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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #600 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 5:09am
Gonna have to quit for the night. My right hand will NOT stop cramping.

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #601 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 5:22pm
Back from all the running around. Problem tooth will [hopefully] wait until September and then be pulled. Deep teeth cleaning scheduled for June/July. I have a prescription that needs to be filled -- antibiotic -- but that is going to wait until [likely] Friday -- didn't want to mess with it today. My head was x-rayed from one side to the other and yeah, the tooth is aching a bit from all the poking around in my mouth.
hehehehe One of the two CDs I ordered came today. *happy belly dance* It's the one with the sword dance song I want on it. There could be other useful songs on it as well. I just got done loading it onto iTunes.
Gonna get caught up and listen to my new CD. Be back later.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #602 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 7:03pm
Working on Chapter 5 and listening to my sword dance music, committing it to memory.

Chapter 5 is going pretty good, long way still to go though. I've got another section I have to decide what to do with. Original Poster threw me a curve and never got around to telling me what he had in mind. Smiley [Yes, he did that a LOT. *glares in Original Poster's direction!*] I'm going to have to think about the situation and see what, if anything, I can logically do with it. If I can't come up with something, it'll have to be cut.
Smiley Need tea.... *goes in search of libation....*

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #603 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 8:53pm
Back from an extended break. The eyes needed rest and the knees needed to be straight so I snuggled down with the War Queen for a bit.
Skywise is off to work. We're still working on the problem of getting the music I want off of the DVD and into iTunes. My frugal Scot's soul rebels at spending that much for a digital recorder to do just one thing. (My frugal Irish, English and German souls aren't thrilled with the idea either, for the record!) So we are exploring other options. We have a music composition program that we haven't completely explored. Skywise is going to see if it can do what we need. Tonight, after he gets home and we have unlimited downloading, we're going to play with Download Helper and see if we can save the girls' favorite YouTubes so they don't have to be downloaded every time. I have a couple I'd like to save too! So we're gonna be busy about 3 a.m. Smiley Meantime, I think I'll jerk the kinks out of another section of Chapter 5.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #604 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 11:31pm
Gotta figure out a reason why Our Hero has a headache -- think migraine -- after partaking of Our Heroine's blood. (He's a half-vampire and craves that sort of thing, after all!) She tricked him into doing it [I was feeling mean that night and threw him a curve..Smiley] and it certainly resulted in some interesting situations but I wasn't expecting it to give him a migraine. What to do, what to do?
Need fresh tea and a snakie....

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #605 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 12:43am
Working on Chapter 5...

I am SO gonna love it when the human-scorpion hybrids and the wendigo show up!!!!

The gas main explosion is gonna be fun too...

Just saying......

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #606 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 12:56am
heheheheheh The Minor Villainess was/is/whatever! [verb tenses are giving me fits tonight!] SUCH a little Smiley Ah well, she will be out on her little behind in a couple of more chapters to wreck havoc at a later date. [Never kill a good bad guy until you have a better one lined up!]

I should start dinner.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #607 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 4:07am
Happy writerperson! I knew that I had some stuff written that belonged in this chapter. I hunted around in my memory sticks and found it. I've pasted it in and I'm smoothing out the edges and shifting text around to make it all pretty. The end result is about seven pages of new material added today. Not too shabby.
Dinner is also done and eaten and I'm getting my second wind since it had been a looonnngggg time since breakfast which was at lunch!  I'm going to put some music on and get back to work.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #608 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 5:04am
Rewriting some of "Our Hero's" deathless prose. Reading it over, I think he might have been posting after a long shift. He doesn't sound too coherent! Smiley Oh well, overtime will DO that to a man! *giggle* I certainly threw a shoe into whatever had been planned for that night. I had no intention of spending the rest of the session flat on my back recovering from a vampire attack and once "Our Hero" opened a vein and gave "Our Heroine" a much needed "transfusion".... well, it was an opportunity I just couldn't let go by! And it did take the story in an interesting direction that it otherwise wouldn't have gone in so, it was and is all good. Gonna have to move some more text around but thanks to 'drag, drop, cut and paste' that is a minor operation.
Yep, things are shaping up nicely. 

