intending, she said, to tend his wounds and see to his comfort. Kodiak let her lead him away but he looked back over his shoulder for one last look at Penthesilea and saw her looking back at him.
     Penthesilea looked up from her joyous family in time to see Jasmine pulling Kodiak away. She felt a tiny pang at that but then Kodiak turned his head and looked at her and she thought that she saw the same longing in his eyes that she knew was in her own. She considered going after them but decided not to. She would find a private moment to say what she had to say to him. What happened after that would be up up him.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #277 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:29am
#2977  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak kept his eyes on Penthesilea for as long as he could but he eventually had to turn his attention to Jasmine who was still babbling like a complete idiot and seriously getting on his nerves. She elected to take him to her quarters where, she said, she had the salves, potions and whatnot to heal his many hurts. And as the adrenaline wore off and the Darkness in him subsided, Kodiak had to admit that he was hurting a great deal!
     Once they were in her rooms, Jasmine immediately stripped off Kodiak’s clothes and deposited him in her bubbling hot tub. The heat from the water seeped into his abused body and began to soothe his aching muscles.  He leaned back and let the heat do its work while Jasmine flitted around like a berserk hummingbird gathering what she needed to treat his wounds. All too soon she was back with her supplies and began the process of cleaning and bandaging him all the while keeping up a stream of inane chatter that, thankfully, he was able to tune out. Otherwise, he might have killed her just to shut her up! He could not help but think that under similar circumstances, Penthesilea’s administrations would be considerably more welcome. Certainly, her conversation had never grated on his nerves! Kodiak let his mind drift both because of fatigue but mostly in an effort to ignore Jasmine. Finally she was finished and she ordered Kodiak to bed. He was more than happy to comply but not for the reason that Jasmine hoped.  Kodiak climbed into her bed and gave into his exhaustion. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow and thanks to his Patron, even Jasmine’s screams of outraged frustration were insufficient to wake him.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #278 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:29am
#2978  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     As much as she wanted to, Penthesilea resisted the intense urge to find Kodiak before the night was done. Her ethics required that he have his time with Jasmine. That and the fact that her family, her girls especially, needed her more than she needed to see Kodiak although it was a very near thing!  Upon arising from the first restful sleep she had had in weeks, Penthesilea had bathed and groomed herself carefully and then arrayed herself in the magickally restored hipwrap. Jagamatan women were extremely body proud and lived in a hot, dry climate.  It was therefore quite logical for them to go bare breasted wearing nothing more than a hipwrap, sandals and sunscreen. Penthesilea studied herself in the mirror and smiled.  The effect was all she could wish.  She grinned wickedly.
     “Ashera, where is the Lord Marshall?”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #279 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:30am
#2979  Penthesilea
     *Hurrying down the corridor to the fourth floor door to the Keyholder's Tower, the Lord Marshall is surprised to see Penthesilea approaching. She is so beautiful that she is nearly glowing and the traditional hipwrap she wears reveals considerably more of her than he is accustomed to seeing. In his current state, he finds it difficult to think of her as his sworn Lady and a blush begins to creep up his neck.*

Penthesilea: My Lord Marshall, I have an engagement present for you. *She stares into his eyes and takes his right hand in both of hers and intones.*

What was done, I now undo.
Broken are all spells on you.

