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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #75 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:23am
#1579  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     With weary resignation, Penthesilea silently cursed. She hadn’t wanted to tell Kodiak her secret just yet. That she was unaging and immortal and over a thousand years old. She knew what would happen, what always happened. He would begin to pull away from her. Very few people in her experience were able to accept the fact that she and her girls would, barring a very specific violent action, live forever at the peak of their youth and beauty. And she knew that when Kodiak turned his back on the Castle and left her, she would mourn the loss of his friendship forever. A tear slid out of the corner of her eye as she felt the shivering stop. It was too much to hope for that Kodiak wouldn’t notice that every time she “died” she revived a few minutes later. He would know the truth before the night was over and he would be lost to her forever.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #76 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:24am
#1580  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea was too sunk in cold and misery to notice what was happening until she felt a blast of cold air hit her as Kodiak pulled the covers away and joined her under the blankets.  She could feel the heat of his skin increase as he pressed against her but she was too terrified to really notice it. She struggled to pull away from him.
     “Let me go! You don’t know what you’re doing!” He held her firmly against his body and pulled the covers over them both.
     “No, my dear,” he answered her quietly. “If I let you go, you will die of the cold. I won’t allow that. I will stay awake and I will control my baser passions.  Now, lie still, my Lady, and get warm.”
     Penthesilea struggled against him but quickly realized that she couldn’t escape without hurting him badly which she was not willing to do. The fact that he hadn’t been paralyzed immediately gave her a small measure of hope and she resolved to stay awake and, if his control faltered, protect him from her curse if she could. However, as the heat from Kodiak’s hard body seeped into her chilled one the events of the day caught up with Penthesilea and she fell asleep in his arms, her head resting on his chest.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #77 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:24am
#1581  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak kept his mind off of the woman by his side for a good while by reviewing the increasingly complex mental exercises that he had learned at the feet of his first Master. But it had been a long day for Kodiak as well and the sound of Penthesilea’s soft breathing combined with his own fatigue took hold of him and he fell asleep as well.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #78 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:25am
#1582   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     “What the hell!” Kodiak found himself standing near the bar in his club. The last thing that he remembered was being in a cold, dark cave in the middle of nowhere with Penthesilea! He looked around. He recognized the band, the regulars, those of his people who were on duty. The crowd was screaming in approval and he looked toward the bar.  In the middle of it, her hips swaying to the beat of the music, was Penthesilea clad in her black and silver belly dancer’s costume. As she descended to the bar’s surface to begin what dancers referred to as “floor work” he breathed a sigh of relief. This was a dream!  He hadn’t been somehow teleported back to the Club leaving his Lady cold and alone in a cave in the wilderness!
     “No,” a voice whispered in his mind. “You are on the astral plane, You are both safe here.” He relaxed and watched her and remembered what that night had been like.  He watched as she rose to her feet and shed her veils one by one. Then, she began to spin. He knew what would happen next, She would disappear with a pop to reappear in his arms a few seconds later. Startled, he wouldn’t resist as she pulled his head down and gave him the sweetest and most unexpected kiss he had ever received. Then she had vanished again and he had spent the rest of that night and many nights since wondering what would have happened if she had not disappeared.
     “When she comes, embrace her and kiss her back. She will not disappear” the voice whispered. He had no sooner heard the words and Penthesilea had disappeared from her spot on the bar. Seconds later, when she reappeared he was ready. He closed his arms around her, crushing her to his chest and kissing her with every ounce of passion in him. She melted and kissed him back. It took a few seconds for the crowd to realize what was happening and when it did, the cheers and catcalls started. Kodiak didn’t care. Keeping one arm firmly around her, he swept her up into his arms and headed for the back of the Club where the private suites were located. Two of his men fell in behind him and took positions on either side of the Executive Suite’s door as he carried Penthesilea through it and kicked it closed behind him. He set her on her feet and looked at her. She looked delicate and small in her dancer’s costume, almost shy, and not at all like the firebrand he was used to seeing.  He reached behind him and locked the door.
