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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #25 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 1:15am
#3541  Penthesilea

Penthesilea: I'm really tempted to see if Lady Cynthea is available but that might be tempting fate! Ah! I'll have Dame Elena put on a gown and pose as a court lady. She and my other Lady Knights have been keeping a low profile in case I needed them for just such an assignment. That will give me three knights as chaperones.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #26 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 1:16am
#3542  Penthesilea

     The meeting broke up shortly thereafter and each of them went about their respective tasks. Penthesilea sent a discreet word to the Knights' Tower and Dame Elena, Lady Knight appeared dressed as a lady in waiting. Quietly, the other nine female knights moved into the Castle proper, taking suites on those floors that had direct access to the Keyholder's Tower.
Penthesilea was glad that the weather had finally turned cold. She could wear more clothes......

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #27 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 2:55am
#3549  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

*Once they were safely inside Torao-Akio’s rooms, Satira turned on the old wizard.*

Satira: And just what skills of mine do you need, old man? I’ll tell you now that I won’t seduce Leverance or any of them for you!

Torao-Akio: Do not be stupid. And do not think that I am! It is your skills as a thief and assassin that I need. *Satira reached for her knife, intending to threaten the wizard into silence but as soon as her hand closed over the hilt, she snatched it away. It was too hot to hold!! The wizard eyed her coldly.* I said. I am not stupid. You cannot harm me, or Daemon, the Keyholder or her children. As long as you make Daemon happy, we have no quarrel. That changes. We have trouble. Understand? *Satira could only nod.* Good. We need to find a way into Leverance's rooms.

Satira: Why don’t you use magick, old man?

Torao_Akio: Don’t be foolish! All the suitors have their rooms shielded! We try to enter with magick, alarms go off. We need to sneak in, like thieves or assassins.

Satira: What about the Castle’s defenses?

Torao-Akio: The Keyholder will take them down when we’re ready and put them back when we’re done.

Satira: I’ll need a map. *Torao-Akio  took her by the arm and pulled her none too gently to a large table. He had no illusions about her but as he had said, as long as Daemon was happy. Several large maps were laid out on the table with the suites occupied by the various suitors clearly marked. As Satira began to examine the plans, Torao-Akio made a note to wipe the knowledge she gained from them from Satira’s mind once they were done. He would leave her be as long as Daemon was happy. That didn’t mean that he had to trust her....
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 7:34pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #28 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:19am
#3551   Penthesilea

The Roof Gardens

     Midmorning found Penthesilea and Lord Gallagher strolling through the formal garden that occupied the roof of the Main Building. A few steps behind them, Sir Alexander and Sir Gunnar followed with Dame Elena. The men were fully armed and wearing breastplates, bracers and greaves in addition to their heavy cold weather clothing. Dame Elena was also armed although less obviously so. Penthesilea had twice caught Sir Alexander fingering his knife while studying the back of Lord Gallagher's head. She'd given him a "look" both times and he'd grinned sheepishly and subsided.
     Lord Gallagher had not noticed. The man was completely oblivious. Penthesilea had given him the opening -- "Tell me about yourself, Lord Gallagher." and the man's mouth had gone into maximum overdrive. He had told her of his ancestry, family connections, business interests and personal history. Penthesilea continued to fervently thank any and all Gods that he had not yet found a way to bring his amatory prowess into the conversation. There was such a thing as too much information! As it was, for forty minutes Penthesilea had done nothing but smile, nod and, occasionally, giggle. Not to say that anything he said amused her. When a giggle was called for, she had simply thought of floor soap and scrub brushes and produced the needed results.

Lord Gallagher: When I was fifteen, I joined the Crown Prince's Court. You can't imagine what an honor that was....

