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Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:21pm
#3863   Penthesilea
The Keyholder's Tower - The Roof - Nearing Sunset

     *Penthesilea stood on the top of her Tower in the fading light. It had been an uneventful day -- for which she was grateful. She had not seen the Lord Marshall since their encounter outside the Dining Hall but just knowing that he was about made her smile. She looked out over the walls to where the suitors' encampment had been. It was empty now, except for the retinue of Lord Kennicott, and her people were repairing the damage to the lawn and cleaning up the mess. Lord Kennicott's people were getting set up for a winter encampment. Penthesilea had offered them quarters in the Castle but the fate of the unfortunate Lackland had them all terrified. None of them wished to live in the Castle, which, frankly, pleased the Castle's regular inhabitants just fine!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #1 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:22pm
#3864  Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Magickal Workroom

*Once she left the roof, Penthesilea decided to check on Jasmine. For all her protestations of loyalty and friendship, the wench had proved false and Penthesilea considered it only good sense to keep an eye on her. She stood before her mirror and intoned the chant..*

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Show me Jasmine, once of this Hall.
Where she is or soon will be.
Show me now what I must see!

*The mirror cleared and images began to form. Penthesilea knew immediately that she was seeing the recent past. She watched. Her heart grew cold and her soul furious. She did not cry. She could not. When she had seen all there was to see, she blanked the mirror and went to her sitting room. She couldn't face the study at the moment. She summoned a page and sent a message to the Lord Marshall that she would be pleased to see him at his earliest convenience. Then she sat down in her favorite chair to think and to wait....

     In his new stronghold, the sorcerer Amon-Zane, in his guise of Lord Stephan, smiled in satisfaction. The Keyholder had acted as he knew she would. Unlike his daughter, Jasmine, he had great respect for Penthesilea’s intelligence and cunning. He had, therefore, been prepared when the Keyholder incanted her scrying spell. She had seen what he wished her to see -- a passionate reunion between Jasmine and Kodiak instead of the argument that had really occurred. He still had enough control of Kodiak, through Jasmine, to influence his thinking. When confronted with his Lady’s accusations, Kodiak would not deny them. He would, in fact, insult and belittle her, hopefully sending the argument out of control. And Amon-Zane knew exactly how to get Kodiak to think and do as he wished. He would convince him that he was doing what was best for Penthesilea.*
« Last Edit: Oct 4th, 2007 at 8:44pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #2 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:26pm

[Text to be added later. Re write in progress.]

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #3 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:26pm
#3866  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea sat until the room grew dark and it was obvious that the Lord Marshall was not coming, at least, not right away. What she had to say to him would have to wait. She had to appear at dinner and dance afterwards and convince Lord Kennicott that it was worth his time to stay around and negotiate. Slowly, she rose from her seat and went to bathe and dress.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #4 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:27pm
#3867     Penthesilea

The Dining Hall

     *Penthesilea again sat between two of her knights. Satira had sent word that she and Daemon were clearing the caverns and preparing for the battle that Daemon was sure was coming. They would be eating as they worked and hoped that Penthesilea understood. She did. Too well. She was going to have to flirt with Kennicott, at least a little, to make him believe that she was receptive to his suit and that he did, indeed, have a chance to marry her no matter what came up in negotiations. That could involve letting him take liberties with her body which Penthesilea was not sure Daemon could stand to see. Perhaps she worried needlessly. She was only his half sister, not his beloved, but she didn't want to take the chance of another incident involving her brother assaulting a foreign nobleman. Not yet, anyway. So she sat in her place and directed sly glances in Kennicott's direction until the meal was done and they headed for the Ballroom.*
« Last Edit: Mar 13th, 2007 at 7:36pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #5 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:28pm
#3868  Penthesilea
The Ballroom