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #609 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 6:44am
*Yawn!* Tired little writerperson here. I've been working on a wrestling match between Our Hero and Our Heroine with the Minor Villianess looking on. Interesting...
Gonna put Chapter 5 to bed and head out. Skywise will be home shortly and we're gonna fool with downloads before bed. I'm thinking I might collapse before then. I am one tired little lady. *again yawn!*

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #610 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 3:51pm
Morning! We had fun with downloading last night until I went to bed. Then Skywise got serious with downloading -- a software update I believe -- while I slept the sleep of the pure in heart and really tired.
The books and attendant material are now transferred to the new 8GB stick which pleases me. It's still on the old stick and I'll have to remember to update it from time to time.  Skywise had his schedule changed on him last night. Instead of the late shift tonight, he has the early one. That will make it easier on us tomorrow -- payday -- but today's plans had to be scrapped. Ah well. It's a tradeoff and being able to start a bit earlier tomorrow and NOT be "payday zombie" is a good thing!
I'm off to catch up and then I'll be going over last night's work to see how many times I messed up the verb tenses.... Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #611 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 6:06pm
Skywise is off to work. *sigh* He isn't a happy man. This change in his schedule is permanent for the foreseeable future. When he has the early shift, he's supervising [the technical term for it is "acting supervisor" as he isn't a "career supervisor."] when he's on the late shift, he isn't. A couple of years ago, he worked one 'unit' pretty regularly and had it in good shape. So when a career supervisor became available the unit was given to that person and Skywise got another assignment. NOW, the unit is complete mess because the "career supervisor" hasn't a clue about how to do the job.  I didn't get all the details but apparently the plant manager [the person in charge of the facility where Skywise works] seriously blew a gasket last night over the performance of this unit and several others. Higher ups might have been involved in the blowup too, I don't know but the long and the short of it is that since 'Acting' Supervisor Skywise can do the job better than any of the 'Career' Supervisors, that unit is his pretty much indefinitely. We were getting used to the schedule we had with late shift in the middle of the week which gave us time to do some things during the day before he went to work and he was getting a lot done on his project, especially with unlimited downloads in the very late night. If you're wondering why Skywise never switched over to "Career" supervising, two words: Pay cut. The way the pay system is set up, with his seniority, Skywise gets paid more when he's supervising than the career guys do. *sigh* Supervising = More Pay/Less Time.


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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #612 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 8:19pm
I'm busy untangling some dialogue. The Original Poster was trying to delicately inform Our Heroine that in addition to having wild, unrestrained sex with the Minor Villainess the night before, he had also discovered that said Minor Villainess was infected with a virus that made her a "half-vampire" like himself. (That's not the reason she was willing and able to drink his blood but he doesn't know that yet!) Sorry, OP. It came out kinda stilted but I'll get it straightened out.  This is the book, we don't have to worry about over-sensitive admins and/or a PG-13 site rating!
*Heading back to the word doc with the ULTIMATE HEDGE TRIMMER..... *
« Last Edit: Apr 2nd, 2009 at 11:05pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #613 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 11:10pm
I was going to have dance practice tonight but... there is a tornado watch in effect for two counties directly south of us and it is thundering right now although the radar is only showing green patches with dashes of yellow. I'm going to need to stay on top of the weather, so I think I'll leave the radar on and busy myself with tiding the living room and the kitchen which should work off the nervous energy. I hope things stay reasonably calm.  New episode of Smallville tonight and I wanna watch it!
Later, weather permitting.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #614 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 11:31pm
Little yellow patches are appearing on the radar and moving into the county. Poop! And it's getting really dark and the "receiving strength" on the dish is dropping. At least it's moving fast..

Thunder. Later.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #615 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 1:10am
Looks/sounds like the worst is past us.
Caught the first couple minutes of Supernatural.
*giggle* Ah, the reaction of the uninitiated when they wander unwarned into "fandom" -- especially "slash" fandom...
Moonie's watching it in her room. I may wander in there later to see how it's going. Sam has reportedly developed a demonblood drinking habit. Bet he makes one hot vampire. Of course, he was hot to start with!

