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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #125 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:02am
#2667   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

“I was afraid to tell anyone, my Lord, not even the Keyholder knows. Please don’t tell her yet.” Then, with no further delay, she extends her fangs and sinks them into Kodiak’s willing throat as he moans in ecstasy.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #126 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:03am
#2668   DarkLord_Kodiak
Oh I won’t. *The rush is fascinating*

*Kodiak Jr returns to his quarters as the party dies down. Laying in bed starts to have visions that continue throughout the evening*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #127 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:03am
#2669   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine withdraws from Kodiak’s neck, pressing her fingers against the wounds to stem the bleeding. “Your turn, my love. Take me. Make me your own, forever!” Then she turns her head aside, exposing her neck to him.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #128 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:05am
#2670  DarkLord_Kodiak
*Sinks his teeth deeply into her neck until she passes out. Carries her to the bed and makes her drink some pure hemoglobin.* The process is complete. I just hope no one finds out the truth. *She begins to come to.* Are you ok my dear?

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #129 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:05am
#2671   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine smiles seductively, showing her fangs. “Come to me, my love, and I will show you how well I am.” With that she reaches for him and pulls him down on top of her. As he buries his face in her hair, she exults in her triumph. Let him think that she is a half vampire like himself. By the time he realizes what she truly is he will be so enslaved to her that he won’t care. 


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #130 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:09am
#2672   DarkLord_Kodiak


*Kodiak Jr awakens in night sweats.* Now it is all very clear. * Not being able to sleep returns to finish the keg of ale and ponder*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #131 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:10am
#2673  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine, her lust for Kodiak momentarily sated, rests in his arms. Things could not have worked out better. Inwardly, she reflects on Penthesilea’s words to her in the Main Hall. “Make him happy. For both of us.” In the dim light, Jasmine smiles. Penthesilea was such a fool. Neither she nor Kodiak would be happy once Lord Stephan had them both in his hands and they would not even realize what was happening until it was too late!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #132 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:11am
#2674   DarkLord_Kodiak
*Returning to the party room Kodiak Jr meets up with Sir Michael*

SM-DK Can I talk to you?

KJ-Sir you have mistaken me for my father.

SM-At a glance you two look very much alike I appologize.

KJ -Care to join me in some ale?

SM-At once.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #133 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:12am
#2675  DarkLord_Kodiak
*Lays there pondering what has happened tonight. Still having some fears as what left to come. Looks over at Jasmine and smiles*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #134 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:13am
#2676  DarkLord_Kodiak
*A keg of ale and loose lips Sir Michael fills in Kodiak Jr on all the details of what has happend. KJ is astonished not knowing what to think.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #135 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:13am
#2677  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine falls into an exhausted slumber in Kodiak’s arms. He holds her close and prays that he has done the right thing.  He loves her but he is close to Penthesilea was well. That was why he gave her the medallion intended, like the ring that Jasmine now wore, for his true love. He looks down at his hand where the Consort Band of the Keyholder’s Line gleams in the dim light. Her words echo in his head. “I will take no Consort.”  She had told him how her daughters had been conceived. In another reality, Penthesilea had been enslaved, drugged and forced to submit to her captor who wished the blood of Gods in his offspring.  He had not loved her, she was breeding stock, nothing more.  She would have been there still if the girls had not rebelled and escaped, taking their mother with them. The thought came to him that, given who and what she was, no man had ever
loved Penthesilea and what he had with Jasmine would be forever denied to her. The unfairness of that bit deep into his cynical soul and he pushed the thought away.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #136 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:15am
#2678   DarkLord_Kodiak
*Jasmine lies fast asleep. Dk slips from underneath her to return to the party room to make sure everyone is safe. White as a ghost expression comes over his face as he is spotted by Sir Michael.*

Sir Michael: -Dk a moment please.  *The blank look on Kodiak Jrs face says it all*

DK-Of course Sir Michael.

Sir Michael: I ought to be mad, but I am not. I ought to be filled with rage, But I am not.  *DK places one hand on his sword just in case.*

Sir Michael: You had better treat her right! I am not exactly glowing with happiness but I understand. You have a great boy here, I am just jealous sometimes.