     “I thought that you wouldn’t mind me kissing you. And that you might want me. A little,” she said shyly. For his answer, he pulled her into his arms again and kissed her deeply. She ran her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back with a passion that matched his own.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #79 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:26am
#1583  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak watched her watching him strip. She was naked in the middle of the suite’s bed. She had been afraid that she was dreaming and he had hastened to assure her with word and deed that she was not. She would not wake up too soon, alone and bereft. She would be in his arms until they were both satisfied.  Kodiak had no idea when that would be. He wanted her with a raw, primal intensity that would have frightened him if he had stopped to examine it. He didn’t. She was reaching for him with a hunger in her eyes that he couldn’t refuse. He fell on her and she welcomed him.
     Kodiak quickly lost track of time. All that existed for him was the willing woman in his arms who sobbed his name over and over and begged him for more. Finally, he knew that their bodies had reached their limits, even on the astral plane.  His fangs emerged and as Penthesilea gasped his name one last time, he buried them in her neck at the very moment that her lifeforce peaked! Penthesilea yielded up her lifeforce to him with her blood and passed out, floating along on a wave of unimaginable bliss.  Kodiak retained enough presence of mind to apply pressure to the wounds he’d made in her neck.  The bleeding stopped quickly and he stretched out next to her and pulled her into his side. Even unconscious, she snuggled into him, breathing softly, and Kodiak knew without question that she was his, his to love, his to protect. Once they returned to the waking world, he would have to find a way to break her curse and claim her for his own! There had to be a way and he would find it! With that thought firmly in mind, he settled down to doze and wait for Penthesilea to awaken. He was only temporarily sated and he suspected that was true of his love as well. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #80 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:26am
#1584  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Time stands still on the astral plane but both Kodiak and Penthesilea knew that it was still passing in the material plane and that like it or not, they would have to return and deal with its realities. So after one last glorious ‘night’ together they shared one last passionate kiss and allowed themselves to ‘fall’ back into their bodies. Once they were out of their current awkward situation, they would take on the problem of her curse.
     Penthesilea awoke to find herself warm, dry and, considering the circumstances, strangely happy and peaceful. Kodiak was not beside her but she wasn’t alarmed. If the curse had taken him, he would be dead beside her so she assumed that he was answering a call of nature and probably checking out the immediate neighborhood for hostiles. She cuddled down into the blankets and started to pull the memories of their time together to the forefront of her mind.
     She had just enough time to realize that neither she nor Kodiak could be permitted to remember what had happened in the night on the astral plane. If either of them remembered, the Goddess of the Sand would find out and Kodiak would die. With her acceptance of this reality, Penth voiced a tiny sob and released the memories.  Maybe someday they would be restored.      

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #81 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:28am
#1585  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Kodiak returned to find Penthesilea dressed in her now dry clothes, much to his relief, and making them a cold breakfast from the provisions that they had grabbed before fleeing the raiders’ camp.
     “The coast looks clear. Don’t know how long it will stay that way,” he said between bites of bread and cold meat. “How are you doing?”
     Penthesilea knew that he meant her magick and, after seating herself firmly, attempted a small spell. The dizzy spell wasn’t as bad as previously but it was obvious that the potion was still working and she reported that to her Lord Marshall.
     “Damn,” Kodiak swore. “I don’t like traveling on foot in this country but we can’t stay here and wait. Not enough food for one thing. For another, the raiders likely know of this cave and will send someone along to check it once they settle on who is going to lead them now that their leader is dead.”
     “I think that he was a sub commander of some sort,” Penth said as she finished her meal. “What little I saw of him didn’t lead me to believe he was smart enough to organize that rabble and take the fortress.” She grinned wolfishly.  “I almost wish that he had kept his hands to himself and delivered me to his leader.  Having the curse take him would solve a lot of problems.”
     “Then I would have to rescue you from the fortress which would cause a lot of other problems,” Kodiak reminded her. “Getting you out of a tent was a lot easier.”
     Penth sighed dramatically. “Point taken.” Then she grinned. "But I'm sure you would have managed magnificently!" Kodiak gave her a look that made her laugh. Then he laughed too. Then they got their gear together and headed out. They would fill their water bottles from the spring that fed the waterfall and then head in the direction of Kodiak’s camp. He hoped that the human he had left in charge had brains enough to realize that something had gone wrong with the rescue and have search parties out looking for them. Once Penth’s powers returned getting them back to the camp and her back to the Castle would be a simple matter but neither of them knew how long it would be before the potion wore off.
