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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #825 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 7:42pm
So far, so good. We're back from the Museum and "Ike" has arrived. Not too much in the way of rain, the radar's clear right now but the winds are fierce. There is a huge piece of dead tree half blocking the road between here and the intersection north of here. I think that the broken tree at the edge of the woods will come down tonight if the wind hits it just right. It's been cracking more and more every time a storm moves through. This may be the one that brings it down. The lights are flickering, understandably, so I'm gonna post this fast.
Updates later.

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #826 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:14am
Things have settled down considerably. We never got any rain to speak of and the winds have finally died down. The yard is a mess, covered with small limbs and leaves. We have one major piece of tree down. It came down on the old storage shed behind the Guest House, punched a hole in the roof and broke a rafter. That tree I thought would come down, didn't. It will probably wait for a major ice storm or come down on a perfectly clear day/night!
We went into town for dinner when the worst of it was past. Since we're on vacation, we treated ourselves to a meal at the local steakhouse and we returned to the Hall seriously stuffed. I swear, I'm gonna have to practice my hip shimmies for HOURS to work off all those calories! Smiley Oh well, you can never have too much practice where hip shimmies are concerned and the food was worth it!
I got zero work done on the book today but that's okay. Breaks are necessary for good creative-cognitive function!

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #827 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:42am
*giggle* Skywise has plans Smiley that involve my enthusiastic participation so I AM OUTTA HERE! *more giggle*

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley[smiley=goodnight.gif]

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #828 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 4:30pm
Afternoon! Skywise let me sleep in this morning which was good 'cause I was a tired little lady at "lights out" last night! *giggle!*

I think I'm going to have to go back and start over on my costume bra. I've been trying various configurations out on Skywise and the response I want   Smiley[smiley=Hein26.gif]Smiley Smiley  Smiley has not been forthcoming. SO! Right now, I'm thinking of starting literally from scratch since I have a good idea of what I want -- I have an illustration -- and already know that no locally available ready made bra is going to work. The only solution is to make a pattern and build a bra from the "ground up" so to speak.
This should be interesting...
« Last Edit: Sep 15th, 2008 at 4:37pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #829 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 6:19pm
It's chilly and cloudy but the day is good. My purse is almost finished, ideas on how to make a bra without a pattern are presenting themselves, various plans are preceding on schedule -- although I DO wish CVS had been considerably more prompt in approving Nike's vacation request -- and on the whole, things are going my way. "Big time" if I may be so confident. I'm going to finish up this bit of sewing I have to do today and pull out Chapter 10. The mini layoff I've taken the last day or so should have recharged my batteries nicely. If so, I could have 10 done by the end of next weekend.Smiley
So yeah, very happy, "laughing out loud" person here!
« Last Edit: Sep 15th, 2008 at 6:37pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #830 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 9:37pm
We decided to go into town for a late lunch, got back about half an hour ago. I was able to pick up a couple of things I'm going to need for the dance bra now that I'm starting over. I'm probably still going to have to go back to the fabric shop but we drive past it at least once a week so it isn't like it is out of our way. The major debris from the storm is cleaned up, still a lot of smallish branches around the yard though. Every time I go outside I pick some up as I'm walking to wherever I'm going. I'll have the "trails" cleared in no time! Smiley Gonna make pizza for dinner tonight. Better get the sausage out of the freezer!

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #831 - Sep 16th, 2008 at 3:31am
It occurs to me that I could get a lot more writing done if I didn't have to cook! Smiley
Things are going pretty well writing wise tonight. I'm just about through a major section, hopefully I'll get it finished tomorrow. Then I have to write a paragraph or two to make a "bridge" between the section I'm working on tonight and the next one which is one I've already been working on. I'm going to really tighten up some things and since I'm hovering around 99 pages at the moment, I think that I can do that without worrying about the chapter being too short! Yeah, Chapter 9 became 9 & 10 and now it looks like 10 is going to be 10 & 11...
Methinks this is gonna turn out to be a fat little novel!

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #832 - Sep 16th, 2008 at 4:05am
I'm going to head out for the night. I'm at a good stopping place on the novel and I'm feeling sleepy. I don't know if we will be doing anything tomorrow or not but I know I'll need my sleep!

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley[smiley=goodnight.gif]

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #833 - Sep 16th, 2008 at 2:01pm
Morning! We're heading out to a state park for a few hours. See ya when we get back. Everyone be safe! Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #834 - Sep 16th, 2008 at 8:19pm
We got back about 40 minutes ago. We went to Brown County State Park. It's very rugged terrain but so very, very beautiful. The views take your breath away.
We took a rest at this one shelter and like all state park shelter houses in southern Indiana it is built of really heavy timbers and limestone. It made Skywise and me think of a "great hall" since there were two HUGE fireplaces set up for grilling and another "just" fireplace in it. The shelter has two levels since it is set into a hillside there is an "upstairs" and a walk out "downstairs" and restrooms right at hand. Yeah, wishing certain people lived a lot closer so we could rent that puppy out and and have a HUGE SS cookout/BBQ/meetup! Ah.. maybe someday.

