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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #50 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:04am
#4998  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by Penthesilea
     “Okay,’ Penth muttered to herself, “let's play hide and seek!” *She pulled a tiny bomb from her pocket -- it was really little more than a noisemaker -- flipped the switch and sent it sailing up and out over the equipment. A few seconds later, a resounding bang attracted the attention of everyone in the room. That's when Penthesilea made her move trying to get to the exit door she had spotted on her way down to the floor.
     “There she goes!”
Penth heard the shout and looked up. A man on the catwalk was pointing a rifle in her direction. She dodged and he missed. She pulled her sidearm and fired. He fell over the rail, already dead. Unfortunately, the sound of the shot had given away her position....*

     *Penthesilea muttered a few choice remarks under her breath as she scrambled for cover. She found a sheltered corner to get her bearings but she knew that she had to keep moving. The whole room was alerted and looking for her. Where to go? She heard movement in one direction and went in the other...*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #51 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:05am
#5001  Penthesilea
     There she goes!!! *Penthesilea ran as a shot zinged past her head! She ran dodging around equipment. They were getting closer and she was forced to return fire...
She rounded a corner and stopped dead. Three men with their rifles trained on her blocked her path. Her pursuers were pounding up behind.....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #52 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:06am
#5002  Penthesilea

     Penthesilea gave the men behind her a few seconds to get closer. One of the men in front of her ordered her to drop her gun and raise her hands. She clicked the safety on without his noticing and dropped it at her feet, raising her hands. He ordered her to kick it to him, as expected. She kicked it. Solidly. It skittered through his legs to rest in front of the open exit door. He muttered something foul but did not go after the gun. Again, as Penthesilea expected. The men behind her were close enough now. She brought her hands down, smashing the thin shelled ball she’d had concealed in her left hand onto the deck. Thick, billowing, black smoke emerged the second the chemicals inside it hit the air. Penthesilea dodged left as the men were enveloped in the smoke and, demonstrating their total lack of intelligence, began firing their weapons. A step ahead of the spreading smoke cloud, Penthesilea stayed low to avoid the random gunfire. She grabbed her gun as she dove out the exit door. Judging from the screams just behind her, someone was learning the reasons why one should not fire a gun in a smoke cloud when your allies are in front of you! As a finishing touch, she pulled a tiny canister of compressed pepper spray from her pocket, hit the release and threw it back into the room. Then she slammed the door. Happily, the bolt was on her side and she slid it home. Grinning like a fiend, she took off down the passageway. This was the most fun she’d had in ages....


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #53 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:07am
#5005  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea heard shouts and pounding feet headed in her direction and decided that perhaps a change of tactics was in order. She was in an area where the pipes, conduits and other ship’s guts were exposed overhead. She looked up and grinned...
     Moments later, a half dozen armed men ran past her location without seeing her. From her position among the pipes overhead, she grinned. Then she sobered. Fun as this was, it wasn’t getting her any closer to Keil’s VIP captives -- at least, not that she noticed! She sighed. She wanted this done. She wanted to be back with Kodiak, who hopefully was recovered from whatever had laid him low. And she wanted .... well.... she grinned. She wanted what she always wanted when he was around! And Keil and his stupid power plays were keeping her from it! All the more reason to chop him into little tiny pieces and send him screaming into oblivion! She decided to keep to the “upper ways” for the moment. She’d be moving slower but was less likely to be spotted. People never looked up.

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #54 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:07am
#5006  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*Getting in through the porthole was difficult, but not impossible, and she soon thumped gently to the floor inside. As she got herself upright, though, footsteps sounded in the corridor and the door began to swing open.*

*One of the crew walked through the opening door, looking behind to finish a comment. There was no time for Sal to hide, and no where to do it. Half a step into the room, he turned forward and spotted her. His mouth opened in surprise, and he began to turn back to call out.*
     *He didn't manage. As he began to turn, Sal lashed out with her fist, stunning him. A few minutes to make sure he would stay put, and she was at the door, waiting for the guy's friend to turn the corner down the hall. Once that person was out of sight, she slipped down the now-deserted corridor in the opposite direction.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #55 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:08am
#5007  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea had been poking around, listening and lurking for an hour before she saw what she needed. Two armed men accompanying a third who was pushing a cart laden with containers of blood.
Jackpot! Penthesilea thought as she followed them. They lead her to a heavily guarded door which was opened and then closed behind them. Penthesilea tried to follow via the upper ways and found it blocked. She fumed. She would have to find another way in..