« Last Edit: Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:29am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #82 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:31am
#1586  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea crouched behind the boulder with Hellion at the ready. Kodiak was scouting ahead and she was waiting for his return. She didn’t much care for that arrangement but letting him have his way was a better choice given the situation than arguing with him was! The man knew that she was a warrior, a registered member of the Mercenary’s Guild, but for some reason his protectiveness had kicked into high gear since he’d rescued her. Penth considered the possibility that seeing her bound naked to a tent pole waiting to be raped might have damaged her credibility in the “I’m a warrior and can take care of myself!” department but damn it! Everyone can have an off day!
     She heard a small sound, the scuff of a boot on gravel, and she tensed. Kodiak appeared and she relaxed.  He motioned for her to follow him and she did. They were making good time but   they were still a good ways out from Kodiak’s camp. One thing in their favor was that the exercise would help Penth’s body clear the potion out of her system more quickly. Her last test, made when they had stopped for a brief rest, had shown that the potion was still working but it was considerably weakened.  She hoped her next try would be successful. She knew that the girls were looking for her magickally by now and she  suspected that she had been on the receiving end of a “You can’t see me!” spell while she was unconscious. Breaking that sucker was very close to the top of her list of things to do once her magick was back!  They made their way cautiously through the relatively open area that Kodiak had scouted. There would be more cover on the other side and once there, they would find a place to wait out the heat of the day. Their water bottles were getting low and finding a water source was also a high priority.  Penthesilea was reasonably sure that her magick would return well before thirst became a large problem but neither one of them wished to deal with it. Dehydration would sap their strength and if the raiders found them, they would need all the strength they could get!
     They made it to cover without incident and found a small running stream. They filled their bottles, added purifying tablets from Kodiak’s survival kit and then doused their heads in the stream cool themselves.  They risked making a tiny, smokeless fire to toast their bread and made a meal of that, cheese and slices from a hard roll of air-cured, dried sausage. Then they build a small inconspicuous shelter and settled in to wait until the sun passed its zenith. Penthesilea was dozing until Kodiak’s throwing himself on top of her brought her to full wakefulness and then she heard it too. Voices, men on horseback and nearby. Kodiak’s reaction told her that he didn’t recognize any of the voices he was hearing. Once he knew she ws awake and alerted to the problem, he slid off of her and together they gathered their gear, which they had already packed up, and slipped from their shelter. Fortunately, the riders were making so much noise themselves that they didn’t hear what little sound Kodiak and Penth were making.  Kodiak needed only one look to know that the riders were not his troops. The Lord Marshall and his Lady both swore silently and in agreement.
     The next couple of hours were spent eluding raider search parties.  The exercise might have been amusing were it not for the seriousness of the situation.  Finally, the two fugitives had had enough and decided to steal a pair of horses and make a run for it. It didn’t take long for them to acquire their first horse.  One of the raiders dropped behind his party to answer nature’s call and not wishing to subject himself to comments from his patrol mates, he didn’t tell them to wait for him.  That rookie mistake cost him his life. Kodiak was on him and had broken his neck before he had his pants unbuttoned while Penthesilea took possession of his horse. Kodiak started to insist that Penthesilea take it and run. She pointed out, rather sensibly but with considerable heat, that she had no idea of where their army was last camped and no one in the army had ever seen her, not even the commanders.  If she managed to find it and that was a big if, her claims of being the Keyholder Penthesilea would likely not be believed. At least, not until one or more of Kodiak’s commanders tried to help himself to her body and got incinerated for his trouble. Reluctantly, Kodiak saw her logic. He had had to recruit quickly and take what he could get and any unescorted woman riding into that camp would be prey, especially one as desirable as Penthesilea.