     Penthesilea smiled and tried to look interested while contemplating how lovely it would be to deposit him in a hog wallow as that would only improve his personal fragrance....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #29 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:20am
#3553   Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bathing Room

     Penthesilea soaked in her sunken tub. She'd scrubbed herself and washed her hair thoroughly and she could still smell the reek that had rolled off of Lord Gallagher. Dame Elena had taken all of Penthesilea's clothing -- from the skin out -- to be cleaned and aired. There was no way that any of it was staying in her rooms until that had been done! Another of the Lady Knights, Dame Magda, a dwarf, appeared in the Bathing Room's doorway.*

Dame Magda: When you're ready, dearie, we've got forty minutes to get you ready to appear at lunch. *The Knight had developed a maternal attitude toward the Keyholder at their first meeting and had resolutely held to it since. Penthesilea found it endearing...*

Penthesilea: I'll never be ready -- so I guess we'd better get started. *She stood and climbed out of the tub and into the towel that Magda held for her.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #30 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:21am
#3555  Penthesilea
The Dining Hall

     *Penthesilea had arranged for Lord Kennicott to sit beside her at lunch. She hoped that her spell to deaden her sense of smell would work.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #31 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:22am
#3556  Penthesilea
The Dining Hall

     Penthesilea reached under the table and laid her hand over Lord Kennicott's which for the fifth time was attempting to grope her. She closed her fingers over his pinky and applied pressure, pulling the digit farther backward than Nature had ever intended that it go.*

Penthesilea: (softly) Lord Kennicott. You will remove your hand from my person and keep it to yourself or I will demonstrate a technique called "Breaking the Finger to the Rear". Believe me, you won't like it! *The hand was removed and the Keyholder finishes her meal in peace.*
« Last Edit: Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:23am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #32 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:23am
#3557  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     The Keyholder tore through her suite shedding her clothes in all directions and heading for the bathing room. She felt filthy -- worse than she had when the Hunger had been on her -- and she didn't think she'd ever feel clean again.... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #33 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:24am

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« Last Edit: Feb 28th, 2007 at 5:30am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #34 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:25am
#3560  Penthesilea
     In her suite, Penthesilea selects a gown for the evening. Tonight's entertainment is dancing and she knows what she will have to do. And she takes a deep breath and tells herself: I can do this.
     To distract herself, she remembers other dances, other parties held at the Castle. Unable to stop herself, she remembers the first time Kodiak had appeared at her door. She had caught him lurking in the shadows and had pulled him in. He had insisted that he couldn't dance -- and had proceeded to prove it. It was not until much later that she had realized that he'd been making a joke at his own expense, to make her laugh. And by the time she had known he was an excellent dancer, she was on a pedestal she couldn't climb down from and she had had to watch him dance with other women. He had never asked her to dance.
     She would have to wear a low cut gown tonight. She would not be able to hide his medallion under her clothes as she had all day so instead she took it and hid it in a special pocket in her bodice. She would carry it over her heart. Knowing it was there would get her through..... *
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 3:24pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #35 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:26am
#3563   Penthesilea

     Penthesilea stood before her mirror and stared at her reflection. The dress was beautiful -- everything that Miranda had made for her was beautiful -- and so was her hair and everything was perfect. And she was more scared than she had been in centuries. She wasn't afraid for herself especially. Descending into madness then being kidnapped into a demon dimension and then coming back from both did change one's perspective! No, she was afraid for her people. The people who had come to the Castle when they had heard that a Keyholder had again taken up residence. If she messed this up, if she made one wrong move, people, her people would be in danger. Some, maybe a lot, of them would die. She would not be able to save them all. Their deaths would be her responsibility.
     There was a knock on her chamber door and, thinking it was one of her Lady Knights, told them to come in. It was a knight but not one of the women. It was her First Knight, Sir Michael. He was dressed for dinner but still carrying enough arms to hold his own in anything short of a major battle. And he was handsome enough, as always, to stop a woman's heart.

Penthesilea: Michael? What are you doing here? Has something else gone wrong?

Sir Michael: No! Nothing's wrong, my Lady. I just thought you might want an escort down to dinner. If I exit the tower with you, it might keep the vermin away from you for a bit. *Penthesilea smiled a very small smile.*

Penthesilea: Now, Michael. You must not call our honored guests "vermin". It's rude -- even if it is accurate.

Sir Michael: (bowing slightly) My goal was to make you smile, my Lady. We've seen your smile too little of late.

