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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #125 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:41am
#2789   Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Bedroom

     *Penthesilea had spent most of the night in meditation. All her life she had walked the knife's edge between light and dark. Last night, she had been pushed off the edge and because of it, people she truly loved are in danger. She and the Lord Marshall were now linked and, given the nature of the link, it could be impossible to break. While there could be undeniable advantages to being linked to the Lord Marshall, at the moment, it was difficult to deal with. He didn't know how to keep her out of his head and until he learned, she would have to shield them both. She had abandoned her early attempt at sleeping when the lovers retired for the night, even though they did not make love and the Castle left her in peace. Kodiak's emotions were so strong that they kept invading her sleeping mind and, of course, the link worked both ways. Kodiak now knew more about her than he was probably comfortable with.
     She shifted her vision slightly and saw the source of part of her madness in the corner of the room. Someone had set the Furies on her. Normally, they extracted vengeance. They should have had no reason to seek her out but there they had been when she had opened her eyes back in the Castle. She had tried to fight them off alone -- her father had already gone to plead for her -- but in the end, had not had the strength to resist the both vampire and the Furies. She spoke to them in a language that sounded like Greek but wasn't.* You have no business here. I honor both my father and my mother. Leave. Or face my father's wrath.* She watched them vanish and turned her mind to other things. She was hungry. She ordered steak from the kitchen. Rare.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #126 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:42am
#2791  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Daemon had returned to his room sometime in the night and had managed a few hours of sleep.  Upon arising, he showered and dressed and sent to the Dining Hall for a meal. While he waited, he seated himself at his desk and pulling out a pen and paper, he began to write....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #127 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:43am
#2792  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     In her quarters, Satira receives a visitation from her God. The Darklord has given the God the opening that He needed and it is time to brief Satira on the part she will be called on to play. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #128 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:44am
#2793  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea shoved her empty plate aside and considered her options. Her father and his family had been trying without success to get her released from her oath for centuries but that stubborn goddess wouldn't budge. But now, she had no choice in the matter. She knew in her heart that she loved Kodiak as much as she had ever loved anyone and that love put him at risk from the Goddess of the Sand.  The Goddess must be made to release her from her curse so that Kodiak would be safe.  Penthesilea leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She would be free to seek his love... or she would die. But as she searched for a way to be free, she would have to deal however she could with her penance. She would have to find a way to transfer her link to the Castle to SpiritFire so that she could leave the Castle with a clear conscience. And, she admitted to herself, she did not wish for those she loved to witness the degradation that was part and parcel of her punishment. In one of the larger cities, there would be vampires aplenty and people in need of help. What mercy that could be granted to her, because the spell that she had cast had not been for her own benefit, had been. She would permitted to be free between periods of atonement. She would do what good she could during those times while seeking release from the Goddess of the Sand. She closed her eyes tightly against the tears that threatened to spill.  Being free to seek Kodiak’s bed, if only for a single night, was a forlorn hope at best. Her penance was intended to be eternal with death as the only release. No, she told herself sternly. Kodiak would never be hers. All she had now was her penance and the hope that she could somehow gain her release from the Goddess of the Sand so that the man she had sacrificed herself for would be safe to live out his life with the woman he truly loved -- Jasmine.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #129 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:44am
#2794   Rewritten by Penthesilea

*Penthesilea was roused from her thoughts by her awareness of Kodiak. He was awake and looking for her. She discreetly determined his location and went to meet him. She would enjoy his company while she could. It would give her solace in the long, lonely centuries ahead.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #130 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:45am
#2795   DarkLord Kodiak
*Walks down the stairs looking at everyone who is in the castle. Holding his head from his still pounding headache. Looks at the Keyholder* Dont worry about what happened. Just one question will this headache go away?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #131 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:47am
#2796   Penthesilea

It should. Once your body gets used to having my blood inside it. I tried to stay out of your head last night. How did you sleep?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #132 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:48am
#2797  DarkLord Kodiak
Sleep no sleep. How could I sleep. It hurts like He!!. Anyway like I said its alright. I will get used to it I think.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #133 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:49am
#2798  Penthesilea

If you will permit me to touch you, I might be able to help. No guarantees. This is new to me too.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #134 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:49am
#2799  DarkLord Kodiak
Anything right now. Oh and by the way White Mages are expensive to train please dont kill anymore of mine.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #135 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:50am
#2800  Penthesilea