*The power surging through the Lord Marshall nearly lifts him off his feet. When the wave passes, he finds himself looking into her gently smiling face.* All this trouble started because when I realized that my feelings for you would put you in danger, I was frantic to protect you any way that I could. So I cast a spell, obviously unneeded, to push you into Jasmine's arms. As I am now free of my bargain with that goddess, I need no longer fear for your safety.* She brings his hand to her lips and gently kisses it.* One of the many things I learned last night is that you are Heartkin to me. Whatever we may become to each other in the future these things I swear. Your enemy is my enemy. No one can come against you without facing me as well. My home is yours. *Intones.* Live for the Heartkin. Die for the Heartkin. Into Eternity and Forever! *Smiles and releases his hand. * I hope eventually that you will be able to forgive me for the trouble I've caused you and will permit me, in some small way to make it up to you. *She stands on tiptoe and brushes her lips against his cheek. It takes everything he has to remain still.* I'm sure Jasmine is looking for you, so I will release you to seek her. Give her my best. *Turning, Penthesilea walks back toward her tower door, her hips swaying hypnotically. The Lord Marshall watches her go, his mind in turmoil.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #280 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:32am
#2980  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak stood in the hallway unable to move because of his physical reaction to Penthesilea’s feather soft kiss. His cheek tingled where her lips had touched and his body’s response to her was anything but indifferent!  For a moment, he lost himself in thoughts of the Keyholder but he was returned to reality by the awareness that someone was coming up behind him.  Instantly, he was on alert and turned to face whoever was approaching him from behind. He relaxed only marginally when he saw who it was.
     He did not like Satira. He had disliked her from the moment that he first saw her. He pegged her as a worthless, scheming opportunist whose only goal was to gain a position of importance in the Keyholder’s household.  Oh she was attractive, he would give her that
, and under other circumstances he might even have used her for a night’s diversion but he could sense the deceit in her. He was as sure as he could be that she meant Penthesilea no good and he was sworn by his own word to protect Penthesilea. Granted, taking her to bed might get her to divulge her plans but Kodiak knew that his Lady would not ask such a thing of him. Kodiak only wished that he had enough solid proof to prove Satira’s schemes to Penthesilea. If he did, he would happily put Satira to the sword and beg the Lady Keyholder’s pardon afterwards! Kodiak felt his hackles rise as Satira came up to him. She had arranged her bodice so that she was all but falling out of it and the skirt she wore stopped well above mid thigh. It would be no trouble at all to lift it and he suspected that was exactly what she had in mind! She stopped in front of him, as close as Penthesilea had been and looked up at him in a manner calculated to entice.
     “Good morning, Darklord. I was hoping to find you.”
     “You were?” Kodiak decided to play along for just a bit.
     “I was,” she breathed and laid her hand on his chest. “I’ve been wanting to express my admiration for you for some time but the time has never been right.”
     Kodiak grinned lazily and Satira did not notice that it did not reach his eyes. “You have? Well, I’m all for ‘expressions of admiration.”
    “That is what I’ve heard.” With that she began to unbutton the top button of his shirt and Kodiak made his move. With one violent motion, he shoved Satira into the nearest wall, taking  her mouth with all of the skill and intensity at his command while his hands roamed freely under her conveniently short skirt. She was wearing nothing under it which only confirmed Kodiak’s suspicions.  He felt her respond to his kiss, felt her go soft and yielding and at the precise moment when she surrendered and gave herself up to desire for him, he stopped, stepped back and bowed slightly.
     “Unfortunately, I am an engaged man and my loyalty is to my Lady. I’m afraid you will have to find another way to express your admiration.” With that, he turned away from her and walked back toward the nearest elevator, leaving Satira shocked and aching from thwarted desire behind him.

« Last Edit: Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:33am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #281 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:34am
#2981  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Daemon pried his eyes open by main force of will and wondered what in the hell he had been drinking the night before. Slowly memory came back. He had spent considerable time with Penthesilea assuring himself that she was indeed alive, safe and healed. When she had retired for the night with MoonCat and SpiritFire in attendance, he had still been too wound up to sleep so he had gone down to the Castle Pub to drink and, perhaps, scare up some agreeable female company.  The Pub had not been crowded so he had taken a place at the bar and engaged himself in a dice game to pass the time until the place filled up some. He had been drinking his favorite ale when Satira had walked in. He had looked her over. She was tall and well endowed in an overblown sort of way with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her creamy skin carried a light coat of tan and her clothing had revealed a good deal of that skin. She had seemed to be in a foul mood when he first saw her but when she had seen him, her expression changed and she had come to his side.
     “Is this seat taken?” Daemon had grinned and with a gesture indicated that she was more than welcome to take it. He recalled that she had been wearing a pair of very short, tight leather pants in the Amazon style and a laced bodice of the sort that normally
had a shirt under it.  She had ordered “the usual” and the bartender had brought her a brew that he did not recognize.  At his inquiry, she had told him that it was Jagamatan stout, a beverage native to her home area. Intrigued, he had set aside his ale and ordered a tankard for himself. Things got hazy after that.
     Daemon dragged his sorry carcass out of bed and headed for the bathing room. He knew without checking that he needed a long, very hot shower. As he passed the mirror, he caught a glimpse of himself. His right eye was swollen nearly shut as the result of a black eye. How in the hell? Then he remembered. He had been drunk as a skunk and Satira had taken it upon herself to get him back to his quarters. She had been pulling off his shirt when he had grabbed her and tried to kiss her. The woman looked like a tart but she had a wicked right hook.  Daemon grinned. He would have to see about making amends. What happened after that was in the laps of the Fates.   
     Once he had made himself presentable, Daemon had headed for the Castle Pub. The breakfast they served there was of the same excellent quality as he could find in the Dining Hall but what he really needed was an ale.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #282 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:35am
#2982  Penthesilea