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #56 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:09am
#5008  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea decided that a frontal assault on the guarded door was a bad idea. She had no doubt that, with surprise, she could take the two guards who were undoubtedly vampires but she didn’t know how many guards were inside the room beyond or what kind of creatures they might be. Perched in the pipes, she examined her options. A solid wall separated the guarded room from the area where she stood with only closely fitted openings to allow the pipes, conduits and such to pass through. None of the holes were big enough for her to get through. Except one. She looked at the air vent and smiled....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #57 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:11am
#5009  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*A few minutes to make sure he would stay put, and she was at the door, waiting for the guy's friend to turn the corner down the hall. Once that person was out of sight, she slipped down the now-deserted corridor in the opposite direction.*

*The corridor was narrow, and not well lit. Sal padded past closed doors andd open, empty ones. Soon, she arrived at one of the doors to the cargo bays. Even through the closed doors she could smell a heavy stink. Something reeking of old filth.*

*Sal paused, curious. There should not be anything to create such a stink, in the cargo holds. Nothing like that would have any business on board a ship. She thought a moment, and decided to indulge her curiosity - it might end up being something important. The door wasn't locked. It creaked open under her touch, releasing more musty air. Inside it was pitch black.*

*Sal was wondering what to do next when she heard footsteps coming from around the corridor bend. She stepped inside the hold, quickly, and softly closed the door behind her. Whoever it was continued past, not having seen her. Sal breathed a short sigh of relief, and reached to the wall to find a light. Yellow light soon filled the room, and Sal gasped at what it revealed.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #58 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:12am
#5011  Penthesilea
     It took a few minutes for Penthesilea to find an opening in the ventilation system big enough for her to crawl into. She made careful note of where she was in relation to the guarded room before she climbed in. She carefully replaced the grill that she’d removed and headed for her destination. The duct was filthy. Vampires didn’t worry that much about breathing dust. Fortunately, for an immortal like Penthesilea breathing was more a matter of habit than necessity. So she simply did not breathe as she crawled through the duct. After a few minutes of crawling she knew that she was in the guarded room and started looking for a grill to look out of. She soon found one and looked down. There below her, she saw several men confined in a heavy cage. Guards, armed with crossbows, kept them backed into a corner while the cart with the blood containers was pushed into the cage. As she watched, the cart was left and the cage locked again.

     “Drink up, gentlemen. The Queen of Blood likes her offerings at full strength.”

“Queen of Blood?” Penth thought. “Who the hell is that? Never mind. Another loonie wanting to rule the world. Get in line!!”

     Penthesilea carefully scooted away from the ceiling grill and began to search for one she could use as an exit. It wasn’t long before she found one and carefully slipped out of it and down to the floor.


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #59 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:13am
#5012  Penthesilea
East Madridoor -- A Hidden Temple

     * A black cloud enters the temple through the ceiling and drifts towards the floor. A woman stands below and watches as the cloud descends. She stretches out her arm and the cloud coils around it like a snake. The woman strokes the "head" with her free hand. * There, there, little one. It's all right. We will begin again. After all, we have nothing, if not time....

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #60 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:14am
#5013  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*Sal was wondering what to do next when she heard footsteps coming from around the corridor bend. She stepped inside the hold, quickly, and softly closed the door behind her. Whoever it was continued past, not having seen her. Sal breathed a short sigh of relief, and reached to the wall to find a light. Yellow light soon filled the room, and Sal gasped at what it revealed.*

     *The room was large. Of course, it was the cargo hold. The walls were gouged, unpainted steel. Large dents marred the surface. The floor was smeared with grease and filth, and chewed bone fragments were strewn everywhere. But Sal barely noticed all this. Her eyes were fixed on the beast.*

