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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #100 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:07pm
#3123  Rewritten by Penthesilea

MoonCat: Morning, Uncle. Sleep well?

The impish grin on MoonCat’s face gave the game away and Daemon grinned back at her. A castle was like a small town in that keeping a secret required a lot of work and he and Satira had not been discreet when they had left the Pub the night before.

Daemon: I slept very well, MoonCat. And you?

She schooled her expression to seriousness which did not reach her eyes.

MoonCat: When I slept, I slept well.  There was.... ah.... something odd echoing through the inspeaking last night. We both heard it although I doubt that mother did.

Daemon would have blushed if he had been given to such things. His control of his inspeaking talent was good but when he was drunk it sometimes slipped and the family became privy to things better kept private. Not that much was private among the family of Zeus! If ever there were a bunch of Divine busybodies, it was his Divine kin!  He sincerely hoped that the Darklord, if he did indeed end up joining the family, was prepared to have the whole clan of them involved in his personal life!  Daemon noticed SpiritFire and a couple of gremlins working over her left arm and leaned over to get a closer look.

Daemon: What is that?

SpiritFire: It is an armor piercing combat laser.  And it isn’t targeting right.

Daemon looked back to MoonCat. “Do you have a laser too?’

“Naw,” she replied. “This is a Scout suit. I have bombs. Sis has the “Hellraiser” with more weapons on it.” Daemon nodded. It made sense that MoonCat, the smaller of the two girls, would be in the fast “scout” position while her sister backed her up with more firepower. If Daemon knew MoonCat at all, and he surely
did, the bombs she carried were not standard issue and were a lot more lethal than anything usually issued to run of the mill military. Which, given the nature of the monster they would be hunting, was undoubtedly a very good thing.

« Last Edit: May 9th, 2007 at 8:47pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #101 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:09pm
#3124  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Meanwhile, at Ares’ Boot Camp...

     As Ares had promised, Kodiak’s day had been busy.  The first order of business had been to scrub the reek of stale sweat and ale off of him. This had been accomplished by a group of military recruits sworn to the service of Lord Duncan of Aragorn -- the identity that Ares used when He walked as a man among men.  Ares had overseen the proceedings and once Kodiak had reached an acceptable level of personal hygiene, he had been issued a uniform, a fifty pound pack and orders to fall in for the “before breakfast” forced march. All things considered, Kodiak figured that he had not done too badly. He had kept up the pace and had not vomited -- probably because there was nothing in his stomach.
Once the march was over, the recruits dropped their packs and fell in for a brisk round of calisthenics for which Kodiak was ultimately grateful. The vigorous exercise had burned the last of the alcohol out of his system and when the call went out that breakfast was waiting, Kodiak was ready to eat. The food wasn’t as good as that available at the Castle but it was hot, filling and definitely not the worst he had ever eaten!
After breakfast, the business of the day got underway. It had been some years since Kodiak had been a recruit and he was older than most of the men around him but he fell into the routine without too much trouble. Taking orders instead of giving them caused him the most trouble but he was nothing if not adaptable and soon found his rhythm. Still, in odd moments when his mind was not actively engaged in some task, and sometimes when it was, he found himself thinking about Penthesilea and wondered what she was doing....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #102 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:09pm
#3125  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Meanwhile, back at the Castle

     As the hunting party continued its preparations, no one noticed a young woman of about sixteen enter the Castle through the northern gate where deliveries to the Castle kitchens were made. She was slim and short, no more than five and a half feet, with black hair that shone with purple highlights when the sun fell on it right.
Once inside the small courtyard that separated the training hall from the kitchen and dining hall, she stopped a passing cook’s helper and inquired as to the whereabouts of the Head Housekeeper.  A few minutes and a couple more inquiries later, she was in the Housekeeper’s office. A short interview later, she had a job in the Castle’s laundry. It wasn’t a glamourous job but it would keep her fed and it gave her a reason to be at the Castle which, in the end, was all she wanted. If the Gods favored her, she would find the answers that she sought.....