Penthesilea: I'm sorry. It is difficult to be cheerful under these circumstances. (takes a deep breath and doesn't notice the effect that has on Michael.) I accept your escort, Sir Knight. And I suspect we should get down to the Dining Hall. Others will be hungry, even if I'm not! *Michael offered his arm to her and together they left the room.*

« Last Edit: Feb 14th, 2009 at 1:35am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #36 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 4:27am
#3564  Penthesilea
The Dining Hall

     When word came that neither Satira nor Daemon would appear for dinner, Sir Michael took Daemon's customary place beside Penthesilea while another of the Lady Knights, Dame Thora, took Satira's place. This caused a bit of grumbling among the suitors but Sir Michael didn't care. Penthesilea was going to eat at least one meal in peace! He didn't care in the slightest for the hunted look that was beginning to grow in his lady's eyes. And not for the first time, he cursed the Lord Marshall for his desertion. He knew, the whole Castle knew, that Lord Duncan had taken the Lord Marshall away and was putting him through the wringer. It was, in Michael's opinion, no more than the man deserved. He owed the Lord Marshall much but he owed his Lady and her House, more.
     During the course of the meal, Michael and Thora made small jokes, attempting to coax a smile from Penthesilea. From time to time, they succeeded and a small smile would appear but all too soon, the dessert course had been consumed and it was time to move to the Ballroom. Sir Michael danced the first dance with his Lady but was then forced to relinquish her to one of the suitors. He saw her steel herself to her task -- the oaf slobbering over her hand didn't notice! -- and then he went to speak to those of his brother knights who were present and off duty....
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 7:46pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #37 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:14am
#3565  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     Determined not to miss the entire evening, Satira had cajoled Daemon into meeting her in the Ballroom for the dancing. Daemon didn’t care much for dancing -- he could do it but preferred not to -- but he got a great deal of pleasure out of playing mindgames with those members of the suitors’ retinues who were foolish enough to strike up a conversation with him.  Daemon had promised that as soon as the last bit of information had been extracted from the “minstrels” in Secure Security, he would join her.
     She had decided to dress in the style favored by most of the women attending. The more revealing styles she favored were not having the desired effect on Daemon. She needed him completely under her influence in order for her mission to succeed and he was still showing a marked interest in other women. It was taking entirely too much effort on her part to keep his attention.  And while she was trying to keep Daemon's attention on her she was NOT increasing her influence over the Keyholder.  Fortunately, she was not without resources and tonight would see him under her sway once and for all.      
     While waiting for Daemon to arrive so she could put her plan into action, Satira watched Penthesilea dance with her suitors. She used the goblet of red wine she held to hide her smile as Penthesilea fended off the groping hands of those worthy gentlemen. The smile changed to a frown when Sir Michael claimed the Keyholder for a dance and Satira could see Penthesilea visibly relax in the knight’s arms. The First Knight was also an obstacle to her domination of the Keyholder but less of one than the Lord Marshall.  He had escaped her attentions so far but once Daemon was firmly under her control and the Darklord dead or banished from the Castle, Michael was next on Satira’s list for seduction.  With her brother and her First Knight under Satira’s control, Penthesilea would be surrounded by people she trusted who would tell her exactly what Satira wanted her to hear. 
     Satira watched as the tall, handsome knight danced with Penthesilea and her irritation grew. His devotion to Penthesilea was obvious. What was it about Penthesilea that inspired such devotion in people -- especially men?  It could not be her beauty -- Satira was far more pleasing to the eye than the Keyholder. Nor could it be her intelligence, her cunning or her sense of style, all of which were inferior to Satira’s. So why? Satira could find no answer.
     Across the vast ballroom, Satira saw Daemon enter the room and begin to look for her amid the crowd. It was time to put her plan into action. She was about to do so when her God, Mar-Nek, took a hand. Lord Leverance, drunk and surly, decided that she would be an excellent target for his unwanted attentions. With a quick mental “thank you!” to her patron, Satira rebuffed the lord and moved away. Leverance, unaccustomed to refusal, followed her and persisted in his attentions, reaching the point where his manhandling of Satira’s person caused her to spill her wine down the front of her dress just as he ripped the bodice away from her breasts. It was at that point that Daemon arrived. Immediately enraged that a woman he considered his was being manhandled by a being not fit to be called any species of human, Daemon seized Leverance by the throat, lifted him clear of the floor and, after shaking the suddenly sober -- and terrified -- man like a rat threw him across the room then, shifting to a half-lion form, Daemon roared and began to follow. He had only taken three steps when he found Sir Michael, Sir Alexander and three of the Wolfkin between him and his quarry. He snarled and would have forced his way through them were it not for FallingStar, the strongest telepath in the small pack. She hit Daemon squarely “between the eyes” with a sending that snapped him back almost to rationality. Then they all laid hands on him and, with Satira, hustled him out of the Ballroom and into the hallway that led to the Security Tower. From there, it was a relatively simple matter to get him into the Security Tower elevator and up to the floor where Satira’s rooms were. Once Daemon and Satira were in the elevator, Sir Michael and Sir Alexander headed back into the Ballroom to find the Keyholder.
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 7:51pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #38 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:16am
#3566  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea was dancing with Sir Alexander when she heard a sound between a lion's roar and man's voice that she immediately recognized.*Oh, Hell! *She swore and sent her dancing partner to help restrain her brother. As one of her largest knights, Sir Alexander had the best shot. Unpartnered and momentarily unnoticed, Penthesilea cast a quick spell to gauge the mood of the room. The result nearly knocked her over. They were seconds from a full scale riot! Quickly, she cast a wide area calming spell. It was spread too wide to be really effective but if she could keep the pot from boiling over until the room could be cleared...
     She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Satira get her enraged brother out of the room. Satira would get him in private and calmed down, one way or another, which freed her of one worry and allowed her to concentrate on the matter at hand. Riot control. She was still standing in the middle of the dance floor, commanding everyone to be calm, when Michael and Alexander came to her side.

