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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #50 - Dec 26th, 2006 at 2:03am
#3580  Penthesilea
Real Life - Visualization Aids
In the quest for an ever more enjoyable reading experience, I have gone forth and Googled and found pictures of some of our Non-Member Characters (NPCs for you fellow game geeks). They are in order: Reginald Leverance (Dennis Franz), Bernard Kennicott (Ralph Fiennes) and Cortland Gallagher (Jake Gyllenhaal).


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #51 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:08pm
#3581  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     Satira had spent considerable time pouring over the plans of the suitors’ suites in general and Leverance’s in particular and had reluctantly concluded that there was no way that she could sneak herself and Torao-Akio into Leverance’s rooms unnoticed. Aside from the secure nature of the building itself, the rooms were shielded from intrusion by magick, not only by the Castle itself but by mages in the employ of the suitors.  They would have to use other methods to gain entry and that would put them in more danger than Satira normally cared to subject herself to but Torao-Akio was adamant. So, after Satira had donned the uniform worn by Leverance’s servants, they watched the suitors come and go, and their servants as well. Finally they saw the servant they needed and with a simple spell, Torao-Akio entranced the woman and then cast a glamour of her appearance over Satira. Then pushing the laundry cart, Satira knocked on the door of Leverance’s suite and was admitted by his valet.
     “Take everything. We are moving out to the pavilions. His Lordship’s orders.” Satira nodded in response and began gathering dirty laundry, paying special attention to anything that Leverance had worn next to his body as Torao-Akio had instructed.  She managed to pull a good quantity of hair from his Lordship’s brush unnoticed while reflecting that the amount of it probably caused him no end of distress. When the cart was full, Satira left with her loot while the valet bustled around the room packing the Lord’s belongings. Once outside the room, she headed in the direction of the elevators which would, eventually, see her in the Castle’s laundry. Once inside the elevator however, she headed up instead of down and when the door opened Torao-Akio was there with the entranced servant in Leverance’s livery. A quick search of Leverance’s under linen produced a suitably soiled pair and, grinning fiendishly, Torao-Akio sent the entranced servant on her way with the laundry cart. No one would miss a single pair of under linen but their loss would spell doom for the man who had worn them...
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 8:37pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #52 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:08pm
#3584  Penthesilea
The Great Hall
     The bodies had been removed and the mess cleaned up. No one had the appetite for a banquet so a cold buffet had been set out. When Penthesilea emerged from her Tower, she was not the beautifully gowned doll the suitors were accustomed to seeing. In fact, no one except her daughters, had seen this Penthesilea. She was clad in snug black leather, pants and shirt, with an Amazon breastplate over it. She wore Amazon bracers and greaves over her black knee high boots. Hellion hung visibly at her left side, her favorite knife, a gift from her father, hung at her right. A small, very efficient energy blaster nestled in the small of her back. Sir Michael, fairly vibrating with rage, led the four knights that escorted her to the Keyholder's Seat. She surveyed the room coldly.  The Lady Knights were scattered through the crowd -- every one of them sudden death in silk -- while their brother Knights, in full armor, guarded their Lady. The Castle Guard was in evidence as well. King Orag's Orcs and the Gremlins were patrolling the halls and the encampment, armed to the teeth and looking for trouble. Penthesilea almost hoped that they found some. The suitors were standing off to one side. With them was the second ranking man in Lord Gilfillan's party. A whispered debate was in progress. The other four seemed to be questioning Lord Leverance quite closely. Penthesilea showed her teeth -- what rode her face could not be called a smile -- and signaled for Sir Alexander to call for attention. He did so with a basso bellow worthy of the battlefield and the crowd fell silent* Showtime. *Penthesilea thought.*

