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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) On My Journey (Read 52448 times)
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Re: On My Journey
Reply #650 - Mar 4th, 2013 at 8:32pm
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On this date in 2007, something very precious to me was destroyed. I have not forgotten what that group of “female dogs” did to me and to my friend. I have spent the ensuing years watching Lady Karma visit them periodically to exact justice for me and I doubt that She is done with them. This fact warms my evil little heart since, while I no longer entertain myself with thoughts of bloody retribution, I have yet to reach the level of enlightenment necessary to forgive them. Perhaps if they showed some regret for what they did, forgiveness would be possible but none has been forthcoming and I must conclude that they learned nothing at all from the experience.
I, however, have. I’ve learned EXACTLY what kind of self-centered, vicious, disloyal, manipulative, jealous, obsessed, venomous, self-righteous, self-satisfied, vindictive, lying, deceitful, backstabbing, two-faced, scum sucking, dung-eating bottom feeding hypocrite that I NEVER want to be. So I want to thank that pack of diseased female hyenas for providing me a clear and unblemished example of what NOT to be. They know who they are.
I was the FIRST “Evil Woman” and I am the LAST ONE STANDING.

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Re: On My Journey
Reply #651 - Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:17pm
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Yet another “sex scandal” this past week got me thinking how much simpler life would be if more people were polyamorous. I got interested in polyamory when someone I’d met online told me that he and his wife were polyamorous and I decided that I had better get educated so I wouldn’t make a fool out of myself. Imagine my surprise when I realized that polyamory seemed very normal and natural to me. Polyamory is a hot topic both nationally and internationally with articles, books and even a cable television show examining it but it is also a hot button topic for a lot of people. The idea that someone, somewhere is doing what they secretly wish they could but have been brainwashed into thinking that they can’t fills those people with rage, whether they acknowledge that rage or not. “Ownership” of another person’s sexual services (to be blunt about it), especially those of women, is a concept that has been enshrined in human culture since someone decided that controlling everyone’s sexual contacts was a great way to enslave/control a population. Insisting that monogamy is “natural” and that anything else is “deviant”, “sinful,” “selfish”, a “sign of weak character” and just plain WRONG is nothing more than a mechanism of social control by civil and religious authorities. In response to the contention that monogamy is “natural,” “normal” and “instinctive” one researcher commented dryly that one normally does not need to enact laws with draconian punishments in order to enforce something that is instinctual. And ya know what? He’s right. “Instinct” is self-enforcing, it needs no manmade laws to function unlike monogamy which seems to need all the support a sexually controlling culture can give it.

Some people say that polyamory is “just an excuse to cheat!” To which a sensible person with a realistic view of things will look around and ask: “Who needs an excuse?” And, of course, the obvious answer is “No one.” Because the bald faced fact of the matter is that if someone is going to “cheat”, they will find a way. I am firmly of the belief that the hacksaw came about as a direct result of the use of chastity belts. The only person who can or should control your sexual conduct is you and it’s up to you to be honest with yourself about what you can and cannot do in terms of said conduct and then be honest about it with anyone you desire to have a relationship with. If the requirements of monogamy are foreign to your personality, be adult enough and self aware enough to admit it and let a potential partner know what the deal is. If they choose to ignore what you tell them and demand promises that you can’t keep once the relationship is underway, then any “betrayal” is on their head and not yours.

And on the other side of the conversation, when someone says that they “aren’t cut out for monogamy” a person would be wise to believe them, especially if their relationship history seems to bear that out. It is the height of rank stupidity to believe that if someone tells you that monogamy is not for them that they will miraculously change JUST because they are with you. If you get involved with someone who identifies as polyamorous, then you have to accept that while you may be important to them, you are NOT their “one and only true love” straight out of your favorite fairy tale. The evidence still isn’t what most people would consider overwhelming but it IS there and it supports the position that polyamory isn’t a lifestyle choice for some people but instead it is the way they are “wired” so expecting one of these “poly-wired” people to become effortlessly monogamous is like expecting a gay or bi person to decide to be hetero just because they love you SO MUCH. It ain’t gonna happen! How many more people would practice polyamory if they had not been so thoroughly brainwashed by the dominant culture is unknown. Given the number of people who aren’t personally affected by it but still condemn it makes me think that the number is quite large. There’s more than one “definition” of polyamory and if you apply the broadest one “any close, intimate emotional relationship with or without sex” then Skywise and I have been practicing polyamory all our lives. Generally, we have only one rule at applies to all our relationships. Neither of us will do anything that the other doesn’t know about and approve of. And THAT is why we’ll celebrate 34 years of state recognized togetherness come September 1st.
« Last Edit: Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:21pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: On My Journey
Reply #652 - Dec 28th, 2013 at 4:03am
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I don’t do “resolutions” as a rule. I set goals and depending on “real life” I achieve them or don’t. I do, however, do “introspection” along with my goal setting which is the point of this post. Good ole “Real Life” threw us some serious curves this year in the form of very expensive repairs to both the van and the car which put a number of projects we’d planned for last summer on “indefinite hold.” The fact that we’re waiting on the delivery of a new engine for the van which will cost us several thousand dollars means that only the most urgent projects will be on the schedule for next summer. So, that was a number of goals that didn’t get met in 2013.