DK-Sir michael I respect you even though it doesnt show right at this moment. I am sorry.

Sir Michael: you spared me once and now I shall return the favor. I say we shall wipe the slate clean and start over.

DK-Thankyou and I agree. you are very honorable.

Sir Michael:  Raises a toast to the newly engaged party.  *The Darklord looks over at his son. Waiting for disapproval. Kodiak Jr raises a glass.*

KJ-A toast for life long realtionships.

DK- Thank you both. I need to return to my quarters to nurse my wounds. Be safe.  *The Darklord returns to his room assumes his position like he never left and falls straight asleep*

« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:17am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #137 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:18am
#2679    [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea managed to make it to her sitting room before the lovers entered Kodiak’s suite. Already crying, she staggered blindly into her bedroom. She knew what was coming. The problem had been manageable before now, when she could pretend that Kodiak was nothing more than a friend to her and the women who passed through his bed meant little to him.  That was no longer possible. She had acknowledged to herself that she loved him and the medallion that she wore around her neck was a testament to the fact that Kodiak, in some small measure, returned her affection. And the woman even then entering his shower with him was to be his wife...
     Penthesilea felt it when Jasmine revealed her true nature and buried her fangs into Kodiak’s willing throat.  And when he bit her in return, Penthesilea felt [u]that[/b] as well. The Keyholder gained great power from the bond to the Castle but there was a downside.  Penthesilea was, to some degree, aware of everything that went on inside the Castle unless a specific effort was made to insure privacy.  The overwhelming majority of it was easy to ignore -- but not this. The man she loved, would always love, who wore the Consort Band of her House was even then sealing his love with another woman and that could not be ignored. The Castle made sure of it.
     “Sound shield!” Penthesilea managed to gasp the order as she crawled, fully clothed onto her bed. She felt the soundproofing barrier go up.  No one would hear her. She grabbed a pillow and bit down on it. Everything that Jasmine did and felt, Penthesilea felt. Everything that Kodiak did and felt, she felt as well. Every touch. Every kiss. Every stroke. She felt it all from both perspectives but, unlike the lovers who achieved release, for Penthesilea there was no relief.  Pleasure quickly became pain and when the lovers renewed their lovemaking, her agony increased. There was no release for her and no escape. There were only tears. And pain. She was a warrior and no stranger to pain so she endured it longer than anyone had a right to expect but in the end, she whimpered and finally, she screamed.
     Relief came only when, at last, the lovers slept and the Castle permitted the tortured Keyholder to sleep as well.      

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #138 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:19am
#2683    [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     In the infirmary, Daemon watches the sun rise. He knows his sister sings a greeting to their uncle, Apollo, at dawn but the infirmary is so well soundproofed that he does not hear her song. His thoughts are elsewhere. The injured Wolfkin in the beds behind him confirm what he already knew. His quarry had invaded the lands claimed by the Keyholder. He had wounded it severely in their last encounter but it had still had the strength to take on a packtribe of Wolfkin and slaughter half of them. Granted, they were a family group and not a warband but still..
     Daemon’s thoughts drifted off. It had killed and was now, no doubt feeding on the dead. He would have to move and soon.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #139 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:20am
#2684  Penthesilea [With additions to the original]
The Keyholder's Tower - The Roof

   When Kodiak left his sleeping bride to take up his duties, Penthesilea also rose from her bed and washed the tears from her face.  Then she changed and went to the roof of the tower to sing for Apollo even on this, her last day. She didn’t know if she would ever sing again.  That hurt almost as much as losing Kodiak. So she sang for Apollo a song of apology and explanation.
     “I did what I did for love,” she sang. “I accept what must come. Forgive me, Uncle, and remember me.” And the God, no stranger to love himself, gave His niece what blessing He could in light of her crime.

*Penthesilea stood staring at the rising sun. It hurt her eyes terribly. She didn't care. She felt the Goddess behind her.*

Aphrodite: (sadly) You have misused what I taught you.

Penthesilea: I know. I did what I had to, to protect him. I accept the consequences. He will be happy and safe...

Aphrodite: And you, my darling?.

