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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #75 - Jun 26th, 2009 at 2:45am
Got some work done on both my choreography and my list of dance moves. I'll admit that I did the "easy" ones on the dance moves list first as I didn't feel like sitting in front of the tv for a couple of hours watching the same section of DVD over and over.
Pizza dough is rising and I have most of the stuff I need to do before tomorrow's shopping done. All that's left is making out the deposit slips and I can't do that until Skywise gets home with the check, obviously. So I'm going to laz a bit until it's time for the next phase of pizza making. I got a new book today that should help with my "bad guy" characterization. I'll probably look though it while I wait. The "getting an agent" book requires a bit more concentration than I can devote to it right now.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #76 - Jun 26th, 2009 at 4:37am
Everything is done.
It's thundering.
I'm missing my two remaining "Unindicted Castle Co-conspirators" bad tonight and I wish I could hug the hell out of both of them!

Thunder's getting louder. Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #77 - Jun 26th, 2009 at 4:09pm
Back from "Payday Insanity." Barely survived.
Filled a prescription the dentist gave me on my last visit -- a generic that set me back over $30.00 with potential side effects that have convinced me to wait until Skywise is home for an extended period before I start it! If my tongue swells up and I start having trouble breathing, I'd kinda like him here! I'll be talking to Nike this afternoon and I'll get her input. Since she's a pharmacy tech, she will likely be able to tell me what I can realistically expect. 
On the plus side, I have dark chocolate M&Ms. I may indulge and TRY to relax.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #78 - Jun 26th, 2009 at 7:18pm
I relaxed with a couple of Krispy Kremes instead!
Spirit must have read over my shoulder a couple of days ago 'cause I found a box of donuts in the kitchen that Spirit apparently decided that we needed!
I've also been working on the Avatar Depot and have spent the last 90 minutes or so at my favorite avatar site adding to my stock of avatars. I now have nearly 350 in my file and I have only begun to search! I'm concentrating on "guy" avatars as well as mythological and not so mythological beasts. I also found some very well done avatars of Egyptian deities that I'll be putting up too. We should have a nice selection by the time I'm finished.
I need to do something useful in the way of laundry. Later.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #79 - Jun 26th, 2009 at 10:51pm
Well, I've thoroughly screwed up the 30 most recent posts with my additions to the Avatar Depot. Can't be helped though, that's the way the board software works! I haven't got the gals done yet (was adding to the guys' thread) so I suspect that I shall foul things up repeatedly until I have all the avatars I want to display up. I'm thinking a minimum of three more threads, maybe four. I want things to be as easy to find as possible which means I do the sorting. Guy avatars. Girl avatars. Animal avatars. Creature avatars... you get the idea! Smiley
Need to tend to the dishes.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #80 - Jun 27th, 2009 at 2:21am
I've found a few more avatars. [Be afraid! Be VERY afraid!] But I'll be merciful and not put them up tonight. Smiley I've been chatting with Nike and she's eased my mind about the antibiotic I got today. I'll probably take the first dose first thing in the morning so if I'm going to react, we'll know it before Skywise goes to work tomorrow.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #81 - Jun 27th, 2009 at 4:08am
Skywise is home and I'm heading out. There is laundry on the bed that needs to be dealt with and I AM the ULTIMATE DEALER WITH LAUNDRY! Smiley
Yeah, I've been talking with Nike all evening!

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley
« Last Edit: Jun 27th, 2009 at 4:12am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #82 - Jun 27th, 2009 at 4:09pm
We're back from doing our Saturday stuff. I took my first dose of antibiotic at nine this morning and I'm still alive so I think it's safe to say that the most drastic side effects are going to pass me by. There is still the potential for the minor ones.  Time will tell.
Anyway, I need to get busy.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #83 - Jun 27th, 2009 at 5:44pm
Skywise left for work and I'm so sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open. I think it's the antibiotic so I'm going to go lay down for a while.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #84 - Jun 27th, 2009 at 10:43pm
Well, I went and laid down and promptly went to sleep. Didn't wake up until after 5. I've been working on getting caught up ever since! Smiley
The dishwasher is running and I've gotten a few other things done so I'm goofing off here for a bit.
I'm going to check the email and prowl. Be back later.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #85 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 1:34am
Dinner's in the oven, a bit later than I'd planned thanks to trying to figure out what's wrong with the phones and the War Queen's need to be petted. She misses her Sister Queen quite a bit, I think, and sometimes she needs to know that we love her. So I petted her and scratched her ears while she ate. Weird, I know, but sometimes she wants to be petted while she eats.
Anyway, dinner will be served in about an hour. Which is good. I haven't eaten much today -- being asleep most of the afternoon WILL throw off one's meal schedule! -- and I'm hungry!