*Looks guilty.* I wouldn't have if I had been in my right mind. Certain members of Father's family are a bit unstable.*She reaches out with her left hand and touches his forehead. She closes her eyes and concentrates, frowning. Then, she pulls her hand away.* Any better?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #136 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:51am
#2801  DarkLord Kodiak
Amazingly yes. Hopefull my body will stop rejecting the blood soon.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #137 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:51am
#2802   Penthesilea
I hope so. Despite my behavior, I like having you around. I need you around. You are the only man in this limestone barn who treats me like a human being and doesn't die of shock if I act like one.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #138 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:52am
*Unbeknownst to the Lord Marshall, Penthesilea’s head began to pound with the headache that had been his. Unable to cure his pain, she had given him relief the only way that she could by magickally diverting his pain to herself. It was small enough a price to pay for the trouble that she had caused him...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #139 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:53am
#2804   DarkLord Kodiak
While I am here to protect you my Lady, yes I do realize you are a person also. Of course I have crossed boundaries and could have possibly been hung for some of the things I have done or allowed. Dont worry I am not going anywhere.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #140 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 5:54am
#2805  DarkLord Kodiak

I am headed back to my room. I am going to take the day off I am too weak to be useful anyway. If you need anything my Lady please contact the minions. If it is an emergency you know where to find me.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #141 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:02am
#2806  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

Rewritten by Penthesilea
Daemon had returned to his room sometime in the night and had managed a few hours of sleep.  Upon arising, he showered and dressed and sent to the Dining Hall for a meal. While he waited, he seated himself at his desk and pulling out a pen and paper, he began to write....

Once the letter was complete, Daemon folded it, put it in an envelope and set it aside.  His meal arrived and, after requesting that a month’s worth of travel rations be prepared for him and sent up, he ate his meal mechanically, his mind on the past.  Once he had finished eating, he began to assemble the gear that he would take with him. Except for weapons and food, he would travel fast and light -- sleeping under a tree or in one and cold camps when he had them. He didn’t really expect to survive this hunt and part of him didn’t care.  He hadn’t much cared for living or dying in some time. He did expect to take his foe with him into the dark but in case he didn’t, he had put the whole story into the letter to his sister. If he couldn’t finish the job, she would have to.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #142 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:03am
#2807   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Daemon looked around his quarters. He hadn’t spent all that much time at the Castle but it had come to feel like home. And if things when like he thought that they would, he would never see it again. He sighed. It didn’t matter as long as his task was completed. He owed her that.  He took up his gear and left his rooms, stopping the first servant he encountered and giving her the letter that he had written with instructions to give it to the Keyholder. Once the woman was on her way, Daemon “farwalked” out of the Castle.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #143 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:05am
#2809   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

The Palace of the Goddess of the Sand..

     The Goddess reclined on Her couch and regarded the deity before her. She was a minor Goddess in their pantheon and He was the God of Lies, Trickery and Thieves -- among other things - and consequently very powerful. Yet He had come to see Her, instead of simply summoning Her. That meant that He wanted a favor. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Lord Mar-Nek?”
     The God of Lies smiled. “Lady Goddess, I have a boon to ask. One of your playthings interests me and I would like your leave to play with her myself.”
     “I have many playthings. Collecting them is a hobby of mine. Which one has caught your eye, my Lord?”
     “The daughter of Ares of the Olympians, the Keyholder Penthesilea.”
     The Goddess nodded. “Yes, she is a worthy plaything. It is not often that the offspring of a god puts themselves in debt to a deity outside their family. What do you propose to do with her?
     “I have an agent in place in her Castle. I wish to arrange for that agent to perform a service so great that the Keyholder will be indebted to her forever. In that way, I will gain influence and eventual control of the Castle and it’s power.”
     “There is a man in her life at the moment. She keeps him at a safe distance but her soul burns with love for him. Sooner or later, he will touch her with lust in his heart and I will kill him. I would like for her to be able to appreciate my efforts. I’ve also been toying with the idea of sparing him -- for a price -- just to see what she would be willing to sacrifice to save him.” She paused for a moment to consider the Darklord. “I might even claim him for myself. It has been a very long time since I have seen such a man.”
     Mar-Nek smiled. “Worthy goals indeed, my Lady. I have every intention that the Keyholder should survive her ordeal. She would be of little use as puppet if she were dead. As it is, the man you speak of has already given me the opening I need to put my plan into action. In anger, he refused her offer of atonement and cursed her instead. He thought to spare her, I believe, but he has played into my hands instead.”
     “And what would benefit would I derive from this plan of yours?”
     Mar-Nek smiled broadly. “You would have my eternal gratitude.... and my marker for a very large favor.”
     The Goddess smiled. God of Lies Mar-Nek might be but among family he had learned the value of keeping his word.  “Very well, I agree. Now, tell me more about this plan.” 
     “Iftal’s Curse,” was all that Mar-Nek said. The Goddess sat in stunned silence for a moment at the boldness of the ploy and what would befall the Keyholder and then She laughed. After a moment, the God joined in. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #144 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:05am
#2810  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by DarkLord Kodiak
While I am here to protect you my Lady, yes I do realize you are a person also. Of course I have crossed boundaries and could have possibly been hung for some of the things I have done or allowed. Dont worry I am not going anywhere.

