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Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:09am
#4927  Penthesilea

Madridoor - The Warehouse

     * The delegation from the Council entered the conference room where Keil had told Kodiak to take them and then Kodiak was to return to the storage area where the Black Lotus was being processed. Keil sat in a chair at the far end of room, seemingly at his ease.*

Keil: You wished to see me?

Hassan: The Council wishes to see you. We have been sent to escort you.

Keil: The great Hassan Ben Asad Khalid is running errands for the Council now? How interesting.

Brockton: It is a sign of respect that we have been sent, Keil. Don’t push it.

Keil: The Council knows nothing of the respect that I am due. But it soon will! * Before the vampires can react, gunfire erupts through the walls, missing Keil but hitting everyone else. The half vampires in the group die instantly. The full vampires cannot be killed by the hits they have taken but are incapacitated long enough for Keil’s personal guards to enter with his cronies. By the time they are done only the five vampires sent by the Council are still alive. They are quickly bound so tightly that they cannot break free. Keil looks down at them and laughs, then turns to his men.* Take them to my ship and confine them. Give them enough blood to heal. The Queen of Blood doesn’t like her sacrifices damaged. We will offer them to her in the rising sun. I will be there as soon as I can. Tell the Captain to make ready to sail to the mainland as soon as I board.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #1 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:10am
#4929   Penthesilea      
Madridoor - The Warehouse

Originally Posted by Penthesilea
......while elsewhere in the Palace, a helpless Penthesilea whimpers slightly in her drug induced sleep as she is stripped by uncaring hands and prepared to be the Prince's meal and unwilling bride....*

     *Kodiak watched as Keil climbed into his car with his personal guard and headed for the harbor. He knew that he should follow Keil and take him out at the first opportunity. They knew who the conspirators were, Black Lotus was no longer deadly, the desert end of the operation was smashed and the identity of its head revealed. Keil was a loose end and Kodiak had never especially cared for loose ends. He made no move to follow the vampire. The whereabouts of his Lady were becoming a matter of greater and greater concern. She was in trouble. Maybe the worst trouble of her life. He knew that in his gut and his heart so instead of following Keil, Kodiak headed for a spot in the warehouse that was not covered by cameras and "stepped" back to his apartment. Once there, he stripped off Keil's uniform and pulled on his own. He armed himself: Body armor. His twin swords. His favorite Desert Eagles. Plenty of extra ammo and a variety of blades. Plus a few small surprises that he tucked into various pockets. He had decided to begin his search at the Palace where he had last seen Penthesilea when he heard it. A whisper of sound through the inspeaking and through the bloodbond -- fear. He reached for her and her touch was gone! But he knew where to start. The Palace. Kodiak "stepped" and was gone...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #2 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:11am
#4930  Penthesilea
Madridoor -- The Palace -- A Hidden Temple...

     *Angelique stands next to large stone tank filled with dirt. As she watches, breathless, the soil begins to move and the Priest in attendance begins his chant. Prince Palamedes, newborn vampire, erupts from the earth as the chant ends. Angelique brings him an ornate chalice filled to the rim with blood and herbs. He is young again, a man of about thirty, as he was when they met and became lovers. He climbs from the tank and takes the chalice from her hands, draining it in one long pull and then tosses it aside to pull Angelique into his arms.....
Some time later, she adjusts her dress and smiles, showing her fangs.* I have a surprise for you, my love...

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #3 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:12am
#4931   Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*As if I would have told him anything. Sal thought. No matter what he did. The idiot. She looked down at him almost sorrowfully. He had "disappeared" hundreds of people, most of them young women, before she had run into him while rescuing a friend. She would never know how many more had died because she hadn't double checked. That would be enough to trouble her for a long time.*

     *Sal turned away, then looked down at herself ruefully. She was covered in blood, both hers and Dane's, and the uniform was trashed. It would be difficult to get back to where she'd left her stuff looking like this, even leaving aside the fact she was carrying her knife and was really too out of it and injured to act normal enough. She wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep for a week.*

*But duty called. The first shipment of black lotus had arrived, and she had to get rid of it before it could be distributed. Duty, She thought, resigning herself to a long time before she could rest, Why is it so darn hard? But she had long ago made a promise, and so she picked up her knife, and headed to the room where she had left her stuff.*

*Sal moved as quickly as she dared through the palace once again. She did attract some stares from her ragged appearance, but she took less-used routes and managed to avoid most people along the way. Sal quickly changed out of the ruined uniform and into her own stuff. She hesitated a moment, then opened a pouch from her belt. It was filled with fine, green powder, and Sal swallowed a spoonful of the bitter herbs. That would give her strength for a while, hopefully long enough to deal with the warehouse.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #4 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:14am
#4932   Penthesilea

     *Angelique leads her lover to a nearby room where her surprise awaits. Bound to a couch to await the Prince's pleasure is Penthesilea. She is wearing only a thin white gown that leaves her neck bare and allows easy access to her body. She is gagged. The Prince beams at Angelique.*

Palamedes: She's alive? You had her all this time!