« Last Edit: May 9th, 2007 at 8:48pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #103 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:13pm
#3126  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     In the Main Courtyard, a map table had been set up and Penthesilea and Nightdeath were  in a huddle over it as the two of them tried to pinpoint the place where the Wendigo had ambushed the tribe. Nightdeath and her people were new to the area and it was taking much discussion for them to narrow down the search area. Other members of the tribe came over and a spirited debate ensued over landmarks. When the area had been narrowed sufficiently, Penthesilea cast a spell that created a three dimensional map and the search area was narrowed further. Then it was Daemon’s turn. He traced the route that he had taken the night he had tracked the monster, terminating it at the spot where he had lost the trail and his sister’s wail of anguish had reached his ears. 

Daemon: I suppose that it is useless to ask if you’ve scryed for this thing?

Penth gave her brother a sour look. “I did this morning, first thing. I got nothing.  They usually are hard to spot due to their nature but they normally can be found if you look hard enough. I looked hard and came up empty. Something or someone is hiding him.”  Daemon rolled that thought around in his head for a bit and decided that he really didn’t like the conclusions that he came to.  “I’m planning on our staying in the field. The gremlins can ferry in supplies if we run short and give us air support when we need it,” Penth continued. “Once we pick up the trail, we will have to stay on it without stopping.” The siblings saw the look that Nightdeath and her tribemates were giving them and Penth hastened to explain. “It is the nature of the kind of cloaking spell that is probably  being used to hide the Wendigo. As long as someone is on the trail, the trail remains clear but if you stop following it for more than a few minutes, it will disappear or become so muddled that it is impossible to follow. So once we have the trail, we have to keep on it until we run it to ground.”
     Nightdeath looked troubled. “We could be exhausted by then.”
     "Yes, we could,” Penth conceded.  “We will have to be careful. Once we have the trail, we will eat on the run and sleep in shifts with the gremlins bringing the fresh trackers in to take over when the others need to sleep. I can use spells that will make a couple of hours of sleep be as good as a full night so once we are close, we can all be well rested in a very short time. We are lucky to be in a Magick/Tech zone. We can use all the resources at our disposal.”
     “What if we move into an area where only tech or magick works,” one of the Wolfkin asked.
     “We will adapt,” Penthesilea replied. “By its nature, a Wendigo tends to stay in magick friendly areas so we may find our technology useless but not our magick.”
     “And my sister’s magick,” Daemon chimed in, “is very powerful and more than a match for a Wendigo.”
Nightdeath’s hand when to the sword at her side. “I, we, claim bloodrights to this thing.” Penthesilea nodded in understanding.
     “You will have your share of blood, I promise you. Your dead will be avenged.”
     “Do you think,” a small voice came from the group of Wolfkin, “that we will find any bodies?” Penth looked toward the speaker, a small female barely out of childhood, and smiled sadly.
     “I can’t promise that,” she replied honestly. “It is the curse of the Wendigo to eat its own kind and this one was originally Wolfkin.” The girl choked back a sob and the tribemate next to her embraced her and spoke to Penth over the girl’s head. 
     “Her parents are among the dead.” Penth’s heart broke for her  and she went to the girl’s side.
     “What is your name, little one?”
     “MorningStar, I promise you that your dead will be avenged if it is in my power to make it so.”  MorningStar looked up at her with tear filled eyes.
     “I believe you, Lady Keyholder.” Penthesilea held out her arms and MorningStar left the embrace of her tribemate and accepted the Keyholder’s hug.