Penthesilea: My Lord Leverance, Lord Kennicott, Lord Gallagher, Lord Podraza and Lord...Hightower, come forward.  *They came to stand before her with varying degrees of uneasiness. She had a feeling that her closely fitted, anatomically correct Amazon armor was making them nervous.. and uncomfortable.* Before you gentlemen came, life was peaceful here. Oh we had the occasional bandit to deal with, of course, but on the whole -- peaceful. Now, I can't walk my halls without bodyguards. My ladies are shot from ambush and my knights spend all their time trying to keep your highborn hangers on from following their depraved inclinations which, if acted upon, would require me to kill them. Something I would be thrilled to do! To say that I am not happy about this situation is putting it mildly! I will now question each of you under Truthspell. I will ask only one question: Were you in any way involved in or had knowledge of this latest attack on me? Refuse to submit yourselves to this question and you will be put to the sword and your miserable remains sent to your respective kings with my compliments! *Lord Podraza strode forward...*

Lord Podraza: I refuse to be questioned like a common.. *Lord Podraza stopped abruptly as the edge of a very sharp sword now rested against his Adam's Apple.*

Penthesilea: Would you like to start, my Lord? *He nodded -- carefully.* Good.

     The questioning went quickly. The Lords knew nothing which doesn't surprise Penthesilea. The attempt had been totally lacking in subtlety but she had said that they would be questioned if there were any more incidents and so they had to be. Her spies had already reported the Lords' various security personnel were already questioning the retinues -- and less gently than Penthesilea would have. Now she had one last bit of disagreeable business to attend to...

Penthesilea: Lord Kennicott. Lord Gallagher. Your suits are still under consideration. The rest of you are free to leave or stay. *Then without another word, she rose and left the dais.* They'll stay, of course. *She muttered once she was safely away. *The food here is too good!
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 3:52pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #53 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:09pm
#3585  Penthesilea
A palace in the Badlands...

     A woman stands watching Penthesilea in a pool of black water. She is raven haired and brown eyed and her eyes blaze with hate for the Keyholder...* I suppose that it was too much to ask that competent help would have been hired. Well, I have other means of bringing her down. Her heart will break a thousand times before I'm done with her!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #54 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:10pm
#3586  Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Study

     *Penthesilea eats a cold meal while pouring over maps, charts and briefing reports, trying to figure out how in the Name of Gaea she is going to do what Athena has told her needs to be done!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #55 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:11pm
#3587  Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Study

     Exhausted, Penthesilea falls asleep in her chair, an unread brief in her lap. She is not aware that she is being watched.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #56 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:13pm

[Text to be added. Rewrite in progress.]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #57 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:14pm
#3592  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Exhausted, Penthesilea falls asleep in her chair, an unread brief in her lap. She is not aware that she is being watched.*

*After a couple of hours, Penthesilea wakes from strangely pleasant dreams that she can't quite remember and goes back to work.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #58 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:20pm
#3593  Penthesilea
The Suitor's Encampment -- Lord Leverance's Pavilion

     After the audience with the Keyholder, none of the suitors were inclined to return to their quarters in the Castle. They all had their own luxurious pavilions with every convenience they could want and there were no .... ghosts. They had spend the last thirty minutes listening to Connor Podraza storm about the indignity of being questioned under Truthspell by an "uncivilized little barbarian tart!" with other choice remarks about her brother, her companion, Lady Satira and the odd assortment of allies that seemed to be appearing -- chiefly the Orc King. Leverance finally reached the end of his patience.*

Leverance: Sit down, Podraza. And shut up. *His tone of voice was enough. Podraza sat.*

Kennicott: Do you think she had anything to do with what happened to Gilfillan?

Leverance: Of course she did! And if I could prove it, I'd be sending for reinforcements to take this damned pile of stone!