Angelique: No, my love. I don't know where she's been or how she survived. I captured her tonight while she was in disguise. *She saw the way he was looking at their captive and laughed indulgently.* Go ahead, my love. Enjoy yourself. We will turn her tonight after you have fed on her and then we can both enjoy her!
     *Palamedes approached the couch and examined his prize. At first, Penthesilea was unaware of what was happening to her but after Palamedes threw the flower aside, her awareness began to return. She felt it as his hands roamed her body and she screamed into the gag and struggled to no avail. Finally, Palamedes could restrain himself no longer. Fangs exposed he leaned over Penthesilea and buried them in her neck.
For a second, two, he savored the taste of her blood in his mouth -- then.... he began to scream.
Dimly, through the haze, Penthesilea hears again the spell cast by Hecate...

You are a witch
Born of the Web!
Your blood sends the Undying
Back to the Dead!!

     And because the spell was cast by a Goddess, it works in a Tech Only Zone. Prince Palamedes, the would be King of Vampires, falls screaming back into death leaving only a pile of ash behind. At first, Angelique is frozen in shock. Then she screams! All her work. All her plans! All those years of enduring the touch of an aging man! WASTED! She grabs a knife laid by for other things and with one vicious motion, slashes open Penthesilea's abdomen. This, finally, Penthesilea feels and she screams her agony into the gag....
« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:15am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #5 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:16am
#4933   Salanthos
     *Sal moved silently through the streets, headed back towards Keil’s warehouse for the last time. She had spent weeks there, gathering information, watching them prepare for this incoming shipment. The Black Lotus had finally arrived. And Keil was going down. She had as much information as she was going to get, now, she could go after Keil himself later. The warehouse needed to be destroyed immediately, and that task was hers.*

*This time, she did not attempt to hide herself as she walked up to the door. It didn’t matter if she was seen – it was too late for that to interfere. She opened the door – stupid idiots hadn’t even locked it – and stepped inside. Using a flicker of power, Sal made sure all the doors and windows were closed, and then sealed them tight. She did not intend to let any of them go – while gathering information; she had quickly realized what brutal natures the workers had.*

*She cast her eyes over the by now familiar interior. The people were all busily working, preparing the recent shipment for distribution. Keil’s conspirators were overseeing the workers. Secretaries moved around, making sure paperwork was in order, checking lists, and a hundred and one other tasks. None noticed Sal, although she had made no attempt at concealment.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #6 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:17am
#4935   Penthesilea
Meanwhile, back at the Castle... in MoonCat's lab...

     *MoonCat took a bite of her sandwich and studied the problem before her. Black Lotus was no longer deadly but it was still addictive. MoonCat planned to correct that as soon as she could.
     Daemon had informed her by inspeaking that he and Satira were back in the Castle and as soon as they had decontaminated themselves sufficiently for company they would be down. Daemon had followed with a colorful description of Bar-Arack that had made her chuckle. She could just imagine the effect that that settlement's casual attitude toward public sanitation had on Daemon's sensitive nose. MoonCat stopped in mid-bite. Alarmed, she called to her mother through the inspeaking. No response. Then she called Kodiak. His response was abrupt but reassuring. He was on his way to her.....*
« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2007 at 6:46pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #7 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:18am
#4937  Salanthos
     *She took the brief moment to cast her mind over the workers again. She had touched most of their minds before, but not all. She did not intend that any should escape, as twisted and corrupt as they all were, but she intended to insure none of the few she hadn’t read were not, for some astronomically unlikely reason, actually redeemable. She searched, touching each of several hundred minds, and a sense of shock went through her. There was not one, but two!*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #8 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:19am
#4940  Salanthos

     *There was a young mother, and her toddler. She was one of the secretaries, checking lists and doing paperwork. She was young, and hated her job. She worked there from desperation – she needed to support her child, who was with her because she couldn’t afford a babysitter. She knew what the alternative jobs were, and morals wouldn’t support the two of them.*

*Sal winced. With innocents there, she couldn’t use large scale weapons to just kill everyone. She had been thinking in terms of something like carbon monoxide. Quiet, lethal, and relatively painless. And not that difficult for her – her injuries were draining her strength. She moved towards the inner corner where the girl worked. It would be best if she got them out first, then dealt with the others. She nodded to herself - it was a workable plan*

*Unfortunately, it didn't work.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #9 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:20am
#4943  Salanthos
     *Her movement attracted a guard’s attention as she walked past a crate being unloaded. He turned towards her, demanding to know who she was. Uh-oh she thought. So much for the easy way out. A small power bolt quickly stopped his heart, but he had already drawn attention to her. Security guards, after a brief moment of confusion, drew their weapons to attack.*

*No time to get out, she thought, and then there was no time even for thinking. She dodged around a nearby crate as the first shots sounded, huddling while the thin wood absorbed the bullets aimed at her. Under that splintering cover, she began to counterattack.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #10 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:21am
#4944  Salanthos