« Last Edit: May 9th, 2007 at 8:52pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #104 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:14pm
#3127  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     “Okay, let’s try it again.” Penthesilea looked over to where her daughters stood in their combat armor. SpiritFire was apparently getting ready to test fire her laser again.  The gremlin Range Officer nodded and fired the target into the air, sending it sailing out over the Main Gate. For safety, the laser had been set to its lowest power setting, just enough to shatter the targets that they were using but not enough to even scorch the limestone of the Castle’s walls. Spirit targeted, fired and clipped the target. “Damn!” she swore and she, her sister and the gremlin techs converged on the cranky laser.
     “Try again,” the head tech of the gremlins ordered after a few minutes of tinkering. Spirit nodded and the Range Officer stood ready for her signal. It was given and the target flew. Spirit fired and the target exploded into dust. The crowd of gremlins erupted into cheers and Penthesilea allowed herself a smile.  She wished that Kodiak could be there. With his love of adventure and his reckless disregard for danger, he would relish this expedition; hunting an “unstoppable” monster and pitting his skill and wits against it.  Not for the first time, Penthesilea marveled at his courage and heroism.  His actions in the face of danger had frequently scared the life out of her when she had stopped to think about them later. She remembered last summer  when they had barely made their acquaintance. An army of orcs had invaded through a rogue reality breach and she had led her people into battle. Her fighter had been shot down and she had been swarmed by the orcs. She had fought like the hellion that she was but there were too many for her to take alone and they pressed her too closely for her to use a spell. Finally, wounded in a dozen places, she had fallen and she knew that she was going to die....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #105 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:15pm
#3128  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Then he had come.  Single-handedly, he had fought his way to her side, had torn them off of her and with his back to her fighter and her lying barely conscious behind him, he had held them off until more help arrived.  And when the orcs were all dead, he had taken her up in his arms and carried her to the medical evacuation airship, had laid her on the cot and had held her hand, talking to her the whole time while the medics worked on them both as they flew back to the Castle because he was (as was his habit after battle) nearly cut to ribbons himself.  She had nearly died of the poison that had been on one of the blades that had pierced her but she had recovered. When she was on her feet again, she went to thank him for saving her life.  After all, if he had not come MoonCat would not have had the opportunity to cure the poisoning!  She had had some difficulty in finding a private moment with him, the Castle’s women swarmed around him like bees to honey and that made her shy for some reason, as if she was intruding on him and had no right to. But she had finally caught him alone and had managed to thank him. He had looked down at her and smiled, thereby stopping her heart in mid-beat, and told her that it had been his pleasure. Then, he had offered her his arm and she had taken it and they had enjoyed a pleasant moonlit walk around the lake before reality, in the form of his then current bedmate, had called him away. The memory was bittersweet. Sweet because it was time that they had spent together, just Kodiak and Penth, walking around the lake, talking, laughing and enjoying the night. Bitter because at the end of it instead of taking her in his arms, he had left her alone in the dark while he went to enjoy the favors of another.  It was no surprise to her to realize later, after a vampire had used Kodiak’s face and voice to lure her into a trap, that the spot that the vampire had called her to, the spot where her people had found her nearly dead the next morning, was the very spot where she had stood and watched Kodiak walk away with another woman. She had swallowed the pain then. And had again and again until she could swallow no more and had lost herself so thoroughly that she nearly lost her sanity.  Now that she was free of the curse that had kept her from claiming a place in Kodiak’s bed -- or at the very least making him aware that she was more than willing to take such a place! -- she was again herself. More herself than she had been since she had met him and had fallen hopelessly, helplessly in love with him.  And now he was gone. She consoled herself with the memory of his declaration in the Pub. He had called her “my love” and even if he had been too drunk to stand when he said it, she clung to the memory because she knew, realist that she was, that it might be all that she would ever have from him.  Once he was sober he might find the prospect of an affair -- or even something more permanent -- with the immortal daughter of a God to be more of a challenge than he was willing to take on. The world was full of willing women and very, very few of them carried the baggage of Penthesilea, Clan Swordkin of Themyscira and Keyholder.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #106 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:16pm
#3129  Rewritten by Penthesilea