Sir Michael: My lady, we have to get you out of here! You are too vulnerable in this confusion.

Penthesilea: I can't leave now! *Quickly, she explained the situation.*

Sir Alexander: All the more reason to get you out of here! Go to your rooms, my Lady, and let us do our jobs. *With both men frowning at her, Penthesilea had no choice and, of course, they were right. Under their escort, she headed for the nearest entrance to her tower. She paused only long enough to summon the Gremlin commander on duty and order him to follow the orders of Sir Michael and Sir Alexander.  At the entrance to the tower, she turned to Sir Michael.* I want to know as soon as this situation is under control, no matter how late it is.

Sir Michael: Of course, my Lady. *Then she closed her tower door behind her and her knights went to do her bidding.*
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 7:53pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #39 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:17am
#3567  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom

     Michael had been let into the Tower by a pair of fierce looking gremlins who told him that the Keyholder was in her bedchamber on the 5th level of the Tower. Michael took the elevator and stepped into the entry. The bedchamber door was closed and he knocked. Penthesilea's voice called out to him, telling him to enter. Michael entered the room and stopped cold. Penthesilea sat at her dressing table brushing out her hair. It was obvious that she had just come from her bath as she wore nothing but a long black bathrobe. She wore considerably less in the training hall but he was acutely aware of where he was -- his Lady's bedchamber with her very large bed only a few steps way -- and of the fact that there was probably nothing under her robe but her bare skin....
     She put down the brush and turned a worried face to him.*

Penthesilea: Is everything under control downstairs? If the war is going to start tonight, I'd like a little warning.

Sir Michael: Your brother's gremlins are patrolling the halls and King Orag's Orcs are handling patrols outside the Castle. No one is going to try anything else tonight.

Penthesilea: (breathing a sigh of relief) Good. Tomorrow, I have to narrow my choices to two. And it is like trying to decide which ones of five rotting carcasses is the least offensive. Michael smiled and seeing it, Penthesilea smiled back. She rose from her dressing table and came to stand in front of him.* I suspect that I'm not the first woman in this position to think this way about her suitors.

Sir Michael: You are possibly the first one to admit it though.