Penthesilea: I will go on, alone, as I always have....
     Tears fill the Keyholder's eyes. She tells herself they are caused by the sun...

     Far below in the Courtyard, Kodiak heard her and wondered at her choice of song. To his ears, she sounded as if she faced her death and was saying goodbye to him, to everyone. He felt compelled to go to her and began to disengage himself from those offering him congratulations on his engagement.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #140 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:21am
#2685   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     In Paradise Valley, Lord Stephan receives a report on the previous night’s events from Coral. He does not expect to hear from Jasmine but since she has succeeded in getting Kodiak into her bed, he is not displeased and although he would never admit it to her, the fact that she seduced the Darklord into exchanging blood with her fills him with the closest thing to joy that he is capable of feeling. Once Coral has made her report, he cuts the connection and contacts his newly implaced operative. Coronal Dax would be very useful.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #141 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:21am
#2686  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Satira arose at dawn as was her habit and performed her morning prayers to her God. On this morning, He had no special instructions for her and she was soon on her way to the Dining Hall.  The minute that she emerged from her apartment, the gremlins that Daemon had assigned to her as “bodyguards” fell in around her. Satira didn’t particularly care for their presence. It seemed too much like they were spying on her but since they respected her request not to enter her rooms without being summoned there was no way that she could object to their presence and remain in Daemon’s good graces.
       The leader of the detail, Tremlek by name, spoke to her and what he asked her gave her an idea. “You make magick cups today? Fill with beer? We like beer. Very much.”
     Satira saw her chance to subvert these gremlins’ loyalty to Daemon.  They were such simple creatures that it would not be hard to buy their loyalty with a simple parlor trick. She smiled. “Very well. When we get to the Dining Hall, each of you get a cup of some sort that you can put your name on.  Once you have done that, I will enchant it to produce beer but only when you are off duty. While you are on duty, it will produce only water. And if anyone should steal it, it will turn back into an ordinary cup in a day. Do you agree to those terms?” The gremlins agreed wholeheartedly and as soon as they entered the Dining Hall, they had rushed off to retrieve the personal cups that were kept there for their use.  Satira had no sooner seated herself with her food when the gremlins reappeared with their cups. It was the work of a few minutes to enchant them. Then she sent them off to their own meal confident that she had taken the first step in building her own power base in the Keyholder’s Castle.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #142 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:22am
#2687  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine awakes slowly and reaches for Kodiak only to find him gone. Her momentary annoyance at that is assuaged by the presence of a single blood red rose on his pillow. She holds it to her nose and smiles. Everything had gone according to her father’s plan. Kodiak had chosen her over Penthesilea and by the exchange of blood, they were blood bonded.  That was only the first step, of course. By the time that she and her father were finished both Kodiak and Penthesilea would be their slaves and the Keyholder’s Castle and all the power inherent in it would be theirs!
     Knowing that Kodiak would be on duty, Jasmine leaves his bed to bathe and dress. She needed to consolidate her hold him at every opportunity so that when the time came, he would do nothing to impede her father’s plans for Penthesilea. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #143 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:23am
#2688  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak had almost succeeded in getting away from the well-wishers when he heard Jasmine calling him. He looked toward the sound in time to take her in his arms as she rushed up to him. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately amid the cheers of the onlooking Castlefolk. The kiss made Kodiak’s senses reel and he gave himself up to it wholeheartedly.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #144 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:24am
#2689   Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Tower - The Roof

     *Penthesilea stands in shadow, watching as Jasmine hurries across the Courtyard. Her brow furrows slightly as she sees how Jasmine stays in shadow as well* (thinking) She's adopting his habits already. *The Keyholder watches as the Lord Marshall appears and Jasmine rushes into his arms. Their kiss breaks her heart.* And they lived happily ever after... *She turns. It is time to prepare for her atonement. She descends to her bedroom and changes her clothes. She strips herself of her customary jewelry: her black onyx ring, the tiny charm on a short chain that marks her as her father's child, her pentacle on a longer chain... the medallion that Kodiak had just given her. Then she casts a small glamour on herself. It would not fool someone who knew her but most of the patrons of the Night Club did not know her that well. They saw only the Keyholder, not Penthesilea.