     *Carefully hoarded jolts of measured power were applied with precision, sending guard after guard dropping to the floor. Much of the human body relies on some form of energy to work, and these little jolts disrupted them. Hearts stopped as the pacemaker muscles burned out, while a shot to the head fused the brain stem, rendering them instantly brain-dead. Sal aimed for the guards first, they had weapons and were trained to use them, and most of the others would be inept even if they got a gun.*

     *Confusion reigned all throughout the warehouse. Most of the workers didn’t really know what was going on, but they saw people – guards and fellow workers both – falling to an enemy they could not see. Stray bullets bounced all around, off of the walls and floor, occasionally striking blindly at someone caught in their path. Fallen weapons and bodies littered the floor. As the guards fell, one by one, some of the workers turned to run. They quickly realized there was no way out. Others, somewhat braver, picked up the fallen weapons and fired until the bullets ran out.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #11 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:21am
#4945   darklord_kodiak

The Palace
*The door bursts open. Kodiak is standing in the doorway. Looks around* Is there a problem? *Chuckling to himself. Hoping Someone will make a move towards him.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #12 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:22am
#4946  Penthesilea
     *Angelique looks up, fangs bared. She wants the Darklord -- badly -- but she is too far gone in rage over the loss of her pawn, the Prince. She charges. Unnoticed by Angelique, Penthesilea's wound begins to close..*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #13 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:24am
#4947  darklord_kodiak
     *Watching her charge the door. He waits patiently. As she starts to get closer to the Darklord he flips the cig he was smoking and takes a ready stance. She lunges at DK. Stepping out of the way she flies into the hall. He closes and locks the door. Wanting to check on Penth, He knows he doesn’t have long before he needs to kill it. Runs over to Penth* Wake up. Hurry!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #14 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:25am
#4948  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea's head is clearing, the flowers are long gone, and her wound is closing but she is still in terrible pain.* Be careful. My blood's still poison. Hecate's spell worked. Cut me loose. *She winces.* Hurry, beloved. That door won't hold long.

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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:26am by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #15 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:27am
#4949  darklord_kodiak
     *Cuts her loose.* You stay out of this and let me handle it you are far too weak to fight a creature of this caliber.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #16 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:28am
#4950  Penthesilea
     *Hugs him hard and winces again. She's still in plenty of pain.* No argument, my love. Be careful. I'd rather not have to talk Great Uncle Hades into giving you back to me!


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #17 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:29am
#4951  darklord_kodiak
     *As the door flies open Dk snaps around. Giving the creature a glare his eyes start to grow red. Trying to make up its mind what to do, the creature slowly approaches DK.*
DK: That was the wrong mistake. You messed with the wrong Darklord.
Vamp: What makes you so sure I shouldn’t just drain you also?

Dk-What makes you so sure I will not drain you instead?
*The two are circling each other. DK trying to stall the vamp motioning to Penth to get out of the room. Waiting on her escape he is still stalling the vamp.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #18 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:30am
#4952  Penthesilea

     *Penthesilea slides silently off of the couch, thankful that the wound has closed and she doesn't have to keep her guts in by hand. She snarls in the inspeaking: Asclepius! A little help would be appreciated right NOW, cousin!
*The pain eases and she tries to get to the door without attracting Angelique's attention....*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #19 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:31am
#4953  darklord_kodiak
     *As Penth reaches the door the creature lunges at her. Grabbing the creature by the cloak he throws her against the wall. The creature lunges for DK’s neck. Stepping out of the way he pulls his dagger slicing it across the abdomen. The creature stops as DK watches the wound quickly heal without a drop of blood lost. Lunging at him again he quickly catches her with a well placed swift kick to the head. The creature drops to her knees. She’s looking up at Dk as he plants the dagger right down the middle of her skull. With the dagger stuck in her skull she stands up. Eyes already glowing, the Darklord’s eyes begin to grow even more red as his fangs appear to grow....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #20 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:32am
#4954  darklord_kodiak
     *Grabbing her by the neck, he holds her up against the wall as he sinks his fangs deeply into her neck. As the creature struggles she begins to slowly start to loose strength and finally stops struggling. The creature’s body goes limp as a shadow appears to leave its body and quickly bolts through the wall. Covered in blood, the Darklord drops to his knees.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #21 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:33am
#4955  Penthesilea

     *Seeing Kodiak fall, Penthesilea runs to him.* Kodiak! Are you alright? *She is afraid. If he needs her blood, it could kill him now...*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #22 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:34am
#4956  darklord_kodiak
     *He lifts his hand. * Just leave me I will be fine. *Just then he lowers his head to the ground, beginning to gag slightly.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #23 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:35am
#4957  Penthesilea

“Like hell I will!!” *Penthesilea grabs the knife that Angelique stabbed her with and returns to Kodiak's side, determined to guard him until he recovers.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #24 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 12:36am
#4958 darklord_kodiak
     *Slowly reaching his feet, he turns to Penth, his complexion white as paper, mouth still dripping blood.* “In that case let’s get out of here before that thing returns. I need to get to my quarters.”

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