     *The music was wonderful and most of the people were too but Penthesilea's mind was on business. She had, so far, danced three dances with Kennicott and had permitted such familiarity that she felt soiled. Even at its worst, her torment in the woods was nothing to compared to this. But --- she was the Keyholder Penthesilea. She would endure. She always had.
Lord Kennicott came to claim her for another dance. She smiled and gave him her hand....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #6 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:30pm
#3869  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     Using the most powerful cloaking spell at her disposal, Jasmine slipped into the Castle’s ballroom.  Watching Penthesilea’s torment gave her great joy. The only thing that kept her joy from being complete was Kodiak’s declaration of love for Penthesilea. Jasmine ground her teeth in rage. Kodiak was supposed to be hers!  Her father had promised her the handsome Darklord for her plaything once he was done with him. He has assured her that there would be more than enough of Kodiak left to satisfy her needs. But instead of staying in her father's stronghold as her love slave, he had called off their engagement and returned to the Castle.  He had spurred her! She bit her finger to keep from screaming her rage as she watched Penthesilea dance with Kennicott. She knew, too well, the delights of Kodiak’s bed and if Penthesilea had not yet yielded herself to the Darklord, she would soon. The image in her mind of her enemy in her former lover’s arms was almost more than she could endure.
« Last Edit: Oct 4th, 2007 at 8:46pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #7 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:30pm
#3870   Penthesilea

     *The dance over, Kennicott maneuvered her into a sheltered spot in the Ballroom hidden by potted plants. Then he took her in his arms and kissed her. It was a credit to her strength that she did not flinch or pull away. She was even able to convince him that she enjoyed it. She told herself that it was for the safety of her people and that she would vomit later.... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #8 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:32pm
#3871 [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     Jasmine watched as Kennicott kissed Penthesilea. She felt the Keyholder’s revulsion and Kennicott’s lust. Jasmine smiled as a thought worthy of her mother came to her. Kennicott was a true son of Venesia, the City of Sin and there was nothing he would not do and as a noble of that city, nothing that he could not get away with. He was accustomed to having what he wanted when he wanted it. She put the suggestion in his mind as Penthesilea disengaged herself from Kennicott and went back to the dance floor. It was what he wanted to do anyway and he was already more than half drunk -- all he needed was a little push....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #9 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:33pm
#3872  Penthesilea

     *Sir Michael claims Penthesilea for a dance and she can finally relax for a moment. Michael holds her close, wishing that he, or the Lord Marshall or someone could protect her instead her having to protect them....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #10 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:34pm
#3873  [Rewritten by Penthesilea]

     The suggestion given and fervently accepted, Jasmine exited the ballroom onto the terrace  shared by the ballroom and the Pub. Unnoticed, she snagged a drink from the sideboard on her way out. The cow owed her something for her inconvenience!!  She went to her favorite seat by the fountain. It was where she had first worked her wiles on the unsuspecting Darklord. How amused he had been at what he believed was her “innocent” hero worship. Jasmine smiled, showing a hint of fang. She was the one deserving of worship and she would have it from him again!! He would wear her slave collar and be happy to do so! 
     She finished her drink and threw the glass away, delighting in the sound of the crystal breaking. Her cloaking spell wouldn’t last much longer and she needed to be gone.  She had one last little thing to do, however....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #11 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:35pm
#3874  Penthesilea
     *Sir Alexander takes a turn dancing with Penthesilea. Her knights are determined to give her as much peace as they can. They all love her and can hardly stand what is happening. At least, the other hyenas are gone and there is now only this one to contend with... *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #12 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:37pm
#3875  [rewritten by Penthesilea] 
     Jasmine mumbled a fetid curse as she tossed a foul blend of herbs into the fountain.  She took one last look at the Castle before spreading her bat’s wings and taking flight. Penthesilea had won, for now! But she had not won forever.....
     Behind the fleeing succubus, Hecate appeared beside the fountain. With a single Divine word, the curse was broken before it could begin. Hecate looked upward at the pathetic little she-demon. She could not help being what she had been born but the evil she did, that is a choice that she had made freely. Penthesilea had offered her a home, friendship and the family that Jasmine had claimed to want.  In return, Jasmine had violated the laws of hospitality and had used her abilities as a succubus to ensnare the Darklord in an attempt to divert him from his destiny as the man destined to break Penthesilea’s curse. For those crimes among others, Jasmine would pay a heavy price. The Fates had already written it.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #13 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:38pm
#3876  Penthesilea

     *One of the Lady Knights, Thora contrived a reason to call Penthesilea from the dance floor and they retreated into the Private Theater which was being used as the Ladies' Retiring Room for the duration. Penthesilea allowed herself to flop carelessly into one of the seats.*

Penthesilea: Thank you. My feet are not quite killing me but it is getting close.