     *It was large. Ten or twelve feet from nose to tail, almost five at the shoulder. Its lanky fur was dirty grey, and its formidable teeth and claws were cracked, and caked with old, black blood. It had been asleep. It opened one huge yellowed eye when the lights came on, and looked at her.*

     *The beast slowly rose to its feet, a growl beginning to rumble in its throat. A bone rolled away and with a start, Sal realized it was half a human skull. The beast shook its head. It wore no collar, no restraint at all. Still growling, it padded across the room towards her as she stood, almost frozen, by the door.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #61 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:20am
#5014  Penthesilea
     Penthesilea hid in the shadows that shrouded the far corners of the room where the captives were held. She had been counting the guards and planning her attack when she suddenly noticed something -- another cage. She slipped closer for a better look. When she was within ten feet or so she saw who the other captive was -- Dante, the owner of The Ages. Penthesilea remembered Keil’s plans for the club. With the assistant manager dead, it was obvious that Dante had been approached about assisting Keil in his power grab. Judging by his rumpled appearance and current circumstances, Dante had refused. Then he looked up -- and saw her. Quickly, she put her finger to her lips and Dante immediately quelled his startled exclamation. She smiled at him, winked, and faded back into the shadows. It was party time!

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #62 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:22am
#5017  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*The beast slowly rose to its feet, a growl beginning to rumble in its throat. A bone rolled away and with a start, Sal realized it was half a human skull. The beast shook its head. It wore no collar, no restraint at all. Still growling, it padded across the room towards her as she stood, almost frozen, by the door.*

     *Sal leapt aside as a huge paw, laws extended, swiped through where her belly would have been. Yipe! she thought, narrowly dodging another blow. This thing was quick! She dodged past it, sprinting the length of the hold with it close at her heels. Gathering a power-bolt, she flung it to stop the thing's heart. It struck squarely, staggering the monster. Impossibly, it shook its head, and started back towards her. The power-bolt had only stunned it for a second!*

     *Snatching her knife from her belt, Sal scrambled backwards again, but not quite fast enough. A glancing blow flung her into the far wall, five deep gashes marking her side where it had hit. The knife flew the other way, landing on the far side of the thing. Sal lay stunned a moment, gasping for air as the beast watched to see if she would rise. Given a few seconds of respite, Sal used it to partially shift her form. Claws and fangs and fur were weapons she could not lose as she had lost the knife.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #63 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:22am
#5019  Salanthos

     *She hauled herself to her feet as the monster padded closer once again. Throwing herself past it, she raked her claws along its side viciously deep. It yelped sharply, then swung to claw at her.*

     *It missed. Sal had expected that move, and had leapt up into the air to avoid it. She landed on the thing's back, claws ripping into its flesh as she dug for the spine. The beast shook franticly to get her off, and then, when that didn't work, started to roll to pin her beneath it. Sal barely managed to get clear in time, scrambling to get out of range once again.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #64 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:24am
#5023  Penthesilea
     *Hassan took one of the containers of blood and drained it.*

Hassan: Drink, brothers. We will have no chance if we are weak from blood loss. *The others had to agree. They couldn't escape if the opportunity presented itself in their weakened condition. They fed.
The first indication that the vampire captives had that something was up was the unmistakable sound of a blade striking vampire flesh. The second was two of their guards staggering back into their view trying to fend off a small female armed with a ninja short sword and considerable attitude. As they watched one of the vamps lost his head -- literally - and fell to dust. Brockton Greathead looked on in stunned surprise.*

Brockton: That can’t be the singer!!

Hassan: It certainly appears to be. *Dante came to the front of his cage which stood only a few feet from where the others were confined.*

Dante: It is her. *He was almost glowing with admiration.* I’d know her anywhere.