At Paradise Valley

Lord Stephan watched the hunting party’s preparations with interest. The Castle was magickally shielded from all but the most intense and noticeable scrying so he had sent a small remote spy device flying over the Castle at a high enough altitude to escape notice.  The resulting image feed did not give him the detail that he really wanted and there was no way to hear what was said on the ground but he was able to get a good idea of what Penthesilea was sending into the field.  He needed to take advantage of the Darklord’s absence and make opportunities to worm his way into Penthesilea’s affections. His plans would go much more smoothly if he could simply court and win the lady’s hand rather than storming the Castle and possessing her by force. Stephan grinned. Not that he was opposed to force by any means! The idea of forcing himself on Penthesilea excited him enormously but he was not a man to let his baser urges dictate his plans. Still....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #107 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:17pm
#3130  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     In a luxurious room in Lord Stephan’s castle, Miranda sobbed softly. She was handcuffed and chained to the head of the bed where she awaited the pleasure of the lord of the valley. The spell that Jasmine had cast on her to get her to leave the Castle had been lifted and Miranda had come back to awareness to find herself being raped by Lord Stephan. She had screamed and cried and begged to no avail. In the end she could only endure as he did things to her that she had never imagined were possible. When he had finally left her, his servants had come to clean her up and heal her injuries in preparation for the next time the Master wanted her. Miranda no longer had any illusions about the Lord of Paradise Valley. He was a monster and there was no hope of rescue. She had left, as far as anyone knew, of her own free will. The note that she had left for Alexander said as much. 
She heard footsteps in the hall outside and voices. She shrank back in terror as the door opened. Lord Stephan stepped into the room and smiled, closing the door behind him. He didn’t bother to lock it. No one would enter that he did not summon and she would have no opportunity to escape.  He approached the bed, smiling, and began to remove his clothes...


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #108 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:26pm
#3131  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Meanwhile, back at the Castle...

     Once SpiritFire’s armor was checked out to her own and everyone else’s satisfaction, Penthesilea sent her and MoonCat out into the field to begin the search. The ever efficient gremlins had assembled the required gear and had seen to it that the Wolfkin were armed with the best that the Castle’s armory had to offer. Daemon and Penthesilea went over the supplies in the floater sleds and found no omissions. After giving orders for the running of the Castle while she was gone, Penthesilea opened a Gate to the search area and with Daemon in the lead the expedition left....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #109 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:29pm
#3132  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     The group stepped through into a sunlit clearing that bore the scars of battle, broken trees, uprooted bushes, torn up earth but no bodies. The Wolfkin stood silent for a moment and the others allowed them their peace. Then Daemon, Penth and the Wolfkin spread out, looking for any trace of a trail.  It didn’t take long.
     “Here!” One of the Wolfkin called out. The others gathered around and another of the Wolfkin knelt to examine the trail.
     “It came and went through here several times,”  he said quietly. “The trail is old but it is a place to start.”
     “Yes,” Penthesilea replied, “it is.” She reached for her daughters through the inspeaking. Girls, we have a trail here. Report in.
     Coming, Mother.  Within seconds, both girls bounded into the clearing and snapped open their faceplates.
     “We couldn’t see much from the air. The trees are too thick. We’ve had to use the jumpjets more than we planned. No clearings to land in.” At that, two of the gremlin techs who were part of the party came alert. “Yes,” MoonCat continued, speaking to the gremlins. “We are going to need to replace the jumpjets’ power packs sooner than we planned. The packs for the suits themselves still have plenty of power.” The gremlins nodded and the senior of the two pulled out a communicator and began giving orders in gremlinese to whoever was on the other end. Daemon, Penth and her girls couldn’t speak gremlinese -- no one with human vocal cords could -- but they understood it perfectly.  Standard Human Language was taught to young gremlins alongside their own although the differences in their vocal cords made it difficult for them to speak it and they tended to sound unintelligent as a result. Nothing could be further from the truth. The tech was ordering that spare packs for the suits, both for the jumpjets and the suits themselves, be prepared and sent out to the party immediately. She was not a gremlin to take chances with the safety of those who depended on the equipment she was in charge of maintaining.      
     “You will have to stay on the ground then,” Daemon said. “We can’t afford you have you hung up in the trees if we need your firepower.” Both girls nodded agreement.
     “We will go into stealth mode. It isn’t as much fun as bouncing around the countryside but it has its benefits,” Spirit replied. Unseen, inside her glove, she closed the circuit that activated “stealth mode” and suddenly became very hard to see. MoonCat followed suit a couple of seconds later and the two of them started down the trail.  Daemon followed them, leading the Wolfkin some of whom were heard to growl softly as they moved out. The gremlins and the supply sleds went next with Penthesilea acting as rear guard.

« Last Edit: May 9th, 2007 at 8:59pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #110 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:40pm
#3133  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Meanwhile, at Ares’ Boot Camp...