Thora:  Any word?

Penthesilea: From the Lord Marshall? No. I don't know how long he intended to stay with King Orag's troops. Probably until our unwelcome guests are well on their way. *She kept her voice casual with no hint of what she knew about the Lord Marshall's recent activities...*

Thora: Now if we could just get this last lot out of here.

Penthesilea: I'm afraid that the only way that will happen is if we drive them out and we are not ready to do that. Yet.

Thora: I hope it is soon. Some of these swine really need killing! *Penthesilea reminded herself of what Kennicott intended for her and her brother...*

Penthesilea: I couldn't agree more!
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007 at 8:35pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #14 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:39pm
#3877   Penthesilea
     *Having put it off as long as she can, Penthesilea returns to the dance floor....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #15 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:40pm
#3878   Penthesilea
     *Kennicott had claimed her again and Penthesilea was gaining two important insights. The first being that Kennicott couldn't hold his liquor and second, he was even more obnoxious drunk than he was sober which, frankly, she had thought impossible. What was causing her difficulty was his increasingly aggressive pawing....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #16 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:40pm
#3879   Penthesilea
     *With several of his hangers on providing cover, Kennicott pulls Penthesilea into the deserted Game Room and shuts the door behind them.* This is so not good *Penthesilea thinks as she is shoved into the room.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #17 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:42pm
#3880  Penthesilea

The Game Room

     *Penthesilea moved to put a chair between herself and Kennicott, whose muttered comments would have been right at home in some of the coarsest dives in the known world. Faint sounds of commotion came from beyond the door and she recognized the voices of Sir Michael, Sir Alexander and Sir Kevin. Kennicott lunged for her and caught the neck of her dress, ripping the bodice open. Penthesilea had had enough. She hit him between the eyes with a sleep spell and in his intoxicated condition he couldn't resist it. He went down as if poleaxed. She regarded him for a moment, reminding herself that killing him would cause more problems than she could handle, and then stepped over his body. Holding her bodice together with one hand, she opened the door and looked into the startled faces of her knights.*
     “I think I'll retire for the night.” *She swept past them and headed for her tower without another word.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #18 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:43pm
#3881   Penthesilea

The Keyholder's Bedroom

     *Heartsick and just plain sick, Penthesilea strips off her destroyed gown and crawls into her lonely bed. Mercifully, she falls asleep at once.....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #19 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 10:44pm
#3882   Penthesilea
The Road to the Castle - Midnight