     She laughed softly and he looked down at her and was stunned. This was not the Penthesilea that he knew. That woman was laughing and fearless to the point of insanity. In the training hall, she pushed him unmercifully -- to make him better -- and expected him to do the same to her -- to make her better. They both knew that in combat, Penthesilea would face men larger, sometimes much larger than herself. She needed to know how to fight them. This woman seemed... small. Penthesilea hadn't shrunk. Of the human women in the Castle, she was among the shortest but she had always seemed taller. But this Penthesilea -- she was small and vulnerable and alone and the lost look in her eyes held a hint of fear that stabbed him in the heart. She should not ever be afraid! Michael suddenly realized the danger that he was in..* If there is nothing else, my Lady, I should go. *Before he could move, she laid her hand on his arm.*

Penthesilea: Stay. Please.

     He looked down at her again and was lost. Slowly, so she would have the opportunity to pull away from him if she wished it, he took her into his arms. She did not pull away. Instead, she stood on tiptoe to reach his mouth -- to kiss him, thoroughly and completely with all of the passion in her lonely heart.* I won't break, Michael. I promise. *She whispered against his mouth. Without another word, Michael kissed her back and then swept her up into his arms and, after three long strides, laid her carefully in the middle of her bed.* I should warn you. I'm desperately out of practice." Michael smiled at her, his eyes blazing.*

Sir Michael: Don't worry, my Lady. I'm not.*He kissed her again, deeply, and Penthesilea gave herself up to it and began to relearn ecstasy in the arms of a friend.

Half a world away, Aphrodite knew, approved and smiled..... *

Fade to black....

« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 3:33pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #40 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:17am
#3568  Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Bedroom Later....

     Michael came awake slowly and the first thought he had upon opening his eyes was: What the hell! He was very sure that no one had painted an elaborate Greek themed fresco on his ceiling without his knowledge. Then, he remembered where he was, what he had been doing and who he had been doing it with! At the instant of recalling these things, he became aware of the small warm body snuggled next to his. Penthesilea slept against his left side, her head resting on his heart and her left hand on his chest, encircled protectively by his own left arm. Shame rose up in him. He had taken advantage of his Lady when he knew that her heart belonged to another. He could not abandon her, not now when things were so dire, but he didn't know how he was going to face her.* I need time to think! * He thought as he slowly tried to ease himself away from her without waking her.*

Penthesilea: Stay where you are, Sir Knight. That's an order. *The voice was a bit sleepy but she was obviously awake. Michael froze as her left hand caressed his ribs and she turned her head to look at him.* Surely I wasn't so disappointing that you'd sneak out while I'm sleeping.

Sir Michael:, my Lady. *He was in danger of becoming tongue tied. Penthesilea took pity on him and kissed him gently to shut him up.*

Penthesilea: Something is on your mind, Michael, and I can pretty much guess what it is. So talk to me. Putting it off won't help. *She pulled away from him -- just a little! -- so his brain could function at something approaching a normal level.*

Sir Michael: (quietly) What about the Lord Marshall, my Lady? Your feelings for him and his for you? *Penthesilea looked at her First Knight. He deserved nothing less than absolute honesty from her and he would get it. Otherwise, their friendship might not survive this encounter.*

Penthesilea: I love Kodiak with all my heart and soul. But he is not here. And although he has called me "my love", he was drunk as a skunk at the time and about to fall on his sword. Before I pledge myself to him, I want to hear it when he's sober. I want to hear it when I've made him furious. I want to hear it when I've made him work for what we've just shared. I want to hear it until I believe it to the bottom of my soul. *A fleeting look of sadness crosses her face.* I do not know, truly, how he feels about me. Or if we have a future together. If it comes to pass that we do not, I will release him and insure that he will have no trouble from any God. For now, I will admit that I am lonely and afraid and in need of comfort. Of all the men in this Castle, I trust my brother the most *she grinned impishly and it gladdened Michael's heart* but this is not the sort of comfort a man can offer a woman he calls "sister". So, of the men in the Castle who do not call me "sister" I trust you the most. And you are my friend. I ask no commitment from you. I ask only to share love.. as friends. *Michael examined his feelings while Penthesilea waited patiently. He loved her. He had loved her from the moment he had arrived at the Castle to pledge himself to her service. But he loved her as his sworn Lady and as a friend. He was not in love with her. He had never entertained thoughts of courtship and handfasting. He had entertained, he had to admit, thoughts of what had just occurred between them on more than one occasion! He saw her watching him, wearing nothing but the veil of her hair and knew his answer. He reached for her and she came into his arms...