Gallagher: Just because she doesn't appeal to you, Leverance, doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't inclined to sample her charms before we kill her. *Lifting his goblet as if for a toast.* I promise you, dear fellows, if I win the Lady's hand I will be more than happy to share her with you. After I've bred an heir or two on her, of course. *They laugh and drink.*

Kennicott: I pledge that as well. We should all have some recompense for our pains. I'm for keeping her alive as long as possible. There are drugs that my Master of Poisons assures me will make her quite willing to do anything we might suggest. Even to killing that brother of hers. Dose them both and the possibilities for entertainment expand greatly, especially since the drug I have in mind would leave them aware of what is happening but unable to stop themselves. Imagine the agony they would experience if, say, we ordered the brother to rape his sister...

Podraza: I want a turn at her first, before she's too broken. And I want her to know what I'm doing to her.

Leverance: You'll have your turn. We all will. Once we have accomplished our mission...
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 3:56pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #59 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:21pm
#3594  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*After a couple of hours, Penthesilea wakes from strangely pleasant dreams that she can't quite remember and goes back to work.*

*After a couple of more hours, Sir Michael appears at the door to her study.*

Sir Michael: My Lady?

Penthesilea: Come in, Sir Michael. How's the situation?

Sir Michael: Quiet. The "Lords" have elected to spend the night in their pavilions rather than return to the Castle. *He chuckles.* For some reason they seem to think it's too dangerous. *He sobers.* Do you know what happened to Gilfillan, my Lady?

Penthesilea: I do. But I can't tell you about it. It is no threat to me or any of our people. Trust me. *She smiles.* You look exhausted.

Sir Michael: I'm good for a few more hours, my Lady.

Penthesilea: *shakes her head.* If everything is quiet, rest now. When things go to hell -- and they will, you can bet on it! -- I'll need you at your best. Take yourself and half of the knights, those who've been on duty longest, off duty. Get some rest and then relieve the others. Set up a duty roster that has at least half of the Brother Knights off duty at any time. The Lady Knights are going to stay hidden for now. Tell them, of course, that they could be needed at a moment's notice. I don't know how my display of power is going to play with our guests.

Sir Michael: At once, my Lady. (pause) And, Penth?

Penthesilea: Yes, Michael.

Sir Michael: Get some sleep yourself. We need you.

Penthesilea: I suppose you will go hunt up my brother and double team me if I don't.

Sir Michael: I am sure he is as concerned about your well being as I am. (pause) Please, Penth. You look like hell.

Penthesilea: Thanks loads. (Holds up her hands to forestall any further efforts at persuasion.) I'm going. I'm not getting anywhere here anyway. *Smiles* Walk me to the elevator? *Michael offers his arm, which she takes. They exit the study and walk to the elevator. The door opens. Michael kisses his Lady's hand and watches her enter the car. The doors close and the elevator rises. When he sees that it has stopped on the 5th floor, he turns and exits the Tower.*

« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 8:46pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #60 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:22pm
#3595   [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     Once she had delivered her loot to Torao-Akio and was out of the servant’s uniform, Satira went in search of the Keyholder. Daemon had seemingly disappeared and she hoped that Penthesilea might know his whereabouts. Her efforts at mind controlling the big warrior had been somewhat successful but she needed to stay close to him to strengthen her control.  Torao-Akio  had also charged her with briefing Penthesilea on their findings concerning the assassins.  It only took a few minutes for Satira to locate Penthesilea in her “public” office on the second floor of the Main Hall. Feigning respect that she did not feel, she knocked and announced herself.
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 8:51pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #61 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:23pm
#3598  Penthesilea

Penthesilea: Come in.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #62 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:24pm
#3599  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

Satira enters and stands in front of the Keyholder’s desk.

Satira: Torao-Akio wanted me to tell you that we could learn nothing from the assassins’ bodies.  They were carrying nothing that could identify them, no religious medals,  no Guild IDs, no tattoos, nothing.
« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2007 at 8:58pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3501 to 3600
Reply #63 - Dec 28th, 2006 at 4:24pm
#3600   Penthesilea
Probably hired help then. That sort isn't that hard to find in Crowhaven. And they would be careful not to leave any traces -- except my corpse, of course.

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