You'd better not. If you do I will hunt you down and hurt you! I've been a mercenary most of my life. I know how to do both!  *Fortunately, he can tell from her expression that she is teasing him..*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #145 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:06am
#2811  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

Originally posted by DarkLord Kodiak
I am headed back to my room. I am going to take the day off I am too weak to be useful anyway. If you need anything my Lady please contact the minions. If it is an emergency you know where to find me.

Kodiak and Penthesilea part company, he to his rest and she back to her paperwork.  In a short while she becomes aware that he is sleeping. She smiles and tries to continue with her work but her own exhaustion gets the better of her and she falls asleep at her desk. She is unaware of the Messenger of Mar-Nek in the room with her. With an evil grin, it touches her and squirms into her mind...

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #146 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:07am
#2812  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Relieved of his headache, fatigue overtook Kodiak and after Penthesilea left him he returned to his quarters to rest. Fortunately, Jasmine did not know that was where he had gone or she would have been there with plans for bedgames that he didn’t really feel like playing. She was still angry about the bloodbond between himself and Penthesilea and she was not above using her body to bind him closer to her. Since realizing that Penthesilea could become a vampire, Jasmine’s attitude toward the Keyholder had changed. She now saw her as a rival for Kodiak’s love and whatever affection she had had for Penthesilea was gone, replaced by jealous suspicion.  She had no intention of sharing Kodiak with Penthesilea, not as a lover or as a friend. Since Kodiak had every intention of keeping his word to Penthesilea and remaining at the Castle and at her side, he saw some serious problems with his intended on the horizon. He did not want to chose between the two women. He loved them both and he did not honestly know which he would chose if it came to a choice.  He could not deny that he had loved Penthesilea from the moment that he saw her.  Jasmine, on the other hand, appealed to the Darkness in him that he felt that he had to hide from his Lady. With a pang, he realized what Penthesilea would expect him to do. She would expect him to leave her for Jasmine because, as she had told him once during a long night, people always left her.  With the exception of her daughters and her father, sooner or later, everyone she had ever loved had left her. He tried to imagine that -- living for centuries, loving again and again and being abandoned every time. It made his heart ache for her. With those thoughts in his mind, he drifted into a doze.
     Someone was crying in his sleep. Kodiak came out of his doze and looked around his bedroom. He was alone but still he heard crying. Then he realized that the sound was coming through one of the bloodbonds. He turned inward to determine which one and was shocked. The two bonds were the same age, forged less than a day apart, and should be of equal strength but one was considerably weaker and seemed to be fading as he watched. He examined it and realized that it was the link to Penthesilea that was fading and that it was she who was crying. He could tell that she was sleeping and in nightmare. He swung his legs off the bed and went to the mediation altar that he had erected in one corner of his room.  He dropped into his favorite position and centered himself. Then he threw his awareness through the bloodbond to where Penthesilea struggled in her nightmare.  He found himself in one of the Club’s more luxurious suites -- one that he had used himself when entertaining special “friends” -- and he saw Penthesilea trying to fight off what he recognized as one of the parasitic demons that once it possessed the body of a humanoid became a true vampire. She was badly overmatched and about to be overwhelmed but she kept fighting because, he realized, she didn’t know how to give up.  And she did not cry out for help either because she knew that there was no help.  There never was.