Fade to black. Again.....
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 3:36pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #41 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:49am
#3569  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     Once they were safely in her chambers, Satira let Daemon vent his rage at Leverance. Her mental powers were not the strongest and she needed whatever edge she could get. That meant striking while in the throes of passion -- or rage. As the unsuspecting man stormed around the room, swearing vividly in a dozen dialects, Satira began her assault on his mind.  She knew she’d succeeded when he suddenly turned to her.
     “I couldn’t stand to see him put his hands on you. I love you and I want to be with you forever.”  Smiling sweetly, she fetched a large cup that she filled with a wine that she had prepared ahead of time, hoping that this very situation would come to pass. She came to stand in front of him, looking deeply into his eyes in order to further force her will on him.
     “It is the custom among my people for two who would pledge themselves to each other to drink from the same cup.” She feined shyness. “Once that it is done, the public ceremony is only a formality.” Daemon took the cup from her hand and took half of the drugged wine in one swallow. Satira put it to her own lips and planted the suggestion in Daemon’s mind that she too had drank from the cup. By the time she looked up at him again, his eyes had the glazed look that she had expected.  She put the cup down and led him to the bed. There was a lot of work to do.....
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 8:15pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #42 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:52am
#3570  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Bedroom Shortly before Dawn

     Penthesilea leaned over and gently kissed Sir Michael. Deeply asleep, he didn't stir. She smiled. He was worn out. She tucked a note into his hand and whispered a spell that would provide him with the benefits of a full night's sleep in an hour or so. Then, as much as she wished to keep him in her Tower and spend the day playing bedgames, she transported him and all his gear back to his own suite in the Knights' Tower. She was fond of Michael but she did not love him as more than a friend so he was safe from the hazards of playing bedgames with a demigoddess.  Penthesilea knew that the Lord Marshall had no such guarantee of safety and she would have to speak to Aphrodite about correcting that. She had no doubt that Kodiak would be delighted!
     She had her duties to perform and for the first time in a long time, she felt like she could handle them. First, she would sing for Apollo then she would pick her two finalists. She was already thinking of conditions guaranteed to be deal breakers......*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #43 - Dec 23rd, 2006 at 1:53am

[Text to be added. Rewrite in progress.]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #44 - Dec 25th, 2006 at 12:37am
#3572   Penthesilea
     Penthesilea had no sooner emerged from her tower that word came that one of the suitors, Lord Lackland Gilfillan, was in the Infirmary. As Keyholder and hostess, it was her duty to inquire so she immediately went to the Infirmary where she was met by the Head Healer.*

Penthesilea: What is the problem? Someone try to carve him like a roast?

Head Healer: No, my Lady. He is in psychic shock. We had to sedate him but he still seems to be having nightmares.

Penthesilea: Let me see him. *Penthesilea is taken to a private room where Gillfillan's own guards stand watch. She carefully examines him and then speaks to his guard.* Where was he found?

Guard: (nervously) Wandering the hallways, my Lady. Screaming.

Penthesilea: I told everyone that this Castle is haunted and that roaming the halls at night is not a good idea. *She points to the sleeping man.* Is anyone else missing?

Guard: Yes, my Lady. Two of milord's friends. *the man swallowed hard.* We found.....pieces in one of the upper hallways.

Penthesilea: Then I would say your Lord was lucky to escape with his life. I doubt that there is much anyone can do for him except make him comfortable. Have his physician consult with our Healers on the particulars.

Guard: Yes, my Lady. *Penthesilea left the Infirmary. And started for the Dining Hall. She wanted to grab a bite before the rest of the Lords were up....*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #45 - Dec 25th, 2006 at 12:38am
#3573   [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

Text to be added later.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #46 - Dec 26th, 2006 at 1:46am
#3574  Penthesilea
     *The Keyholder is no sooner in the dining hall than she is besieged by people with problems. So much for a quiet breakfast!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #47 - Dec 26th, 2006 at 1:47am
#3575  Penthesilea
Crowhaven 2 days ago....