     *Servants have spread the word of Daemon's distress. Penthesilea chuckles to herself.* I keep telling him not to drink strange brews with beautiful women and does he listen? -- noooooo, he does not! Let him suffer for a while. Maybe I'll cure his headache when he comes looking for me! * Daemon had been the first to reach her when she had returned from her journey. The advantage of long legs had got him to her in advance of her daughters and the bear hug he had given her when he had reached her had driven all the air from her lungs. She didn't strictly need air to breathe but it certainly made talking easier! She had gasped dramatically (this was, after all, not the first time that he'd hugged her this hard...) and he'd gotten the idea and eased up. Then he'd set her feet back on the floor for the reunion with her daughters. And then stood guard over her until she had finally shooed him off and he'd found his way to the Pub -- and Satira.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #283 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:36am
#2983    [Rewritten by Penthesilea]
     Daemon found that the aftereffects of an overindulgence in Jagamatan stout were more extreme than he had anticipated. He made his way carefully through the Great Hall all the while telling his stomach to behave and his head to stop spinning! If he noticed the giggling servant girls in his wake, he ignored them. Getting to the Pub was taking all of his concentration.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #284 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:38am
#2984  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     When Satira awoke, her hangover had been considerably less severe than Daemon’s. For one thing, she had not consumed several tankards of ale prior to starting in on Jagamatan stout! For another, a lifetime spend drinking the stuff had given her a considerable tolerance for its high alcohol content. She had made her way to her bathing room where she kept her herb packets. She had set one to steep in a cup of hot water while she drew her bath. She had downed the brew when it was ready and had settled into the tub. She had bathed and dressed quickly as it was nearly time for her morning prayers. Once the formalities had been taken care of, her God had issued his orders in the wake of the failure of his plan for Satira to save Penthesilea from her curse. Those orders were some of the most pleasant that He had ever given her. She was to seduce the Darklord and bring him under her God’s influence.  She was also to bring Daemon, Penthesilea’s half brother, into Mar-Nek’s fold the same way. Satira had smiled and had thanked whatever God or Goddess who have given her a nearly endless appetite for bedgames. She would need it if she intended to satisfy both the lusty Darklord and the Keyholder’s brother!
     She had set off at once to find the Lord Marshall and was pleased to find him alone in one of the hallways on the fourth floor. She arranged her bodice to reveal as much of her tempting body as possible without dispensing with it entirely and approached the Darklord.  Shortly thereafter, she watched his broad back disappear down the hallway after delivering the most humiliating rejection that she had ever received. Her God’s instructions in that event had been clear and she would be overjoyed to carry them out. If the Darklord would not join Mar-Nek’s cause, he would die!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #285 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:39am
#2985    Penthesilea
*Penthesilea hears her brother's muttering as he passes through the Castle on the way to the Pub. She hopes that if Satira is there, she will have a little mercy.. Laughing under her breath, the Keyholder returns to supervising the repairs to her Castle beginning with the massive front doors that Daemon had smashed to bits in his haste to inquire about her whereabouts.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #286 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:40am
#2986   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     After leaving Satira sputtering impotently in his wake, Kodiak decided to seek some breakfast and after availing himself of the Castle’s buffet felt much more able to face the day. He wanted, desperately, to see Penthesilea again and various servants informed him that she was buzzing around, attending to her duties as Lady of the Castle. Kodiak smiled. Back from near death and damnation and she was on her feet and working when most of the women he knew would have been languishing in their bowers or still in the grip of hysterics. The Lady Keyholder was one of a kind.
     “Honee!!” Inwardly, Kodiak cringed. Jasmine had found him and his fate, at least for the time it would take to satisfy her carnal demands, was sealed. Still, when he considered it, a vigorous round of bedgames with Jasmine would clear his head and calm his body so that the next time he saw Penthesilea, he would be able to speak coherently and, if he were to be honest with himself, NOT carry her off to the nearest bed to ravish her himself which was beginning to be more and more a distinct possibility. So Kodiak turned toward the approaching Jasmine, smiled his most winning smile and when she whispered her proposal in his ear, he readily agreed.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #287 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:41am
#2987   Penthesilea
     *Singing softly to herself, Penthesilea moves through the Great Hall, making sure that her High Seat is in the proper place and that the Chair for the Lord Marshall is also properly placed. She wasn't terribly sure how Jasmine would react to her lover working so closely with Penthesilea, especially since the Keyholder's feelings for her Lord Marshall had been made abundantly clear. But that decision would belong to the Lord Marshall alone. His mind was his own now for the first time since that fateful discussion between herself and Jasmine. Penthesilea brushed a bit of dust from her pants. She had changed clothes immediately after her encounter with Kodiak. The Jagamatan hipwrap was lovely and she had put it away carefully. It was a bit.... drafty to wear while going about her duties in this temperate climate. But for wear in private... it was perfect...