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #616 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 3:30am
I've been working on the "timeline" for Book 2. It's official. It starts on the evening of Day 6 of the Tenth Month and ends on the 35th day of the same month.(There are 10 months in the Samgaran year with 40 days in each month. Yeah. I'm lazy...) I've got it broken down into days so I can keep everything straight. Someday, it will be a "source document". *giggle*
I've also been dealing with an online "friend" of Moonie's. I think I've put the fear of the Penthesilea's Righteous Wrath in her so she's behaving for the moment. How long it will last is anyone's guess. Dinner will be done in about 15 minutes and I need to get stuff ready for payday.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #617 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 5:37am
Skywise is home. Yay!!
Dinner is eaten.
Deposit slips are made out.
Shopping lists are made out.
It's all good.
Went wandering around the net and found something that I can try to treat my knee pain. My symptoms fit and because the treatment is conservative, OTC meds and exercise, I can try it without involving doctors and insurance companies -- which is always a good thing in my opinion, especially since too many doctors are too quick to use their prescriptions pads and insurance companies will refuse to pay at the slightest excuse. Anyway, it can't hurt.
I think I'm going to call it a night. I didn't write much today but getting the timeline straight is important too, especially in Book 2 when things happen so fast in such a short time. Besides, more rain is moving in and signal strength isn't that high right now to start with!

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #618 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 6:22pm
Everything went according to plan this morning/afternoon. Skywise should be a work by now and I'm gonna crash. I'll post about what woke me up at 3 am -- good thing he's adorable! -- and therefore makes a nap necessary, later.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #619 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 8:02pm
I'm back. I couldn't fall asleep, naturally, but I rested and Skywise will be home around midnight so it won't be too bad.
Anyway, why I needed nap, as promised.
It was about 2:45 and I was settling down. Skywise was already asleep and the house was dark. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of something -- not feline -- hitting the floor.  Then silence.
I got up to investigate.
I thought that the noise had come from the kitchen, so I went there first and flipped on the light. Nothing out of place, situation normal.
Then I checked the dining room. With the kitchen light on, I could see that there was only one clock on the wall instead of two. I walked over and the clock was on the floor and the SunLord was sitting on the counter staring intently at the wall where the clock had been.  I picked up the clock, turned on the light so I could find the battery and reset the clock. Since the SunLord was still staring at the wall, I decided not to put the clock back up. I then spoke to the young sir and asked him to throttle back on the whole "jumping at the wall" thing, gave him an ear scratch, turned out the lights and went back to bed. Once there, I negotiated with the War Queen over the proper division of my pillow and at some point after 3, got back to sleep!
Skywise rousted me out of bed at 8:30... hence my zombie like condition all morning...
I will now attempt to do something useful....

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #620 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 11:20pm
I was still too "zombified" to write so I spent some time setting up the "timeline form" for Books 2 and 3. I also made a blank one to use when it comes time to start outlining Book 4. Not thinking about that yet 'cause I'm still going the distance with Chapter 5. I think if I can get this bit I'm working on right, what's left in the chapter won't be too difficult. I think the Original Poster was trying for a different "voice" than the one he eventually used and I'm now trying to rewrite what he wrote in the "voice" he eventually ended up using while keeping the information that he wanted to convey intact.
Did that make sense?
Well, if it didn't, at least I know what I'm trying to do! Smiley
I think I'm gonna have to take a break for a while. My right hand is starting to cramp again so now might be a good time for some music, some thinking and probably doing a few dishes. Maybe the hot water will ease my hand a bit.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #621 - Apr 4th, 2009 at 2:05am
The War Queen is a sneaky cat. I laid down on the bed for just a minute, to rest my knee and she saw an opportunity for a snuggle. Since I never turn down such requests without an excellent reason -- such as dinner will be ready as soon as the potatoes are mashed and they're ready NOW -- we snuggled.
The next thing I knew, it was an hour and a half later...
*sigh* She knows when I need a nap and she does everything in her considerable power to see that I take one.
Dinner is now cooking and I'm back at work on Chapter 5.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #622 - Apr 4th, 2009 at 4:09am
I've gotten the previously mentioned dialogue straightened out and I'm going to quit for the night. Skywise is home and I'm going to give him the comp if he wants it.
Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #623 - Apr 4th, 2009 at 5:23pm

All Honor and Glory to Bast!

We have a new little boycat. He's a black with eyes that look like they're going to be green. His "pet shop" name is "Bob." THAT will change. Right now, he's exploring the house "at turbo speed." More details later in the thread I'll start for him along with pics.

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Re: What's Happenin' V: The Night of the Living Posts!
Reply #624 - Apr 5th, 2009 at 1:10am
We've had a busy afternoon and evening with the new babyboycat. He's been into everything when he isn't zipping around, romping with SunLord or sleeping. He just got up from an hour's nap on my chest. Needless to say, I'm a bit behind in getting dinner going. Fortunately, Skywise is understanding -- but he is hungry and so am I! So, off to the kitchen I go!

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