     The afternoon found the Darklord engaged in the sort of manual labor involved in setting up a military camp in the wilderness. There were, of course, high tech ways to do what he was doing but those ways would not accomplish the intended goal which was, among other things, to weed out those temperamentally unfit for military service.  And, as Kodiak pointed out when the grumbling among his fellows grew too loud they could easily find themselves waging war in a “No Tech” zone in which no heavy machinery was available to dig latrines and that a well constructed latrine was a lot more civilized than going behind a bush....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #111 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:41pm
#3134  Rewritten by Penthesilea

Meanwhile, at Paradise Valley...

     Miranda was screaming. Lord Stephan liked it when they screamed. He found it stimulating and he fell on the terrified woman like the vicious animal that he was.  Taking her with more brutality that she had ever believed possible. It was not, of course, all the brutality of which he was capable. They had a long way to go before the depths of his depravity were reached and once her spirit was sufficiently broken he would begin the process of making her over into a suitable servant. But for the moment, he would enjoy the process of breaking her down until she whimpered and begged for him to use her however he pleased. There was still a little corner of her that resisted him and he didn’t want to crush it too soon.  Her screams and tears were as arousing as the sight of her lush body writhing under his lash and he had no intention of giving that up too soon. She was proving to be an excellent diversion while he waited to possess the luscious Penthesilea.
     Lord Stephan allowed himself to think of the Keyholder, imagined her naked and helpless in his hands.  Imagined her crying, imagined her screaming, imagined her fighting against his possession of her and failing.  The effect on him was everything he could wish for. With renewed lust, he continued his assault on Miranda while promising the Keyholder... Soon, my lovely. Soon.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #112 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:09am
#3135  Rewritten by Penthesilea
     Eyes other than Lord Stephan’s had been watching the preparations at the Castle and while that worthy was indulging his carnal depravities, another moved to thwart his plans and snatch the prize -- the lovely Penthesilea -- from under his nose. It had been entirely too long since he had had Penthesilea in his bed and her absence sorely tested his temper. That it had taken so long to locate her reality and then, once found, to locate her within it had taken a severe toll on his disposition.  Still, it had given him time to recruit the agents that he needed for the task of subduing Penthesilea and their daughters and bringing them back to him and with some careful planning, the blame for the disappearance of the Keyholder and her heirs would fall on Lord Stephan. Penthesilea’s Divine family would tear the “Lord” apart in Their attempts to force his confession and to divulge their whereabouts while he went undetected. His agent and her minions were already in place, Lord Stephan having “captured” her some time ago. He had held her and her ever expanding brood in the caverns under Paradise Valley while the plan that required her participation worked its way to the conclusion. She had already agreed to participate in Lord Stephan’s plans in return for her own freedom and that of her brood. Unknown to Lord Stephan, someone else had made her a better offer.....

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 3:56am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #113 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:10am
#3136  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Deep under the misnamed Paradise Valley, a horror brooded. She had never been human although her father had been one as were her consorts. They didn’t last long and the last one that Lord Stephan had sent her had been a pitiful specimen, hardly worth the effort required to force him to his duty and he had not lasted long. She had been entirely too long without a suitable consort and she was getting restless. Fortunately, her patron had promised her that the time for revenge on Lord Stephan was nearly at hand. He would serve his turn as her consort and she would take care to see that he lasted as long as possible but the real treat was the man that her patron had promised her -- a God’s son whose name was Daemon.....