     With an inward grin, she remembered the blush that had moved up Kodiak’s neck when he had seen her in the garment without pressing matters of survival to distract him.  She was fairly certain that Kodiak’s blood had been stirred by the sight of her almost naked body. She would have to be careful. The unleashed passion of a demigoddess had been known to kill but if Castle rumor was accurate, Kodiak’s attentions were worth the effort! Jasmine might have him at present but now that she could offer him her love without fear, Penthesilea did not intend to give up the man she loved without a fight.  And if it came to pass that Kodiak returned her passion, a way would be found for them to fully enjoy their coupling without danger to him.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #288 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:42am
#2988  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     As Daemon slowly sips his ale and prays for his head to stop pounding like the war drums of hell, he signals a passing serving girl. “I need to speak to the Keyholder. Do you know where she might be.” The girl went to inquire and Daemon sank back into deep thought with a sigh. Now that the situation with his sister was resolved and she was safe, the business that had brought him to her Castle needed to be addressed. They had been lucky so far but he knew, all too well, that it would not last. When the servant returned, she told him that Penthesilea was in the Main Hall. Daemon thanked her, paid his tab and went seeking his sister.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #289 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:43am
#2989  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Satira was still murderously angry when she entered the Ballroom and saw Daemon slowly crossing it, obviously on his way to the Main Hall. That he was feeling the effects of the previous night’s drinking gave her an idea. Since the Darklord had refused her bed, he had become expendable so Satira would give her full attention to seducing the Keyholder’s brother. Given the eagerness with which he had groped her the night before, she didn’t anticipate having much trouble getting him where she wanted him! And she had just what she needed to break the ice in her belt pouch. Hangover remedy. With a spring in her step, she hurried to catch up with Daemon.
« Last Edit: Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:43am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #290 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:44am
#2990  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Daemon had found that the “hair of the dog that bit him” was no help when it came to Jagamatan stout. He had managed to eat a little and it had stayed down. He knew that would eventually help as would exercise as soon as he was steady enough to do it. Which, considering how he felt, could turn out to be quite a while. He was about to seek out his sister and beg for her hangover cure when he caught sight of Satira coming towards him. She was smiling slyly and, as was apparently her custom, revealing enough skin to arouse a stone god.
     “Morning!” she chirped brightly. Then the smile turned into a slight frown. “You don’t look so good.”
     “Thank you, milady. I’m afraid I’m suffering the aftereffects of that brew you introduced me too last night. It is tasty and smooth going down but it has a considerable kick. Especially the morning after.”
     Satira’s smile returned and she pulled a small packet from her belt pouch. “I have something here that should help. It is the least I can do after giving you that black eye. I would have been more gentle but I was a bit drunk myself.”
     “The fault is entirely mine but I will accept your offer of relief from this headache.”
     “All I need to do is steep it in some hot water. It even tastes good. You don’t have to add honey to it to get it down.”
     Daemon considered his position relative to the Dining Hall and the Castle Pub. No contest. The Pub was closer and he was sure that the bar keep could come up with a mug of hot water. “Then if I may escort you to the Pub, we’ll see about that hot water. I will even spring for breakfast if you haven’t eaten.”
     “I haven’t and once you have this in you, you will have a bit more appetite too.”
     Shortly thereafter, Daemon was downing the brew while Satira ordered some breakfast for herself and, true to her word, once the brew had hit Daemon’s stomach, he found himself hungry. His order of steak, eggs and fried potatoes arrived along with her more modest meal and they ate and made small talk between bites. They avoided anything too personal and the talk wandered to battles that they had been in and the adventures that they had had.  Daemon found the conversation as pleasant as the view and when the meal was done, he stood and offered her his arm.
     “I need to speak to the Lady Keyholder about a matter of some importance. I would be pleased to have your company while I hunt her up.”
     Satira rose gracefully from her chair and took his arm. “I’d be delighted.” A quick inquiry yielded the information that Penthesilea had last been seen in the Entry Hall overseeing the repairs to the Main Doors and they strolled off in that direction.
     Meanwhile, Penthesilea had heard from a servant in the Dining Hall that Daemon was looking for her.  She swallowed the last of her meal and spoke to the Castle. “Ashera, where is Daemon?” Upon receiving the the answer, she went to intercept him.