Hmm... FYI: Sewing is a bloodsport. So says the person who just managed to gouge a hunk out of her thumb with a straight pin. I'll post more later after I have a.) stopped bleeding and b.) finished my hand sewing.
So much for multitasking! Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #835 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 12:03am
The purse is done! Smiley

Now I get to start on my costume bra. The first thing to figure out is how I want to do the chest band. I've already got a good idea for the shoulder strap.

I'm cooking tonight so there is that.

And the SunLord has brought a dead, headless mouse in through the catdoor. Methinks I'd better move if I don't want mouse guts on the living room carpet. I just hope it was headless when he brought it in!

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #836 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 2:44am
Using straight pins and pellon to make a pattern for the cups on my costume bra. Kinda hard to check the fit while trying to avoid poking yourself with a pin! I'll run it through the machine and baste it up. That will give me a better idea and Skywise can check for things that I would miss. Then I'll work up a prototype and see how it looks. Still gonna need to get cups from the fabric store. I have some boning here that I can use to make underwires so that is no problem. Still thinking about various ways to do the chest band. Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #837 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 4:49am
Or at least, Skywise says so!

I made a quick and dirty prototype of my costume bra out of elastic, pellon and safety pins (REAL quick and dirty! Smiley ) and my beloved, who is good at visualizing a finished sewing project, says that it will
achieve my stated goals!! So I am one happy sewingperson tonight. There is still a lot to do but I’ve made a good start by getting the pattern designed.

I also did some quality work on the novel this evening. Not a huge amount but a small section that was being troublesome sorted itself out tonight and I’m pleased. Getting that part taken care of will make getting the rest of it to fall into line much easier. Then I’ll be able to tackle a large gap I need to fill in and go back and do some “backfill” now that I know how that troublesome spot turned out.  Happy writerperson!Smiley

Since it’s nearly 1 a.m., I’m going to head out. I’ve hiked, written, washed dishes, cooked and sewed today not to mention disposed of decapitated mouse carcasses.  That is enough for one day! Smiley
Everyone sleep well and be safe! Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #838 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 2:54pm
Morning all! We're getting ready to head out to Floral Gulch and Skywise has already asked me where I want to have dinner tonight.
This is a good thing since I've made dinner the last two nights and I'll be making pizza again tomorrow night. He loves home cooked meals but he also knows that I cook all the time and I need a break once in a while!

And he's telling me how he would turn Indianapolis into a "fortress city" right out of Car Wars -- which is a game by Steve Jackson Games which I think is still in print. We were members of the American AutoDuel Association for a while back when the game first came out.
Gotta go! Catch ya later!
« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2008 at 12:35am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #839 - Sep 17th, 2008 at 9:03pm
We’re back! We got in at a little after two but the internet is slow today. Someone in the neighborhood must be downloading the Congressional Record. Oh well..

We had a nice lunch and, since we needed catfood and electrical parts, we went to Wal-Mart after. Since I have had no luck in finding any bead or chain fringe that I like, I’m going to make my own bead fringe. It’s gonna take a while since I’m going to need 40 inches of it, more or less. On the other hand, I do have some time before I start decorating the bra. Since I’m making the bra from scratch, I’m going to wear it while practicing for a while to make sure that it performs like I want it to.

I got another bellydance music CD in the mail and I’m listening to it now. I also got an instructional DVD today too which promises to be interesting. *giggle* It’s called “Sensual Bellydance.” Skywise should like it once I’m well enough along to learn the choreography.
In the meantime, book to write and dishes to wash!
« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2008 at 12:39am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #840 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 12:28am
The net is still running slow but I’m getting a lot done on the novel tonight. One more little piece to do and then I can start on the previously mentioned “fill in the gap” piece I have to do that will tie two sections together and explain why Our Hero showed up at the Longest Day festivities looking like he’d been put through a meat grinder!
I’ve cut several pages of stuff and condensed it down and I’m STILL at 99 pages!
I’ve also figured out how I’m going to do the closure on my costume bra so that the “black diamond” will be shown to best advantage. Smiley Smiley Smiley So all in all, I’m getting stuff done despite the lack of cooperation from the internet!

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #841 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 3:42am
Skywise has made an agreeably naughty suggestion and since I'm up to 102 pages on Chapter 10, I'm going to head out and take him up on it! Smiley What can I say? *giggle* I'm an evil woman to the bone!
I have no idea what we will be doing tomorrow or how well the internet will be working for me. I'll be here when I can.
Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #842 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 8:51pm
Greetings!! The internet is slow again today as evidenced by the fact that I’ve been trying to post this since 10:30 this morning.  *sigh* So my presence is likely to be hit or miss. Mostly ‘miss’ unless things speed up considerably. We’re taking a ‘stay home and get caught up’ day which means laundry (which is almost all done now), dishes and general picking up are the order of the day. And writing of course! Smiley Everyone have a great day!