     The Lord Marshall rode alone. He had much to think about. He had to make a decision before the hole he was in got any deeper. Suddenly, his horse shied. He controlled the animal quickly and looked to see what had startled it. A man stood in the middle of the road in a puddle of light. He was dressed in classic Greek attire. His hair was golden and his eyes were blue. Kodiak knew he looked upon Apollo. The God looked at him with stern eyes. “You have a decision to make,” the God said. “It has been given to me to show you the consequences of your choice.”
     Vision exploded in Kodiak's head. He saw Penthesilea, too furious for tears, throwing her engagement ring at him. He saw himself staying with her, winning her finally. He saw their handfasting and felt their first night together. He saw her smile, heard her laugh and sing. He saw her dance. He saw joy radiating from her and blessing everyone near her. He saw himself fighting her and loving her and fighting her again. He saw children with his hair and eyes and her smile. He saw a country grow up around them, peaceful and prosperous. He saw battle as well. Fierce struggles in which he rode at her side and they both were stronger for their bond. Then he saw the last battle... Penthesilea fighting an evil sorceress whose face he could not see. Penthesilea struck and the sorceress fell. The world was saved. But Penthesilea was struck down as well and he fell to his knees by her side, begging her not to leave him...
And she opened her eyes and smiled at him. She would not leave him. Ever. “That is one choice,” the God told him. “This is the other..”
     Again, Kodiak saw Penthesilea furious. Again, she threw his ring at him but this time, he made no effort to win her back. He chose another and saw as a result of that choice his own life -- full of love and adventure and no real responsibility. Then he saw Penthesilea's fate. He saw the emotional wall go up around her. This Penthesilea was still wise and compassionate and good but alone. She would never trust anyone to get close to her again. Her heart was not broken. It was gone. She had her duty and she told herself it was enough until she believed it. This Penthesilea seldom sang, rarely smiled or laughed and never danced. The joy had gone out of her and as the decades passed, those who loved her were replaced by those who revered her. The long lonely years rolled by and she became more and more an object to be venerated than a woman to be loved. Then, he saw, again, the last battle with the sorceress. Penthesilea fought alone. Again, she triumphed and the sorceress fell and again, Penthesilea fell, broken and bloody, onto the blasted earth. But this time, she was alone. There was no one to call her back to life and, really, no reason to return. He watched her die, alone, and knew with absolute certainty that the face she held before her eyes and the name on her lips as she slipped into the dark was his own.
Kodiak came back to himself. The God was gone. There was nothing but the night and the road and the distant lonely howl of a wolf.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #20 - Dec 7th, 2006 at 4:46am
#3884  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     *Kodiak arrived back at the Castle some hours before dawn. He tended his own horse in the stable, using the time to think about the vision he had been given.  It was unsettling to say the least. The second choice pulled at him. A beautiful woman, a relatively easy life with just enough adventure to keep him entertained -- but not challenged.  A year ago, it would have been no contest. The man that he had been then had cared only for himself and had for a long time. Good food, good wine, good sex and a good fight to the death when he needed one were all that he had wanted from life.
     Kodiak led his horse to its stall and closed the door behind  it. Still deep in thought, he made sure his horse had plenty of feed and water and then began the walk to the Castle. The second choice had its appeal but what about the first? What about the beautiful Lady who, despite her otherwise good sense, loved him so much? Could he be what she needed him to be? Could he be what she deserved? And if he couldn’t, how could he save her from death on that lonely battlefield? Kodiak was still wrestling with those questions as he prepared for bed. Finally, he climbed into bed and fell into an uneasy sleep, no closer to the answers he needed .....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #21 - Dec 7th, 2006 at 4:47am
#3885  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     *In his  stronghold, Amon-Zane chuckled as he prepared for the night’s spellwork. He had some awareness of the Divine vision that had been given to Kodiak and he intended to use it to his advantage and turn Kodiak onto a third path -- one that led the Darklord into his hands and his daughter’s bed.  It would take careful work. No one must suspect that the Darklord’s anger with the Lady was anything but genuine. He would stir the Darkness that gave the Darklord his power while stimulating his nobler instinct to protect Penthesilea -- even from himself. Properly executed, the spell would convince Kodiak that Penthesilea would be better off without him and to that end, he would provoke her into throwing him out. In that way, he would reason, she would not grieve for the loss of his love and would allow herself to love again.
     Amon-Zane kept watch until Kodiak had fallen into the deepest sleep, then with an evil smile, he began his work.
« Last Edit: Oct 4th, 2007 at 8:53pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #22 - Dec 7th, 2006 at 4:47am
#3886  [Rewrite by Penthesilea]

     *Penthesilea awoke at dawn and sang for Apollo but her heart was not really in it. Apollo was disappointed but did not chide her. He knew that she was miserable enough.  She took a few more hours of sleep before rising again to go out and face let another day -- a day no longer brightened by the knowledge of Kodiak’s love.
     Late in the morning, Kodiak awoke from his restless, troubling dreams. He sent for a light meal which was promptly delivered. He ate without tasting anything. He felt oddly restless and decisive at the same time. He dressed, including a sweeping black cloak that only increased the dangerous air he was projecting and three swords. He knew what he had to do and he would not shirk his duty.....
« Last Edit: Dec 7th, 2006 at 5:08am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #23 - Dec 7th, 2006 at 4:48am
#3887  darklord_kodiak

     *Is seen walking out of his room. Dressed in full length black cloak, flashing 3 swords now. Probably as a status symbol. Head held high, with a new certain glow in his eyes he begins to walk the castle.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 3863 to 3949
Reply #24 - Dec 7th, 2006 at 4:49am
#3888  darklord_kodiak
     *Totally oblivious to everything that is going on. He senses something is wrong and just doesn’t care. Anyone who dares step in his path right now is sure to lose a head.  Mad and vengeful, he continues to walk the castle as he makes his way to the ritual room.*

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