     Penthesilea took it upon herself to acquire the second horse.  While Kodiak waited on the first horse, she found a likely looking trail and climbed a tree, positioning herself on a sturdy branch that extended over it. Before long, another patrol passed under her. Her target was the last man in line. Silent as a ghost, she dropped from the limb onto her quarry. She had her arm around his neck before he realized that she was there, choking off any outcry. She slashed his throat with his own knife pulled from the sheath on his leg. She dumped him from the saddle, got herself firmly in it and gathered up the reins. That is when their luck ran out. One of the riders turned to speak to the man she had just killed and saw her. Penth didn’t waste breath on swearing.  She brought her mount around hard and headed back the way the patrol had come with her former captors in hot pursuit. Kodiak didn’t need any sort of signal from Penth to know that it had hit the fan. The sight of her pounding down the trail at full speed told him all he needed to know. He spurred his own horse into motion and together they tore down the trail, out of the woods and back into open country. As much as he wished otherwise, Kodiak had to take the lead. As Penth had previously pointed out, she didn’t know where they were going. He stayed close to her as they raced ahead of their pursuers. Kodiak thought that they were still several miles from the army’s camp and he didn’t know if the horses would last that long. If either of them floundered, they would have to stand and fight. He wouldn’t leave Penthesilea and he knew without asking that his headstrong Lady would not leave him behind either. So Kodiak prayed, as he seldom did, for a miracle to save them.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #83 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:52am
#1587  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea knew as well as Kodiak did that it was a horse race now.  She had tried her magick just before climbing the tree with no result although she could tell that the potion was weakening. She didn’t dare try now lest she fall from her horse. The fall wouldn’t kill her -- not permanently anyway -- but Kodiak would come back for her if she fell and the raiders  would kill him. So Penth leaned low over her horse’s neck and prayed that they would meet a search party from their army before they were caught.
    Kodiak glanced behind him and wished he had not.  The original group that chased them from the woods was falling back and another was coming in from another direction to replace them. He knew what they intended. He’d done it himself more than once. As he glanced toward Penthesilea he could seen her looking back as well. She too knew what was in store. Kodiak started scanning the landscape, looking for a place to make a stand.
     With a roar like a tornado, a Gate suddenly opened a quarter mile in front of them and a score of airbikes roared through it. The horses shied and Penth and Kodiak were immediately occupied with keeping them under control. The onrushing mass of bikes bore down on them, splitting at the last second with half of them going left and half right. Kodiak got a good look at the lead rider as she flashed past him. It was MoonCat.  Things happened fast after that. The airbikers descended on the raiders like so many fiends from hell and the bikes’ forward cannons made short work of them. Precisionists that they were, the bikers targeted the raiders and not a single horse was harmed. Kodiak smiled remembering the Amazons traditional fondness for horses.
     “How did you find us” Penthesilea asked when her daughters had circled back to where she and Kodiak were tending their nearly exhausted mounts.
     “I finally got intelligent and stopped looking for you and started looking for Hellion. I figured that you and Hellion wouldn’t be too far apart,” Spirit said, indicating the sword at her mother’s hip. “She has a ‘signature’ as unique as yours and those lowlifes didn’t think to hide it when they hid you. Speaking of which...” With that, SpiritFire flexed her fingers and began breaking the spells that had been placed on her mother. Within moments, Penth was flexing her own fingers in sheer joy at having her magick back. The first thing she did was cast a restorative spell on their horses. That done, a dangerous gleam appeared in her eyes.
     “Payback time,” she said with a grin looking back toward the hills where she had been held.
     Kodiak had been expecting just such a move on his Lady’s part and he was having none of it. Without a word, he snatched her off of her feet and dumped her unceremoniously on the back of MoonCat’s airbike.
     “You’re going back to the Castle where you will wait while I handle this.”
     “You heard me. You’re going back to the Castle and you will stay there until this is over.” Penth started to dismount. “SIT!” Kodiak bellowed and both MoonCat and Spirit thought he sounded remarkably like their grandfather. “I can’t do my job if I have to split my attention and I WILL have my attention split if I have to think about your security in the field!”
     “He’s right, Mother, “ Spirit said while MoonCat nodded. “How many times have you said it yourself about others?”
     Penth started to protest then deflated. They were right and she knew it. “It will be as you say, Lord Marshall.” She looked at him with an almost pleading look in her eyes. “Do what you have to and .. be safe.”
