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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #950 - Jul 22nd, 2007 at 12:48pm
We're off to see "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".  We be back this afternoon! (((HUGS))) Be safe!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #951 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 12:56pm
We're making an emergency run to the vet's office this morning. Something is wrong with Maggie. I'll post more when we get back.

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #952 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 3:04pm
We're back.  Sad Maggie has likely had a small stroke. She is having trouble walking -- although she is better than she was last night -- and her left side is affected. The vet is also worried that she might have a kidney problem. He says that with her bone structure, she should weigh about 7 pounds and she weighs less than five. Our next job will be to collect a urine sample from her so it can be tested for blood and/or protein.
We are kinda glum right now...

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #953 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 6:43pm
My Mom has made a difficult decision. She has asked Bast to give Maggie what's best for her, even if it ment that she had to die. I am having a difficult time coping with this situation. I love Maggie with all my heart and soul and to see that wonderful kitty who, until one late afternoon yesterday, had been in good health and spirits suddenly waste away before my eyes makes me feel sad. Cry I was so worried about her last night that I didn't sleep much and my guts got all upset and gutpurge ensued. I checked on her whenever I was awake to reassure myself that she didn't die during the night. I talked to Bast whenever I can. We had Maggie for almost a year now. I always hoped that she will recover and we will have her spayed like all the other cats we have and she'll play with the other cats, climb up trees, run around the yard, explore the woods with Dad, and so many other things that all of the cats who came before her did. But I guess her fate is set in stone and we didn't realize it. Maggie's future is clouded right now and I don't know if there will be a long life or an early death for her. I bet dollars to donuts the Hearth Queen feels my sorrow and will most likely to curl up next to me later today. His Little Lordship(Who isn't so little anymore!) must have sensed that something is wrong with Maggie by the way he looked at her. If and when Maggie decides to go to Kitty Heaven with or without assistance, I will miss her terribly. Already I am telling her that I love her no matter what happens. When the time comes for her to leave our world, I will morn for her as I face a life without Maggie. Then, after some time passes, I will move on with my life as I did before with the other cats who had passed on. I will never forget them for the rest of my life. I cry as I type out this post, letting it all out as tears flow over my cheeks. Maggie is sleeping behind the couch right now. I wish I could do something for her, but all I can do is let her sleep and occasionally talk to her, telling her that I love her. I am going through a difficult time as you can tell. My body and my mind are out of whack right now and I am struggling to get through the day as much as possible. I hope good things will come out of this tragedy. But for now, the world seems so bleak. Even so, I still love my Maggie-pie.

Cleaning house with the Dustbuster2!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #954 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 6:59pm
Maggie is still behind the couch. She hasn't eaten since yeterday and I'm watching her so I can collect a urine sample for the vet to check. I have asked Bast to do whatever is best for Maggie even if that means that She calls Maggie home to Her. Skywise refuses to give up hope and will only do so if the urine scan comes up badly. If that happens, we will have to see what the options are and what, realistically, we can do. If she doesn't take any solid food today we will try to get her to take some kitten formula that I bought today. I'm worried about her not eating but she seemed a bit less confused and uncoordinated after we got home and she laid down.
And yes, I have been crying a good deal. We have all fallen in love with this dear little cat and the thought of possibly losing her so soon is tearing me up inside.

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #955 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 8:32pm
CryI feel so desolate right now. I am feeling the same as Maggie right now, hollow and weak. My little sister is trying to understand what is going on. Oh, Bast, if you can hear me, please help us through our darkest hour. Let us see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to be alright. I want to feel okay. My mind is going. I am falling down a deep, dark bottomless pit of despair in which nothing can escape. I am grieving and yet Maggie still lives, just barely. It is strange that I am mourning for someone who hasn't died yet. I feel like I am being stretched thin to the breaking point and my mind is going numb. The world seems to cave in on me, the weight pressing down on me. I don't know how much longer I will feel this way. I wish that somehow it will be resolved and I will get back to my life. I feel like I am caught between holding together and breaking apart. I don't like this feeling at all.

Cleaning house with the Dustbuster2!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #956 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 8:37pm
Smiley Smileyhugs to the both of you...