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #86 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 3:29am
No longer hungry. Feel much better!
I'm going to HAVE to remember to make some stuff to have on hand for a fast lunch/snack if I'm going to keep to my plan of reasonably evenly spaced eating. Smiley I probably should lay in a supply of "single serving" soups for the same purpose. The girls might like them too. Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #87 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 4:45am
Skywise is home. Yay!!
I just wandered over to the Hero Games site and discovered that they are coming out with a new Sixth Edition of their core rulebook for GenCon in August. I will, of course, be getting said Sixth Edition. I didn't get the revised 5th Edition that came out a few years ago but since I intend for RPGers everywhere to be able to experience the Castle world in the comfort of their living rooms, I'm gonna have to pick up the Sixth Edition. I won't be going to GenCon even though it is being held in Indianapolis but as the release date gets closer, I'll have my fav game store order it for me.  With luck and some purchases, I'll have enough "loyalty points" to knock about $20.00 off the price.

On another note. I forgot to mention it but my belly dance suite is finally "fixed" and I've burned it to a CD. I'll probably burn a couple of "spares" too since one piece exists only in my iTunes library and on the DVD it was composed for. I'm glad that Skywise was able to get it for me since it is EXACTLY what I needed in that spot -- sexy, suggestive and erotic as all Smiley get out! And it doesn't sound like "stripper music" either. I've more determined than ever to get an area cleared in the basement to practice in. I have to remember to see what Wal-Mart has in the way of full length mirrors. Smiley.....might have to go with "mirror" tiles. Anyway, I've been listening to the CD every chance I get and the body does move with it.

We have "weather" moving into the state. A line that had stretched north of Milwaukee all the way back to Kansas City is moving eastward and has inched its way into north and western Indiana. Oh joy. I was so in hopes of sleeping tonight. Gotta stay up a while longer anyway to take my meds on time. Be back in a while.
« Last Edit: Jun 28th, 2009 at 4:46am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #88 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 5:14am
I'm beat, which is weird considering I slept all afternoon, and I'm heading out. By the time I get the comp shut down and wander into the kitchen, it will be time for my meds. I will then get ready for bed and crash! Smiley Maybe I can get a little sleep in before the storms get here.

Everyone sleep well and be safe. Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #89 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 10:14am
Uggg. Life.

Well, the new job (I say new, even though I've been at it a year now) at the call center in Customer Care for a cell phone company is starting to become more and more aggravating.   When we (my class and I) were hired we were promised up one wall and down the other this job is not, and will never be, about sales.

Well, guess what.... it's become a sales job.  We are about to start getting bonuses on the money we make the company.  Not taking care of the customers (which is what we were hired for).  Some days, I get home and I don't even want to LOOK at a computer screen.