Penthesilea: (to Ashera) I'm going to be gone for a while. I'll be back when I can.

Ashera: Understood. *Without another word, the Keyholder's spell carries her away...

Then, at The Night Club....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #145 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:25am
#522  Penthesilea

     No one noticed when she entered the Club. She was simply there -- a green eyed redhead whose hair fell loose to her waist. Her halter top black dress left her arms and, more importantly, her neck bare. The color accented the paleness of her skin. That too was deliberate. Penthesilea descended to the Main Floor, remembering the night that she had danced on the bar out of the sheer joy of being alive and of the astonishment on Kodiak's face when she had and how sweet it had been to kiss him...
     A stab of pain shot through her. She made no attempt to evade or suppress it. The more she hurt the safer he was. She prayed -- devotedly, fervently, desperately -- to any god who would listen that her misery would so delight the vengeful goddess that she would spare Kodiak's life so his continued happiness with another woman would continue to punish Penthesilea for her refusal to submit to the goddess's son.
Penthesilea scanned the Club, looking for what she required. When she had realized that her feelings for Kodiak had doomed him, she had sought desperately for a way to save him. Jasmine's honest love for the Darklord had given Penthesilea what she needed. After the conversation during which Jasmine had confessed her love, Penthesilea had gone alone to her workroom and did what she had done. When Darklord had asked Jasmine to marry him, Penthesilea had seen her doom descending. She had known the instant that their relationship had been consummated since it marked the beginning of her own atonement. She had tampered with the free will of another. That she had done so to save a life had caused what small mercy was available to be granted to her. She would have to surrender to the will of another -- to be his plaything. But only for a time. Then, she would be able to live normally -- until the next time. And the time after that -- for as long as her immortal life lasted.
     She spotted a vampire by the bar, someone new. Tall, dark with a cruel set to his mouth. He would do. He was not the man she wanted but that was, after all, the point. She walked over and introduced herself, using the name of an Amazon long dead. In a few minutes, they were headed for a private room. Penthesilea's last coherent thought was how glad she was that Bladeraven wasn't there to see...

     The smell of blood, her own, roused her. He had nearly torn her throat out and no doubt expected her to die. No such luck. She could feel her torn throat healing. Her blood replacing itself. She didn't bother to open her eyes. She'll rest here before going back to the Castle. She slipped away into unconsciousness....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #146 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:26am
#525  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Having discovered her absence from the Castle, Jasmine tracks Penthesilea to the Club and slips in unnoticed.  A word with a server sends her to the right room.  She knocks lightly on the door. “Open up, my Lady.  I know that you’re in there!”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #147 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:27am
#526   Penthesilea

*Only semiconscious, Penthesilea does not hear.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #148 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:27am
#527   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine, determined to catch Penthesilea doing something that she can use for leverage, pulls a small ring of keys from her belt purse. Unbeknownst to Kodiak, she has had duplicates of all the NightClub’s keys made. He will have no secrets from her and she will be the only woman in his life, especially after she has made him her slave!  She unlocks the door and slips into the room quietly, hoping that the Keyholder is involved with a lover. The bloody scene that greets her is not what she was hoping for!  She runs to the Keyholder’s side, praying to her demon gods that she is still alive. Her father’s plans required Penthesilea to be alive and Jasmine did not want to know what he would do if the Keyholder was dead!  A quick examination revealed that although gravely wounded, Penthesilea was alive. The hideous wound in her neck slowly closing as Jasmine watched.  Thinking fast, she decided to return Penthesilea to the Castle. If she was clever, she could turn this situation to her and her father’s advantage while undermining the Keyholder.  Having decided, she ran to the door, screaming for help and Kodiak’s minions came at a run. Within moments, Penthesilea was transferred to a stretcher and the NightClub’s transport spells delivered Jasmine, the stretcher bearers and the Keyholder back to the Castle.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 2500 to 2699
Reply #149 - Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:28am
#2691  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

Back at the Castle....

     Jasmine and the stretcher bearers appear on the terrace just outside the ballroom. Their arrival immediately attracts attention and Jasmine begins screaming for the healers and Coral. Kodiak hears the disturbance and comes out onto the terrance.

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