« Last Edit: Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:46am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #291 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:46am
#2991  Penthesilea

     Penthesilea sees her brother and Satira walking toward the Main Doors and hurries to catch up.  “You're looking for me, Daemon?” She looks up at her brother. “That's some shiner. Dare I ask?”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #292 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:47am
#2992    [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

Daemon looks vaguely embarrassed. “Yeah, it is” he replies and hopes that Penthesilea will not inquire further.  “Now that you are safe, we need to have a war council. Something has come up.”
     “Does it concern the letter you left for me? I found it on my desk this morning.”  Daemon only nods and Penthesilea frowns, quickly deciding who to summon to the council. “Ashera, we need the Lord Marshall, Sir Michael,  Sir Alexander and Sir Kevin and since she will tag along, Jasmine for a meeting in the Castle Pub.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #293 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:48am
#2994  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Daemon looks down at his sister. “I’ve asked the Wolfkin tribe to come as well. You will understand when you hear what I have to say.”
     “If you have no objection, Daemon, I would like to attend as well,” Satira said. Daemon knew that she was a warrior for all that she looked like a bedtoy.
     “Of course,” he replied.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #294 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:49am
#2996  Penthesilea
“Ashera, we need the Lord Marshall, Sir Michael,  Sir Alexander and Sir Kevin and since she will tag along, Jasmine for a meeting the the Castle Pub.

Ashera: Locating. They have been informed.
« Last Edit: Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:50am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #295 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:51am
#2997   Penthesilea

Quote: Ashera: Locating. They have been informed.

*Sir Michael is the first to arrive.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #296 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:52am
#2998   Penthesilea
*The Lord Marshall comes striding down the hall with Jasmine in pursuit. Kodiak slows when he sees Penthesilea, allowing Jasmine, who is fumbling with her bodice, to catch up. When she sees Penthesilea standing with the group, she takes the Lord Marshall's arm. Penthesilea simply smiles...*


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