     A man, his face hidden by the hood of his cloak, shoves a money pouch across the table to the man opposite him.* Go to the Castle. Blend in. There are hundreds of people there now. Watch. Wait. When she is alone, take her. Use her as you will but be sure that she is dead when you leave her.*The other man pulls the pouch to him and nods....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #48 - Dec 26th, 2006 at 1:48am
#3576  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Sitting Room

*Penthesilea sat before a small computer screen, talking to the Castle's AI*

Penthesilea: Any idea yet what caused you to miss the giant snakes?

Ashera: None. I will remain offline until I find the problem. Once they were solid enough to be a danger, I should have detected them. You should not depend on me.

Penthesilea: MoonCat took your mobile unit with her. She should be able to complete it quicker at the University.

Ashera: I hope so. I miss legs. *There was a knock at the door. Ashera's image on the computer screen went black and Penthesilea shut down the machine. A page was at the door, carrying a message that there was a problem with the barracks building being constructed in the new military complex. They needed her on the fourth floor. With a sigh, Penthesilea thanked the child and headed out.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #49 - Dec 26th, 2006 at 1:49am
#3579  Penthesilea
Military Complex. Barracks Building: Level 4

     Penthesilea came out of the stairwell into the darkened room and looked around the vast unfinished space. She had transformed her gown into leathers more suitable to a construction site and felt freer than she had in days. There were lots of shadows and construction material around and not much else. She couldn't understand what would require her attention. The only possibility that she could think of was damage to a stone already set into place. It would be easier for her to fix the stone than for the workers to pull it out. Quicker too. Penthesilea's eyes adjusted to the dim light and she saw a glimmer of light at the far end of the building. She headed for it, going deeper into the shadows.
     The attack came from behind... a lunge from the shadows, foul, hot breath on her neck and two massive arms pining her own to her sides. Penthesilea immediately began to struggle in the frantic, terrified manner of an untrained woman. The man laughed -- a nasty evil sound and three more men armed with swords emerged from the shadows. Okay, Penthesilea thought. Four. Then she began to fight in earnest. She clawed at one of her captor's hands and found her grip -- two of his fingers in her left hand, the remaining two in her right. Then she made a wish and yanked his fingers in opposite directions. Her captor screamed at the the sudden, excruciating pain and released her. Penthesilea was merciful. She spun free of him and struck him with all of her strength on his left temple. He fell, his skull fractured and his brain bleeding. Penthesilea turned her attention to the remaining three. They grinned -- thinking that their numbers and their swords gave them the advantage. She reached for Hellion, hanging intangible and invisible at her side, closed her hand over the grip and pulled the sword free. It seemed to appear from nowhere in her hand. Now, Penthesilea grinned. It was a smile her father or her brother would have recognized...*

Penthesilea: Dance, gentlemen? *The first was a fool. He charged straight in, intending to overwhelm her. She sidestepped and slashed as he went by. He wore no armor, not even leather, and Hellion laid him open below the ribs. He fell howling and managed to gasp a useless curse before dying. Seeing how quickly their fellows had fallen, the remaining two became cautious. They tried to flank her. She dove out from between them, somersaulted and disappeared into the shadows. She chuckled softly... * Come and get me....*They came. Steel rang on steel as they tried desperately to get past her guard. They didn't even notice as she maneuvered them into position. With one sweep of her sword, Penthesilea slashed both of their throats, spraying her with blood. She didn't care. Thank you, Father, Lord Ares, for your gifts to me.
     She did a locator spell. All the remaining suitors were in the Great Hall awaiting her entrance. She'd give them an entrance they'd never forget! She cast an Area Transport Spell to move herself and the bodies to the Great Hall. She -- and they -- landed directly in front of the clot of suitors. For a long moment, they stared at her blood soaked form and dripping sword.*

Penthesilea: (snarling) What are you looking at?

*Three of them wet their pants. After giving orders for the bodies to be removed and searched, Penthesilea went to take a bath, exiting with a peal of laughter....*
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 3:47pm by Penthesilea »  

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