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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #843 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 3:17am
Smiley My costume bra making just got a whole lot easier! It’s amazing what you can find on the Web! *more[smiley=evilgrin0029.gif] *
I need to explore the site but it looks very promising. Just wish that things would load faster!! Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #844 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 5:00am
It's been a slow day, internet wise. I did get the last little bit between two major sections of Chapter 10 written so they are neatly knitted together and it ACTUALLY makes sense! I'm working on another such place now and I'm quitting for the night. I have to decide how deep into the situation I want to go and how to connect that to what follows it -- leaving it out is NOT an option. And the more I look at what is currently in Chapter 10, the more I think that I have Chapter 10 and 11 and 12! There are a lot of post transfers in there that I haven't even started working on and a MAJOR plot development in there too. I may have to add chapters....

Anyway, everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley See ya tomorrow.

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #845 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:33pm
Morning! This is payday and you know what that means! We're be back in a few hours.
The net seems to be running faster today. I hope it stays that way.

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #846 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 12:23am
The dimensional vibrations have temporarily synchronized to allow me to communicate from the "internet free Twilight Zone" which seems to have enveloped us the last two days. Things are still running unacceptably slow (it has taken nearly 15 minutes for this reply window to fully load) but at least I'm here which is more than I've been able to manage for most of today.  The fact that the effect seems to lessen once "normal business hours" are over makes me a tad suspicious but I can't think of anything to do about it that would be particularly useful. We'll see how things go over the weekend.
In case I can't get back here later, everyone be safe. Smiley I'll be back when I can.
« Last Edit: Sep 20th, 2008 at 3:12am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #847 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 3:23am
I'm back. I've spent most of the last two hours placing an online order that should have taken half an hour tops to do but at least I won't have to go tromping all over Indianapolis looking for what I need to make my costume bra. If the first one works out like I envision, I'll probably make a few more! Smiley
The later it gets, the faster the net gets. This is an important tidbit of info. If it stays reasonably fast over the weekend I'll be able to make a pretty good guess as to what the problem is.
I'm working on the novel and the more I work the more it looks like adding another three or four chapters is going to be necessary. Smiley I'm thinking that it may be Thanksgiving before I get the first draft done! Oh well, if I have it done before Yule, I'll be a happy writer person!
« Last Edit: Sep 20th, 2008 at 3:36am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #848 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 4:28am
*Yawn!* Sleepy. It's been a long day and my fall allergies are kicking in. Not enough to lay me out but enough to be bothersome. Summer is about done and the first hard freeze isn't that far off.
Anyway, I'm heading out. I've managed to get some work done on the book tonight Smiley despite this nagging ringing in my ears and I got some stuff ordered for my dance costume so it's all good.
I don't know how the internet will be working tomorrow but I'll be here when I can. Hopefully, my guess is right about what is causing the slowdown and I'll be able to be on here more tomorrow.
Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' IV: The Revenge of the Posts!
Reply #849 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 7:01pm
Greetings!! Things are running a bit better than yesterday. It has only taken me a bit over an hour and ten minutes to get logged in today rather than not being able to get on at all yesterday.

I’ve been reading a new book that Skywise picked up while I was waiting -- Vampire Nation by Arlene Russo published by Llewellyn. Very interesting book so far. I’m going to have to put it down and get busy though. Housework and laundry to do which I’ll see to while waiting for things to load. I should get a lot done! Smiley I picked up the astrological almanac for 2009 and I’ll be looking at the predicted trends for us for the next year. So far, things look very good.

We stopped at the fabric store and after some searching and fighting my way through the crowds -- HATE shopping in the craft and fabric stores on the weekends! -- I found the tiny  [2.5mm] silver plated beads I need to make the fringe for my costume and a whole mess of lightweight silver disks that I can use instead of the “coins” I got at Wal-Mart. These will work better because a.) they aren’t already attached to the wrong color of twill tape and b.) being a bit larger, they will supply more “flash” on the costume and I won’t need as many of them. Of course, I’m not planning on completely covering the outfit with silver scales along the lines of Red Sonja’s famous armor. Been there, done that don’t cha know!  Smiley It was fun too!  Anyway, I’m all set as far as decorating supplies are concerned unless I happen to run across something absolutely fabulous! I still have to order that “black diamond” cubic zirconia drop which I will likely do whenever the jokers that are eating all the bandwidth go to bed tonight!  I should have the stuff I ordered for the bra sometime late next week.  Then it will just be a matter of assembly and “test driving” the results. Should be fun.

With luck, I’ll be back later tonight. I don’t have much hope for getting back before then but I’ll try periodically. It has taken this reply window a tic over thirty minutes to load.

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