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #957 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 9:40pm
Thanks, hon. Spirit has realized that Maggie's problem isn't likely to cured by antibiotics although we have some that we will start dosing her with tonight. (Her weight loss could be the result of intestinal parasites.)We finally got a urine sample and she has eaten and drank a little. It is difficult for her to eat solid food but we have been able to give her some kitten formula with a hypodermic syringe. I've told the girls that if there is no kidney problem or only a minor one, we will be able to take care of her for a while since she can use the litter box -- and she knows when she needs too -- and is still trying to keep herself clean. We are already making plans to liquefy the "moist pouch" catfood we use to continue feeding her with the syringe. Prayers to Bast for either healing or mercy would be appreciated.

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #958 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 12:34am
Thank you, PD. You don't know how much this means to me. I feel like I am falling apart from the inside. Just the mere thought of letting Maggie go just tears me apart. I hope that when this madness is resolved, one way or another, those horrible feelings will go away. I'm so sorry Maggie. If we had gotten you as a kitten, none of this would have happened. You would have been a wonderful cat instead of the sickly, scrawny little thing that the world sees. I wish that you are your old self again, doing the "Maggie Flop" and getting petted. I can't stand to see you suffer because it makes me suffer. My mind is falling apart and becoming numb. Oh, Bast! Please bring me solace to my tormented mind. Either heal Maggie or bring her mercy. I will not argue with you if Maggie being happy and not suffering is all that matters. My Dad will be the hardest hit though. He fell in love with that little cat the moment he laid eyes on her. My family loves  Maggie and if she goes, life will never be the same. Those eleven months with us were the best times in her short life. She was well-cared for and got lots of attention. I just want to spend a few more years with her, to see her grow up, to bond with her, to introduce new members of the family to her. Right now, I am grieving and Maggie hasn't slipped off her mortal coil yet. I try to keep the hope alive, but in the face of reality, it is just too much. Maggie has been through so much in her short life before she finally found a home with us. We have no idea what had happened to her during her life as a stray. She had been surviving on her own for almost two years before we found her. Maggie would have made a fine hunter or even a hearth cat if it weren't for her poor health. I hope things get better soon.

Cleaning house with the Dustbuster2!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #959 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 1:28am
Hugs. Moonie. Today, the vet thought that Maggie was considerably older than the first estimate. We really have NO idea how old she is. She doesn't show any obvious signs of aging so there is no way to tell. All we can do is love her and pray to Bast for whatever, in Her wisdom, is best for Maggie. I just don't want her to suffer. None of us do and we will do whatever we need to to make the rest of her life -- however long that turns out to be -- as happy and comfortable as possible. She wanted out this afternoon and we took her. Moonie and I took a lot of pictures of her. Hopefully, most of them came out.
She went out the door on the south side and walked desoil around the house, stopping to rest and to make smaller desoil circles as she went. She would meow from time to time like she was calling someone. I like to think that she was calling Bast to bless our house.
« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2007 at 1:30am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #960 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 3:09am
You know, after reading one of Mom's latest post, I'm starting to wonder if Maggie's really two years old. She doesn't show any obvious signs of aging, so we don't know for sure. This may sound crazy, but I had imagined that Maggie was born long ago in an ancient civilization and has wandered all over the world for aeons until she came here. She may have been an immortal cat before she gave up her immortality for reasons unknown. It is quite possible that Maggie grew weary of this world and decided to look for a place to spend the last of her days. I like to imagine the kinds of adventures that Maggie may have had in her life. Traveling through Ancient Middle East, home of the cities of Ur, Sumer, and, of course, Babylon. Evading the heretic hunters in Medieval Europe. Hitching a ride on one of the many ships that were sent to colonize what will be the United States of America. Surviving in the battlefields during the American Revolution and later the American Civil War. She has seen history unfold before her eyes! At least, that's what I like to imagine what her life was like before she met us. Again, we really don't know for sure. All we know is that Maggie had been without a home for very long time. Oh, Maggie, if only we can understand you! All the stories you could tell us and the wisdom you could share! We may never know the truth. Although we will never know the beginning and the middle of the story, at least we play a part at the end. And when the final curtain falls, whenever it may be, Maggie will take her final bow and walk off the Stage of Life, joining the rest of the Ghost Cats as they run and play in the endless sunlit meadows in the Summerland, never worrying about the daily struggles because they are nothing more than a bad dream. Meanwhile, those who remain will grieve for awhile and then move on with their lives. After all, the show must go on. And so does life until the end.