     *Two more vampires had joined the survivor and Penthesilea now faced three opponents but as vampires went, they weren’t much of a challenge -- not after training sessions with the God of War! She decapitated another and gave her attention to the other two.*
     “What are you? “*One gasped as she slashed him across the chest.* “Some kind of demonslayer?” *She took his head for an answer.*
Penthesilea: “No, “*She replied as she closed on the third.* “I’m not a demonslayer. I TRAIN demonslayers!!” *With that, the last vampire died. She looked around at the piles of dust at her feet and found what she was looking for -- a magnetic keycard. She picked it up and freed Dante first and then the others.*

Hassan: Thank you, my lady. *He gave her courtly bow.* May I have the honor of knowing your name? The real one? *Penthesilea made a snap decision based on what her family had told her.*

Penthesilea: I am Penthesilea, Lady Keyholder. *She cocked an ear. The vampires heard it too. Alarms were sounding.* Gentlemen, I suggest you arm yourselves. We aren’t quite out of the woods just yet. *The men agreed and armed themselves with the weapons of the fallen.*
« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2007 at 7:02pm by Penthesilea »  

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #65 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:25am
#5028 Salanthos

Originally Posted by Salanthos
*She landed on the thing's back, claws ripping into its flesh as she dug for the spine. The beast shook franticly to get her off, and then, when that didn't work, started to roll to pin her beneath it. Sal barely managed to get clear in time, scrambling to get out of range once again.*

*Unfortunately, she did not manage to get loose again. The floor underfoot was thick with slippery filth, the remnants of an old meal. Her foot landed in a greasy puddle of muck and slid out from under her. Sal fell backwards hard, landing awkwardly on her arm. The beast moved quickly, seizing its chance.*

*It lunged at her immediately, landing on top. One filthy paw resting over her arm and shoulder pinned her to the floor with enormous force. With one arm beneath her and the other under the beast's paw, Sal was almost helpless as the beast's teeth crushed into her leg.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #66 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:26am
#5031  Salanthos
     *Sal went bone-white as agony washed through her. Distantly, she heard a cracking noise as the bone of her leg started to fracture. She had to do something. Anything. If she didn't, she'd die there under its claws. She twisted around under the thing as far as she could, and attacked the only way she could. Her fangs bit deep into the flesh of its throat.*

*She could taste the sweetish, rancid stench of decay on its fur as she ripped and tore at it. It was no self-respecting beast, surely, it couldn't keep itself clean. Yelping, it let go of her leg and tried to back up. She fought her arm free as her teeth found the thing's jugular and ripped it open.*

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #67 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:28am
#5032  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*Hassan took one of the containers of blood and drained it.*

Hassan: Drink, brothers. We will have no chance if we are weak from blood loss. *The others had to agree. They couldn't escape if the opportunity presented itself in their weakened condition. They fed.
The first indication that the vampire captives had that something was up was the unmistakable sound of a blade striking vampire flesh. The second was two of their guards staggering back into their view trying to fend off a small female armed with a ninja short sword and considerable attitude. As they watched one of the vamps lost his head -- literally - and fell to dust. Brockton Greathead looked on in stunned surprise.*

Brockton: That can’t be the singer!!

Hassan: It certainly appears to be. *Dante came to the front of his cage which stood only a few feet from where the others were confined.*

Dante: It is her. *He was almost glowing with admiration.* I’d know her anywhere.

*Two more vampires had joined the survivor and Penthesilea now faced three opponents but as vampires went, they weren’t much of a challenge -- not after training sessions with the God of War! She decapitated another and gave her attention to the other two.*
What are you? *One gasped as she slashed him across the chest.* Some kind of demonslayer? *She took his head for an answer.*

Penthesilea: No, *She replied as she closed on the third.* I’m not a demonslayer. I TRAIN demonslayers!! *With that, the last vampire died. She looked around at the piles of dust at her feet and found what she was looking for -- a magnetic keycard. She picked it up and freed Dante first and then the others.*

Hassan: Thank you, my lady. *He gave her courtly bow.* May I have the honor of knowing your name? The real one? *Penthesilea made a snap decision based on what her family had told her.*

Penthesilea: I am Penthesilea, Lady Keyholder. *She cocked an ear. The vampires heard it too. Alarms were sounding.* Gentlemen, I suggest you arm yourselves. We aren’t quite out of the woods just yet. *The men agreed and armed themselves with the weapons of the fallen.*