     He smiled back at her, relaxed now that he knew that she would be out of harm’s way. “Don’t worry, my Lady. I’m fairly certain that I’m indestructible and I won’t come back until I have exacted your revenge.”
     “I’m used to getting my own revenge!”
     “This time you are going to have to delegate, my Lady.” In response, Penth pulled a pout that made him laugh. “Enough stalling, my Lady! Take the Keyholder home, my ladies,” he said and bowed to MoonCat and Spirit who both smiled at the gallantry and fired up their airbikes. Part of the rescue party stayed with Kodiak to get him back to the army’s camp and to provide some much needed and very mobile scouting support and the rest when back to the Castle through the Gate that Spirit raised.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #84 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:55am
#1588  [Rewritten by Penthesilea] 

     Penthesilea’s return to the Castle was greeted by relief on all sides but there was grief as well. The Keyholder had enough time for a bath and a nap before she and her daughters joined the Castle’s population for the Final Passage Rites for the guardsmen who had died when she was captured.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #85 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:56am
#1589  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea finally made her trip to Crowhaven and managed to soothe the jangled nerves of the Lady Mayor and City Fathers. She would have thought that after more than a century on the frontier, the leaders of Crowhaven would be made of sterner stuff but that apparently was not the case.  Her kidnapping and the murder of her escort had them all in a lather over their own security. It took time and a severe toll on Penthesilea’s patience but she got them settled down and returned to the Castle with the dire need to hit something. Several of her larger knights accommodated her in the Training Hall.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #86 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:57am
#1590  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     The Head of Housekeeping notifies the Keyholder that a merchant convoy coming from Karthik is overdue. Penthesilea, being aware that the convoy’s likely route would take it near where the raiders are operating, sends word to the Lord Marshall about the disappearance. 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #87 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:57am
#1591  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea received another briefing from her Spy Master after which she dug into the paperwork that had accumulated in her absence. “It breeds, I swear it does!” she muttered under her breath.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #88 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:58am
#1592   [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea looked up when Bladeraven entered the room and was surprised to see the serious expression on her merry friend’s face.
     “What is it, Bladey?”
     The normally loquacious Bladey seemed at a loss for words. Finally, after a few moments, she blurted it out. “I’m leaving the Castle.”
     “What! Why?”
     Bladey started to tear up. “I want to stay but...” she swallowed hard “Han has asked me to go to Hidden Bay with him.. to meet the other members of his Tarikavah.
     This revelation caused Penthesilea to sit up straighter. “It’s that serious?”
     Bladey nodded. “He loves me..and Grasshopper.  We love him too and the thought of being separated from him is tearing me apart.  He hadn’t planned on being gone from Hidden Bay this long and he needs to get back.”
     “Will you be joining his Tarikavah?”
     “I don’t know yet. It’s a group decision after all and those take time, especially for something like this. There are three other men in the group and three women and the decision has to be unanimous on all sides.” Bladey swallowed hard. “Even if I don’t join them, I’ll be part of them. I’m pregnant.”
     Penthesilea embraced her friend. Being the sole parent of one child had been hard enough on Bladey. Being the mother of two....   “Do what you have to, honey. Whatever happens, you have a home with me and mine so don’t base your ultimate decision on having no place to go if you refuse.”
     “Thanks. I’m going to miss you.”
     “I’ll miss you too. When will you be leaving?”
     “Tonight. It’s a long trip to the coast and then we have to take a ship to Hidden Bay.”
     “I might be able to help with that. I’m sure I could shake loose one of our long range transports and a pilot to take you to Hidden Bay.  It would take a couple of days to get there but that will be quicker than taking a boat down to Chandara and then a ship to Hidden Bay.”
     “Could you? I’m afraid my nerve might fail on a long trip and” she put her hand over her belly, “if it doesn’t work out, I want to know and find my own place before I’m too big to move.”
     Penthesilea had seen Bladey and her lover together and didn’t think that there was anything to worry about. And even if the other members of the Tarikavah were not inclined to accept Bladey into their group they still had a responsibility to her as the mother of a member’s child.  They would accept that responsibility.   It was not commonly known but Penthesilea had considerable influence in Hidden Bay. She had not exercised it in a very long time but she would if it was necessary to see that her friend was taken care of.