     “Not this time.” Kodiak stepped forward and grabbed the demon from behind, pulling it off of Penthesilea and causing her to collapse to the floor.  In one smooth movement, he threw the demon into the opposite wall and put himself between his fallen lady and the demon trying to possess her. A knife formed in his right hand made of the Darkness in him but it was of the Light as well, formed as it was of his pure intention to protect her. The demon charged and Kodiak met the charge, burying his knife in the demon’s chest. With a howl of rage, it died and was dust, taking the knife with it. Kodiak turned to Penthesilea. She was face down on the floor but struggling to rise, still trying to fight because there was no one to fight for her.  Not any more!  he vowed and went to her. When she felt his hands on her shoulders, she began to struggle believing him to be the demon. He turned her toward him and when she saw his face the fight went out of her and the tears that she had been holding inside as she fought spilled out of her eyes.  She made no move to come to him believing that she had no right to expect anything from him, not even a friend’s comfort, in light of what she had done. He pulled her into his arms and let her cry.
     He was inside her head and in her condition, she could not hide anything from him.  The first thing he knew was that the Gods had decreed that Penthesilea was forbidden the comfort of a bloodbond with him.  It was being dissolved so that he would not be aware of what became of her or where she could be found.  Then, he knew what she had done and why she had done it. She loved him as she had said and believed that her love had condemned him to a horrible death so she had broken her vows and cast a spell that bound him to another -- Jasmine. She had done what she had done with her eyes wide open and out of love, believing that his life was worth what she would have to pay to save it. He knew what that payment was -- to be prey and plaything for any true vampire that wanted her for as long as she lived without any expectation of rescue or mercy.  He had seen such women during his time in the Nightkind world.  That Penthesilea would be among their number was unthinkable. He knew her only hope -- that someday she would be permitted to die. He knew her only source of solace -- memories of him, especially this small kindness -- that he would hold her while she cried.  And he knew how very sorry she was for everything that she had done to him and how very much she loved him. He saw her plan to turn power over to her youngest daughter and then flee to one of the larger cities where she could lose herself and those who she loved would not be witnesses to the degradation she would endure.  He held her tighter.
     “My poor little lady,” he whispered. “I forgive you. Please don’t cry.  I will save you. If I have to kill every true vampire in the world I will!  I’ll bring you home and spend the rest of my life protecting you.  I’ll fight the Gods themselves if I have to but you will suffer no more because you love me.” The Gods heard but it was too late. Even as he held her, the bond between them dissolved and he was cast back, swearing, into his own body.   
     Elsewhere in the Castle, Jasmine came out of her trance having witnessed the battle in Penthesilea’s mind through her own bloodbond with Kodiak. Furious, she went to her bed and pulled from under it a large box from which she took a black, leather covered book. There would be something in there that would make Kodiak hers forever!  Whatever Penthesilea had to endure, she deserved for daring to think that she could steal from Jasmine what was hers!  All she had to do was keep Kodiak focussed on her until Penthesilea fled the Castle. Once the Keyholder was gone, Jasmine would have no trouble keeping Kodiak. His Darkness called to hers and she would use it to bind him to her.  In a month, Penthesilea would be less than a memory and Kodiak would belong only to her.  Jasmine settled herself in a chair and began to hunt for a spell that would suit her needs. It didn’t take long to find what she needed and she went immediately to work. First, he would have to forget the experience that had just occurred. The knowledge that he had gained in Penthesilea’s mind -- how much she loved him and what fate she was to suffer because of that love -- would keep the spells she intended to use on the Lord Marshall from working. He had genuine affection for Penthesilea, Jasmine would not call it love, and that would act as a powerful counterspell. Quickly, before he could go to Penthesilea, Jasmine used a small scrap of cloth soaked in Kodiak’s blood to cast a sleep spell.      