     *Once the men were armed the problem of escaping the locked hold was the next order of business. The air vent that had allowed Penthesilea access to the hold was too small for the men to use. They would have to use the hatch. A quick examination revealed that, despite the fact that it swung into the hold, it could only be opened from the outside. Brockton stepped forward, handing his sword to Gallant Knight.*

Brockton: Let me try. *The huge vampire secured his grip on the hatch and began to pull. Strong in life, Brockton was even stronger in undeath. The hatch was designed to keep desperate human cargo in the hold -- not a determined vampire who had been stronger than five ordinary men before death. Before Penthesilea’s eyes the metal hatch began to bend and then, with a screech of tortured metal, it came free of its frame!*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #68 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:28am
#5033  Salanthos
Originally Posted by Salanthos
*She could taste the sweetish, rancid stench of decay on its fur as she ripped and tore at it. It was no self-respecting beast, surely, it couldn't keep itself clean. Yelping, it let go of her leg and tried to back up. She fought her arm free as her teeth found the thing's jugular and ripped it open.*

*Dark blood fountained everywhere, splattering over the room, as the beast staggered back and died. Sal looked at it, and turned to the side to throw up. She was shaking. That had been a good deal nearer to dying than she had gotten in some time.*

*After calming down, Sal tore strips of her tunic to bind up her leg. Thin boards pried from a broken crate served as splints, and a longer one, a walking stick. A bucket of water had been kept in the corner, probably for the thing to drink, and it served to get most of the blood off her.*

*A short rest later, Sal was limping her way slowly through the corridor again, heading for the slave hold. She had work to do.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #69 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:47am
#5039  Penthesilea
     *Brockton was the first through the door, using the mangled door as both shield and battering ram, with Hassan Khalid right behind him. Penthesilea noticed immediately that the five vampires seemed determined to keep her and Dante in the protected center of their group. Whether is was genuine concern for their safety or a vampire’s instinct to protect its food source, Penthesilea couldn’t tell and decided that, at the moment, there was little to be gained by arguing about it!
     The guards outside the door were quickly dispatched and the group left the vicinity of the hold. Once they were away, they fell to discussing what they should do. The only thing that they were agreed on was that Keil was a dead vampire -- or perhaps, a deader vampire as Penthesilea reflected to herself. The best way to accomplish this worthy goal was the topic of discussion, unfortunately to the exclusion of more immediate concerns. Penthesilea was not the only one to feel that way. After only a few minutes of fruitless discussion, Khalid took command.*

Khalid: My brothers. Our first concern must be escape. The Council must be informed of Keil’s treachery and if we all die here, they will never know.

Gallant Knight: What do you propose, Hassan?

Khalid: Keil keeps several powered life boats on each of his ships. I propose that we make our way to the boat deck as quickly and quietly as we can, steal the boats we need and escape. Once the Council has been informed, a suitable interview with Keil can be arranged. *Hassan’s fangs emerged at that thought as did those of the others. Penthesilea was very glad that she was not Keil....*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #70 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:47am
#5041  Penthesilea

     *It quickly became obvious to Penthesilea that while Hassan and Brockton were warriors the other three vampires were not. She didn’t know about Dante yet. She assumed that as the owner of a club in a notorious city, he had some skills other than those taught in business school. He certainly handled the gun that he’d claimed like he knew what he was doing.
     The ship was like an ant hill that had been kicked. Alarms were blaring and guards were everywhere. Every path to the upper decks seemed to be blocked. Hassan was in the lead as they approached a corridor junction. He peeked around it and motioned for the others to stay back. Penthesilea came up beside him.*

Penthesilea: (whispers) What’s wrong? * He indicated that she should look. Two demon vampires guarded the next junction. They could not proceed without being seen.*

Hassan: We need to draw them off. *Penthesilea considered. The vampires with her were well fed. Chances were, the guards wouldn’t want to pass up a free meal. Penthesilea handed Hassan her sword and pulled one of her small knives.*

Penthesilea: I can do that. * With that, she quickly slashed her palm. As the blood welled up, she stepped into the corridor, paused long enough for the guards to see her -- and smell her blood -- and then she ran.... *


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #71 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:49am
#5042  Penthesilea