Cleaning house with the Dustbuster2!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #961 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 2:43am
I'm bad.
I've been off on another site reading Harry Potter spoilers. Moonie is SO gonna cry. I will too. We're both sentimental little things.....

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #962 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 11:26pm
Now, I'm REALLY bad!  Smiley I've ordered the Star Wars bumper stickers online, an "evolve" fish (I'll get the "vampire" shark later), I'll have an order ready to mail to Azure Green tomorrow (they don't take Discover which is what I use for online ordering) and I'm at the Isis site right now making out an order there! I also have my eye on an inexpensive recurve bow from a company up in Fort Wayne. I haven't decided on a firearm yet so I thought I would work on my bow skills while I make up my mind. And I have room enough to set up an archery range here so I can practice at a moment's notice. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE online shopping? hehehehehehe

Like I said, I'm a bad little lady.....

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #963 - Jul 27th, 2007 at 8:20pm
I really want to get a bow...a compound one...

~ BRAT ~
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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #964 - Jul 27th, 2007 at 8:27pm
This is the one I'm looking at. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on one. At least not yet.  Grin If I decide to get into competitive shooting, well, that would be another story!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #965 - Aug 1st, 2007 at 4:27am
I've got laundry to put away, reading to do and I'd like to sneak in a little meditation tonight, so I'm heading out. Everyone be well and be safe.  Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #966 - Aug 1st, 2007 at 4:45pm
Oooookkkaaaayy. Life is going to be interesting today. The next door neighbor's son and his friends are out here today. They are shooting scenes for a zombie movie. They've already informed the sheriff's department and as many of the neighbors -- including us -- as are home right now that there will be much yelling, screaming and such going on this afternoon. I don't know how long they will be at it -- probably until they get the shots that they want. Like I said. It should be interesting.
« Last Edit: Aug 1st, 2007 at 4:46pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #967 - Aug 1st, 2007 at 7:48pm
I heard a very loud "boom!" a little bit ago. Zombie hunting must be under way. I haven't heard any screaming mainly because we have the house closed up so we can use the A/C. It is over 90 today and I don't envy anyone who is out there in heavy "zombie" makeup.

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #968 - Aug 2nd, 2007 at 9:10pm
Okay, where did I put the wood putty?  Grin

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #969 - Aug 2nd, 2007 at 10:09pm
It is good to be a "rampaging, unstoppable red-head!" [That is what Skywise calls me.] And if you wonder what brought that on, I dyed my hair this afternoon and I'm sitting here with my wet hair in a towel.  Grin

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #970 - Aug 2nd, 2007 at 10:46pm
I've turned off the news. There are some things I can't bear to watch or hear. The last messages of the doomed to their loved ones is one of those things. Some things should NOT be public.
Why do they have to put that on television?
« Last Edit: Aug 2nd, 2007 at 10:51pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #971 - Aug 4th, 2007 at 4:15am
Skywise is home and I'm calling it a night! Everyone be safe!  Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #972 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 3:53am
It has been a good day, writing wise. With luck and inspiration, I should finish up the section I'm working on and have it up tomorrow night. The hardest part will be a romantic encounter between the Darklord and yet another female with ulterior motives who is after his body! *sigh* This one will not turn out as the woman wishes and the Darklord WILL escape with his virtue intact [not a word!] and that is what is making it a bit tricky to write. I've also had a bit of a time getting and keeping the timeline straight but, on the whole, it has been a good writing day!

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #973 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 6:27am
All I want to know is:
How did the wood putty work for your hair?

LOL It was the order of the posts, and I had to read it twice! LOL

Black Rose

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Re: What's Happenin': Attack of the Posts
Reply #974 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 6:57pm
Black_Rose wrote on Aug 6th, 2007 at 6:27am:
All I want to know is:
How did the wood putty work for your hair?

LOL It was the order of the posts, and I had to read it twice! LOL

Black Rose

Well, the putty was for a wood working project. lol I use LA Looks Mega Mega Hold to set my hair with and that is almost as hard as wood putty!

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