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #147 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:10am
#2813  Penthesilea [With considerable added prologue]

     With tiny cry of denial, Penthesilea felt herself being snatched from Kodiak’s arms. She knew that the comfort she found there could not last but that did not keep her from regretting it when it was withdrawn. She loved him so much and now, she had lost even his friendship. She had heard him forgive her and the promise that he had made to her but she knew that the judgment of the Gods was final and irrevocable for one such as herself. The child of a God was held to a higher standard and an immortal one to a standard higher still. Kodiak would not be permitted to save her from her fate. She hoped that he would forget her in time and find happiness with Jasmine.  She felt the last wisp of their bond dissipate and for that she allowed herself a tear. Keeping herself out of his head had been difficult but the feeling that he was “there” had made her feel safe in a way that she had not felt since her very early childhood. The child of an Amazon warrior and a God did not normally enjoy a feeling of comfort or safety and Penthesilea was grateful that her daughters had grown up in safety even if she herself had been a slave.
     Penthesilea found herself standing in a cold dark place where the wind howled like a thousand damned souls and the feeling of hopeless oppression pressed down on her already battered spirit. What now? she thought with a mixture of impatience and resignation. She looked around but did not see anything that looked like any of the various Underworld domains that she was familiar with.
     “Penthesilea!” Penth turned and was not surprised to see a spectral figure standing a few feet from her.
     “Yes?” she answered politely. She had learned early that it never hurt to be polite at least at the outset in such encounters. You could always get abusive later if it turned out that abuse was what was expected.
     “Child of Ares, it has been decided that because you broke your vows out of unselfish love, you will be offered the Divine Madness. If you survive this period of trial you will be free of your penance and of the curse of the Goddess of the Sand. Fail or accept help from any source, mortal or immortal, and you will serve your penance in full. Or you will die. What is your decision, Child of Ares?” Penthesilea stood quietly and considered. Her heart leaped at the chance to be free both to seek Kodiak’s love and to remain at the Castle that had become the dearest place on earth to her but the Divine Madness was not to be undertaken lightly. It was the most severe trial a mortal or half mortal like Penthesilea could undertake. If she accepted, she would go insane, that much was a certainty. What else the Madness would entail she could not know. Her magick would be useless, her mind would be too disordered, and she would likely become little more than an animal at least for part of the ordeal. She shivered and thought of Kodiak and what the Madness offered her. The chance to be with him. Had she not already condemned herself to the torment of a living hell so he could live in happiness with someone else? What was madness when compared to the torment of loving him and watching him with someone else? To have the hope that he might want her was like water to one dying of thirst.
     “I accept. When will it begin?” She had no sooner spoken than a violent shiver went through her.
     “It has begun!” the figure intoned and the air seemed to shake. “Leave the Castle at once and in secret. Your ordeal will end when an agent of the Gods pronounces your release.” With a sickening jolt, Penthesilea found herself back in her body which was slumped over her desk. She took a precious second or two to clear her head and then made the traditional response..
     “So be it.”  Quickly, she changed her clothing and, enveloped in a heavy cape, left the Castle by the underground ways.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #148 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:11am
#2814  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

   The God Mar-Nek nodded in satisfaction. Ares’ daughter had accepted the curse and because she had accepted the trial of her own free will, her Divine Family could do nothing to aid her unless she asked. Consequently, she would become the lowest sort of vampire, one who fed on vermin of all sorts. The blood of humanoids and the higher orders of animals would be denied to her and the life that she consumed would bring her no relief from the hunger that would drive her mad. And when all seemed lost and everyone despaired, Satira would “lift” the curse on the Keyholder and gain the Keyholder’s eternal gratitude. As promised, she would be free of her penance and the Goddess of the Sands’ curse. Mar-Nek had neglected to mention that to the Goddess but He suspected that given the lustful way that She had spoken of the Darklord, She would claim him for herself leaving a desolate Penthesilea alone. That would be when Mar-Nek would put the next phase of his plan into action....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2700 to 2999
Reply #149 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 4:12am
#2815  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     In an inner chamber of her apartment, Jasmine worked her spells on Kodiak. He had fought the sleep spell with all his strength but the blood soaked cloth that she had used for a focus made the spell too powerful for him to resist. Now he slept and she began the delicate work of blocking his memories of the battle in Penthesilea’s mind. Jasmine didn’t have the skill necessary to remove the memories entirely and for her to try would cause irreparable damage to Kodiak’s brain so she had to content herself with blocking them.  When Kodiak awoke, he would remember nothing that had happened and would not wonder why his bond with Penthesilea was gone.

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