     *In his quarters aboard the cargo ship, Keil considered the day's events. Things were going well. He would offer the captive Council members as a sacrifice to the Queen of Blood. In exchange, he hoped to gain membership in their cult. When they had approached him, they had hinted that they held secrets concerning immortality beyond those of vampires and Gods. All they wanted from him was a suitable gesture of commitment.The offering of five powerful vampires should be enough, he reasoned and once he was in control of Madridoor, the blood on the Queen's altar would never dry....
     Keil's first death had been long and horrifying. The vampire that had Sired him had kept him alive for weeks before killing and Siring him. Keil had killed him as soon as he had learned everything the man could tell him about vampires and their society. Andreas Keil claimed to fear nothing. There was one thing he feared although he would never admit it. He was afraid to die.. *

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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #72 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:50am
#5043  Salanthos

Originally Posted by Salanthos
*A short rest later, Sal was limping her way slowly through the corridor again, heading for the slave hold. She had work to do.*
*Sal stood just outside one of the two slave holds. The other one, she had warily noted, seemed to be missing a door. Cautiously, she checked out the area. There was no indication of anything extraordinary, nothing running about randomly ripping off doors. Sniffing the air, she leaned close to listen at the door. She had no intention of blundering into something again.*

     *There was movement inside the room. Sal listened intently. A person, no, several people moving about inside. A load of slaves, perhaps? She laid her hand on the doorknob, debating whether to go in or not. Her throbbing leg reminded her curiosity could be deadly, but she did have a reason to be on the ship. Carefully, she cracked the door open and peeked inside.*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #73 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:51am
#5045  Penthesilea
Originally Posted by Penthesilea
*It quickly became obvious to Penthesilea that while Hassan and Brockton were warriors the other three vampires were not. She didn’t know about Dante yet. She assumed that as the owner of a club in a notorious city, he had some skills other than those taught in business school. He certainly handled the gun that he’d claimed like he knew what he was doing.
The ship was like an ant hill that had been kicked. Alarms were blaring and guards were everywhere. Every path to the upper decks seemed to be blocked. Hassan was in the lead as they approached a corridor junction. He peeked around it and motioned for the others to stay back. Penthesilea came up beside him.*

Penthesilea: (whispers) What’s wrong? * He indicated that she should look. Two demon vampires guarded the next junction. They could not proceed without being seen.*

Hassan: We need to draw them off. *Penthesilea considered. The vampires with her were well fed. Chances were, the guards wouldn’t want to pass up a free meal. Penthesilea handed Hassan her sword and pulled one of her small knives.*

Penthesilea: I can do that. * With that, she quickly slashed her palm. As the blood welled up, she stepped into the corridor, paused long enough for the guards to see her -- and smell her blood -- and then she ran.... *

     *Penthesilea ran down the passageway with the two vampires in hot pursuit. The wound in her hand was shallow and had already closed but they could still smell her blood. She hoped that the others had taken advantage of her diversion and had gotten to the upper decks.
     Penth glanced back. The vampires were still behind her and she used just enough of her speed to keep them interested. She was beginning to tire a bit though, it had already been a long night. She was going to have to find a way to ditch them -- or kill them -- and since she’d left her sword with Hassan, that could be a problem. She turned her mind to the problem as the rounded a corner and headed down another passage....*


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Re: Penthesilea's Castle... posts 4927 to 5129
Reply #74 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:52am
#5046  Penthesilea
     *Penthesilea heard machine sounds ahead of her and decided that a game of hide and seek with vampires among heavy machinery might be just the thing!
     She followed the sounds to an open hatch and went through. She found herself on a catwalk over another large hold -- she couldn’t tell if it was the same one that she had been in before -- and she immediately started across the catwalk as quickly as she could. Movement caught her eye and she looked. About 40 feet across and down, her erstwhile companions were on another catwalk moving in the same direction as she. They saw her too and Hassan signals indicated that they would meet up with her on the other side. Her pursuers were still on her heels so Penth didn’t stop to chat. Hassan and the others saw them too and they began running too, intending to cross and then come to Penth’s assistance from the other side. Unfortunately, someone else got there first..... *

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