And, it does not help the customers themselves are IDIOTS.  Your bill is too high because YOU TALKED TOO MUCH!  Fracking duh!  Grrr...
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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #90 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 3:06pm
Smiley D! That's what I like about my Tracfone. Every time I turn it on, it tells me how many units I have left. If I'm running low, I can buy more and if I have some left when I get to my "renew service" date (which is usually about every 3 - 4 months) they rollover. I never lose minutes. Granted, it doesn't take and transmit pictures (but I have a computer and two cameras to handle that although I'll admit a camera phone comes in handy if you're trying to get word out about a rebellion against a repressive government) and I can't text message on it (why type out text on a phone anyway?) but I didn't get it to do those things. I got it to TALK on and if I think I'm going to be especially long winded, I use the landline! Smiley Since Nike and I are both on YaHoo now, we don't run up the phone bills like we used too. The first time she called me, we talked for a solid eight hours. One year, she called me just as the Academy Awards was starting and we watched the whole show together while I made and ate dinner. [I had a tv in the kitchen at the time.] And yes, I agree. The majority of people currently incarnated on this planet left their brains and/or good sense in the "Pre-birth Staging Area!" I know this from listening to Nike's rants about her job as a pharmacy tech! On the whole, it sounds like it's time to petition the Universe for a better paying and less aggravating job and if you can't stand to look at the comp, have BR drop in once in a while and let us know what's happenin'! I worry, ya know?
On the home front, if there were any storms last night, I didn't hear them! Smiley Skywise coming to bed barely registered! I'll have to see if the overwhelming desire to sleep is one of the side effects of this medication. I'm glad I'm only going to be taking this for a week if it's going to put me out every time I take a dose. I'm still breathing so I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about the most extreme side effects. Thank the Gods!
Now I'm off to find some mischief to get into!

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #91 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 4:07pm
I'm indulging in a combination smirk and giggle. I just found out that the local Rural Water Company issued a "boil order" a couple of days ago to last "until further notice." This amuses me greatly and I'm laughing every time I turn on the tap today.
Background: About twenty years ago, some "city people" bought undeveloped land out here only to discover after the deal was done, that said real estate didn't have water on it. Or if it did, it wasn't enough for their needs. Not willing to undertake the kind of measures that people living in parts of rural Brown County have to do (which is build large ponds or cisterns with water purification systems) these knuckleheads decided that they wanted "city water" in the country. After much huffing and puffing, they managed to form a "water utility" with all the powers thereof, raised money, invoked "imminent domain" and proceeded to build a water storage tower down the road from here (I can see it from the Guest House front yard. Damned thing looks like something out of a 50's "Aliens Invade!" B-movie), tore up part of our yard to put in their waterlines and started to pressure everyone along the line -- including my mother and us -- to sign up. As I pointed out to one particularly obnoxious individual, why should I sign up to pay for water when I have two already paid for wells, one for each house? The only expenses I incur in getting my running water is the cost of the electricity to run the pumps. The lout had no answer for that particular question.
To make a long story short. The "water company" for which the founders had such high and unrealistic hopes went bankrupt and the Indianapolis Water Company, from which the local outfit was buying water, took it over and immediately raised the rates. [Yeah, I laughed about that whole thing too!] The rates have been inching upward ever since and "boil orders" are no surprise. The only thing surprising about this one is that it seems "open ended" and I've yet to be able to track down the reason for the order.
The moral of the story is, if you want "city conveniences", live in the damned city. Don't come out into the woods and expect to live like you would in suburbia.
End of rant...   

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #92 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 10:49pm
Well, I managed to stay awake all afternoon. It was a struggle though and I've taken my second dose of the day. Once I have my third one, I suspect that I'll fold like a futon and sleep like the dead. I'm awake now but yawning...
We ran up to Greenwood and got a new antenna for our HDTV since the one we got for Spirit works so much better than the one we have. Skywise is getting it installed now. All he has to do it take the old one off the mast and hook up the new one. All the time consuming stuff -- running the wire and putting up the mast -- is already done. 

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #93 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 3:49am
Talked to Nike this evening. I'm glad we both have YaHoo now. Makes it much easier to stay in touch cause "bad things" happen when you don't talk!
We were discussing our mutual vacation plans which are still up in the air. We're hoping she can get here so we can all go to the King Tut exhibit at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. The exhibit will be there until October 25, 2009.
I got a couple of new books today. One is titled "Nothing is too good to be true." I think I'll read that one first along with the "get yourself an agent" book I'm also reading right now. I have a feeling that they might dovetail. Smiley There are other things that I want that could come under the heading of "Too Good to be true!" but getting published and having the book be successful is currently at the top of my list! Nike said to me this evening "Where there is a will, there is a way." I've got PLENTY of "will", I just need to get my teeth into the "way!" Anyone contemplating getting in my way might as well just step aside 'cause I'm in "move or die"  Smiley mode at the moment when it comes to my goals. I'm gonna have to be in order to get done what needs doing!
And right now..... the trash needs to go out!  Smiley Smiley

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #94 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 4:51am
Skywise has made an naughty suggestion. Smiley Smiley
The Hell with Sleep!