     “Since you were planning to leave tonight, I assume you are all packed.” Bladey nodded. “Then I’ll call the Transport Pool and have them get something suitable ready.  And then I will call down to the Dining Hall and have them get a Going Away Party for you and Han put together for tonight.” At Bladey’s startled expression, Penth laughed. “What? You didn’t think I’d let you get away without a party, did you?”
« Last Edit: Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:37am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #89 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:58am
#1593  [Rewritten by Penthesilea] 

     The party started with the first call to ThirdMeal and continued late into the night. The Castle’s entire population treated it as an enormous betrothal party and heaped congratulations on the happy couple. When the transport finally lifted off from the parking area in front of the Ballroom everyone was there to see them off. The roofs and walls were packed with people shouting their blessings. Penthesilea could see her friend’s teary face through the transport’s window as it lifted silently into the air.  She waved and Bladey waved back. “Be safe, my friend, be well and live happily ever after,” Penthesilea said as she watched the transport rise. “May the Gods bless and keep you until we met again -- in this life or the next.” She then repeated the words, softly, it a language that sounded like Greek but wasn’t. The Universe took note.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #90 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:59am
#1594  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     The party began to wind down after the happy couple left. Penthesilea was feeling worried and wistful and retired shortly after their departure.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #91 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:00am
#1595  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     The rest of the night passes without incident  and the new day dawns with clouds on the horizon. They fit Penthesilea’s mood. She would much rather be at the front fighting but she knew exactly what would happen if she showed up unannounced in Kodiak’s camp. They would have a fight of epic proportions which would do nothing to solve the immediate problem. So she stays at the Castle and frets.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #92 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:01am
#1597  Penthesilea

     A private message from Bladeraven finally arrives telling the relieved Penthesilea that she and Grasshopper have arrived and are safe.  Bladey then goes on at length about meeting the members of her beloved’s Tarikavah. How nervous everyone was except for Grasshopper who charmed all the adults and immediately got into the trouble with the other children. Penthesilea smiled. It would be good for Grasshopper to have siblings and given the amount of trouble the little devil could get into, four fathers and three more mothers might just be enough! 

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #93 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:01am
#1598  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Penthesilea and her daughters are relaxing in their tower when one of the Castle's pages brings the Keyholder a message. She reads it and her face goes grim.

     “This confirms it. Whoever it is that the Lord Marshall is fighting is responsible for the disappearance of the merchant convoy that was coming in from Karthik.  The transports were found abandoned and burned near were the fighting is occurring. There were no signs of survivors.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #94 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:02am
#1599  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     “What are we going to do, Mother,” Spirit asked.
     “Whatever we can. I’m going to be heading into Crowhaven to interview some potential agents tomorrow night. I’ll do a bit of freelance snooping on my own. It isn’t the first time I’ve had an intelligence assignment.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #95 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:03am
#1600  [Rewritten by Penthesilea] 

     “We have a few contacts in Crowhaven,” MoonCat said speculatively and then grinned at her mother’s raised eyebrow. “We’ll make a few inquiries too. Maybe we can dig something up.”
     Penthesilea had long ago learned that her girls could take care of themselves and put her “mother worry” aside. “Agreed.”

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #96 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:03am
#1601    Penthesilea
     The moons are hidden by clouds and the Castle's inhabitants are completely involved in revelry. Unnoticed, wrapped in a concealing cloak, the Keyholder slips out of the Castle and into the night.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #97 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:04am
#1602    Penthesilea
     The Keyholder returns unseen from her mission.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #98 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:18am
#1603      [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     After conferring with her daughters and then the Spy Master, Penthesilea summons Sir Michael and behind closed doors, they hatch a plan.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle...posts 1500 to 1699
Reply #99 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:26am
#1604  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine answers Penthesilea’s summons and is surprised to find Sir Michael waiting with the Keyholder. He’s dressed in the colorful garb of a Wanderer and his open necked shirt shows off his chest to a distracting degree. Jasmine pulled her eyes away from his display with difficulty.
     “You wished to see me, my Lady?”

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