The worst “curve” was Skywise’s high blood pressure diagnosis and the subsequent round of doctor visits, tests, more doctor visits followed by still more tests. Fortunately, we were able to get his bp down to something approaching “normal.” We aren’t there yet but the fear that I’d wake up one morning to find him dead has passed and I’m able to think about something else. Now that the damned “Christmas Rush” is over and I’m not balanced on the brink of total exhaustion 24/7, I’m going to be getting back to working up a repertoire of low sodium recipes that don’t involve salt substitutes since those contain potassium which, thanks to his medication, Skywise has to be careful of. I’ve been thinking about growing and canning our own tomato products but I think I’m going to hold off on that. We’re getting good results with the “low sodium” products that we’ve found that don’t have salt substitutes in them so I’m going to concentrate on making low sodium varieties of things like ketchup and BBQ sauce which can be used in recipes to lower their total sodium content. I’ve gotten good results -- meaning that Skywise and Moonie like it! -- with the low sodium sausage I’m making to put on pizza so my next project will be coming up with a low sodium breakfast sausage that I can make sausage gravy with. I’ve pretty much stopped using Bisquick -- too much sodium *sigh* -- so I’ll go back to the old fashioned way of making buttermilk biscuits from scratch. I might even be able to work up my own low sodium biscuit mix. Skywise really misses sausage gravy and biscuits and I’d like to be able to fix that for him again. So one of the goals for 2014 is to be a better and more versatile cook in general and a low sodium one in particular.

Once the Christmas tree is taken down, I’ll be back to cleaning and rearranging the basement. Once the “sewing/craft” area is cleared out, I’ll be moving the sewing and craft stuff out of the exercise area which means I’ll have room to work out again. I did lose weight in 2013 but not nearly as much as I wanted to. Consequently my knees which were improving are now worse than they were at the first of the year. So once I have some floor space, I plan to start doing classic Pilates. Aside from having stood the test of time as an exercise and rehabilitation system, in the classic form it can be done entirely as “floor work,” meaning that I won’t be putting any weight and therefore strain on my knees when I’m doing it. It puts a real damper on your willingness to exercise when you can’t do the movements without pain. That’s my second goal for 2014, lose weight and get a body to die for.

After I’ve attained my weight loss/fitness goal, I’ll be making my “reward dress” which will get my “sewing mojo” back in action. I have NO idea what use I’ll have for a fully lined, black and silver brocade and taffeta ball gown but I’ll think of something.... In addition to stretching my “sewing muscles” I’ve decided to learn a couple of new crafts. One is hand bookbinding. I’ve made scrapbook type covers before but I’m wanting to expand into something more complex -- step up my game as it were. I’m also going to be exploring paper crafts -- card making and such. Moonie is a fair hand at origami and she’s interested in finding out what else can be done with paper so that and her new desire to learn cake decorating promises us considerable “mom/daughter” bonding time. Learn a couple of new crafts and knock the rust off of an old one is my third goal for 2014.

I got published in 2013 but I’m not all that happy with the results so my fourth goal for 2014 is to dive into the world of self, hardcopy publishing. I’ve been doing research which so far mostly pertains to non-fiction publishing. My work is definitely fiction.... well, most of it is but I’m NOT saying what parts aren’t “fiction!” -- but I’m hoping that as I delve deeper into it, I’ll find information that is relevant to my situation. I’ve decided on a name for my publishing company if I decide to go the completely independent route -- it’s a secret! -- but that is a decision I’m a long way from making but I have the goal and I’ll keep pursuing it until I reach it.

So those are my goals for 2014 in no particular order: Be a more versatile low sodium cook, lose weight and develop a killer body, refine an old skill and learn a couple of new ones and last but not least get published in hardcopy. By this time next year, we'll know how well I've done.