Everyone sleep well, eventually, and be safe -- always! Smiley Smiley
« Last Edit: Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:56pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #95 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:55pm
It's a beautiful day! The sun's out but it's pleasantly cool and the humidity is low. Hope it stays this way through the 4th. We'll be making our annual trek to see the fireworks that night and it's a lot more pleasant when it ISN'T hot as Smiley and humid to the point that sweating is a waste of time!
Skywise has the day off and I think we're going to spend part of the morning at the Children's Museum. We aren't going to the King Tut exhibit today, that requires special tickets and it's gonna be crowded like nobody's business! We'll wait until things settle a bit and go in September. Today we will check out the Clone Wars exhibit and the huge expansion project that they built in order to do justice to the Tut exhibit. I know that I HAVE to get pics of the new front. It is TOO cute! Darned imaginative too!
I'll be back later with a full report.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #96 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 10:48pm
Smiley[smiley=happy0184.gif]  We got back at about 3 but my meds sent me straight to bed where I collapsed and slept until 5:30! I woke up just in time to take the next dose! I figure that I'll have about three - four hours before the effects start. By the time we left the museum, the only thing I wanted to do was lay down on the floor and sleep.  We stopped on the way home and got a late lunch and that revived me a little but not a lot. I am so glad I'll be done with these things on Friday!
The museum was great. Moonie had camera duty and she must have taken close to 200 photographs of the "Take me to Egypt" exhibit and "The Clone Wars" exhibit. The stuff in the Clone Wars exhibit is on loan from the Lucasfilm Archives, including one of the vehicles which is suspended overhead in the museum's atrium.  There is also a very impressive 25 foot tall statue of Anubis in front of the museum now. I suspect that it's part of the Tut exhibit and not a permanent part of the museum grounds although it would be SUPER COOL if it was. Moonie took several pictures of it including a couple of shots from the parking garage across the street from the museum. When everything has been downloaded and sorted, I'll start a thread or two for the photos.
Right now, since Skywise is home, I gotta think about getting dinner going.

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #97 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 12:11am
Making headway on dinner finally. The kitchen needed more cleanup than I'd expected. Things are preceding now. Yeast is proofing and Moonie is shredding a block of mozzarella.

Observation shared by Skywise: He really
needs a "partner in  Smiley crime" so the two of them could "gang up" on me. Smiley  Very naughty evil man, my Skywise is.
Which is a good thing because I'm of a like mind....
Just saying...

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #98 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 12:57am
Penthesilea wrote on Jun 28th, 2009 at 10:49pm:

We ran up to Greenwood and got a new antenna for our HDTV since the one we got for Spirit works so much better than the one we have. Skywise is getting it installed now. All he has to do it take the old one off the mast and hook up the new one. All the time consuming stuff -- running the wire and putting up the mast -- is already done.  

The new antenna didn't work out as hoped but all is NOT lost. Skywise is wise in the ways of electronics and broadcast technology and once he gets another presumably small device -- the name of which escapes me at the moment -- we will have an antenna mounted on each end of the house with their functions combined. The problem we're having is that if we move the antennas to pick one or two channels, we can't get the others. So, with two antennas and the abovementioned doohickey to "combine" the received signals and to feed the appropriate signal to the tvs, we should be able to get very good reception on all the broadcast channels in the area. We're also going to get a "signal splitter" so that the set in Moonie's room -- which isn't wired directly into an antenna -- can benefit from the antennas.
All this so we can watch television! Smiley

« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2009 at 12:58am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: What's Happenin' VI: Dawn of the Living Posts!
Reply #99 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 5:36am
Time for my meds and bed. *yawn!* Or rather, back to bed!  Smiley This time to sleep!

Everyone sleep well and be safe! Smiley Smiley

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