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Basic info on Obsidian
Jan 2nd, 2010 at 5:50pm
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  Obsidian is volcanic glass. An ancient stone it was used for scrying. The aztecs used it for scrying in the shape of flat square mirrors.more popular it was used as" flint " knives and arrowheads. spheres of obsidian are also made. like tourmalines, there are many color types and metaphysical properties.

All obsidians in general:it helps in revealing your own makes you give blunt answers and helps in actually solving the situation. It's an excellent for grounding,protection. It stablizes the internal and external energies of the body. Also it provides a shield against negativity as well as turning negative vibrations in the environment.

In healing, it helps both the healer and the subject in knowing and curing the disease. It alleviates pain,reduce tension and release helps staunch blood and help the healing of wounds. Excellent with circulation. it can be used to treat trauma,shock and anxiety attacks.

The stone in general is associated with Sagittarius .primarliy it should be used by people who are sagittarius and scorpio. each type of stone will also be ruled by a different astrological sign. most will be sagittarius.

In cleansing discharge it in warm running water then recharge under the sun or a large quartz crystal structure. also you can use water (preferably distilled) and salt(sea salt in prefance).

It's chemical compositon is SiO2 + Fe2O3 + H2O +Al,C,Ca,Fe,K,Na

Some people who weild it usually get a jolt from it, while others will get a "heavy "feeling from it.

Here are the various obsidians:

Apache tears:
this stone is associated with aries. It's used as a comfort stone in times of helps in stimulating analytical abilities. It promotes a forgiving attitude.relieves anxiety about the future.Helps with digestin,gastric and intestinal disorders. they calm an upset stomach. helps you produce vitamins B and E. .used for protection. Place several placed around the house and it will give the house a more positive aura. also this will draw friendly astral beings.

Black obsidian:
usually this will also be grey and brown as well. all three will be aligned with sagittarius used in removing disorders from the promotes creativity on all levels.grey promotes tact and cooperation. and brown promoteindependant thought and action. Sometimes black obsidian is sold as blackstone or onyx.

Blue obsidian:
this stone is also associated with aquarius. it helps witht he throat chakra and aids in communication. including pyschic abilities as tarot and astral travel. used for protection during directional travel in the real world. It can be used to heal problems with eyes ,speech therapy and mental diseases such as Alzheimer's disease,schizophrenia.

Blue/green obsidian:
a combo of blue and green obsidian. Associated sign is scorpio. aids in reiki healing. creates spiritual awareness and aids in gentle communication. used to aid in absorbtion of vitamins A & E , skin problems and night vision.

Electric-blue sheen obsidian:
a black obsidian with a blue shine to it. associated with sagittarius. It helps in getting to the source of any problems the person is having. it also emits an energy conductive to balance energy fields and to stop actions which are useless. helps clear the mind of bad thoughts of one's self and others.aids in the promotion of patience and tolarance. Good for third eye work. helps with intuition and awareness
In a sphere form it can aid any form of psychic communication,astral travel, fortune telling,and past life research. as well as from other planes.

in a pendulum form it is used in finding problems by interfering with the energy of the user. one person will state that it is only found in Davis Creek,but this variety is also found in Lassen Creek as well.

Also there is an electric blue obsidian which is from China and not glass. it is transparent light blue or turquoise coloring.

Gold sheen obsidian:
a gazing stone used to get to the root of a problem.allows one to attain communion with the source of all being. it allows beauty from within.balances the energy fields. Also tells you what you need,but doesn`t provide the means. associated with sagittarius.

Green obsidian:associated with gemini. aids with theheart chakra.gently removes any attachments the person has and helps redirecting and further ones. Green obsidian is a rare stone and some green obsidian is actually glass. One good way to check if it is the real thing is to find out where it was mined. The ones mined in Africa are rumored to be manmade.But i have no source to say yes or no to it. Known places where confirmed natural green obsidian comes from is Shenzhen, China and Glass Buttes, Oregon mines. Also from records Mexico is supposed to have mines where green obisidian is mined. Also blue and YELLOWobsidian. one mine in Jalisco,Mexico produces a creamy green obsidan.

Mahogany obsidian:
associated with the astrological sign of libra.promotes logical thought and dispels stimulates growth of all aspects of the person.aids in ones goals. aids in energy blockages.increases ones sexuality and sensuality. lets you be more "in touch with touch".

Purple obsidian:
associated with virgo.Aids in spiritual growth.aids with clairvoyance. connects th intellect with intuition. aids in the crown chakra in meditations. purple obsidian is not a hot topic in the rockhound circles. In general obsidian's hardness is of 5 to 5.5 which is softer than quartz. General areas where some obsidians are mined are ceneral California,USA. One source is Napa Valley near the town of St.Helena.others are near Glass Mountain Road on the Silverado Trail(this one is reported to give poor quality) and Kelseyvill in Lake County just north of Napa County. Also please note these are private properties if anyone decides to mine them for themselves.

Purple sheen obsidian:
another gazing stone.also getting to the root of a problem.aids in a person's actions.aids in helping the person see what is beyond them. aids in psychic ability. aids in problems of mental disruption like Alzheimer's disease.

Rainbow obsidian:
a.k.a. black eye. It is assocoated with the astrologocal sign of libra.increases mental powers and brings love and light to healing it control glandular functions especially the thyroid gland,ovaries,pancreas,adrenal and pituitary glands.aids the nervous system. aids in addictions.A gazing stone especially for matters of love and a person's forms.Shows you what is totally wrong in your life. A kick-in-the-butt stone.

Red obsidian:
associated with the astrological sign of leo. causes physical energy and stability in physical atributes. Balances the masculine and feminine energies.can bring change. can be used in disorders of the blood and spleen.

Red and black obsidian:
this is a red and black stone where mahogany is red-brown and black. this combination raises the kundalini. aids in connecting oneself to humanity.gets rid of the need to be an individual. aids in fevers and chils.associated with the combination of leo and sagittarius.

Red,black and snowflake obsidian:
associated with sagittarius.has all the qualities of black,red and snwflake obsidian.enhances ones energy field. stabilizes movement of the kundalini and grounds oneself in meditation. also opens the crown chakra.brings a softness to ones activities. aids in the disorders of the skin,blood ,ears and gets rid of inflexability of bones.

Silver sheen obsidian:
a gazing stone used to get to the root of a problem.helps you realizes what your actions are. helps in making you see how other people see you.brings patiance and perseverance.increase the connection of the physical andastral bodies.

Snowflake obsidian:
associated with the astrological sign of virgo.but is good for libras.provides protection for the "soft-hearted". Especially good if someone is supersensitive to their environment.helps in improving ones own personality. it allows one to see unnecessary patterns in ones life and to do something about it.helps one to cope with being alone.promotes a senstivity to the most vital powers of the universe. brings both purity and balance to the body,mind and spirit.helps in disorder of veins,bones,smooth the skin and clear eyes.

Strawberry obsidian:a.ka. cherry obsidian. this is a fake. meant for costume jewelry.

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