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Re: On My Journey
Reply #653 - Dec 31st, 2013 at 2:20am
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I got my first book on bookbinding today "Hand Bookbinding" by Aldren A. Watson and I've been glancing through it. The instructions that I've found online take some "shortcuts" using modern methods that are more applicable to my goals than the traditional methods. I'm a "learn by doing" sort so I anticipate making a lot of small notebooks during the learning process. I don't think Moonie would mind some custom made sketchbooks. The instructions in this book call for the pages to be folded in half and as anyone who has folded more than two or three sheets of paper in half knows, the result is NOT an even edge and since I don't want to buy a specialized paper cutter called, gruesomely enough, a guillotine I'll be using the online technique I found for sewing unfolded sheets together before gluing.

I was telling Skywise today about what I'm going to be needing in the way of specialized storage in the craft area. For one thing, the boxes I've been making for my pattern inventory are longer than the storage shelves I already have are deep. I've got a temporary solution in place but I need something permanent so I'm in the process of designing a storage unit that's four feet high with shelves that are about 16 inches from front to back and 36 inches side to side. I'm also going to get a nine section "cubical" unit by Closet Maid to help corral some of the girls' stuff downstairs. Moonie has an extensive collection of cds in plastic storage boxes that are stacked everywhere making them hard to find so those boxes will be the first to go into the new cubical unit. I'm probably going to need another small unit that can be set up and used as a workstation. I have a sheet of shelving left over from customizing the kitchen workstation that may end up as a table top if I don't use it to customize a cabinet in the kitchen which could really use it. I'm definitely going to have some sort of work surface set up in the "storage" area but I haven't figured out exactly how that's going to work yet. Skywise mentioned that we need a "real" work bench where we could bolt down the vice and set up the miter boxes and after some thought, I pointed out that the back porch of the Guest House would be ideal once some repairs were done. It's enclosed with screened windows and has lights/electricity but it does need some work so that may end up on the project list for this spring/summer/fall too. I hope so. Having a designated place where I could do the "woodshop" type work I want and need to do would be heavenly. I've got the plans for an octagonal picnic table that seats eight and I'm just itching to tackle the job...
Ambitious little thing, aren't I?

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Re: On My Journey
Reply #654 - Jan 6th, 2014 at 2:38am
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Well, the lights went out at 5:09 pm and came back on at 7:44 pm. Just before they went out, we heard a “bang” and the lights went out and then came back on. Then there was a second bang. By the time the third sounded, Skywise had gotten to the front door and he saw a huge flash -- like a welder’s torch -- to the north of us. Then the lights went out and stayed out. I called in the outage and told them what he’d seen. Hopefully, it speeded things up. It’s a miserable night to be out working on powerlines or anything else. On the whole, it wasn’t too bad. Skywise was worried about heat -- given that the temperature is dropping like a rock -- and has decided to get a kerosene heater once the local merchants get restocked. I’d like a wood or “corn” burning furnace for emergency backup heat but that would be a major project not to be undertaken without research and in the middle of winter.

Spirit, as usual, was the most disturbed by the outage. True, the girl likes her computer and television and DVD player but what she likes MOST is being able to flush the toilet! Since we have a well, when the power goes off we lose the plumbing along with the lights and heat. I’d filled the bathtub with water earlier in the day so we had enough for flushing -- and if we’d run short there are two 55 gallon drums of water in the basement dedicated to that purpose. Then there is snow which can be melted or packed into coolers to keep our refrigerator full of food from spoiling. I’d planned on making oven fried chicken for dinner but I had chili as my backup which is what I made. A “one pot” dinner is a lot easier to put together in the dark than a “meat, starch, vegetable and salad” meal. Putting the chili together was enough of a challenge. Cooking by lantern, candle and lamp light is NOT my favorite way to cook. The lights came on while the chili was simmering so we were able to actually see what we were eating. I crashed during the outage. I knew that pacing the floor wouldn’t do any good and Skywise, the girls and the cats were nervous enough as it was. I didn’t need to add to it. So I flopped on the bed and the Queen flopped on me and nerves for the two of us were kept under control and it seemed to help the other cats too. In a power outage situation, I’ll take what I can get. We’re going to keep our emergency preps in place until everything settles down and we’re as sure as we can be that the power will stay on. Then we’ll ease back to “yellow” status and watch for the next storm.

Skywise is going out to check on the Guest House and the car which is parked in the Guest House driveway. I’m to yell for him if he isn’t back in the house in twenty minutes.

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