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:26am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #114 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:11am
#3137  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     MoonCat and Spirit stayed on the trail, using every technological and arcane method at their command to follow it. The Wolfkin were on their heels, all but glowing in their rage. Penthesilea and Daemon did not try to hold them back from it even though it would, eventually, wear them down. Any attempt to moderate them now would not be taken kindly and the siblings had no desire to alienate them. So they kept an eye on the Wolfkin and when one of them started to tire, Penthesilea would suggest that a rest was in order, so as to be fresh when the fight came. That was usually enough to get the tiring Wolfkin onto one of the supply sleds whereupon one of Penthesilea’s “Quicksleep” spells would be cast with predicable results. Neither Penthesilea nor Daemon believed that they would find their quarry the first day. The Wendigo was too cunning and too cruel to allow that.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:27am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #115 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:11am
#3138  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     The first night passed uneventfully for which Penthesilea was grateful. It had served to settle the Wolfkin down somewhat. They were still passionate about the hunt but, for most of them, the knowledge that this could be a long hunt had  been accepted and they were pacing themselves accordingly. The second day yielded no fresh track and as the day wore on, Penthesilea began to fear that the beast had moved out of the area. If that were the case, then they would have to wait until some news of him reached them before they could take the hunt up again.  None of them was willing to wait for that since any word of him would likely be news of a bloody massacre.
     It was a few hours before sunset when MoonCat and Spirit investigated a promising site spotted by the gremlins, a few of whom had taken to the air in small, short range powered gliders. They had hoped that by flying a search pattern they would be able to spot their quarry before he could elude them.
     Mom, Uncle Daemon,
MoonCat called in. I think we’ve found something. And it isn’t good.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:38am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #116 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:12am
#3139  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     The rest of the expedition found the girls standing guard over their find, a large cave entrance, from cover.
     “We’ve been watching and scanning since we got here,” Spirit reported softly. “We don’t think that he’s in there. We aren’t picking up life signs but the way he fools sensors we can’t be sure.”
     Daemon nodded. “The God that created Wendigoes was a cruel, cagey bastard. It’s too bad that when the other Gods took Him out, They weren’t able to cancel His curse too.”
     “Gods can die?” The small voice belonged to MorningStar and Daemon looked at her kindly.
     “Some Gods can. Their nature makes them unaging but not indestructible. The God that created Wendigoes was such a God. He was unaging and immortal in most respects but when the other Gods found out what He was doing, the Wendigo was the least of it, They didn’t rest until They found out how to kill Him and They did. It was an important object lesson for any others who might decide to overstep the bounds.

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« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:39am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #117 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:13am
#3140  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     Nightdeath called for the sharpest noses in her packtribe to come forward. They did so and shifted to their transitional form where their sense of smell was the keenest. Unable to learn anything concrete from their position, they slithered closer, keeping to cover and under the protective eyes of their companions until they were close enough to know for sure.
     “He isn’t here,” their leader reported. “The scent of him is old and cold. But there is one fresh scent.... death.”

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:40am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #118 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:14am
#3141  Rewritten by Penthesilea

     The grisly task of removing the remains was accomplished by the Wolfkin. As much as Penthesilea wished that she could spare them the sight of what the Wendigo had done to their loved ones, she knew Wolfkin well enough that her protectiveness might give offense and that she would not do. So she and the others stood aside as the bodies or what could be found of them were brought out. A suitable campsite was selected some distance away and one of the supply sleds unloaded there. Then it was brought back to transport the dead to where their kin would hold their death rites.
     Before leaving the site, Penthesilea and her girls inspected the cave while Daemon and the gremlins stood guard over them. What they found worried them, the faint, masterfully hidden traces of magick....

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:43am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #119 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:15am
#3142  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     The rest of the day was spent in putting up and securing the camp while the Wolfkin made the necessary preparations for the death rites. An enormous pyre was constructed of dry wood and brush and the bodies were prepared for cremation. The non-Wolfkin members of the expedition took care of those mundane details that did not involve the death rites to give what assistance that they could to the grieving. 
     Then, as the sun sank into the west, the rites began. They would last through the night and tomorrow the hunt would begin again.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:44am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #120 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:16am
#3143  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     “Are you finished?”
     Lord Stephan’s technician looked up from the last, lightly sedated reptile on his table. “Yes, my Lord. The device is implanted and working perfectly. The entire pack is ready for service.”
     “Excellent. Prepare them for transport. We will release them when they have caught the scent of the weres in Penthesilea’s party. Their conditioning will do the rest.  They will kill the weres -- and maybe that brother of hers -- and then I and my men will arrive just in time to save the Keyholder.”
     “We will be ready in half an hour, my Lord. The majority of the pack is already on the transport.”  Lord Stephan nodded with a smile and went to see to the “rescue” party.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:35am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #121 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:16am
#3144  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     Out of deference to the mourners, Daemon, Penthesilea, Satira and the girls made their camp with the gremlins. By common consent, the two parties stayed close enough for mutual defense while giving the Wolfkin their privacy. The Wendigo was still at large even though the trail had gone cold and no one wanted to take chances. So the non Wolfkin and the gremlins settled in around their fire while a few yards away beyond a wall of concealing brush that Penthesilea had raised, the Wolfkin carried out the rites for their dead.  As the moons rose higher and the funeral pyre burned low, the Wolfkin shifted forms. The others knew this because they lifted their voices in howls of mourning that no human throat could produce.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:46am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #122 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:17am
#3145  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     A mile away from the dual encampment, Lord Stephan’s transport settled silently to the ground. Inside, the hungry reptiles’ thrashing, which had been building for some minutes, had reached a level of violence that Lord Stephan found acceptable. He ordered all of his people to remain in their own transports -- he didn’t want to lose anyone to the beasts’ rage until he had to -- and ordered them released. The cages opened and the sleek, tooth-filled snouts of the reptilian predators poked out. They caught the scent and the coyote-sized animals leaped from their confinement and raced off. Releasing such dangerous animals was a calculated risk. Penthesilea could be killed but that was a risk that he was willing to take. If not Penthesilea, then perhaps one of her grieving daughters would be his key to power.
     “We will give them fifteen minutes, then follow,” Lord Stephan announced. “At the rate they are traveling, they should be among the weres by then. Since I do expect the Wolfkin to put up a fight, we should arrive ‘just in time.’ Everyone get ready to ride.”

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:47am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #123 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:18am
#3146  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     Daemon and Penthesilea took the first watch while her girls, Satira and the gremlins slept. It was custom among the Wolfkin for an all night vigil to be held as part of their mourning and Penthesilea could hear them moving around their camp while talking in low voices. The peculiar sound of their conversation told her that at least some of them  were in the transitional form of “manwolf” which permitted human speech. Weres were unbelievably powerful in that form and she thought that having at least part of the party in that form at all times was a good idea. A Wendigo was an obscenely powerful creature and nearly unbeatable in combat for a group of seasoned warriors. It worried her that the lair had been deserted and the trace of magick that she and Spirit had detected didn’t ease her mind in the slightest. Powerful magicks had been worked in that cave and the fact that she could not discern their source or intent did not fill her with joy. There was another player interested in the Wendigo and she knew of only one local magick user who might possibly be powerful to hide the Wendigo from her. Penthesilea frowned at the thought of that sorcerer, Lord Stephan. She had never warmed Jasmine’s father although she had tried to do so for Jasmine’s sake. She had once been very fond of Jasmine but the girl’s shallowness had eroded Penthesilea’s affection for her. Jasmine wanted what she wanted when she wanted it and did not tolerate any interference in the pursuit of her “wants.” She had wanted Kodiak and Penthesilea now wondered what the fallout would be when Jasmine realized that he had returned to the Castle and declared his love for her.  That led her to thoughts of Kodiak himself and she smiled. She really wished that he was with them right now -- and not just because she loved him! She watched the flames and remembered other times in the Castle when they had sat together in front of the fire and talked even as she remained alert for danger. The wards were up around both camps but wards could be breached.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:48am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3000 to 3199
Reply #124 - Jun 15th, 2007 at 1:19am
#3147  Rewritten by Penthesilea 

     In their cave prison under Paradise Valley, the Brood of Xanthraldane followed their mother into the tunnel that they had constructed without Lord Stephan’s knowledge. It had never occurred to him that creatures who lived in the rocks would have natural ways of moving through stone. Xanthraldane had simply made her first few hatchings in this new place almost entirely of tunnelers with only a few attendants and other servers. When the tunnelers had come to maturity, she had put them to work. There was no place in Paradise Valley that they could not reach in minutes but this tunnel would take them out from under the Valley into the forest beyond.  Lord Stephan and Xanthraldane’s promised consort were there waiting for her and her lust for the latter was almost more than she could stand. She gave her warrior children their final instructions. The weres and all of Lord Stephan’s men were to be killed. Lord Stephan, her new consort and the females that were to be the price of their freedom were to be taken alive. The warriors acknowledged their MotherQueen and moved out into the tunnel.
     They reached the end of the tunnel in short order -- it was wide and they were swift -- and, at the MotherQueen’s orders,  the tunnelers began to dig through the last few feet of earth and rock that stood between them and freedom.

« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2007 at 4:49am by Penthesilea »  

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